12 research outputs found

    Development of Fungal Proteomic Technique in Food Technology

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    Fungi merupakan mikroorganisme yang berperan dalam kehidupan manusia, organisme ini dapat menguntungkan maupun merugikan manusia, hewan, tumbuhan, dan lingkungan. Dalam industri pangan kapang dan khamir diaplikasikan untuk produksi pangan dengan fermentasi seperti tempe, kecap, bir, koji, sake, miso dan produk pangan yang lain. Dengan perkembangan ilmu bioteknologi fungi juga dieksploitasi untuk produksi enzim, anti bakteri, dan anti jamur, serta dipergunakan untuk produksi asam-asam organik. Dengan melihat peranan fungi yang besar dalam kehidupan manusia, penelitian tentang fungi berkembang dengan pesat. Salah satu penelitian yang banyak dilakukan adalah proteomik. Proteomik merupakan suatu penelitian identifikasi, separasi, maupun kuantitatif dari protein yang dihubungkan dengan gen yang bertanggung jawab akan pembentukan protein secara spesifik. Cara pemisahan yang paling banyak dilakukan adalah dengan gel elekroforesis SDS PAGE, untuk kemudian dianalisis dengan spektrometri massa MALDI TOF. Hasil yang didapatkan dari spektrometri ini kemudian diidentifikasi dengan darta-data genome yang telah tersedia. Faktor yang harus diperhatikan adalah ekstraksi protein yang tepat, prosedur elektroforesis yang benar, serta identifikasinya. Proteomik merupakan teknologi baru yang masih berkembang, teknik ini penting karena dapat mengetahui gen yang berpengaruh terhadap sekresi metabolit sekunder protein yang dapat berguna maupun membahayakan. Sehingga dengan mengetahui faktor yang berpengaruh, maka untuk produk sekresi yang berguna kita dapat meningkatkan produksinya dengan modifikasi gen maupun kondisi optimumnya


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    The milk consumption level in Indonesia is relatively low due to some people who has lactose and casein intolerance, the unpleasant milk aroma and its high price. Vegetable milk can be used to substitute cow milk using nuts as the main ingredients. Canarium nut and almond nut as the fat sources and red bean and also cowpea as the protein sources can be combined together to produce mixed nut milk. Mixed nut milk will be formulated using linear programming. The formulations were formulated based on the protein and fat content optimization and minimizing production cost. Each mixed nut formulations that were going to be tested in the study will be repeated three times. Different mixed nut milk formulation produced different end product characteristics as well. The characteristics of the various mixed nut milk formulations were compared in order to determine the most desirable mixed nut milk formulation. The test showed that there was significant different totals solid content, protein content, fat content, colour, viscosity and overall acceptance such as colour, viscosity and flavour of mixed nut milk due to different formulation. The highest protein content that can be reached from those three formulations was 2.86%, meanwhile the highest fat content was 6.17%. The research result also showed that the formulation based on the highest fat content had the most similar viscosity compared to cow milk (0.0020 Pas) which is 0.0038 Pas. This formulation also had the highest acceptance level especially in flavours with 3.60 point from 1-5 scale. This mixed nut milk is expected to be able to increase the milk consumption level in Indonesia and can be used as an alternative choice to substitute cow milk


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    Flakes products are consumed in the morning as breakfast because its preparation is very easy and only needs short period of time. The usage of purple sweet potato flour and red rice flour is to increase the economic value, besides the two ingredients have benefits for our body. Both materials have carbohydrates as a source of energy, dietary fibers, and anthocyanin that acts as antioxidants. The aim of this research was to study the effect of different proportions of purple sweet potato flour and red rice flour on chemical properties of flakes. The experimental design was Randomized Block Design with one factor, namely purple sweet potato flour and red rice flour proportions consisted of six levels including 100:0; 80:20; 60:40; 40:60; 20:80; 0:100% b/b with four replications. Chemical characteristics that were analyzed were moisture content, antioxidant activity by DPPH assay, dietary fiber content, and phenolic content. Data were analyzed using Analysis of Variance at α = 5%. If the ANOVA test showed a significant effect, data would be analyzed by Duncan’s Multiple Range Test at α = 5% to determine the level of treatment that gave a significant difference, continued with making a spider web graph to determine the treatment with the highest chemical characteristics. Differences in the proportion of purple sweet potato flour: red rice flour significantly effected the phenolic content, antioxidant activity by DPPH assay, and dietary fiber content. The results of the study on flakes was 4.25-5.71% moisture content, 390.469-886.406 mg GAE/100 g sample phenolic content, 52.26-65.24% antioxidant activity, and 9.47-13.86% dietary fiber content. The best treatment was the proportion of 100:0 purple sweet potato flour: red rice flour


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    One of the cereal varieties which is potentially processed to be a breakfast cereal is black rice. Black rice (Oryza sativa L. indica) is one of the rice varieties commonly grown in Indonesia. The usage of banana (Musa paradisiaca var sapientum) is to improve the taste and aroma of the cereal and also to utilize Indonesia’s local commodity. Ca2+ ions from calcium carbonate (CaCO3) can interact with cereal starch granules and affects the starch gelatinization. The usage level of CaCO3 is 0,00%; 0.10%; 0.20%; 0.30%; 0.40%; 0.50%; and 0.60%. The observed parameters are moisture contents, rehydration rate, water absorption capacity, water activity (aw), texture, colour, and organoleptic properties. Total anthocyanin content, antioxidant activity, and resistant starch content are observed only in the best CaCO3 usage level. The result are analyzed using ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) test with α = 5% to determine whether there is a significant difference or not. If there is a significant difference, the analysis is continued with DMRT (Duncan’s Multiple Range Test) using α = 5%. The study result shows that have moisture contents 2.11-3.36%; rehydration rate at temperature 30oC 0.1121-0.2338 g water/s, temperature 40oC 0,1550-0,3033 g water/s, temperature 50oC 0,1870-0,3626 g water/s, temperature 60oC 0,2463-0,4507 g water/s, temperature 70oC 0,3104-0,5532 g water/s, temperature 80oC 0,3827-0,6533 g water/s, water absorption 82.02-125.18%; capacity water activity (aw) 0.35-0.40; texture for hardness 632.046–916.937g dan for cripsness 0.020–0.041cm-1; and the colour conclusion is red purple. The best CaCO3 usage level from organoleptic tests is 0.60%. The total anthocyanin content is 2.2722mg/100mL; the antioxidant activity is 87.46%; and the resistant starch content is 19.753 %


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    Velva adalah salah satu jenis frozen dessert yang terbuat dari hancuran buah (puree). Penggunaan jeruk manis sebagai bahan baku pembuatan velva sangat berpotensi terkait dengan produktivitasnya yang tinggi di Indonesia. Ciri-ciri velva yang baik adalah tekstur halus, tidak mudah meleleh, kenampakan seragam, warna menarik, dan citarasa yang sesuai dengan buah aslinya. Upaya untuk menghasilkan velva yang baik dapat diatasi dengan penambahan hidrokoloid berupa HPMC (Hidroxyproyl Methyl Cellulose). Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) dengan satu faktor, yaitu konsentrasi HPMC yang terdiri dari tujuh level (0,6%; 1,0%; 1,4%; 1,8%; 2,2%; 2,6%; dan 3,0%), dengan tiap perlakuan diulang sebanyak empat kali. Parameter penelitian terhadap sifat fisik (viskositas, overrun, dan laju pelelehan) dan sifat organoleptik (sandness, kesukaan terhadap pelelehan di dalam mulut, dan flavor) dari velva. Data dianalisis secara statistik dengan ANOVA pada α = 5% dan dilanjutkan dengan uji DMRT (Duncan's Multiple Range Test) pada α = 5%. Berdasarkan hasil uji ANOVA pada α = 5% diketahui bahwa konsentrasi HPMC berpengaruh nyata terhadap sifat fisik (viskositas, overrun, dan laju pelelehan) serta sifat organoleptik (pelelehan di mulut dan sandness). Range viskositas sebelum dan sesudah aging sebesar 0,2925-0,8275 cP dan 0,4150-0,9950 cP, overrun 6,28-16,87%. Nilai kesukaan panelis terhadap pelelehan di dalam mulut 5,96, sandness 5,78 dan flavor 5,20


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    Beras Hitam (Oryza sativa L. indica) merupakan salah satu varietas beras yang tinggi serat dan mengandung senyawa fitokimia yang bersifat antioksidan. Pada penelitian ini, bentuk produk inovasi beras hitam yang akan diteliti adalah snack bar beras hitam. Snack bar beras hitam dibuat dengan mencampurkan rice puff beras hitam dengan bahan pengikat. Bahan pengikat yang digunakan adalah campuran dari high fructose corn syrup, sukrosa, dan gelatin. Perbedaan konsentrasi gelatin yang ditambahkan dapat mempengaruhi sifat fisikokimia dan organoleptik dari snack bar beras hitam. Perlakuan awal dengan perendaman larutan kalsium klorida yang diekstraksi dari cangkang telur juga dilakukan untuk memperbaiki tekstur snack bar. Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) faktor tunggal, yang terdiri dari enam level (taraf) perlakuan dan ulangan sebanyak empat kali. Faktor yang digunakan adalah faktor konsentrasi gelatin. Konsentrasi gelatin yang diteliti adalah sebesar 8%; 10%; 12%; 14%; 16%; dan 18%. Hasil yang diperoleh dianalisa statistik dengan menggunakan uji ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) pada α=5% untuk mengetahui apakah perlakuan yang diberikan pada sampel snack bar beras hitam memberikan perbedaan nyata terhadap setiap parameter yang diujikan. Jika pada hasil pengujian ANOVA menunjukkan adanya perbedaan nyata, maka pengujian dilanjutkan dengan uji pembandingan berganda menggunakan DMRT (Duncan’s Multiple Range Test) dengan α=5%. Kadar air sebesar 3,51-4,57%; Aktivitas air (aw) sebesar 0,353-0,424; Tekstur (hardness) 22,6394-65,5292 N. Perlakuan terbaik berdasarkan uji organoleptik adalah penambahan gelatin sebanyak 12%. Kadar total antosianin adalah 1,26 mg/100 g sampel kering. Kadar total serat pangan adalah 2,18%

    Peran High Fructose Corn Syrup terhadap rasio sukrosa dalam mengatur sifat fisikokimia dan organoleptik snack bar beras merah

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    Snack bar sebagai produk makanan ringan yang dapat dikonsumsi oleh semua kalangan masyarakat mulai dari anak-anak sampai orang dewasa, biasanya terbuat dari berbagai macam jenis tepung atau rice puff dari beras putih. Namun pada penelitian ini digunakan rice puff dari beras merah dan ditujukan untuk menentukan efek dari rasio High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) dan sukrosa terhadap sifat fisiko kimia dan organopleptis dari Snack bar beras merah. Selain itu, juga akan ditentukan rasio HFCS dan sukrosa yang terbaik dari untuk mencapai karakteristik yang diinginkan dari snack bar, yaitu kokoh, kompak, dan mudah digigit. Selain gula dibutuhkan juga hidrokoloid seperti gelatin yang berperan memberikan kesan chewy pada snack bar yang membantu agar tekstur snack bar yang dihasilkan tidak keras, mudah untuk digigit, namun memiliki bentuk yang kompak. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rasio HFCS dan sukrosa memberikan pengaruh nyata terhadap kadar air, aktivitas air, tekstur, dan tingkat kesukaan terhadap rasa, kekerasan, dan kelengketan snack bar beras merah. Perlakuan terbaik dipilih berdasarkan uji organoleptik adalah snack bar beras merah dengan rasio HFCS:sukrosa 12,5:27,5 dengan kadar air sebesar 3,66%, aktivitas air sebesar 0,403, tekstur sebesar 83,8127 N, dan nilai organoleptik masing-masing terhadap rasa sebesar 5,08, kekerasan sebesar 4,75, dan kelengketan sebesar 4,42

    Dampak Implementasi Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) Pada Dosen, Mahasiswa, Dan Tenaga Kependidikan Di Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of MBKM implementation on lecturers, students, and education staff at Widya Mandala Surabaya Catholic University. This research is a descriptive research category and the approach chosen is formative evaluation. Data collection was carried out using a questionnaire. The results of this study are that; 1) lecturers, students, and education staff have known and understood the existence of the MBKM program; 2) before the MBKM program was established, all study programs had similar programs; 3) lecturers, students, and education staff are interested in participating in MBKM programs; 4) lecturers, education staff and students recommend the MBKM program to be followed by all students taking into account the challenges that must be overcome, namely adjusting the MBKM curriculum, improving existing information systems, and formalizing collaboration with partners.Keywords: MBKM; effect; evaluatio

    Diversity of substrate type, ethnomycology, mineral composition, proximate, and phytochemical compounds of the Schizopyllum commune Fr. in the area along Palu-Koro Fault, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia

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    Schizophyllum commune Fr. is a wild macro fungus species, which is often used as a food source by the indigenous Kaili tribe along the Palu-Koro fault, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. This fungus has a wide variety in terms of the weathered wood substrate as a place to grow and is found in almost all types of ecosystems. Although its diversity has been investigated, there is no identification of the weathered wood type as a substrate for growth. Some communities in Indonesia have not also known its potential and benefits. Therefore, this research aims to determine the wood type that grows S. commune fungus, ethnomycology, mineral composition, proximate, and phytochemical compounds. It was carried out using the descriptive explanatory approach and the fungi location as well as wood substrate sampling, was determined through the purposive sampling technique in forest areas, agroforestry, and community gardens along the Palu-Koro fault, Central Sulawesi. The samples of unknown wood types were through the collection of tree parts, namely twigs, leaves, flowers, and fruits, which were brought to Herbarium Celebense, Tadulako University for identification. Analysis of mineral content, proximate, and fungal phytochemical compounds was carried out based on the method according to the existing protocol. The results showed that 92 types of rotted wood found where the fungus S. commune grew, belonged to 36 families. The nutritional content is also good, although it varies based on the type of wood growing media. Therefore, it can be used and processed into various health-beneficial food products. This showed that domestication of the fungus needs to be carried out to support its commercialization as food and medicine in the future