41 research outputs found

    Global hypoelliptic and symbolic estimates for the linearized Boltzmann operator without angular cutoff

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    In this article we provide global subelliptic estimates for the linearized inhomogeneous Boltzmann equation without angular cutoff, and show that some global gain in the spatial direction is available although the corresponding operator is not elliptic in this direction. The proof is based on a multiplier method and the so-called Wick quantization, together with a careful analysis of the symbolic properties of the Weyl symbol of the Boltzmann collision operator

    Well-posedness of The Prandtl Equation in Sobolev Spaces

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    We develop a new approach to study the well-posedness theory of the Prandtl equation in Sobolev spaces by using a direct energy method under a monotonicity condition on the tangential velocity field instead of using the Crocco transformation. Precisely, we firstly investigate the linearized Prandtl equation in some weighted Sobolev spaces when the tangential velocity of the background state is monotonic in the normal variable. Then to cope with the loss of regularity of the perturbation with respect to the background state due to the degeneracy of the equation, we apply the Nash-Moser-Hormander iteration to obtain a well-posedness theory of classical solutions to the nonlinear Prandtl equation when the initial data is a small perturbation of a monotonic shear flow

    Bounded Solutions of the Boltzmann Equation in the Whole Space

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    We construct bounded classical solutions of the Boltzmann equation in the whole space without specifying any limit behaviors at the spatial infinity and without assuming the smallness condition on initial data. More precisely, we show that if the initial data is non-negative and belongs to a uniformly local Sobolev space in the space variable with Maxwellian type decay property in the velocity variable, then the Cauchy problem of the Boltzmann equation possesses a unique non-negative local solution in the same function space, both for the cutoff and non-cutoff collision cross section with mild singularity. The known solutions such as solutions on the torus (space periodic solutions) and in the vacuum (solutions vanishing at the spatial infinity), and solutions in the whole space having a limit equilibrium state at the spatial infinity are included in our category

    Boltzmann equation without angular cutoff in the whole space: I, Global existence for soft potential

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    It is known that the singularity in the non-cutoff cross-section of the Boltzmann equation leads to the gain of regularity and gain of weight in the velocity variable. By defining and analyzing a non-isotropy norm which precisely captures the dissipation in the linearized collision operator, we first give a new and precise coercivity estimate for the non-cutoff Boltzmann equation for general physical cross sections. Then the Cauchy problem for the Boltzmann equation is considered in the framework of small perturbation of an equilibrium state. In this part, for the soft potential case in the sense that there is no positive power gain of weight in the coercivity estimate on the linearized operator, we derive some new functional estimates on the nonlinear collision operator. Together with the coercivity estimates, we prove the global existence of classical solutions for the Boltzmann equation in weighted Sobolev spaces

    Smoothing effect of weak solutions for the spatially homogeneous Boltzmann Equation without angular cutoff

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    In this paper, we consider the spatially homogeneous Boltzmann equation without angular cutoff. We prove that every L1L^1 weak solution to the Cauchy problem with finite moments of all order acquires the C∞C^\infty regularity in the velocity variable for the positive time

    A Gaussian beam approach for computing Wigner measures in convex domains

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    A Gaussian beam method is presented for the analysis of the energy of the high frequency solution to the mixed problem of the scalar wave equation in an open and convex subset, with initial conditions compactly supported in this set, and Dirichlet or Neumann type boundary condition. The transport of the microlocal energy density along the broken bicharacteristic flow at the high frequency limit is proved through the use of Wigner measures. Our approach consists first in computing explicitly the Wigner measures under an additional control of the initial data allowing to approach the solution by a superposition of first order Gaussian beams. The results are then generalized to standard initial conditions

    Oscillations haute fréquence en milieux élastiques bornés

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    Cette thèse est consacrée à l étude haute fréquence de problèmes de Dirichlet et Neumann pour le système de l élasticité. On y étudie le phénomène de réflexion au bord au moyen de deux techniques : la sommation de faisceaux gaussiens et les mesures de Wigner. Dans les chapitres 1 et 2, on commence par étudier le problème plus simple de l équation des ondes scalaire à une vitesse. Sous certaines hypothèses sur les conditions initiales, on construit des solutions approchées par superposition de faisceaux gaussiens. La justification de l asymptotique se fonde sur une estimation de normes de certains opérateurs intégraux à phases complexes. Pour des conditions initiales plus générales, on utilise les mesures de Wigner pour calculer la densité d énergie microlocale. On calcule explicitement les transformées de Wigner d intégrales de faisceaux gaussiens. Le comportement de la densité d énergie microlocale de la solution exacte se déduit de celui établi pour la solution approchée. Dans le chapitre 3, on utilise les résultats établis pour les sommes infinies de faisceaux gaussiens pour construire une solution approchée pour les équations de l élasticité et calculer sa densité d énergie microlocale. L existence de deux vitesses différentes dans le système de l élasticité introduit de nouvelles difficultés qui sont traitées dans ce chapitre.This thesis is devoted to the study of the high frequency Dirichlet and Neumann problems for the elasticity system. We study the reflection phenomenon at the boundary by means of two techniques: Gaussian beams summation and Wigner measures. In chapters 1 and 2, we start by studying the simpler problem of the scalar wave equation with one speed. Under some hypotheses on the initial conditions, we build an approximate solution by a Gaussian beams superposition. Justification of the asymptotics is based on norms estimate of some integral operators with complex phases. For more general initial conditions, we use Wigner measures to compute the microlocal energy density. We compute Wigner transforms of Gaussian beams integrals in an explicit way. The behaviour of the microlocal energy density for the exact solution is deduced from the one for the approximate solution. In chapter 3, we use the established results on infinite sums of Gaussian beams to build an approximate solution for the elasticity equations and to compute its microlocal energy density. We treat new difficulties arising from the existence of two different speeds in the elasticity system.EVRY-Bib. électronique (912289901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    The Finite Larmor Radius Approximation

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