3,330 research outputs found

    Molecular gas in extreme star-forming environments: the starbursts Arp220 and NGC6240 as case studies

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    We report single-dish multi-transition measurements of the 12^CO, HCN, and HCO^+ molecular line emission as well as HNC J=1-0 and HNCO in the two ultraluminous infra-red galaxies Arp220 and NGC6240. Using this new molecular line inventory, in conjunction with existing data in the literature, we compiled the most extensive molecular line data sets to date for such galaxies. The many rotational transitions, with their different excitation requirements, allow the study of the molecular gas over a wide range of different densities and temperatures with significant redundancy, and thus allow good constraints on the properties of the dense gas in these two systems. The mass (~(1-2) x 10^10 Msun) of dense gas (>10^5-6 cm^-3) found accounts for the bulk of their molecular gas mass, and is consistent with most of their IR luminosities powered by intense star bursts while self-regulated by O,B star cluster radiative pressure onto the star-forming dense molecular gas. The highly excited HCN transitions trace a gas phase ~(10-100)x denser than that of the sub-thermally excited HCO^+ lines (for both galaxies). These two phases are consistent with an underlying density-size power law found for Galactic GMCs (but with a steeper exponent), with HCN lines tracing denser and more compact regions than HCO^+. Whether this is true in IR-luminous, star forming galaxies in general remains to be seen, and underlines the need for observations of molecular transitions with high critical densities for a sample of bright (U)LIRGs in the local Universe -- a task for which the HI-FI instrument on board Herschel is ideally suited to do.Comment: 38 pages (preprint ApJ style), 3 figures, accepted for Ap

    Variation of Molecular Line Ratios and Cloud Properties in the Arp 299 Galaxy Merger

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    High resolution observations of 12CO (2.''3), 13CO (3.''9), and HCN (5.''4) J=1--0 in the galaxy merger Arp 299 (IC 694 and NGC 3690) show the line ratios vary dramatically across the system. The 12CO/13CO ratio is unusually large, 60 +- 15, at the IC 694 nucleus, where 12CO emission is very strong, and much smaller, 10 +- 3, in the southern extended disk of that galaxy. Elsewhere, the 12CO/13CO line ratio is 5-20, typical of spiral galaxies. The line ratio variation in the overlap between the two galaxies is smaller, ranging from 10 +- 3 in the east to 20 +- 4 in the west. The 12CO/HCN line ratio also varies across Arp 299, although to a lesser degree. HCN emission is bright towards each galaxy nucleus and in the extranuclear region of active star formation; it was not detected in the IC 694 disk, or the eastern part of the overlap region, leading to lower limits of 25 and 20 respectively. By contrast, at the nuclei of IC 694 and NGC 3690 the ratios are 9 +- 1 and 14 +- 3 respectively. In the western part of the overlap region it is 11 +- 3.Comment: 16 pages, 4 postscript figures, to appear in ApJ Letter

    Radon exposure and cancers other than lung cancer in Swedish iron miners.

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    Data are presented on the risks of cancers other than lung cancer in a cohort of iron miners from northern Sweden occupationally exposed to elevated levels of the radioactive gas radon. Compared with rates for the four northernmost counties of Sweden, mortality was increased for all cancers other than lung cancer (ratio of observed to expected deaths 1.21, 95% confidence interval 1.03-1.41), stomach cancer (ratio of observed to expected deaths 1.45, 95% confidence interval 1.04-1.98), and rectal cancer (ratio of observed to expected deaths 1.94, 95% confidence interval 1.03-3.31). Despite these overall increases, mortality was not significantly associated with cumulative exposure to radon, either for all cancers other than lung cancer or for any site of cancer other than lung cancer individually. However, the data from this cohort on its own have limited power; and for several sites of cancer the data in this study would be consistent with a radon-related increase. Further study of cancers other than lung cancer in populations exposed to radon is required

    Measuring public perceptions of sex offenders: reimagining the Community Attitudes Toward Sex Offenders (CATSO) scale

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    The Community Attitudes Toward Sex Offenders (CATSO) scale is an 18-item self-report questionnaire designed to measure respondents’ attitudes toward sex offenders. Its original factor structure has been questioned by a number of previous studies, and so this paper sought to reimagine the scale as an outcome measure, as opposed to a scale of attitudes. A face validity analysis produced a provisional three-factor structure underlying the CATSO: ‘punitiveness,’ ‘stereotype endorsement,’ and ‘risk perception.’ A sample of 400 British members of the public completed a modified version of the CATSO, the Attitudes Toward Sex Offenders scale, the General Punitiveness Scale, and the Rational-Experiential Inventory. A three-factor structure of a 22-item modified CATSO was supported using half of the sample, with factors being labeled ‘sentencing and management,’ ‘stereotype endorsement,’ and ‘risk perception.’ Confirmatory factor analysis on data from the other half of the sample endorsed the three-factor structure; however, two items were removed in order to improve ratings of model fit. This new 20-item ‘Perceptions of Sex Offenders scale’ has practical utility beyond the measurement of attitudes, and suggestions for its future use are provided

    Data-Driven Emulation of Mobile Access Networks

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    Network monitoring is fundamental to understand network evolution and behavior. However, monitoring studies have the main limitation of running new experiments when the phenomenon under analysis is over e.g., congestion. To overcome this limitation, network emulation is of vital importance for network testing and research experiments either in wired and mobile networks. When it comes to mobile networks, the variety of technical characteristics, coupled with the opaque network configurations, make realistic network emulation a challenging task. In this paper, we address this issue leveraging a large scale dataset composed of 500M network latency measurements in Mobile BroadBand networks. By using this dataset, we create 51 different network latency profiles based on the Mobile BroadBand operator, the radio access technology and signal strength. These profiles are then processed to make them compatible with the tc-netem emulation tool. Finally, we show that, despite the limitation of current tc-netem emulation tool, Generative Adversarial Networks are a promising solution used to create realistic temporal emulation. We believe that this work could be the first step toward a comprehensive data-driven network emulation. For this, we make our profiles and codes available to foster further studies in these directions

    The Role of High-Dimensional Diffusive Search, Stabilization, and Frustration in Protein Folding

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    Proteins are polymeric molecules with many degrees of conformational freedom whose internal energetic interactions are typically screened to small distances. Therefore, in the high-dimensional conformation space of a protein, the energy landscape is locally relatively flat, in contrast to low-dimensional representations, where, because of the induced entropic contribution to the full free energy, it appears funnel-like. Proteins explore the conformation space by searching these flat subspaces to find a narrow energetic alley that we call a hypergutter and then explore the next, lower-dimensional, subspace. Such a framework provides an effective representation of the energy landscape and folding kinetics that does justice to the essential characteristic of high-dimensionality of the search-space. It also illuminates the important role of nonnative interactions in defining folding pathways. This principle is here illustrated using a coarse-grained model of a family of three-helix bundle proteins whose conformations, once secondary structure has formed, can be defined by six rotational degrees of freedom. Two folding mechanisms are possible, one of which involves an intermediate. The stabilization of intermediate subspaces (or states in low-dimensional projection) in protein folding can either speed up or slow down the folding rate depending on the amount of native and nonnative contacts made in those subspaces. The folding rate increases due to reduced-dimension pathways arising from the mere presence of intermediate states, but decreases if the contacts in the intermediate are very stable and introduce sizeable topological or energetic frustration that needs to be overcome. Remarkably, the hypergutter framework, although depending on just a few physically meaningful parameters, can reproduce all the types of experimentally observed curvature in chevron plots for realizations of this fold

    Synergistic Effects of Processing and Nanofiber Reinforcement on the mechanical and Ferroelectric Performance of Geopolymer Matrix Composites

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    tThis study involved the evaluation of mechanical and ferroelectric properties of a new classof nanofiller infused inorganic polymer (geopolymer, GP). To evaluate the mechanical per-formance, compressive strength and fracture resistance of neat and nanofillers infused GPwere studied at various treatment temperatures. It was found that, addition of 5 vol% alu-mina nanofiber (ANF), increased compressive strength and modulus by over 30% and 60%,respectively, while it increased fracture toughness (KIC) by over 60% compared to the baselinespecimens. Simultaneously, ferroelectric properties were investigated at various treatmenttemperatures (250â—¦C, 650â—¦C and 870â—¦C). Remarkably, higher ferroelectric hysteresis wasobserved with the GP treated at 870â—¦C and remnant polarization increased with the addi-tion of alumina nanofiber. Scanning Electron Microscopy confirmed that neat materials arecomposed of particles embedded into the poly-condensed matrix, where particle natureexisted until the treatment temperature reached above 870â—¦C. X-ray diffraction analysissuggests that, baseline geopolymer started becoming crystalline while the particle naturegradually disappeared with heating at or beyond 870â—¦C. The bonding between the polymerand alumina nanofiber tends to be stronger with increasing treatment temperature. Theincrease in KICwith the addition of 2 vol% and 5 vol% alumina nanofibers (ANF) is due tohomogeneous dispersion of high interfacial strength nanofillers, which essentially createstrong crack bridging and crack deflection effect. The increase in ferroelectric hysteresisis potentially due to the formation of hierarchical order and domain reorientation of thematerials

    The Molecular Interstellar Medium in Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies

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    We present CO observations of a large sample of ultraluminous IR galaxies out to z = 0.3. Most of the galaxies are interacting, but not completed mergers. All but one have high CO(1-0) luminosities, log(Lco [K-km/s-pc^2]) = 9.92 +/- 0.12. The dispersion in Lco is only 30%, less than that in the FIR luminosity. The integrated CO intensity correlates Strongly with the 100 micron flux density, as expected for a black body model in which the mid and far IR radiation are optically thick. We use this model to derive sizes of the FIR and CO emitting regions and the enclosed dynamical masses. Both the IR and CO emission originate in regions a few hundred parsecs in radius. The median value of Lfir/Lco = 160 Lsun/(K-km/s-pc^2), within a factor of two of the black body limit for the observed FIR temperatures. The entire ISM is a scaled up version of a normal galactic disk with densities a factor of 100 higher, making even the intercloud medium a molecular region. Using three different techniques of H2 mass estimation, we conclude that the ratio of gas mass to Lco is about a factor of four lower than for Galactic molecular clouds, but that the gas mass is a large fraction of the dynamical mass. Our analysis of CO emission reduces the H2 mass from previous estimates of 2-5e10 Msun to 0.4-1.5e10 Msun, which is in the range found for molecular gas rich spiral galaxies. A collision involving a molecular gas rich spiral could lead to an ultraluminous galaxy powered by central starbursts triggered by the compression of infalling preexisting GMC's.Comment: 34 pages LaTeX with aasms.sty, 14 Postscript figures, submitted to ApJ Higher quality versions of Figs 2a-f and 7a-c available by anonymous FTP from ftp://sbast1.ess.sunysb.edu/solomon/
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