40 research outputs found

    Primjena logističkog modela u analizi marketinških odnosa u turističkim agencijama

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    A concept of relationship marketing in tourism implies creating quality relations among all participants in the tourist supply chain. Analyzing the assumptions of the development of relations and their impact on the overall performance of companies in tourism is especially important. In this regard, the subject matter of this research is the application of relationship marketing in travel agencies in Serbia and the identification of key factors of loyalty of users of tourist services. This paper aims to investigate the influence of relationship marketing assumptions (such as trust, customer complaint management, investment in internal marketing, implementation of information technology in agencies, business image and tradition of agencies, as well as socio-demographic characteristics of clients) on the choice of travel agency through which clients will travel. The contribution of the paper is in the application of the logistics model in the research of relationship marketing in agencies. The results of this research have confirmed that investing in relational determinants in tourism leads both to the development of a long-term relationship with customers and to business performance improvement. Also, the results showed that customer profiles are important in the implementation of relationship marketing to increase the number of loyal customers in tourism. The importance of the paper is in proposing an efficient model for the application of relationship marketing in order to increase the level of customer loyalty in travel agencies operating on the Serbian market.Primjena koncepta relacijskog marketinga u turizmu podrazumijeva izgradnju kvalitetnih odnosa između svih sudionika u turističkom lancu ponude. Osobito je važna analiza pretpostavki za razvoj odnosa i njihov utjecaj na ukupnu uspješnost tvrtki u turizmu. S tim u vezi, predmet rada je istraživanje primjene marketinških odnosa u turističkim agencijama u Srbiji koji posluju na tradicionalan način i putem interneta, te identifikacija ključnih čimbenika lojalnosti korisnika turističkih usluga. Cilj ovog rada je istražiti utjecaj pretpostavki relacijskog marketinga (poput povjerenja, upravljanja pritužbama kupaca, ulaganja u interni marketing, primjene informacijske tehnologije u agencijama, poslovnog imidža i tradicije, kao i socio-demografskih karakteristika klijenata) na izbor putničke agencije preko koje će klijenti putovati. Doprinos rada je u primjeni logističkog modela u istraživanju relacijskog marketinga u agencijama. Važnost rada ogleda se u predlaganju učinkovitog modela primjene koncepta marketinških odnosa u cilju povećanja lojalnosti kupaca u turističkim agencijama

    Gender and Musculoskeletal Comorbidity Impact on Physical Functioning in Elderly after Hip Fracture: The Role of Rehabilitation

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    The study aim was to evaluate the effects of presence and level of musculoskeletal impairment along with gender on physical functioning outcome after the rehabilitation program in aged adults with a hip fracture. We analyzed 203 elderly people with hip fractures above 65 years of age that were treated after the hip surgery. According to the time of examination, patients were tested three times: at admission, discharge, and at three months post-discharge. Musculoskeletal impairments were analyzed, and for the estimation of severity of degree impairment, we used a cumulative index rating scale for geriatrics (CIRS-G). Regarding the gender, we separately analyzed males and females. To evaluate physical functioning of aged adults after a hip fracture, we used the physical functioning component (PFC) from the quality of life (SF-36) questionnaire. For males, on all three occasions we found non-significant differences were found in SF-36 PFC values between different degrees of CIRS-G musculoskeletal impairment. A significant difference was noticed in females three months post-discharge. Effects size of different examination periods for every CIRS-G severity degree of musculoskeletal impairment were high, where males had higher values for severity degrees 1 and 2, and females had higher values for severity degrees 0 and 3. Our findings might suggest that there is a certain degree of different rehabilitation treatment effects for males versus females. Moreover, it might be assumed that other factors could influence different degrees of functional improvement and outcome of individuals after a hip fracture with musculoskeletal impairment

    Hibridni funkcionalni Pani/TiO2 nanokompoziti za tretman degradacije organskih boja

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    A calling need for environmental protection is not abating and high demands have been set for the current topic that deals with applied technologies for removal of organic pollutants. The AOPs appear to be one of the most effective processes, where heterogeneous photocatalysis using efficient UV light-harvesting TiO2nanocrystals has unquestionably become one of the most com-monly used process for dyes degradation treatment. Limited photocatalytic efficiency of TiO2under sunlight illumination was overcame bycoupling with polyaniline (PANI) as notably investigated conductive polymer. Reducing the level of e-/h+recombination in TiO2and photosensitized proper-ties of PANI was the basis for creation of new functional PANI/TiO2nanocomposites. Such hybrid functional nanomaterials consisting of conductive polymers and dissimilar nanocrystals manifest the unique properties, usually not characteristic of independent componentsbut their synergistic effect. Series of developed functional nanocomposites based on PANI and colloidal TiO2nanoparti-cles (NPs) (TP), carbonized PANI and colloidal TiO2NPs (TPC) and carbonized PANI and TiO2nanotubes (NTs) (TTPC) by the efficient and harmless synthesis pathways are presented. Differently shaped TiO2nanocrystals are carefully prepared via sol-gel and hydrothermal synthesis and the influence of their size and shape on the photocatalytic efficiency of hybrid nanocomposites was evaluated. The non-carbonized PANI/TiO2nanocomposites were synthesized by the chemical oxida-tive polymerization of aniline with ammonium peroxydisulfate, in the presence of selected TiO2nanocrystals, while the carbonized class was obtained in the subsequent carbonization process, following the polymerization, in an inert atmosphere at 650 °C. The morphology and structureof these nano-based photocatalysts was determined by TEM analysis and Raman spectroscopy. Func-tionality of nanocomposites was evaluated following the photocatalytic degradation processes of model compoundsMethylene blue and Rhodamine B and enhanced degradation efficiencies in the used dyes were observedAktuelna potreba za zaštitom životne sredine ne jenjava i s tim u vezi postavljeni su visoki zahtevi vezani za tematiku primenjenih tehnologija za uklanjanje organskih zagađujućih supstanci. Ispostavlja se da napredni procesi oksidacije (engl. Advanced oxidation processes, AOPs) predstavljaju jedan od najefikasnijih procesa, među kojima heterogena fotokataliza, bazirana na upotrebi nanokristala TiO2 aktiviranih UV zračenjem, nesumnjivo predstavlja jedan od najčešće korišćenih tretmana za degradaciju organskih boja. Problem ograničene fotokatalitičke efikasnosti TiO2 pod dejstvom sunčevog zračenja može se prevazići formiranjem kompozita sa polianilinom (PANI), čija se uloga bazira na smanjenju rekombinativnih procesa e-/h+, kao i sposobnosti PANI-a da optički aktivira nanokristale TiO2, što je bila osnova za formiranje novih funkcionalnih PANI/TiO2 nanokompozita. Takvi hibridni nanomaterijali bazirani na provodnom polimeru i nanokristalima različitih oblika pokazuju jedinstvena svojstva koja najčešće nisu karakteristika pojedinačnih komponenti, već njihovog sinergističkog dejstva. Efikasnim i ekološki prihvatljivim sintezama razvijena je serija funkcionalnih nanokompozita na bazi PANI-a i koloidnih TiO2 nanočestica (NPs) (TP), karbonizovanog PANI-a i koloidnih TiO2 NPs (TPC) i karbonizovanog PANI-a i TiO2 nanotuba (NTs) (TTPC). Nanokristali TiO2 različitog oblika pažljivo su sintetisani sol-gel i hidrotermalnom metodom i procenjen je uticaj njihove veličine i oblika na fotokatalitičku efikasnost hibridnih nanokompozita. Nekarbonizovani PANI/TiO2 nanokompoziti sintetisani su hemijskom oksidativnom polimerizacijom anilina sa amonijum peroksidisulfatom, u prisustvu odabranih nanokristala TiO2, dok je karbonizovana serija uzoraka dobijena naknadnim procesom karbonizacije, prateći polimerizaciju, u inertnoj atmosferi na 650 °C. Morfologija i struktura sintetisanih fotokatalitički aktivnih sistema ispitana je TEM analizom i Ramanskom spektroskopijom. Funkcionalnost nanokompozita je procenjena prateći procese fotokatalitičke degradacije model-jedinjenja Methylene blue i Rhodamine B i primećena je povećana efikasnost degradacije testiranih organskih boja36. Međunarodni kongres o procesnoj industriji - PROCESING ′23 : zbornik radova ; 1-2. jun, Šaba

    Forensic Fractal Nature Applications

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    Fractals are fragmented geometric shapes based on each or parts self-similarity. Fractal dimension (FD) is the most important characteristics in fractal nature analysis. There are many fractals applications including the forensic photography. The fractals image reconstruction is very important for modern forensic science. Here we demonstrate the very new original fractal applications in forensic sciences. This is a quite new application in crime investigations specifically in latent fingerprinting within biometric analysis. All of these open a new frontier in falsificates, financial and generally economic crime scene areas

    Redesign of secondary magnesium metallurgy in the complex Mg Serbien

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    In the current study it has been concluded that production of magnesium is only feasible by principles of closing the production cycle through optimization and synergy between primary and secondary magnesium production in order to generate as least as possible waste, emission and pollution in the Pidgeon process. The time of return of investment in redesign of secondary magnesium metallurgy was concluded to be 3.11 years which is the shortest time for this kind of projects. The parameters as the individual discount rate 11.50%, internal rate of return, period of return 19%, positive net present value and profitability index 1.98 are acceptable. The unit capital cost per unit of 5,267/tandunitOPEXof 5,267/t and unit OPEX of 1,395/t were indicative of the economic success of this project and the most appropriate parameters have been achieved. Also, using gas as a fuel instead of coal will reduce OPEX for 8.4%. With this model waste substances are converted into highly profitable resources along with the promotion of sustainability and a cleaner production strategy, which is the ultimate goal for company and society

    O,O'-diethyl-(S,S)-ethylenediamine-N,N'-di-2-(3-cyclohexyl)propanoate dihydrochloride enhances influx of effective NK and NKT cells in murine breast cancer

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    Background/Aim. O,O'-diethyl-(S,S)-ethylenediamineN,N'-di-2-(3-cyclohexyl)propanoate dihydrochloride (DE-EDCP) has been found to possess promising cytotoxic activity against various tumor cell lines. Also, DE-EDCP reduces tumor progression by several mechanisms such as triggering tumor cell death and inhibition of cell proliferation. The aim of present study was to further evaluate antitumor activity of DE-EDCP by investigating effects on migratory potential of tumor cells and anti-tumor immune response. Methods. Migratory potential of DE-EDCP was evaluated by scratch wound assay. Female BALB/c mice were inoculated with 4T1 breast cancer cells and treatment with DE-EDCP started five days following orthotopic tumor implantation. The frequency and phenotype of tumor-infiltrating natural killer (NK) and natural killer T (NKT) cells were analyzed by flow cytometry. Results. DE-EDCP inhibited migratory potential of highly metastatic 4T1 cells. DE-EDCP facilitated accumulation of CD3+CD49+ NKT cells and CD3-CD49+ NK cells in tumor microenvironment. DE-EDCP treatment led to significant decrement of tumor infiltrating anergic NKT cells expressing cytotoxic T-lymphocyte-associated protein 4 (CTLA-4), killer cell lectin like receptor G1 (KLRG-1) and programmed cell death protein-1 (PD-1). Mice given DE-EDCP had significantly increased percentages of tumoricidal fas ligand (FasL) positive NK cells. Conclusion. DE-EDCP inhibits murine breast cancer progression through direct effects on tumor cells and by facilitating anti-tumor immunity. DE-EDCP enhances accumulation, promotes tumoricidal phenotype and maintenances responsiveness of NK and NKT cells in 4T1 murine breast cancer

    Shape-dependent carbonized PANI-coated TiO2 nanocrystals and its use in the decomposition of organic pollutants

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    Differently-shaped TiO2 photo-nanocatalysts play a principal role in the remediation of environmental and pollution challenges considering their proven potential for treating organic contaminants in wastewaters [1]. However, increasing the photoactivity of TiO2 i.e. its optical response from UV into visible region is a constant challenge of many ongoing researchers [2]. An proceed towards this demand may be the creation of hybrid functional nanocomposites by coating the TiO2 nanocrystals (NCs) with electronically coupled conductive polymers (e.g., polyaniline (PANI), polypyrrole, etc.) [3]. By the carbonization process of mentioned conductive polymers at high temperatures, obtained final material possess carbon-like structure which impart additional properties [4]. Thus, the evolution of carbonized PANI (CPANI)- coated TiO2 NCs opens up the possibility for tailoring the photocatalyst with distinctive properties. This study implies development of new nanocomposites based on CPANI and colloidal TiO2 nanoparticles (NPs) (TPC) and CPANI and TiO2 nanotubes (NTs) (TTPC). Sol- gel and hydrothermal synthesis paths were used to obtain TiO2 NCs. The influence of their size and shape on the photocatalytic activity of formed carbonized nanocomposites was estimated. TPC and TTPC nanocomposites were synthesized according to the steps: 1) the non-carbonized PANI/TiO2 class was firstly prepared by the chemical oxidative polymerization of aniline with ammonium peroxydisulfate in the presence of TiO2 NPs or NTs and 2) the subsequent carbonization process was applied (650 °C). Developed hybrid nanocomposites were morphologically and structurally characterized by TEM measurements and Raman spectroscopy, while their functionality was estimated through the photocatalytic degradation processes of Methylene blue and Rhodamine B. All TPC and TTPC nanocomposites showed excellent photocatalytic properties, however, shape-depending of used TiO2 NCs.29th International Symposium on Analytical and Environmental Problems (November 13-14, 2023; Szeged, Hungary

    Poland - Serbia : the challenges of the scientific cooperation

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    Foreword: "This book contains the collection of 21 academic articles (arranged alphabetically according to the names of the Authors) dedicated to Professor Iliija Rosić, former Rector of Kragujevae University and the Dean of the Faculty of Economics, who died on January 11,2008.The book contains the preface, a biographical note including a complete list of acadcmic achievements, as well as the outline of Professor Rosic’s scholarly, academic and organizational activities in Poland."(...

    Factors of customer behavior in the choice of buying

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    Customer behavior analysis is one of the key factors for retailers in planning multi-channel sales strategy. The complex business environment influences the development of new channels of sales and new retail formats. Multi-channel sales is a new way of increasing competitiveness of retailers. Large international trade chains apply multichannel strategies and continuously introduce new retail formats in order to achieve market and financial goals. The choice of customers who use the retail format is influenced by a large number of factors, such as: customer information, price policy, product range, shopping risks, service quality, and so on. Improving the competitive position on the market requires retailers to analyze the market and collect information about customer attitudes. The subject of the research is the identification of multichannel customers. The aim of the research is to analyze different customer profiles and identify factors influencing customer decision making on how to buy