5 research outputs found

    Human Capital in the Siberian Remote Provinces: Digital Prospects

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    The aim of this study is to substantiate the need to interpret the concept of ‘human capital’ through the prism of the theory of passionarity with reference to such sociospatial loci as remote Siberian territories. Based on the fact that in these conditions humanization is the primary national task, the most personally valuable and socially significant quality that should be potentially capitalized is vital business drive. At this stage of the study, the identification of carriers of the attribute of passionarity is carried out by the “snowball method”, and a meaningful analysis of their life programs is carried out by the method of formalized interviews. The study revealed that the specifics of the formation of human capital in sparsely populated areas of Siberia are its fundamental multidimensionality, and it is the digital equipment of this process that gives real prospects for its implementation. Keywords: Human capital, passionarity, digitalization, capitalization scenari

    Human capital in an industrial impasse

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    Crises, shaking developed economic systems, force us to look for strategic ways of development, alternative to the usual paradigm, in which the main vector of development from a pre-industrial to a post-industrial economy leads to a global model of a consumer society, beyond which there is a social abyss. The latest shock to the global economic system is the COVID-19 pandemic. To overcome this misfortune, authoritative experts propose a series of radical organizational and economic measures, but their goal is old - to preserve consumption as the main economic motive of social behavior. This, in turn, leaves in force the global civilizational risks and preserves the status of a myth for the concept of «sustainable development». The proposed article contains an attempt to substantiate an alternative vision of the model of history, in which it is proposed to consider the pre-industrial type of economy as basic on the basis of such criteria as efficiency, prospects and adequacy of the reproduction of human capital. Finally, sustainable development of a socio-economic system of any scale is possible only if such antagonistic indicators as production efficiency and employment of the population are reconciled. And this is possible only in a pre-industrial type of economy

    Homeostatic version of the formation of human capital: ecological aspect

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    Now it is found that under the capitalized qualities of a person, not only high-tech competencies can be understood. This capital does not exist outside time and space; Its implementation responds to specific social queries. For example, with the current demographic dynamics, the territory of a huge country through a couple of generations will be unnecessary. The article substantiates the thesis that the post-industrial model of the history is an optional development line. In conditions of social entropy, the return to homeostatic equilibrium with an ecological environment is both the most humanistic, and the most clearly predicted, and the least costly of the future scenarios. The consideration of the inevitability of homeostasis, in turn, leads to the need to interpret the concept of «human capital», which will allow the typical carrier of such capital to be the most successful in the new socio-ecological situation