10 research outputs found

    The effect of irrigating solutions on the Ca/P ration in root dentine

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of Na-EDTA and NaOCl in mineral contents in root dentine using SEM and EDS. Material and method: Twenty-two specimens of the middle radicular third obtained from human first molars, extracted for orthodontic reasons, were examined. Specimens were polished and divided into four groups. The first group was treated with saline and used as control. The second group was treated with Na-EDTA for one minute, followed by saline irrigation. The third group was treated with combination of Na-EDTA and NaOCl and the last, fourth group was treated with NaOCl only. Results have shown that Na-EDTA combined with NaOCl as the final flush and NaOCl alone, have significantly influenced changes in the Ca/P ration of the root dentine. The use of NaOCl as the final flush altered the effectiveness of chelating agents in root dentine.

    Analiza ivičnog pripoja kompozitnih smola za gleđ skening-elektronskom mikroskopijom nakon primene standardne i postepene tehnike fotopolimerizacije

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    Introduction Bonding between composite and hard dental tissue is most commonly assessed by measuring bonding strength or absence of marginal gap along the restoration interface. Marginal index (MI) is a significant indicator of the efficiency of the bond between material and dental tissue because it also shows the values of width and length of marginal gap. Objective The aim of this investigation was to estimate quantitative and qualitative features of the bond between composite resin and enamel and to determine the values of MI in enamel after application of two techniques of photopolymerization with two composite systems. Methods Forty Class V cavities on extracted teeth were prepared and restored for scanning electron microscope (SEM) analysis of composite bonding to enamel. Adhesion to enamel was achieved by Adper Single Bond 2 - ASB (3M ESPE), or by Adper Easy One - AEO (3M ESPE). Photopolymerization of Filtek Ultimate - FU (3M ESPE) was performed using constant halogen light (HIP) or soft start program (SOF). Results Quantitative and qualitative analysis, showed better mikromorphological bonding with SOF photopolymerization and ASB/FU composite system. Differences in MI between different photopolymerization techniques (HIP: 0.6707; SOF: 0.2395) were statistically significant (p lt 0.001), as well as differences between the composite systems (ASB/FU: 0.0470; AEO/ FU: 0.8651) (p lt 0.001) by two-way ANOVA test. Conclusion Better marginal adaptation of composite to enamel was obtained with SOF photopolymerization in both composite systems.Uvod Kvalitet veze kompozita za tvrda zubna tkiva se najčeŔće procenjuje jačinom vezivanja ili izostankom marginalne pukotine po obodu restauracija. Marginalni indeks (MI) je važan pokazatelj efikasnosti pripoja materijala za zubna tkiva jer istovremeno pokazuje vrednosti i Å”irine i dužine marginalne pukotine. Cilj rada Cilj rada je bio da se kvantitativno i kvalitativno proceni veza kompozitnih materijala za gleđ i utvrde vrednosti MI u gleđi nakon primene dve tehnike svetlosne polimerizacije i dva kompozitna sistema. Metode rada Na ekstrahovanim zubima je restaurisano 40 kaviteta pete klase za analizu pripoja kompozita za gleđ skening- elektronskom mikroskopijom (SEM). Adhezija za gleđ je obezbeđivana primenom Adper Single Bond 2 - ASB (3M ESPE), odnosno primenom Adper Easy One - AEO (3M ESPE). Svetlosna polimerizacija kompozitnog materijala (Filtek Ultimate - FU; 3M ESPE) vrÅ”ena je standardnim halogenim svetlom (HIP) ili tzv. soft start programom (SOF). Rezultati Kvantitativna i kvalitativna analiza je pokazala bolje mikromorfoloÅ”ko vezivanje kompozita za gleđ kod SOF osvetljavanja i ASB/FU kompozitnog sistema. Na osnovu dvosmernog ANOVA testa, razlike u vrednosti MI između različitih svetlosnopolimerizujućih tehnika (HIP: 0,6707 i SOF: 0,2395) bile su statistički značajne (p lt 0,001), kao i razlike između kompozitnih sistema (ASB/FU: 0,0470 i AEO/FU: 0,8651; p lt 0,001). Zaključak Bolji marginalni pripoj kompozita za gleđ obezbeđen je primenom SOF osvetljavanja kod oba kompozitna sistema

    SEM analiza kvaliteta ivičnog pripoja kompozitnih ispuna za gleđ posle primene totalno nagrizajućeg i samonagrizajućeg adhezivnog sistema

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    Introduction Quality and durability of enamel/composite interface essentially depend on an adhesive restorative system. Objective The aim of this study was to evaluate the quality of marginal adaptation of composite adhesive systems to enamel by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and to analyze the morphology of the enamel surface along margins of composite restorations, following exposure to cariogenic solution. Methods The study material included 56 extracted human third molars. Class V cavities were prepared with margins at enamel. Cavities were restored with Single Bond/Z250 and Single Bond/Filtek flow, using the total etch adhesive system, and Prompt-L-Pop/Z250 and Prompt-L-Pop/Filtek flow, using the self etch adhesive system. After the restorative procedure, the restorations were submitted to demineralization during 7 and 28 days. Samples were stored in a cariogenic solution (lactic acid, pH 4.5; 0.1 M) at 37Ā°C or in deionized water (the control group). The margins of restorations and perimarginal enamel were examined by scanning electron microscope (SEM). The gap formations around restoration were measured on cervical, occlusal and approximate margins. Results The usage of the total etch adhesive system showed statistically significant lower marginal gap width around composite restoration, compared with the self etch system (p lt 0.01). The SEM examination also showed perimarginal enamel zones presenting several signs of demineralization and erosion (alteration of rods, porosities) after acting of a cariogenic solution, in both adhesive methods. Less alteration was found on the enamel surfaces not included in the perimarginal zone. Conclusion Treating the cavity with 35% phosphoric acid in the total etch system significantly improved the adaptation of the composite resins to enamel, compared with the self etch treatment. Stronger demineralization of the perimarginal enamel in a cariogenic solution was observed around all restorations in both adhesive systems.Uvod Kvalitet i trajnost veze gleđi i kompozitnih materijala zavisi, između ostalog, i od koriŔćenog adhezivnog restaurativnog sistema. Cilj rada Cilj istraživanja je bio da se analizom pomoću skening elektronske mikroskopije (SEM) proceni kvalitet ivičnog pripoja kompozitnih adhezivnih sistema i gleđi, odnosno prouče morfoloÅ”ke osobine gleđne povrÅ”ine duž ivica kompozitnih restauracija nakon delovanja kariogenog rastvora. Metode rada Kao materijal u istraživanju koriŔćeno je 56 ekstrahovanih humanih trećih molara. Na svim zubima su preparirani kaviteti pete klase s ivicama u gleđi. Kaviteti su restaurirani kompozitnim adhezivnim sistemima: Single Bond/Z250 i Single Bond/Filtek Flow, koriŔćenjem tehnike totalnog nagrizanja, i Prompt-L-Pop/Z250 i Prompt- L-Pop/Filtek Flow, primenom tehnike sa samonagrizajućim adhezivnim sistemima. Posle postupka restauracije zubi su izlagani demineralizaciji tokom sedam i 28 dana potapanjem u kariogeni rastvor (mlečna kiselina pH 4,5; 0,1 M) na 37Ā°C ili držani u dejonizovanoj vodi (kontrolna grupa). Ivice restauracija i perimarginalna gleđ ispitivane su pomoću SEM. Ivična pukotina oko restauracija merena je u predelu vrata zuba, okluzivno i na aproksimalnim stranama. Rezultati Primena tehnike totalnog nagrizanja je pokazala značajno manju Å”irinu ivične pukotine oko kompozitnih restauracija u odnosu na samonagrizajući sistem (p lt 0,01). SEM ispitivanja su takođe otkrila izrazitu demineralizaciju i eroziju ivične zone gleđi (oÅ”tećenja prizmi, poroziteti) nakon delovanja kariogenog rastvora kod oba adhezivna sistema. Na gleđnim povrÅ”inama van perimarginalne zone uočena su neznatna oÅ”tećenja. Zaključak Tretman kaviteta sa 35-procentnom fosfornom kiselinom kod totalno nagrizajućeg postupka značajno poboljÅ”ava vezu kompozitnih smola za gleđ. Rastvaranje ivične gleđi u kariogenom rastvoru uočeno je oko svih restauracija i kod oba adhezivna sistema

    Dizajn, klasifikacija, perspektiva i moguća aplikacija dronova u poljoprivredu Srbije

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    The paper analyzes the possibility and the needs for the use of specific types of robots (mini unmanned aircraft with different designs and the designation of UAVs) and the possibility of using in agriculture (agrodrone). The year 2015 was proclaimed (Fortune Magazine, 2016) as the year of increasing and widespread use of UAVs in various areas of human activity, especially in agriculture and forestry (75% of use). This is important for large farm areas, where UAV has many useful functions and a very cost-effective commercial application. Today, the needs for UAVs have increased sharply with various opportunities for both civilian and military needs. There is also a significant interest in the development of new drones that can autonomously fly in different environments and locations and can perform various missions and tasks. Over the past decade, a wide range of applications for drones has gained the significance that led to the discovery of various types of unmanned UAVs of different sizes and weights. In this review, the classification of UAVs ranging based on a detailed overview of the development of the drone industry in recent years, this paper demonstrates the evolution of drones and differents application technologies. Of course, this development is very advanced and revolutionary, as well as the development of mobile and smart phones and the Internet, which will open the way for many users to participate in defining the future of UAV implementation. LIVONA Company, Belgrade, Serbia (and Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture in Belgrade, in tehnical cooperation) has a study and plans on the implementation of the model micro drone EBee SQ Livona RTK in the future general plans for inspection of protection Soils of territory Minicipality of Stara Pazova (351 km2), and agricultural company Napredak, and exspecially plans for soils of agriculture of R. Serbia. VEKOM GeoCompany from Belgrade, (in cooperation with Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture in Belgrade), has a study and plans on the implementation of the model of the drone Aibot KX6 model, in the future of application of agricultural soils of region Open pit Kolubara for area from app. 600 km2 and the other soils of Region). Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture in Belgrade, in cooperation with Municipality of Ub, has a study and plans on the implementation of the model micro drone Hubsan H109S X4 PRO in the future plans general inspection of protection Soils and Waters of territory of Municipality Ub (456 km2).U radu su analizirane mogućnosti i potrebe upotrebe specifičnih vrsta robota (mini bespilotnih letelica sa različitim dizajnom, o značane kao UAV) i način koriÅ”tenja u poljoprivredi (agrodron). Časopis Fortune je 2015.godinu proglasio kao godinu sve većeg i Å”iroko rasprostranjene upotrbe UAV letelica, u različitim oblastima ljudske delatnosti, posebno u poljoprivredi i Å”umarstvu (75% upotrebe). Ovo je naročito važno za velike farme i oblasti pod Å”umama, gde UAV ima mnogo korisnih funkcija i veoma isplative komercijalne aplikacije. Danas, potrebe za UAV imaju nagli porast sa različitim mogućnostima kako za civilne tako i za vojne potrebe. Takođe postoji značajan interes za razvoj novih bespilotnih letelica koji mogu autonomno leteti u različitim okruženjima i lokacijama i obaviti različite misije i zadatke. Tokom protekle decenije XXI veka, Å”irok spektar aplikacija za bespilotne letelice je dobio značaj koji je doveo do konstrukcija različitih tipova bespilotnih UAV, različitih veličina i težina i svakako namene. Naravno , tehnoloÅ”ki razvoj kod dron sistema je veoma tehničko -tehnoloÅ”ki napredan i revolucionaran, uz razvoj mobilnih i pametnih (android) telefona i interneta, brzo otvora puteve i mogućnosti za mnoge korisnike u definisanju nove budućnosti implementacije UAV različitim oblastima primene. Kompanija Livona d.o.o., Beograd i Institut za poljoprivrednu tehniku, Poljoprivredni fakultet u Beogradu, u tehničkoj saradnji imaju planove o implementaciji modela mikro drona EBee SK Livona RTK u narednim generalnim planovima za inspekciju, zaÅ”titu i koriŔćenje poljoprivrednih zemljiÅ”ta Republike Srbije, i posebno teritorije OpÅ”tine Stara Pazova (351 km2), gde je posebno mesto poljoprivrednog preduzeća Napredak a.d. VekomGeo d.o.o, Beograd u saradnji sa Institutom za poljoprivrednu tehniku Poljoprivrednog fakulteta u Beogradu ima planove o budućoj upotrebi drona model Aibot X6, za nadzor na povrÅ”inama od 600 km2 (i poljoprivredna zemljiÅ”ta) otvorenog kopa R.B. Kolubara ili drugih objekata. Institut za poljoprivrednu tehniku, Poljoprivredni fakultet u Beogradu, ima planove o saradnji sa opÅ”tino m Ub, zbog upotrebe modela mikro drona Hubsan H109S Ks4 PRO u inspekciji oko zaÅ”tite i načina koriŔćenja zemljiÅ”ta i vo da na ovoj teritoriji (456 km2)

    The resistence of conditioned enamel to the effect of cariogenic solution

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    INTRODUCTION Enamel surface around restoration is very sensitive to the effect of cariogenic solution. It is the consequence of the manner the cavity is prepared before restoration, the existence of marginal cracks around restoration, that is, irregular polishing of filling. OBJECTIVE The aim of this study is to analyze the morphology of the marginal enamel surface around composite fifth class restoration after the application of cariogenic solution. METHOD In this study 28 extracted molars were used. After the V class preparation of the buccal crown surface, teeth samples were divided into two groups. The first group was restored with the composite system Single Bond +Z250, applying the total etching technique. The second group was restorated with Prompt L-pop +Z250 and by applying self-etching primers. After the cavity restoration, teeth samples were kept in demineralising solution (lactic acid, pH 4.5, 0.1 M) at the temperature of 37Ā°C during 7 and 28 days. Control group samples were kept in distilled water during the experiment. The marginal enamel surface analysis was done by a scanning electron microscope. RESULTS The achieved results showed that there was a denivelation and severe demineralization of the perimarginal enamel zone after 7 and 28 days, while on the remaining enamel there were some minor changes. Along the marginal composite/ enamel joint there was the central type of demineralization of enamel prisms and preserved inter prismatic enamel. The existence of pores of different sizes and scattered enamel fractures was established. The marginal joint was mostly without any gaps in the first group samples, while in the second group samples there were narrow or wider edge gaps. CONCLUSION After the application of cariogenic solution, perimarrginal enamel showed conspicuous morphological damage in comparison to the remaining enamel surface

    Low power laser efficacy in the therapy of inflamed gingive in diabetics with parodontopathy

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    Background/Aim. There is clear evidence on direct relationship between periodontal disease and diabetes mellitus. Many investigations point out greater prevalence and severity of periodontal disease among diabetic patients. During last decade, low level laser therapy has been used in periodontal therapy. It has biostimulative effect, accelerates wound healing, minimizes pain and swelling, and there is almost no contraindication for its usage. The aim of the paper was to investigate the efficiency of low level laser therapy as adjuvant tool in reduction of gingival inflammation in diabetic patients. Methods. The study incuded 150 participants divided into three groups: group I (50 participants with diabetes mellitus type 1 and periodontal disease), group II (50 participants with diabetes mellitus type 2 and periodontal disease), group III (nondiabetic participants with periodontal disease). Gingival health evaluation was done using gingival index Lƶe-Silness. Soft and hard deposits were removed, periodontal pockets cleaned and GaAlAs low level laser therapy (5 mW) applied five consecutive days. In each patient, low level laser therapy was not applied on the left side of the jaw in order to compare the effects of the applied therapy. After the first, third and fifth therapy and one month after the last visit gingival index was evaluated. Before the first and after the fifth therapy exfoliative cytology of gingiva was done and nuclei areal was analyzed morphometrically. Results. After all investigated periods, gingival index and nuclei areal were significantly decreased comparing to values before the therapy, at both jaw sides (p < 0.001). After the 1st, 3rd and 5th therapy, the t-test showed a significantly decreased gingival index at the lased side of jaw comparing to non-lased side. Conclusion. Low level laser therapy is efficient in gingival inflammation elimination and can be proposed as an adjuvant tool in basic periodontal therapy of diabetic patients

    Trial excavations of Early Byzantine fortified sites at Vranjska Banja and Korbevac

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    Postojanje velikog broja utvrđenja po brdovitom obodu Vranjske kotline poznato je od ranije, ali ona joÅ” uvek nisu bila predmet posebnih istraživanja. Kako bi ce saznanja bar delom upotpunila, tokom septembra 2003. godine sondirana su dva utvrđenja u Vranjskoj Banji i jedno u selu Korbevac. Mada skromna po obimu, istraživanja su iznedrila dovoljno podataka da se odredi njihovo trajanje. Pored prisustva nalaza koji su potvrđivali da su pojedina utvrđenja koriŔćena već u praistoriji, kao i u zrelom razdoblju srednjeg veka, ustanovljeno je da se u njima najintenzivnije živelo u razdoblje od kraja IV do sredine VI stoleća.Although situated on one of major natural communication routes in the Balkan Peninsula and therefore expected to yield plentiful and diverse archaeological material, the Vranje Basin is an as yet insufficiently explored and studied area. The local archaeological heritage has been the object of scholarly interest for long, but it is only lately that systematic archaeological work has been intensified. Earlier surveys registered a large number of fortified sites on the hilly fringe of the South Morava Basin, but none has been excavated yet. Based on finds recovered from the surface they were provisionally dated to different periods, from prehistory to the Middle Ages, but as a rule there is a dearth of detailed information. With the view to making at least some additions to that limited knowledge, in September 2003 exploratory sondages have been employed on two fortified sites at Vranjska Banja and one in the village of Korbevac. Although small in scale the excavations have obtained enough data for establishing the dates of their building and use with some accuracy. Apart from few finds confirming occupation as early as prehistoric times and in the advanced medieval period, the occupation of the sites is found to have been at its peak from the end of the fourth century and into the sixth. Aiming at a narrower chronological frame for the excavated fortifications, the researchers propose the following dates: Vranjska Banja-CrkviÅ”te - end of the fourth to fifth centuries; Vranjska Banja-Kale - end of the fourth to mid-sixth centuries; and Korbevac-GradiÅ”te - sixth century

    Evaluation of biological debris on endodontic instruments after cleaning and sterilization procedures

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    Aim To examine the presence of biological debris and the level of contamination on reusable endodontic instruments those were subjected to different cleaning methods prior to sterilization. Methodology One hundred and eighty endodontic instruments from eighteen dental practices were analysed. These practices used different decontamination protocols for reusable instruments. The presence of organic debris was detected by the use of Van Gieson's stain. Forty-eight new stainless steel hand instruments were used as controls. The samples were examined by light microscopy. Results Residual biological debriswasobserved in 96% of the samples. The mean value of maximum biological contamination was 34% in the group in which the instruments were brushed manually and immersed in alcohol, 25% in the group in which commercially available disinfectants were used and 5% in the group in which the instruments were cleaned ultrasonically. There was a statistically significant difference in the mean values with respect to the cleaning protocol applied (P lt 0.001). Conclusions The methods used to clean endodontic instruments appear to be generally ineffective for the removal of biological debris. The best method was the one that included mechanical, chemical and ultrasonic cleaning of instruments

    Incidence and treatment outcome of oral lichen planus in Southeast Serbia in a 10-year period (1997-2007)

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    Background/Aim. Lichen planus is a chronic, immunologic, mucocutaneous disease with a wide range of clinical manifestations. The aim of this retrospective study was to evaluate the most common forms of oral lichen planus (OLP) and its symptoms and to describe treatment responses in patients during 10-year period. Methods. The study was conduced on 163 OLP patients who came in the Department of Oral medicine and Periodontology between 1997 and September 2007. Each case was classified into one of four clinical subtypes: reticular, atrophic, erosive-ulcerative, bullous. Results. There was no significant difference in patients age. Women were found to be significantly more likely to have OLP (p < 0.001). Corticosteroids were effective in reducing symptoms, erythema and healing ulcers. Improvement was shown over a long term in 61.35% patients. Over the long term 38.65% patients maintained the same type of OLP or it became a more severe type. Two patients (1.22%) developed oral carcinoma during the follow-up period. Conclusion. The response of patients with erosive OLP to a short course of systemic corticosteroids often was quite remarkable. However, symptoms and signs tended to recur after this treatment. Periodic examinations, patient education, medical treatment, monitoring of side-effects as well as follow-up biopsies are necessary for management of OLP patients

    Bežični senzori u poljoprivredi danas, i buduće perspektive primene

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    This paper presents an overview on recent development of wireless sensor technologies and standards for wireless communications as applied to wireless sensors. Examples of wireless sensors and sensor networks applied in agriculture for environmental monitoring, precision agriculture, M2M-based machine and process control, building and facility automation and RFID-based traceability systems are given. The paper also discusses advantages of wireless sensors and obstacles that prevent their fast adoption in agricultural research. Finally, based on an analysis of market growth, the paper discusses future trend of wireless sensor technology development in agriculture.U radu je dat pregled (danaÅ”njeg) skoraÅ”njeg razvoja bežičnih senzorskih tehnologija i standarda za komunikacije putem bežičnih senzora. Dati su primeri bežičnih senzora i senzorskih mreža primenjenih u kontroli sredine u poljoprivredi, preciznoj poljoprivredi, maÅ”inama zasnovanim na M2M komunikaciji i kontrolama procesa, izgradnji i automatizaciji opreme i RFID zasnovanim sistemima praćenja. Rad takođe razmatra prednosti bežičnih senzora i probleme prepreka koje ometaju njihovo brzu primenu u istraživanjima u poljoprivredi. Na kraju, putem analize razvoja tržiÅ”ta, razmatrani su budući trendovi razvitka tehnologije bežičnih senzora i primena u poljoprivredi