8 research outputs found

    The Importance of Nutritional Status Assessment in the Detection of Individuals at Metabolic Risk

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    La obesidad afecta a una gran parte de la población mundial. metabólico La evaluación nutricional en la población se ha convertido en una herramienta útil para detectar sujetos en riesgo. Método: Estudio transversal y descriptivo con 69 adultos trabajadores de la educación. Se realizaron mediciones antropométricas y sanguíneas de Glucosa, Insulina, HbA1c, Perfil Lipídico, Interleucina 6. Para el análisis estadístico se utilizó el Programa Prism Graph Pad versión 9.5.1 del año 2023. Resultados: El grupo control estuvo formado por 14 sujetos (20.28%) con IMC normal. Un grupo de 22 sujetos (31.88%) con sobrepeso. Un grupo de 33 (47.82%) sujetos con obesidad. Se detectó hipercolesterolemia en el 42.02% de los sujetos, alteraciones en la LDL en el 69.5% y niveles bajos de HDL en el 42.02%, siendo el 45.76% en mujeres y el 20% en hombres. La hipertrigliceridemia estuvo presente en el 37.68% de la población, el 59.42% de los sujetos presentó alteraciones de la circunferencia de la cintura, el 63.76% tuvo el índice cintura-cadera superior a 0,8 para las mujeres y 0,9 para los hombres y el 84% presentó el índice cintura-talla (WCI)) > 0,5. Conclusiones: El IMC y el porcentaje de grasa corporal deben combinarse para detectar individuos en riesgo metabólico.Obesity affects a large part of the world's population. Nutritional evaluation in the population has become a useful tool to detect subjects at metabolic risk. Method: Cross-sectional and descriptive study with 69 adult education workers. Anthropometric and blood measurements of Glucose, Insulin, HbA1c, Lipid Profile, Interleukin 6 were performed. For statistical analysis, the Prism Graph Pad Program version 9.5.1 of 2023 was used. Results: The control group was made up of 14 subjects (20.28 %) with normal BMI. A group of 22 subjects (31.88%) with overweight. A group of 33 (47.82%) subjects with obesity. Hypercholesterolemia was detected in 42.02% of the subjects, alterations in LDL in 69.5% and low HDL levels in 42.02%, with 45.76% in women and 20% in men. Hypertriglyceridemia was present in 37.68% of the population, 59.42% of the subjects presented alterations in waist circumference, 63.76% had a waist-hip index greater than 0.8 for women and 0.9 for men. men and 84% had waist-height index (WCI) > 0.5. Conclusions: BMI and body fat percentage should be combined to detect individuals at metabolic risk

    Composición proximal y perfil de ácidos grasos en larvas de Cotinis columbica Burmeister

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    Objetive. To determine the proximal composition and profile of fatty acids (FA) in Cotinis columbica Burmeister larva collected in the municipalities of Mogotes and Garzón, Bogotá, Colombia. Materials and methods. Six samples of C. columbica Burmeister larvae were collected during three months, from the municipalities of Mogotes and Garzón, Bogotá, Colombia (3 months x 2 = 6). The samples were subjected to proximal chemical analysis and AG analysis by gas chromatography with a flame ionization detector and capillary column. Results. In mogotes, 21.2 and 23.3% of fat and protein were found, respectively, while in Garzón values ​​of 31.1 and 25.9% were found, there was no statistical difference (p≥0.05). Chromatographic analyzes determined 18 AG, from C4:0 to C22:2, c13.16. The t-student test showed significance (p<0.05) only in C10:0; through time (May, June and July) the values ​​were higher in Garzón larvae. The contents of saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated AG groups were between 30.20 and 36.92 (% w/w). Conclusions. The proximal composition and fatty acid profile were similar, except for C10:0, in the fat of Cotinis columbica Burmeister larvae from Mogotes and Garzón, Colombia.Objetivo. Determinar la composición proximal y perfil de ácidos grasos (AG) en larva de Cotinis columbica Burmeister colectada en los municipios de Mogotes y Garzón, Bogotá, Colombia. Materiales y métodos. Se colectaron seis muestras de larva C. columbica Burmeister durante tres meses, proveniente de los municipios de Mogotes y Garzón, Bogotá, Colombia (3 meses x 2 = 6). Las muestras fueron sometidas a análisis químico proximal y análisis de AG por cromatografía de gases con detector de ionización de flama y columna capilar. Resultados. En mogotes se encontraron 21.2 y 23.3% de grasa y proteína respectivamente, mientras que en Garzón se tuvieron valores de 31.1 y 25.9%, no hubo diferencia estadística (p≥0.05). Los análisis cromatográficos determinaron 18 AG, desde el C4:0 hasta el C22:2, c13,16. La prueba t de Student arrojó significancia (p<0.05) sólo en C10:0; a través del tiempo (mayo, junio y julio) los valores fueron más altos en larvas de Garzón. Los contenidos de grupos de ÁG saturados, monoinsaturados y poliinsaturados estuvieron entre 30.20 y 36.92 (% p/p). Conclusiones. La composición proximal y el perfil de ácidos grasos fueron similares, excepto para C10:0, en la grasa de larvas Cotinis columbica Burmeister provenientes de Mogotes y Garzón, Colombia

    Satisfacción laboral del personal médico en el Servicio de Urgencias Adultos en un Hospital General Regional

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    Introduction. The labour satisfaction is the result of a series of relations between the individual effort, the obtained performance, the remunerations and the individual aims. Although any worker is susceptible to the discouragement and to the loss of the enthusiasm for his work, which with more risk has are the professionals who support direct contact with the public especially in the areas socially, educationally and sanitarily. The aim was known the level of labour satisfaction between the doctors assigned to the Urgencies Service of the HGR No. 25. Material and methods. A transverse, observational, market, and comparative study was performed, that included 43 assigned doctors, who were surveyed; by means of a questionnaire constituted by four indicators: sufficiency, recognition, respect and confidence. Results. A qualification is obtained in the low level in the scale of labour satisfaction in 11.62 %, in the average level in 51.16 % and in the high category in 37.20 %. Conclusions. There exists an average level of labour satisfaction in our service, where small availability of resources is the principal factor that influences the level of labour satisfaction.Introducción. La satisfacción laboral es el resultado de una serie de relaciones entre el esfuerzo individual, el rendimiento obtenido, las recompensas y el logro de los objetivos individuales. Aunque cualquier trabajador es susceptible al desánimo y a la pérdida del entusiasmo por su trabajo, los que más riesgo tienen son los profesionales que mantienen contacto directo con el público, especialmente en los ámbitos social, educativo y sanitario. El objetivo de este trabajo fue conocer el nivel de satisfacción laboral entre los médicos adscritos al servicio de Urgencias del HGR No. 25 del IMSS. Material y métodos. Se realizó un estudio observacional, prospectivo, transversal y comparativo, que incluyó a 43 médicos adscritos, que fueron encuestados; mediante un cuestionario constituido por cuatro indicadores: suficiencia, reconocimiento, respeto y confianza. Resultados. Se obtiene una calificación en el nivel bajo en la escala de satisfacción laboral en 11.62%, en el nivel medio en 51.16% y en la categoría alta en 37.20%. Conclusiones. Existe un nivel medio de satisfacción laboral en nuestro servicio, donde la poca disponibilidad de recursos es el principal factor que influye en el nivel de satisfacción laboral

    Influencias socioculturales sobre la imagen corporal en pacientes mujeres con trastornos alimentarios: un modelo explicativo

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    Introduction: theories related to body image suggest that the influence of sociocultural patterns encourages women to internalize certain patterns and develop a high drive towards thinness. Objective: to analyze a model based on the Tripartite Influence Model that explains how social pressures contribute to greater body dissatisfaction that would lead to feelings of low self-esteem, fear of gaining weight, and a greater desire to lose weight in patients with eating disorders. Method: the sample consisted of 195 women with an age range of 12 to 30 years (M = 18.63, SD = 2.87) diagnosed with Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, and Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified. The patients were interviewed for their diagnosis and two psychometric instruments were also applied. Subsequently, through a structural equation modeling analysis, a model was proposed for the patients. Results: the sociocultural factor that contributed the most to explain body dissatisfaction was the influence of the family. The model had a good fit. Discussion: the evidence obtained suggests that sociocultural factors, and in particular the influence exerted by the family, would contribute to the processes of body image formation in patients with eating disorders. The results of this study can be used by health professionals focused on patients with eating disorders in both clinical and research settings.Introducción: las teorías socioculturales de formación de la imagen corporal sugieren que las presiones ejercidas por determinados agentes sociales fomentan la interiorización de ciertos patrones y el impulso hacia la delgadez por parte de la mujer. Objetivo: analizar un modelo basado en el Modelo Tripartito de Influencia Sociocultural que explique cómo las presiones sociales contribuyen a una mayor insatisfacción corporal. Método: la muestra estuvo conformada por 195 mujeres con un rango de edad de 12 a 30 años (M = 18.63, DT = 2.87) con diagnóstico de anorexia nerviosa, bulimia nerviosa y trastorno de alimentación no especificado. Se entrevistó a las pacientes para su diagnóstico y además se aplicaron dos instrumentos psicométricos. Los datos se analizaron empleando técnicas de modelos de ecuaciones estructurales. Resultados: el factor sociocultural que contribuyó en mayor medida a explicar la insatisfacción corporal fue la influencia de la familia. El modelo tuvo un buen ajuste. Discusión: Las evidencias obtenidas sugieren que los factores socioculturales, y en particular la influencia ejercida por la familia, contribuirían a los procesos de formación de la imagen corporal en pacientes con trastornos alimentarios. Los resultados de este estudio pueden ser utilizados por profesionales de la salud enfocados a pacientes con trastornos alimentarios tanto en el ámbito clínico como de investigación, principalmente en la parte de tratamiento de estas pacientes

    Construct Validity of a Questionnaire on Eating and Physical Activity Habits for Adolescents in Mexico City

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    The assessment of eating and physical activity habits is an important step in promoting healthy behaviors among the adolescent population and is key in the prevention and management of chronic non-communicable diseases, such as obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. For this purpose, reliable and valid measuring instruments are essential. In this context, the aim of this article is to present the validation of a self-report questionnaire on eating and physical activity habits among adolescents in Mexico City. In order to validate the questionnaire, a cross-sectional study was conducted with a sample of 2710 adolescents between 11 and 12 years of age, the piloting of the questionnaire was carried out in September 2022 with a focus group, and the programming of the anthropometric measurements was established with the Federal Educational Authority of CDMX, as well as the application of the questionnaire to 33 schools, with these activities being scheduled from 7 November 2022 to 3 February 2023 and having an application duration of 15–25 min for each of the groups to which it was applied; the questionnaire that was applied consists of 31 questions that refer to the frequencies, quantity, or performance of behaviors related to the frequency and type of food, type of physical activity and behaviors related to the act of eating referring to the place where it is carried out (home or away from home) and with whom it is carried out (alone or in company), and about the individual’s lifestyle. Subsequently, the reliability of the instrument was evaluated using Cronbach’s alpha coefficient, and an exploratory factor analysis was conducted to determine the structure of the questionnaire. The results obtained showed that the questionnaire was adequately reliable (α = 0.778) with an eight-factor structure: four questions on mealtime frequencies, four questions on physical activity and lifestyles, six questions on the consumption of high-calorie foods, four questions on company and food consumption, four questions on the consumption of vegetables and fruits, four questions on the place of food consumption, two questions on the consumption of alcoholic beverages, and three questions on the consumption of sugary drinks, plain water, and milk. In conclusion, the self-report questionnaire on eating and physical activity habits among adolescents in Mexico City is reliable, has adequate internal consistency, and can therefore be used as a useful tool for the evaluation of eating and physical activity habits in this population

    Triacylglycerides and Cholesterol in Organic Milk from Chiapas, Mexico

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    The study of milk fat composition is a priority topic at the international level; however, there are few studies on the composition of triacylglycerides (TAG) and sterols in cow’s milk produced in organic production systems. The objective of this study was to determine the profile of TAG, cholesterol, and other sterols in the fat of raw cow’s milk produced under organic conditions in the municipality of Tecpatán, Chiapas. Every month for one year, milk samples were obtained from three production units (PU 1, 2 and 3) and from the collecting tank (CT) of the municipality (12 months × 4 = 48 samples), in accordance with Mexican regulations. Milk fat was extracted by detergent solution and TAG and sterol analyses were performed by gas chromatography with a flame ionization detector and capillary columns. Chromatographic analyses identified and quantified 15 TAG in all milk fats, from C26 to C54, with a bimodal behavior; the maximum value (% w/w) for the first mode was located at C38 (14.48) and, for the second mode, C50 and C52 were considered with values of 11.55 and 11.60, respectively. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by Tukey’s test only yielded significance (p < 0.05) for C26; most TAG values over time showed homogeneous variability. Cholesterol, brassicasterol, and campesterol were also determined; ANOVA did not show statistical significance (p ≥ 0.05) between them in the production units and collecting tank. Cholesterol had the highest percentage of the sterols with a mean value of 96.41%. The TAG and cholesterol profiles found in this study were similar to those reported in other countries

    Ácidos grasos y ácido linoleico conjugado en leche orgánica producida en el sureste de México

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    Objective. To determine the fatty acid (FA) profile, conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) and isomers in cow's milk produced under organic conditions in southeastern Mexico. Materials and methods. Forty-eight milk samples were collected during one year from three production units (PU 1, 2 and 3) and a collecting tank (CT) in the municipality of Tecpatán, Chiapas (12 months x 4 = 48), following the guidelines established in Mexican regulations. Fat was extracted with detergent solution; AG analysis was performed by gas chromatography with flame ionization detector and ALC and isomers were obtained by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with UV-Vis detector. Results. Chromatographic analyses identified and quantified 23 FA in all milks, from C4 to C20:1. Statistical analysis (ANOVA, Tukey) showed significance (p<0.05) at C4-C10, C16, C18, C18:1n9t, C18:2n6 and C20; in all cases the TC was similar in at least two PU. The mean values over time exhibited homogeneous regularity behavior. CLA and 9 of its isomers were also determined; ANOVA did not show significance. The isomer C18:2 9c-11t had the highest percentage of total CLA with a mean value of 90.06%. Conclusions. Gas and liquid chromatographic analyses allowed characterization of FA, CLA and isomers profiles in organic milk produced in southeastern Mexico, which had not been studied so far.Objetivo. Determinar el perfil de ácidos grasos (AG), ácido linoleico conjugado (ALC) e isómeros en leche de vaca producida en condiciones orgánicas en el sureste de México. Materiales y métodos. Durante un año se colectaron 48 muestras de leche, proveniente de tres unidades de producción (UP 1, 2 y 3) y tanque colector (TC) del municipio de Tecpatán, Chiapas (12 meses x 4 = 48), siguiendo las pautas establecidas en normatividad mexicana. La grasa se extrajo con solución detergente; el análisis de AG se realizó por cromatografía de gases con detector de ionización de flama y el ALC e isómeros se obtuvieron mediante cromatografía líquida de alta resolución (CLAR) con detector UV-Vis. Resultados. Los análisis cromatográficos identificaron y cuantificaron 23 AG en todas las leches, desde el C4 hasta el C20:1. El análisis estadístico (ANOVA, Tukey) arrojó significancia (p<0.05) en C4-C10, C16, C18, C18:1n9t, C18:2n6 y C20; en todos los casos el TC fue similar en al menos dos UP. Los valores medios a través del tiempo exhibieron comportamiento con regularidad homogénea. Asimismo, se determinaron el ALC y 9 de sus isómeros; el ANOVA no arrojó significancia. El isómero C18:2 9c-11t tuvo el mayor porcentaje del ALC total con un valor medio de 90.06%. Conclusiones. Los análisis de cromatografía de gases y de líquidos permitieron caracterizar los perfiles de AG, ALC e isómeros en leche orgánica que se produce en el sureste mexicano, que hasta el momento no se habían estudiado