307 research outputs found

    Les échos du silence dans

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    Silence in literature can be a paradoxical issue that might raise debate. The presence of silence in Kanafani's novel can be considered as an attempt to voice the unsaid, and to write about Nakba (catastrophe). Problematic issues of language and writing are the cornerstone of our research. While the catastrophe cannot be said, Kanafani proves that we can see it. The author successfully depicts the catastrophe with an amazing language of his own through the romance of silenceEl silencio en literatura representa un ejemplo paradójico que da lugar a muchos comentarios divergentes. La presencia del silencio en la novela de Kanafani puede ser considerada como una tentativa de decir lo no-dicho y de escribir la Nabka. Esa problemática del lenguaje y de la escritura sienta las bases de nuestra investigación: aunque la catástrofe no puede decirse, Kanafani probará que sí puede mostrarse. El autor logra “mostrar” la catástrofe puesto que crea su propio lenguaje a través, paradójicamente, de una poética del silencioLe silence en littérature représente un sujet paradoxal qui donne lieu à de nombreux commentaires divergents. La présence du silence dans le roman de Kanafani est peut être considérée comme une tentative de dire le non-dit et d'écrire la Nakba. Cette problématique du langage et de l'écriture pose la pierre fondatrice de notre recherche : tandis que la catastrophe ne peut être dite, Kanafani prouvera qu'elle peut se montrer. L'auteur réussit à "montrer" la catastrophe puisqu'il crée son propre langage paradoxalement au travers d’une poétique du silenc

    Design of a Mini Thermal Storage System for Air- Conditioning Service

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    Thermal energy storage is a system that distributes chilled water or other media to multiple buildings for air conditioning or other uses. Thermal Storage System systems are useful for maximizing the thermal energy efficiency for meeting the fluctuating cooling demands by shifting energy use from on peak to off-peak hours by charging the Thermal Storage Tank during the off-peak hours and discharging it later during the peak hour. For this reason, they are now receiving much attention among the world. Due to that, this project aims to get initial understanding about thermal storage system by design a mini thermal storage charging (during nighttime) and discharging (during daytime) for air-conditioning system. This report discusses about the background of this project regarding thermal storage operating strategy, system operation and design of mini thermal storage system. The project is based on the thermal storage system at Universiti Technologi PETRONAS's Gas District Cooling but simpler and smaller. An analysis also was conducted on storage tank to characterize the thermal storage tank

    Evaluation of Some Management Procedures for Controlling Broodiness in Turkey and Muscovy Duck

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate pens switching, closing nest boxes after egg laying and nest boxes switching inside the same pen as management procedures for controlling broodiness in turkey and Muscovy duck breeders and their role in circulating prolactin. Black bronze turkey (n.= 350) and Muscovy duck (n.= 700) were randomly selected and housed on deep litter. The results showed a significant (P ≤ 0.05) increase in egg production in turkey and Muscovy duck breeders in response to pens switching and closing nest boxes after end of egg laying. While, there was no significant (P > 0.05) difference in egg production in response to switching of nest boxes in turkey hens but a significant (P ≤ 0.05) result was found in Muscovy ducks. On the other hand, there were significant (P ≤ 0.05) decreases in circulating prolactin level and broodiness in both turkey and Muscovy duck breeders in response to pen switching, closing nest boxes after egg laying and nest boxes switching. In conclusion, application of these management procedures was associated with increased egg production while decreased expression of broodiness (incubation behaviour) and circulating prolactin in turkey hens and Muscovy ducks

    Les dépenses fiscales au Maroc : Essai d’évaluation

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    Today, most tax systems, in both developed and developing countries have tax expenditures. They can take several forms, including tax credits, tax deductions, income exemptions, reduced tax rates, reductions, discounts, additional shares, tax deferrals or even tax holidays. This work focuses on the evaluation of tax expenditures in Morocco. We applied the statistical method by referring to the reports on tax expenditures published by the Ministry of Economy and Finance. The results from this evaluation test proved that this task is not easy to carry out. The main cause remains the very high number of tax expenditures and the absence of quantified data on their impact. General state budget as well as better rationalization of resource allocation.Aujourd’hui, la plupart des systèmes fiscaux, des pays développés ou des pays en voie de développement, possèdent des dépenses fiscales. Elles peuvent prendre plusieurs formes notamment, le crédit d’impôt, les déductions fiscales, les exonérations du revenu, les taux réduits d’imposition, les dégrèvements, les décotes, les parts supplémentaires, les reports d’impôts ou encore des congés fiscaux. Ce travail s’intéresse à l’évaluation des dépenses fiscales au Maroc. Nous avons appliqué la méthode statistique en se référant aux rapports relatifs aux dépenses fiscales publiés par le ministère de l’économie et des finances. Les résultats issus de cet essai d’évaluation ont prouvé que cette tâche n’est pas facile à mener. La cause principale reste le nombre très élevé des dépenses fiscales et l’absence des données chiffrées sur leur impact. La préoccupation majeure concernant tout dispositif fiscal dérogatoire est l’appréciation du coût budgétaire des dépenses fiscales, afin d’assurer une transparence financière effective du budget général de l’Etat ainsi qu’une meilleure rationalisation en matière d’allocation des ressources

    Science education and development of the aesthetic component

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    الملخص: تهدف التربية العلمية وتدريس العلوم إلى تزويد المتعلم بالخبرات العلمية المعرفية والمهارية والوجدانية ، وتتعدد مداخل تدريس العلوم لتحقيق تلك الأهداف ، وتأتى تنمية الجوانب الوجدانية أحد أهم متطلبات الحياة المعاصرة ، فالمتعلم يحتاج إلى الأشباع الوجداني وبخاصة الإحساس بالجمال، حيث إنه يحوِّل شكل الحياة من المادية إلى الشعور بالمتعة والارتياح. ويعد المدخل الجمالي إحدى معالجات التدريس التي تعتمد على إثارة العواطف والمشاعر والخيال لدى المتعلمين، وتزيد من استمتاعهم بدراسة العلوم. ويهدف المدخل الجمالي إلى زيادة دافعية المتعلمين للتعلم وتنمية إحساسهم بالجمال وتهذيب سلوكهم، كما ينمي لديهم القدرة الإبداعية والقيم الجمالية ، ومساعدتهم على إدراك التناسق والتناغم والانسجام في العلاقات المتضمنة بالظواهر الطبيعية ؛ لذا توصي هذه الورقة بضرورة مراعاة المكون الجمالي للأشكال، والرسوم، والمخططات التي تفسر الظواهر والقوانين في أثناء تصميم مناهج العلوم ، والتأكيد على تضمين معايير وأساليب المدخل الجمالي في تعليم العلوم ببرامج إعداد الطلاب بكلية التربية . الكلمات الدلالية: تعليم العلوم، المكون الجمالي.Abstract: Science education and teaching aim to provide learners with affective, skillful, cognitive and scientific experiences Approaches of teaching science vary to achieve such objectives, developing emotional aspects is one of the most important requirements of the modern life. This is because the learner is in need of emotional gratification especially the sense of aesthetic, as he or she changes the shape of life from materialistic to the feeling of enjoyment and comfort, the aesthetic approach is considered one of the teaching approaches that depends on provoking the emotions, feelings and imagination of learners and increases their enjoyment in learning science. The aesthetic approach aims at increasing the motivation of learners towards learning and developing the sense of beauty and refines their behaviors. It also develops their creative ability and aesthetic values and helps them to perceive the coordination, harmony and compatibility in the relations implied in the natural phenomena. Therefore, this paper recommends the necessity of taking into account the aesthetic components of shapes. Drawings and designs that interest the phenomena and laws when designing science curricula and being sure of including the criteria and procedures of the aesthetic approach in teaching science in the programs of student's preparation in the Faculty of Education.                               Key Words: Science Education, the aesthetic component

    Some observations on the plant communities of Dungul Oasis (Western Desert, Egypt)

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    During a visit to the Dungul Area (Western Desert, SW Egypt), several vegetation records were made. The number of species per plot (25 m2) was extremely low: mainly monospecific stands were found. A combination of two (or even three) species was reached either in the transition belts of herbaceous species or of one tree species with understory plants. Special attention was paid to the rare palm species Medemia argun, endemic to Nubia. A famous old specimen known from literature was encountered in dead state, but several living young specimens were observed

    Design of a Mini Thermal Storage System for Air-Conditioning Service

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    Thermal energy storage is a system that distributes chilled water or other media to multiple buildings for air conditioning or other uses. Thermal Storage System systems are useful for maximizing the thermal energy efficiency for meeting the fluctuating cooling demands by shifting energy use from on peak to off-peak hours by charging the Thermal Storage Tank during the off-peak hours and discharging it later during the peak hour. For this reason, they are now receiving much attention among the world. Due to that, this project aims to get initial understanding about thermal storage system by design a mini thermal storage charging (during nighttime) and discharging (during daytime) for air-conditioning system. This report discusses about the background of this project regarding thermal storage operating strategy, system operation and design of mini thermal storage system. The project is based on the thermal storage system at Universiti Technologi PETRONAS’s Gas District Cooling but simpler and smaller. An analysis also was conducted on storage tank to characterize the thermal storage tank

    Design of a Mini Thermal Storage System for Air- Conditioning Service

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    Thermal energy storage is a system that distributes chilled water or other media to multiple buildings for air conditioning or other uses. Thermal Storage System systems are useful for maximizing the thermal energy efficiency for meeting the fluctuating cooling demands by shifting energy use from on peak to off-peak hours by charging the Thermal Storage Tank during the off-peak hours and discharging it later during the peak hour. For this reason, they are now receiving much attention among the world. Due to that, this project aims to get initial understanding about thermal storage system by design a mini thermal storage charging (during nighttime) and discharging (during daytime) for air-conditioning system. This report discusses about the background of this project regarding thermal storage operating strategy, system operation and design of mini thermal storage system. The project is based on the thermal storage system at Universiti Technologi PETRONAS's Gas District Cooling but simpler and smaller. An analysis also was conducted on storage tank to characterize the thermal storage tank

    Effect of salinity and sodicity stresses on physiological response and productivity in Helianthus annuus

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    Soil salinity and sodicity (alkalinity) are serious land degradation issues worldwide that are predicted to increase in the future. The objective of the present study is to distinguish the effects of NaCl and Na2CO3 salinity in two concentrations on the growth, lipoxygenase (LOX) activity, membrane integrity, total lipids, yield parameters and fatty acids (FAs) composition of seeds of sunflower cultivar Sakha 53. Plant growth, LOX activity and malondialdehyde (MDA) content were reduced by salts stresses. On the contrary, salinity and alkalinity stress induced stimulatory effects on membrane permeability, leakage of UV-metabolites from leaves and total lipids of sunflower shoots and roots. Crop yield (plant height, head diameter, seed index and number of seeds for each head) that is known as a hallmark of plant stress was decreased by increasing concentrations of NaCl and Na2CO3 in the growth media. Fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) composition of salt-stressed sunflower seeds varied with different levels of NaCl and Na2CO3