74 research outputs found


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    The gut microbiota plays an important role in host metabolism, immunity, digestibility and even behaviour. Candida spec. is common resident of the gastrointestinal tract and integral part of the microbiota. The aim of the study was to evaluate if positive Candida cultures in the stool influence metabolic parameters in type 2DM patients. 46 patients with type 2 DM and oral antidiabetic treatment, were divided into a study group (S=18 patients with positive Candida sp. cultures in stool) and the control group (C= remaining 28 patients). Besides medical history and clinical examination, all patients were tested for coproculture, fasting glycaemia (FPG), HbA1C, total cholesterol (CL) triglycerides (TG), high- density lipoproteins (HDL) and low- density lipoproteins (LDL). Study group patients had a significantly higher BMI (31.41 ± 5.29 vs. 25.18 ± 3.58; p<0.001); HbA1C (9.8 % ± 1.74 vs 6.9% ± 1.89; p<0.05) as well as FPG (10.87 ± 1.35 vs 7.47 ± 1.03; p<0.01), compared to the control group. Even though the study group patients had higher TG, CL, LDL and HDL, compared to the control group, there was no statistical significance verified. Uncontrolled glucoregulation is one of the host condition which favours candida colonization and subsequent infection. This may be related to the decrease in commensal bacteria, probably as the result of yeast-bacterial competition. On the other hand, we have to keep in mindthat a significantly increased number of Candida colonies can affect the rate of digestion and absorption of carbohydrates and consequently increase the level of glycaemia in patients with diabetes

    Use of linear radiofrequency device in liver resection

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    Background/Aim. Linear radiofrequency device (LRFD) is disposable tool designed for liver parenchyma transection using controlled radiofrequency to 'seal' blood vessels and bile ducts, making liver resection easier and safer compared to classical resectional techniques. The aim of this study was to determine real value of the LRFD compared to the standard 'keliclasia' technique. Methods. This prospective study analyzed the significant intraoperative parameters and postoperative results of the 200 patients who underwent surgery at the Surgery Clinic of Clinical Centre in Niš, between January 1, 2001, and January 1, 2009. The patients were divided into two groups: the control Keli group (144 patients) with the 'keliclasia' resection technique and the control RF group (with resection performed using LRFD - Tissue Link / Dissection Sealer (DS - 3.0) (56 patients). The following parameters were analyzed: duration of liver ischemia, liver parenchyma transection time, intraoperative blood loss, significant intraoperative and postoperative complication rate, duration of hospitalization and mortality. Results. LRFD was used in 56 liver resections. The average duration of liver ischemia in the RF group was shorter than in the Keli group (7 versus 22 minutes). Parenchymal liver transection was significantly slower in the RF group than in the Keli group (2.05 versus 4.34 cm2/minutes, respectively). There was less intraoperative bleeding using LRFD 'Keliclasia' tehniquethan in the control group (390 mL compared to 420 mL, respectively). After the use of LRFD two cases of biliary leak and 4 pleural effusions were registered. Conclusion. LRFD is simple device for safe liver transection with decreased need for liver ischemia and singificant reducing of the intraoperative blood loss. High price for disposable device and slow parenchyma transection are disadvantages of this device

    Koncept GIS-a u planiranju ruralnog razvoja

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    Ruralna područja Republike Srbije poseduju značajne resurse , u smislu obima i njihove raznovrsnosti. Doprinos poljoprivrede, šumarstva i ribarstva ekonomskom rastu i razvoju Srbije je značajan. Šume predstavljaju deo prostora za oporavak i razvoj ruralnih područja. Šume i šumsko zemljište u Srbiji obuhvata 1/4 teritorije. Razvoj društva zahteva da se šumama održivo gazduje, da se upravlja i koristi na način i u obimu da se održava njihova biološka raznovrsnost, unapređuje proizvodnju, sposobnost obnavljanja, vitalnost i potencijal da ispunjavaju ekološke i ekonomske funkcije. Današnje stanje šuma je nezadovoljavajuće. To se može pratiti na primeru šuma Topličkog okruga (opštine Prokuplje, Blace, Kuršumlija, Žitorađa) u poslednjih 60 godina. Analiza je rađena na osnovu daljinske detekcije, topografskih karata, geografskog informacionog sistema (GIS). U cilju revitalizacije i razvoja ruralnog prostora posebno su potrebne tehničko-tehnološka znanja i inovacije. Danas se adekvatno upravljanje prostorom ne može zamisliti bez primene Geografskog informacionog sistema. GIS je moćan skup alata za prikupljanje, skladištenje, pretraživanje, transformaciju i prikaz geoprostornih podataka. GIS je „pametna karta“ koja omogućuje korisnicima da kreiraju interaktivne upite, analizu prostornih informacija i sprovođenje promena. GIS podatke prikazuje u vizuelnom, jednostavnom i korisniku bliskom obliku.Sposobnost da podatke u prostoru transformiše u relevantne informacije predstavlja njegovu osnovnu vrednost i prednost

    Fiksni deo modela za procenu priplodne vrednosti svinja na osnovu veličine legla

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    The goal of this paper was to investigate the effect of various fixed effects on the number of born alive piglets in litter (NBA), based on results of Swedish Landrace sow fertility on three farms in Serbia, in order to determine the best adapted model for assessing genetic parameters and breeding value. Analysis of phenotipic variability of the NBA of Swedish Landrace sows was carried out based on fertility results on three swine farms (A, B and C) in the Republic of Serbia. Data sets encompassed reproduction indicators for 2803 (A), 1826 (B) and 2235 (C) sows, i.e. their 11014, 6757 and 8452 litters, respectively. For this analysis was used fix model of least square method which includes fixed effects of farrowing number, season of conception shown as combination of year and month, litter genotype, duration of previous period from weaning to conception, effect of sow age at farrowing like quadratic regression nested within farrowing number and linear regression influence of duration of previous lactation. The average NBA was within the interval from 9.13 (A) to 9.76 piglets (B and C). The monitored trait statistically highly significantly (p lt 0.001) varied under the effect of all systematic factors encompassed by the applied model, regardless of the source of analyzed data, Only the linear regression effect of duration of previous lactation for farm B was assessed as having lower statistical significance (p lt 0.05).Cilj ovoga rada bio je da se ispita uticaj različitih sistematskih faktora na variranje broja živorođene prasadi u leglu (BŽP) radi određivanja najprilagođenijeg modela za ocenu genetskih parametara i procenu priplodne vrednosti krmača. Analiza fenotipske varijabilnosti BŽP u leglima krmača rase švedski landras sprovedena je na osnovu reproduktivnih pokazatelja 2803 (farma A), 1826 (farma B) i 2235 (farma C) krmača, odnosno njihovih 11014, 6757 i 8452 legala, respektivno. Korišćen je fiksni model metoda najmanjih kvadrata u koga su bili uključeni uticaj prašenja po redu, sezone uspešnog pripusta, genotipa legla, trajanja perioda zalučenje - oplodnja, kvadratni regresijski uticaj starosti krmače pri prašenju ugnježđen u okviru prašenja po redu i linearni regresijski uticaj trajanja prethodne laktacije. Prosečan BŽP se kretao u intervalu od 9.13 (A) do 9.76 (B i C). Svi determinisani uticaji obuhvaćeni modelom su ispoljili statistički vrlo visoko značajan uticaj (p lt 0.001) na variranje BŽP nezavisno od toga koji set podataka je bio analiziran, osim uticaja trajanja prethodne laktacije na farmi B koji je bio ocenjen kao statistički značajan (p lt 0.05)


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    The key features of any suture material, such as its tensile strength, knot security, resorbability, handling characteristics and biological behavior must be taken into account during the selection process. These biomechanical features may be variable in different microenvironmental conditions in the human body in which the sutures are placed due to the influence of numerous local biohumoral factors. We have reviewed the data on the impact of pancreatic juice and bile, various pH conditions, chemotherapy and heat on different suture materials behavior. It is suggested that in pancreatic and biliary surgery polydioxanone sutures should be used. The review has also demonstrated that absorbable suture materials were more sensitive to pH than non-absorbable sutures. In addition, polyglyconate sutures were the strongest of all absorbable synthetic sutures when exposed to heat and cytotoxic drugs. This review provides a better basis for the selection of suture materials for specific applications

    Fenotipska varijabilnost osobina plodnosti čistorasnih krmača u prva tri prašenja

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    Investigation of the phenotypic variability of fertility traits was performed on Swedish Landrace sows (926 sows) deriving from single herd in Serbia. Data was processed by method of least squares (Harvey, 1990), and following fixed factors were included into the model: sire, season, litter genotype and order of farrowing, as well as regression effect of age at first farrowing, duration of lactation and number of reared (raised) piglets per litter. Traits of litter size varied (P lt 0.01) under the influence of sire and order of parities (first two parities). Number of still born as well as reared piglets per litter depended on the litter genotype (P lt 0.01). Year and season had no effect on variation of litter size traits except LWW (first two and three parities). Age of sows at first farrowing demonstrated linear effect (P lt 0.01) on size of their litter at farrowing (first three parities). Litter size and weight at weaning were under regression effect of lactation duration as well as corrected litter size (CLS) or number of weaned piglets (NW).Ispitivanje fenotipske varijabilnosti osobina plodnosti krmača rase švedski landras sprovedeno je u jednom zapatu svinja u Srbiji. Podaci su analizirani primenom različitih modela metoda najmanjih kvadrata (Harvey, 1990), u koje su bili uključeni sledeći fiksni uticaji: otac, godina, sezona, genotip legla i redosled prašenja, kao i regresijski uticaji uzrasta pri prvom prašenju, trajanja laktacije i broja gajene prasadi u leglu. Istraživanjem je bilo obuhvaćeno 926 krmača i njihova 926 prva, 1598 prva dva i 2115 prva tri prašenja. Prosečna ispoljenost trajanja perioda od zalučenja do estrusa i oplodnje (W-E i W-C), broja živorođene (NBA), ukupnorođene (TNB), mrtvoroĐene (NSB) i odgajene prasadi (NW) kao i mase legla pri zalučenju (LWW) u prvom, prva dva i prva tri prašenja je bila: 9.77, 8.51, 7.80; 23.77, 20.98, 19.49; 8.31, 8.91, 9.19; 8.87, 9.46, 9.78; 0.56, 0.54, 0.51; 7.57, 8.04, 8.24 i 52.43, 58.18, 61.10, respektivno. Osobine veličine legla su varirale (P lt 0.01) pod uticajem oca i redosleda prašenja (prva dva prašenja). Broj mrtvorođene kao i odgajene prasadi u leglu zavisili su od genotipa legla (P lt 0.01). Godina i sezona nisu uticale na variranje osobina veličine legla osim na LWW (prva dva i tri prašenja). Uzrast krmača pri prvom prašenju ispoljio je linearan uticaj (P lt 0.01) na veličinu njihovih legala pri prašenju (prva tri prašenja). Veličina i masa legla pri zaluženju su bili pod regresijskim uticajem trajanja laktacije, korigovane veličine legla (CLS) ili broja odgajene prasadi (NW)

    Koncept GIS-a u planiranju ruralnog razvoja

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    Ruralna područja Republike Srbije poseduju značajne resurse , u smislu obima i njihove raznovrsnosti. Doprinos poljoprivrede, šumarstva i ribarstva ekonomskom rastu i razvoju Srbije je značajan. Šume predstavljaju deo prostora za oporavak i razvoj ruralnih područja. Šume i šumsko zemljište u Srbiji obuhvata 1/4 teritorije. Razvoj društva zahteva da se šumama održivo gazduje, da se upravlja i koristi na način i u obimu da se održava njihova biološka raznovrsnost, unapređuje proizvodnju, sposobnost obnavljanja, vitalnost i potencijal da ispunjavaju ekološke i ekonomske funkcije. Današnje stanje šuma je nezadovoljavajuće. To se može pratiti na primeru šuma Topličkog okruga (opštine Prokuplje, Blace, Kuršumlija, Žitorađa) u poslednjih 60 godina. Analiza je rađena na osnovu daljinske detekcije, topografskih karata, geografskog informacionog sistema (GIS). U cilju revitalizacije i razvoja ruralnog prostora posebno su potrebne tehničko-tehnološka znanja i inovacije. Danas se adekvatno upravljanje prostorom ne može zamisliti bez primene Geografskog informacionog sistema. GIS je moćan skup alata za prikupljanje, skladištenje, pretraživanje, transformaciju i prikaz geoprostornih podataka. GIS je „pametna karta“ koja omogućuje korisnicima da kreiraju interaktivne upite, analizu prostornih informacija i sprovođenje promena. GIS podatke prikazuje u vizuelnom, jednostavnom i korisniku bliskom obliku.Sposobnost da podatke u prostoru transformiše u relevantne informacije predstavlja njegovu osnovnu vrednost i prednost

    Main memory in HPC: do we need more, or could we live with less?

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    An important aspect of High-Performance Computing (HPC) system design is the choice of main memory capacity. This choice becomes increasingly important now that 3D-stacked memories are entering the market. Compared with conventional Dual In-line Memory Modules (DIMMs), 3D memory chiplets provide better performance and energy efficiency but lower memory capacities. Therefore, the adoption of 3D-stacked memories in the HPC domain depends on whether we can find use cases that require much less memory than is available now. This study analyzes the memory capacity requirements of important HPC benchmarks and applications. We find that the High-Performance Conjugate Gradients (HPCG) benchmark could be an important success story for 3D-stacked memories in HPC, but High-Performance Linpack (HPL) is likely to be constrained by 3D memory capacity. The study also emphasizes that the analysis of memory footprints of production HPC applications is complex and that it requires an understanding of application scalability and target category, i.e., whether the users target capability or capacity computing. The results show that most of the HPC applications under study have per-core memory footprints in the range of hundreds of megabytes, but we also detect applications and use cases that require gigabytes per core. Overall, the study identifies the HPC applications and use cases with memory footprints that could be provided by 3D-stacked memory chiplets, making a first step toward adoption of this novel technology in the HPC domain.This work was supported by the Collaboration Agreement between Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. and BSC, Spanish Government through Severo Ochoa programme (SEV-2015-0493), by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology through TIN2015-65316-P project and by the Generalitat de Catalunya (contracts 2014-SGR-1051 and 2014-SGR-1272). This work has also received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under ExaNoDe project (grant agreement No 671578). Darko Zivanovic holds the Severo Ochoa grant (SVP-2014-068501) of the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spain. The authors thank Harald Servat from BSC and Vladimir Marjanovi´c from High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart for their technical support.Postprint (published version

    PROFET: modeling system performance and energy without simulating the CPU

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    The approaching end of DRAM scaling and expansion of emerging memory technologies is motivating a lot of research in future memory systems. Novel memory systems are typically explored by hardware simulators that are slow and often have a simplified or obsolete abstraction of the CPU. This study presents PROFET, an analytical model that predicts how an application's performance and energy consumption changes when it is executed on different memory systems. The model is based on instrumentation of an application execution on actual hardware, so it already takes into account CPU microarchitectural details such as the data prefetcher and out-of-order engine. PROFET is evaluated on two real platforms: Sandy Bridge-EP E5-2670 and Knights Landing Xeon Phi platforms with various memory configurations. The evaluation results show that PROFET's predictions are accurate, typically with only 2% difference from the values measured on actual hardware. We release the PROFET source code and all input data required for memory system and application profiling. The released package can be seamlessly installed and used on high-end Intel platforms.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Chemical stability and electrical properties of Nb doped BaCe0.9Y0.1O3-b

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    BaCe0.9-xNbxY0.1O3-δ (where x = 0.01, 0.03 and 0.05) fine powders were synthesized by auto-combustion reaction to investigate the influence of Nb concentration on chemical stability and electrical properties of BaCe0.9Y0.1O3-δ. The dense electrolyte pellets were formed from powders after being uniaxially pressed and sintered at 1600ºC for 5h. Chemical stability in a CO2 atmosphere at 750ºC was determined by X-ray powder diffraction. Conductivities of the sintered samples have been measured within the temperature range of 500-750ºC in different atmospheres (dry and wet argon, wet hydrogen). The highest conductivities were obtained at 750ºC in wet hydrogen reaching the value of 3,26.10-3Sm.cm-1