17 research outputs found

    How fast do gully headcuts retreat?

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    © 2016 Elsevier B.V. Gully erosion has important on and off site effects. Therefore, several studies have been conducted over the past decades to quantify gully headcut retreat (GHR) in different environments. Although these led to important site-specific and regional insights, the overall importance of this erosion process or the factors that control it at a global scale remain poorly understood. This study aims to bridge this gap by reviewing research on GHR and conducting a meta-analysis of measured GHR rates worldwide. Through an extensive literature review, GHR rates for 933 individual and actively retreating gullies have been compiled from more than 70 study areas worldwide (comprising a total measuring period of >19 600 years). Each GHR rate was measured through repeated field surveys and/or analyses of aerial photographs over a period of at least one year (maximum: 97 years, median: 17 years). The data show a very large variability, both in terms of gully dimensions (cross-sectional areas ranging between 0.11 and 816 m2 with a median of 4 m2) and volumetric GHR rates (ranging between 0.002 and 47 430 m3 year- 1 with a median of 2.2 m3 year- 1). Linear GHR rates vary between 0.01 and 135 m year- 1 (median: 0.89 m year- 1), while areal GHR rates vary between 0.01 and 3628 m2 year- 1 (median: 3.12 m2 year- 1). An empirical relationship allows estimating volumetric retreat rates from areal retreat rates with acceptable uncertainties. By means of statistical analyses for a subset of 724 gullies with a known contributing area, we explored the factors most relevant in explaining the observed 7 orders of magnitudes of variation in volumetric GHR rates. Results show that measured GHR rates are significantly correlated to the runoff contributing area of the gully (r2 = 0.15) and the rainy day normal (RDN; i.e. the long-term average annual rainfall depth divided by the average number of rainy days; r2 = 0.47). Other factors (e.g. land use or soil type) showed no significant correlation with the observed GHR rates. This may be attributed to the uncertainties associated with accurately quantifying these factors. In addition, available time series data demonstrate that GHR rates are subject to very large year-to-year variations. As a result, average GHR rates measured over short (100%) uncertainties. We integrated our findings into a weighted regression model that simulates the volumetric retreat rate of a gully headcut as a function of upstream drainage area and RDN. When weighing each GHR observation proportional to its measuring period, this model explains 68% of the observed variance in GHR rates at a global scale. For 76% of the monitored gullies, the simulated GHR values deviate less than one order of magnitude from their corresponding observed value. Our model clearly indicates that GHR rates are very sensitive to rainfall intensity. Since these intensities are expected to increase in most areas as a result of climate change, our results suggest that gully erosion worldwide will become more intense and widespread in the following decades. Finally, we discuss research topics that will help to address these challenges

    Problems of the dynamics of some romanian river channels

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    El presente trabajo pretende discutir la dinámica de algunas secciones transversales de varios ríos situados bajo diferentes condiciones de caudal, carga de sedimentos, tamaño de los depósitos del lecho, tipo de cauce e intervención antrópica. En cortos intervalos de tiempo caracterizados por elevadas crecidas y ciclos estacionales, se ha comprobado una alternancia de agradación e incisión cuya amplitud puede ir más allá de 1-1,5 m. Para largos intervalos de tiempo (años) destacamos la alternancia de fenómenos de agradación y degradación con una amplitud de hasta 2-3 m. e incluso más. Evaluamos también las condiciones de la estabilidad morfológica de los cauces, obteniendo exponentes de la descarga en una estación con un relativamente amplio espacio de variación

    How long should we measure? An exploration of factors controlling the inter-annual variation of catchment sediment yield

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    Purpose: Although it is well-known that catchment suspended sediment yields (SY; tons per square kilometre per year) can vary significantly from year to year, little information exists on the magnitude and factors controlling this variability. This is crucial to assess the reliability of average SY values for a given measuring period (MP) and is of great geomorphic significance. This paper aims to bridge this research gap. Materials and methods: A worldwide database was compiled with time series of measured SY values. Data from 726 rivers (mostly located in Europe, the Middle East and the USA) were collected, covering 15,025 annual SY observations. The MPs ranged between 7 and 58 years, while catchment areas (A) ranged between 0.07 and 1.84 × 106 km2. For 558 catchments, the annual runoff depths corresponding to the SY observations were also available. Based on this database, inter-annual variability was assessed for each catchment, and relationships with factors potentially explaining this variability were explored. Results and discussion: Coefficients of variation of SY varied between 6% and 313% (median 75%). Annual SY data were generally not normally distributed but positively skewed. Inter-annual variability generally increased with increasing average SY. No significant relationship was found between the inter-annual variability of SY and A, while weak but significant relationships were noted with the variability in annual runoff and rainfall depths. Detailed analyses of a sub-dataset corresponding to 63 catchments in Romania revealed no clear relationships between inter-annual variability of SY and land-use or topographic characteristics. Nevertheless, indications were found that variability was larger for catchments with erosion-prone land-use conditions. Using a Monte Carlo simulation approach, the effect of inter-annual variability on the reliability of average SY data was assessed. Results indicate that uncertainties are very large when the MP is short, with median relative errors ranging between -60% and 83% after 5 years of monitoring. Furthermore, average SY values based on short MPs have a large probability to underestimate, rather than to overestimate, the long-term mean. For instance, the SY value of a median catchment after a 1-year MP has a 50% probability of underestimating the long-term mean by about 22%. Uncertainties quickly decrease after the first few years of measurement but can remain considerable, even after 50 years of monitoring. Conclusions: It is important to consider uncertainties associated with average SY values due to inter-annual variability, for example when attempting to predict long-term average SY values using a steady-state model, as such uncertainties put fundamental limits to the predictive capabilities of such models. © 2012 Springer-Verlag

    Problems of the dynamics of some romanian river channels

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    El presente trabajo pretende discutir la dinámica de algunas secciones transversales de varios ríos situados bajo diferentes condiciones de caudal, carga de sedimentos, tamaño de los depósitos del lecho, tipo de cauce e intervención antrópica. En cortos intervalos de tiempo caracterizados por elevadas crecidas y ciclos estacionales, se ha comprobado una alternancia de agradación e incisión cuya amplitud puede ir más allá de 1-1,5 m. Para largos intervalos de tiempo (años) destacamos la alternancia de fenómenos de agradación y degradación con una amplitud de hasta 2-3 m. e incluso más. Evaluamos también las condiciones de la estabilidad morfológica de los cauces, obteniendo exponentes de la descarga en una estación con un relativamente amplio espacio de variación

    Tectonic, climatic and autogenic controls on the late quaternary evolution of the Someș fluvial fan, North-East Pannonian Basin, Central Europe

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    The Someș fluvial fan is located in the NW extremity of the Great Hungarian Plain (Pannonian Basin). It was formed by the left-side tributaries of the Tisa River (a tributary of the Danube) as they developed westward, following the avulsion of the main Tisa channel. Drainage reorganisation after the avulsion has occurred via a complex interplay between tectonic, climatic and autogenic controls over the past ~50–30 ka. In this study, we discuss the role of these factors in the spatial and temporal dynamics of the fluvial system that constructed the Someș fluvial fan during the second half of the last glacial cycle, using a combination of cartographic, sedimentary, and chronological tools. Our data suggests that, within a general setting of subsidence, spatial and temporal variation in the rate of this subsidence between different tectonic blocks created four local base levels, while autogenic factors play only a secondary role. The modern drainage configuration results from spatial channel adjustments during the last ca. 3000 cal BP, related to the current subsidence centre located in the NW extremity of the Someș fluvial fan. Over the entire period analysed, the rivers draining across the fluvial fan predominantly meandered, except when the river switched to a braided pattern. This braided phase likely occurred before ~30–32 ka ago, apparently coeval with a similar short, braided phase that has been documented along the middle Tisa River. The braiding phase is coincident with intense deglaciation in the Someș catchment area and development of open forest vegetation at lower elevations. Climatic changes during and after the Last Glacial Maximum had a reduced impact on the style of fluvial flow, which returned to a meandering pattern. Ca. 5000 cal BP these changes impacted suspended sediment delivery to drainage networks resulting in the present-day channel dimensions, at least along their lower reaches (our study area). Our results highlight the lower sensitivity of rivers draining the Great Hungarian Plain to the Late Quaternary climate changes compared to the far more responsive rivers of Western European. This behaviour is, in our opinion, most likely due to the presence of glacial forest refugia in the catchment areas, which modulated the response of discharge and fluvial dynamics to climatic changes

    Tectonic, climatic and autogenic controls on the Late Quaternary evolution of the Somes fluvial fan, North-East Pannonian Basin, Central Europe

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    The Somes fluvial fan is located in the NW extremity of the Great Hungarian Plain (Pannonian Basin). It was formed by the left-side tributaries of the Tisa River (a tributary of the Danube) as they developed westward, following the avulsion of the main Tisa channel. Drainage reorganisation after the avulsion has occurred via a complex interplay between tectonic, climatic and autogenic controls over the past similar to 50-30 ka. In this study, we discuss the role of these factors in the spatial and temporal dynamics of the fluvial system that constructed the Somes fluvial fan during the second half of the last glacial cycle, using a combination of cartographic, sedimentary, and chronological tools. Our data suggests that, within a general setting of subsidence, spatial and temporal variation in the rate of this subsidence between different tectonic blocks created four local base levels, while autogenic factors play only a secondary role. The modern drainage configuration results from spatial channel adjustments during the last ca. 3000 cal BP, related to the current subsidence centre located in the NW extremity of the Somes fluvial fan. Over the entire period analysed, the rivers draining across the fluvial fan predominantly meandered, except when the river switched to a braided pattern. This braided phase likely occurred before similar to 30-32 ka ago, apparently coeval with a similar short, braided phase that has been documented along the middle Tisa River. The braiding phase is coincident with intense deglaciation in the Somes catchment area and development of open forest vegetation at lower elevations. Climatic changes during and after the Last Glacial Maximum had a reduced impact on the style of fluvial flow, which returned to a meandering pattern. Ca. 5000 cal BP these changes impacted suspended sediment delivery to drainage networks resulting in the present-day channel dimensions, at least along their lower reaches (our study area). Our results highlight the lower sensitivity of rivers draining the Great Hungarian Plain to the Late Quaternary climate changes compared to the far more responsive rivers of Western European. This behaviour is, in our opinion, most likely due to the presence of glacial forest refugia in the catchment areas, which modulated the response of discharge and fluvial dynamics to climatic changes

    How fast do gully headcuts retreat?

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    © 2016 Elsevier B.V. Gully erosion has important on and off site effects. Therefore, several studies have been conducted over the past decades to quantify gully headcut retreat (GHR) in different environments. Although these led to important site-specific and regional insights, the overall importance of this erosion process or the factors that control it at a global scale remain poorly understood. This study aims to bridge this gap by reviewing research on GHR and conducting a meta-analysis of measured GHR rates worldwide. Through an extensive literature review, GHR rates for 933 individual and actively retreating gullies have been compiled from more than 70 study areas worldwide (comprising a total measuring period of >19 600 years). Each GHR rate was measured through repeated field surveys and/or analyses of aerial photographs over a period of at least one year (maximum: 97 years, median: 17 years). The data show a very large variability, both in terms of gully dimensions (cross-sectional areas ranging between 0.11 and 816 m2 with a median of 4 m2) and volumetric GHR rates (ranging between 0.002 and 47 430 m3 year- 1 with a median of 2.2 m3 year- 1). Linear GHR rates vary between 0.01 and 135 m year- 1 (median: 0.89 m year- 1), while areal GHR rates vary between 0.01 and 3628 m2 year- 1 (median: 3.12 m2 year- 1). An empirical relationship allows estimating volumetric retreat rates from areal retreat rates with acceptable uncertainties. By means of statistical analyses for a subset of 724 gullies with a known contributing area, we explored the factors most relevant in explaining the observed 7 orders of magnitudes of variation in volumetric GHR rates. Results show that measured GHR rates are significantly correlated to the runoff contributing area of the gully (r2 = 0.15) and the rainy day normal (RDN; i.e. the long-term average annual rainfall depth divided by the average number of rainy days; r2 = 0.47). Other factors (e.g. land use or soil type) showed no significant correlation with the observed GHR rates. This may be attributed to the uncertainties associated with accurately quantifying these factors. In addition, available time series data demonstrate that GHR rates are subject to very large year-to-year variations. As a result, average GHR rates measured over short (100%) uncertainties. We integrated our findings into a weighted regression model that simulates the volumetric retreat rate of a gully headcut as a function of upstream drainage area and RDN. When weighing each GHR observation proportional to its measuring period, this model explains 68% of the observed variance in GHR rates at a global scale. For 76% of the monitored gullies, the simulated GHR values deviate less than one order of magnitude from their corresponding observed value. Our model clearly indicates that GHR rates are very sensitive to rainfall intensity. Since these intensities are expected to increase in most areas as a result of climate change, our results suggest that gully erosion worldwide will become more intense and widespread in the following decades. Finally, we discuss research topics that will help to address these challenges

    How fast do gully headcuts retreat?

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    Gullies can be a dominant sediment source at field and catchment scales. Over the past decades, several studies have been conducted that quantify gully headcut retreat (GHR) in different environments. Although this led to important site-specific and regional insights, the overall importance of this erosion process or the factors that control it at a global scale remain poorly understood. This study aims to bridge this gap by conducting a meta-analysis of measured GHR rates worldwide. Through an extensive literature review, GHR rates for ca. 900 individual actively retreating gullies (comprising a total measuring period of > 19 000 years) from more than 50 study areas worldwide have been compiled. Each GHR rate was measured by means of repeated field surveys and/or analyses of aerial photographs over a period of at least one year. The collected data shows a very large variability, both in terms of gully dimensions (cross-sectional areas ranging between 0.11 and 816 m2 with a median of 4 m2) and GHR rates (ranging between 0.003 and 47 000 m3/y with a median of 2.2 m3/y). Linear GHR rates vary between 0.01 and 70 m/y (median: 0.82 m/y). By means of statistical analyses for a subset of 689 gullies with a known contributing area, we explored which factors are most relevant in explaining the observed 6 orders of magnitudes of variation in volumetric GHR rates. Results show that measured GHR rates are significantly correlated to the runoff contributing area of the gully (r2 = 0.13) and the average rainfall depth on a rainy day (i.e. the long-term average annual rainfall depth divided by the average number of rainy days; r2 = 0.39). Combined, these two factors explained 57% of the observed variability in average GHR rates. Other factors (e.g. land use or soil type) showed no significant correlation with the observed GHR rates. This may be attributed to the uncertainties associated with accurately quantifying these factors. In addition, a large part of the remaining unexplained variance may be due to measuring periods that are too short to fully capture the large temporal variability that are typical for GHR rates. This is illustrated by the fact that catchment area and average rainfall depth on a rainy day explain nearly 70% of the observed variation in GHR rates for gullies monitored over a periodpublisher: Elsevier articletitle: How fast do gully headcuts retreat? journaltitle: Earth-Science Reviews articlelink: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.earscirev.2016.01.009 content_type: article copyright: Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.status: publishe

    How fast do gully headcuts retreat?

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    © 2016 Elsevier B.V. Gully erosion has important on and off site effects. Therefore, several studies have been conducted over the past decades to quantify gully headcut retreat (GHR) in different environments. Although these led to important site-specific and regional insights, the overall importance of this erosion process or the factors that control it at a global scale remain poorly understood. This study aims to bridge this gap by reviewing research on GHR and conducting a meta-analysis of measured GHR rates worldwide. Through an extensive literature review, GHR rates for 933 individual and actively retreating gullies have been compiled from more than 70 study areas worldwide (comprising a total measuring period of >19 600 years). Each GHR rate was measured through repeated field surveys and/or analyses of aerial photographs over a period of at least one year (maximum: 97 years, median: 17 years). The data show a very large variability, both in terms of gully dimensions (cross-sectional areas ranging between 0.11 and 816 m2 with a median of 4 m2) and volumetric GHR rates (ranging between 0.002 and 47 430 m3 year- 1 with a median of 2.2 m3 year- 1). Linear GHR rates vary between 0.01 and 135 m year- 1 (median: 0.89 m year- 1), while areal GHR rates vary between 0.01 and 3628 m2 year- 1 (median: 3.12 m2 year- 1). An empirical relationship allows estimating volumetric retreat rates from areal retreat rates with acceptable uncertainties. By means of statistical analyses for a subset of 724 gullies with a known contributing area, we explored the factors most relevant in explaining the observed 7 orders of magnitudes of variation in volumetric GHR rates. Results show that measured GHR rates are significantly correlated to the runoff contributing area of the gully (r2 = 0.15) and the rainy day normal (RDN; i.e. the long-term average annual rainfall depth divided by the average number of rainy days; r2 = 0.47). Other factors (e.g. land use or soil type) showed no significant correlation with the observed GHR rates. This may be attributed to the uncertainties associated with accurately quantifying these factors. In addition, available time series data demonstrate that GHR rates are subject to very large year-to-year variations. As a result, average GHR rates measured over short (100%) uncertainties. We integrated our findings into a weighted regression model that simulates the volumetric retreat rate of a gully headcut as a function of upstream drainage area and RDN. When weighing each GHR observation proportional to its measuring period, this model explains 68% of the observed variance in GHR rates at a global scale. For 76% of the monitored gullies, the simulated GHR values deviate less than one order of magnitude from their corresponding observed value. Our model clearly indicates that GHR rates are very sensitive to rainfall intensity. Since these intensities are expected to increase in most areas as a result of climate change, our results suggest that gully erosion worldwide will become more intense and widespread in the following decades. Finally, we discuss research topics that will help to address these challenges