4,068 research outputs found

    Radiation in medicine: Origins, risks and aspirations.

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    The use of radiation in medicine is now pervasive and routine. From their crude beginnings 100 years ago, diagnostic radiology, nuclear medicine and radiation therapy have all evolved into advanced techniques, and are regarded as essential tools across all branches and specialties of medicine. The inherent properties of ionizing radiation provide many benefits, but can also cause potential harm. Its use within medical practice thus involves an informed judgment regarding the risk/benefit ratio. This judgment requires not only medical knowledge, but also an understanding of radiation itself. This work provides a global perspective on radiation risks, exposure and mitigation strategies

    Acceleration of a Full-scale Industrial CFD Application with OP2

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    New assays for carbamyl phosphate synthetase applicable in the presence of exogenous carbamyl phosphate.

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    New assays for carbamyl phosphate synthetase applicable in the presence of exogenous carbamyl phosphate

    Semi-quantitative analysis of protease activity

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    Semi-quantitative analysis of protease activit

    Small animal disease surveillance: respiratory disease 2017

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    This report focuses on surveillance for respiratory disease in companion animals. It begins with an analysis of data from 392 veterinary practices contributing to the Small Animal Veterinary Surveillance Network (SAVSNET) between January and December 2017. The following section describes canine respiratory coronavirus infections in dogs, presenting results from laboratory-confirmed cases across the country between January 2010 and December 2017. This is followed by an update on the temporal trends of three important syndromes in companion animals, namely gastroenteritis, pruritus and respiratory disease, from 2014 to 2017. A fourth section presents a brief update on Streptococcus equi subspecies zooepidemicus in companion animals. The final section summarises some recent developments pertinent to companion animal health, namely eyeworm (Thelazzia callipaeda) infestations in dogs imported to the UK and canine influenza virus in the USA and Canada

    Weak Projections onto a Braided Hopf Algebra

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    We show that, under some mild conditions, a bialgebra in an abelian and coabelian braided monoidal category has a weak projection onto a formally smooth (as a coalgebra) sub-bialgebra with antipode; see Theorem 1.12. In the second part of the paper we prove that bialgebras with weak projections are cross product bialgebras; see Theorem 2.12. In the particular case when the bialgebra AA is cocommutative and a certain cocycle associated to the weak projection is trivial we prove that AA is a double cross product, or biproduct in Madjid's terminology. The last result is based on a universal property of double cross products which, by Theorem 2.15, works in braided monoidal categories. We also investigate the situation when the right action of the associated matched pair is trivial

    Low-momentum nucleon-nucleon interaction and shell-model calculations

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    We discuss the use of the low-momentum nucleon-nucleon NN interaction V-low-k in the derivation of the shell-model effective interaction and emphasize its practical value as an alternative to the Brueckner G-matrix method. We present some selected results of our current study of exotic nuclei around closed shells, which have been obtained starting from the CD-Bonn potential. We also show some results of calculations performed with different phase-shift equivalent NN potentials, and discuss the effect of changes in the cutoff momentum which defines the V-low-k potential.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, 1 table, Talk presented at CDN05, 31 Jan - 4 Feb 2005, University of Tokyo, Japa

    Male fertility after VAPEC-B chemotherapy for Hodgkin's disease and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.

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    Semen analysis was performed in 14 men a median of 13.5 months after completion of VAPEC-B chemotherapy for Hodgkin's disease or non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Semen from 12 patients contained motile spermatozoa, and in nine cases the count was > 20 million ml-1. One patient was azoospermic (VAPEC-B followed by pelvic radiotherapy) and another had a count of 21 million ml-1 but sperm were non-motile. These findings suggest that, in the majority of cases, VAPEC-B chemotherapy does not cause permanent damage to the male germinal epithelium. A more detailed study of gonadal function in males and females before and after treatment with VAPEC-B for Hodgkin's disease is currently in progress

    What Works to Prevent Sexual Violence Against Children

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    The data is clear: Sexual violence affects girls and boys in every country around the world. For far too long it has been a silent pandemic, with little awareness of the scope, scale, and consequences of the problem or understanding of potential solutions. That silence has allowed violence against children to perpetuate. However, there is hope. Recently, there has been a global awakening to the issue of sexual violence against children. While there has been little conversation around solutions to prevent sexual violence, this document intends to change that. By analyzing the best available research on existing strategies and identifying the most effective and promising solutions, we have created a resource for decision-makers, advocates, and program implementers, showcasing what works to prevent sexual violence in childhood and adolescence. Building off the INSPIRE framework “Seven Strategies to Prevent Violence Against Children,” this evidence review looked at strategies specifically focused on preventing sexual violence. We then categorized these interventions as effective, promising, prudent, conflicting, no effect, or harmful. From school-based, safe-dating programs to community mobilization efforts, these evidence-based solutions showcase that there are practical, cost-effective programs that can help break the cycle of violence. The evidence shows that sexual violence can — and must — be prevented. Now it’s on us to bring these solutions to scale. Together, we can create a safer world for every child
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