20 research outputs found

    Analysis of high waters on the Kriva Reka River, Macedonia

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    The Kriva Reka River is located in northeastern Macedonia. Only a few manmade facilities, such as canals, dams, embankments, and hydropower plants, have been built along the river. This river type is particularly useful for calculating high waters using mathematical and statistical methods. To this end, five theoretical distributions were used in this study: the Gaussian normal distribution, log-normal distribution, Gumbel distribution, Pearson type III distribution, and log-Pearson type III distribution. In order to determine the probability of the occurrence of high waters at the Trnovec gauging station on the Kriva Reka, a period of 39 hydrologic years was processed, each year beginning in October

    A novel way to present flood hazards using 3D-printing with transparent layers of return period isolines

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    This paper examines the 3D printed results of a floodplain analysis usually used for hydrological studies to calculate the probabilities in high water stage features. The analysis was performed using probability distributions, including Pearson type III distribution, Log-Pearson type III distribution, Gaussian (normal) distribution, Gumbel distribution, and Log-normal distribution. The maximum theoretical stages of best fitting distribution for different return periods were mapped to the Vardar and Boshava rivers in the Tikvesh Valley. Data to create the model were extracted from digital elevation models of the Vardar river target area. The extracted 3D surface model was covered with a map showing all the flooded areas in the relevant territory for different return periods as transparent layers. The data were converted into a physical model (relief map) using 3D printing methods for visualisation

    The effect of pentadecapeptide BPC 157 on high-fat diet induced hypertension in rat

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    Hyperlipidaemia, hypercholesterolaemia and hypertriglyceridaemia are known as factors that increas blood pressure and risk of cardiovascular complications. We wanted to examine effects of pentadecapeptide BPC 157 on high-fat diet induced hypertension in rats. 4 Male Winstar Albino rats (240g) 4 months old, were used in this study. 2 rats per each group were fed with fat (white bacon) for 4 weeks. Control group was given water p.o. ad libitum while BPC group was given (10ng/kg) of pentadecapeptide BPC 157 per liter solution p.o. ad libitum. Blood pressure was measured using noninvasive tail cuff method every day for 4 weeks period. Systolic blood pressure increased in both groups but increase in control groups was significantly higher then in BPC 157 threated group (CON day 0. = 158 mmHg, BPC day 0. = 155 mmHg; CON day 25. = 205 mmHg, BPC day 25. = 165 mmHg) .Drop of blood pressure in first few days can be attributed to adapting on the new food that was given to rats. Feeding rats with a high-fat diet is known to produce changes of which one of the consequence is increased blood pressure or hypertension. We proved that pentadecapeptide BPC 157 decreases systolic blood pressure induced by fat diet

    Preparation of GIS landslide inventory for the Polog Region

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    This paper deals with preparation of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) landslide inventoryfor the Polog region. A number of activities were undertaken for this purpose, such as: analysis of own data on landslides, visits of the sites noted in the surveys filled by municipalities, digitizing of landslides from old geological mapsin scale 1:25000, analysis and digitizing of landslides from the archive of the Geological Survey of Macedonia, interviews with employees and retired colleagues from geotechnical companies, analysis of landslides along the channelsof the “Mavrovo” system, visit to the National University in Tetovo and joint site visit, and visits to several geotechnicalcompanies in Macedonia. Since this is the first attempt to create a regional landslide inventory in N. Macedonia, theadopted structure of the inventory is presented in the paper. Moreover, to see what benefits can be gained from theavailability of such inventory some of the most important findings regarding the landslides are presented further. Currently the inventory consists of 136 occurrences, and in time it should be appropriately updated. The main findingsrelated to the distribution and characteristics of the landslides show that future analyses should include preparation oflandslide susceptibility/hazard models both for shallow and deep landslides, as well as for flow-like type of slides. Inthe following stages of investigation, it is planned to analyze a LIDAR (LIght Detection and Ranging) survey that isbeing prepared for the region and incorporate more landslides in the inventory. Also, findings of the InSAR (Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar) analysis will be combined with the inventory, which will lead to conclusions on themovement rates of detected sites. The latter two approaches will be presented in future papers

    Pentadecapeptide BPC 157 Counteracts Hypertension and Compromised Optic Disc Circulation and Following Atrophy in Rats Subjected to High Fructose Diet

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    INTRODUCTION We sought to determine whether stable gastric pentadecapeptide BPC 157 in rats subjected to a high fructose diet counteracts hypertension and compromised optic disc circulation and following atrophy. METHODS: Rats were put on a high fructose (80%) diet during a 1 month period. The treated group received BPC 157 in drinking water (10 ng/kg/rat/day). Their blood pressure was regularly measured, and they were subjected to ocular fundus examination. RESULTS At the end of the 1 month period, in control rats, with a mean blood pressure of 146 mmHg, we observed a pale optic disc with well-defined outer borders. In addition, the excavation noticed suggests compromised optic disc circulation and atrophy. Very thin arteries and thick hyperemic veins appeared, resulting in an arterial/vein diameter ratio of about 1/4. An abnormal red reflex and reduced brightness from the choroid suggests a decreased blood flow and choroidal blood filling. Contrarily, in the treated group of rats, who presented with a mean blood pressure of about 132 mmHg, all these changes were significantly attenuated. The optic disc appeared more vivid and healthier with less compromised circulation, and the arterial/vein diameter ratio was about 3/4. The choroid in rats drinking BPC 157 was brighter and with a more pronounced shade of red. CONCLUSION BPC 157 may be considered for treating hypertension, particularly when vascular obstruction is present

    Pentadecapeptide BPC 157 Counteracts Hypertension and Compromised Optic Disc Circulation and Following Atrophy in Rats Subjected to High Fructose Diet

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    INTRODUCTION We sought to determine whether stable gastric pentadecapeptide BPC 157 in rats subjected to a high fructose diet counteracts hypertension and compromised optic disc circulation and following atrophy. METHODS: Rats were put on a high fructose (80%) diet during a 1 month period. The treated group received BPC 157 in drinking water (10 ng/kg/rat/day). Their blood pressure was regularly measured, and they were subjected to ocular fundus examination. RESULTS At the end of the 1 month period, in control rats, with a mean blood pressure of 146 mmHg, we observed a pale optic disc with well-defined outer borders. In addition, the excavation noticed suggests compromised optic disc circulation and atrophy. Very thin arteries and thick hyperemic veins appeared, resulting in an arterial/vein diameter ratio of about 1/4. An abnormal red reflex and reduced brightness from the choroid suggests a decreased blood flow and choroidal blood filling. Contrarily, in the treated group of rats, who presented with a mean blood pressure of about 132 mmHg, all these changes were significantly attenuated. The optic disc appeared more vivid and healthier with less compromised circulation, and the arterial/vein diameter ratio was about 3/4. The choroid in rats drinking BPC 157 was brighter and with a more pronounced shade of red. CONCLUSION BPC 157 may be considered for treating hypertension, particularly when vascular obstruction is present

    Republika Makedonija – bezvremeni mozaik migracija

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    This paper has the intention to depict the spatial and temporal dimensions of international migration in Macedonia. The observations are based on historical documents, from archive data and published papers all the way to contemporary records and data on immigration and emigration, as well as on interviews with Macedonian citizens who live abroad. Emigration and immigration are reviewed in two periods: first, from the earliest settlements in the area of today’s Republic of Macedonia until its independence in 1991, and second, the period from proclaiming its independence until today. Only the major migration flows that left their mark in the spatial, economic, social and cultural organization of the country are presented in the paper. Migration flows in the period of the Ottoman Empire, which have had great influence on the current demographic composition of the population of Macedonia, are given emphasis. However, an overview is also provided for other immigration flows towards Macedonia throughout history until today. A part of the paper refers to recent history and emigration after 1964, as well as to the emigration of Macedonian citizens in the period after 1991. Although estimates have been made, the question of exactly how many Macedonian citizens live outside their home country remains unanswered. At the same time, the paper touches upon an interesting topic of intensive foreigner immigration flows towards Macedonia in the period after its independence, especially from Albania, Turkey and Kosovo. Contrary to the immigration flows of foreigners, the emigration flows of Macedonian citizens are highlighted. Therefore, the positive net migration in the country is due to the immigration of foreigners with temporary and extended stay. At the same time, Macedonia is a part of the Balkan migrants’ route for the migrants from Asian and African countries.Svrha je ovog rada prikazati prostorne i vremenske dimenzije međunarodnih migracija u Makedoniji. Rad se temelji na povijesnim dokumentima, od arhivskih podataka i objavljenih radova do suvremenih zapisa i podataka o useljavanju i iseljavanju, kao i na intervjuima s makedonskim državljanima koji žive u inozemstvu. Iseljavanje i useljavanje razmatraju se u dvama razdobljima: prvome, od najstarijih naselja na području današnje Makedonije do njezine neovisnosti stečene 1991., i drugome, od proglašenja neovisnosti do danas. U radu su predstavljeni samo najvažniji migracijski tokovi koji su utjecali na prostornu, ekonomsku, društvenu i kulturnu organizaciju države. Istaknuti su migracijski tokovi iz razdoblja Osmanskog Carstva, koji su snažno utjecali na trenutačni demografski sastav stanovništva Makedonije. No pruža se i pregled drugih tokova useljavanja u Makedoniju tijekom povijesti sve do danas. Dio rada odnosi se na noviju povijest i iseljavanje nakon 1964., kao i na iseljavanje državljana Makedonije nakon 1991. Iako su dostupne određene procjene, i dalje nema odgovora na pitanje koji je točan broj državljana Makedonije koji žive izvan domovine. Istodobno se u radu spominje zanimljiva tema intenzivnih tokova imigracije stranaca u Makedoniju u razdoblju nakon stjecanja neovisnosti, osobito onih iz Albanije, Turske i Kosova. Nasuprot useljavanju stranaca ističu se tokovi emigracije državljana Makedonije. Stoga je pozitivni migracijski saldo u državi rezultat useljavanja stranaca s privremenim i produljenim boravkom. Istodobno je Makedonija i dio balkanske migrantske rute za migrante iz azijskih i afričkih zemalja

    The effect of pentadecapeptide BPC 157 on high-fat diet induced hypertension in rat

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    Hyperlipidaemia, hypercholesterolaemia and hypertriglyceridaemia are known as factors that increas blood pressure and risk of cardiovascular complications. We wanted to examine effects of pentadecapeptide BPC 157 on high-fat diet induced hypertension in rats. 4 Male Winstar Albino rats (240g) 4 months old, were used in this study. 2 rats per each group were fed with fat (white bacon) for 4 weeks. Control group was given water p.o. ad libitum while BPC group was given (10ng/kg) of pentadecapeptide BPC 157 per liter solution p.o. ad libitum. Blood pressure was measured using noninvasive tail cuff method every day for 4 weeks period. Systolic blood pressure increased in both groups but increase in control groups was significantly higher then in BPC 157 threated group (CON day 0. = 158 mmHg, BPC day 0. = 155 mmHg; CON day 25. = 205 mmHg, BPC day 25. = 165 mmHg) .Drop of blood pressure in first few days can be attributed to adapting on the new food that was given to rats. Feeding rats with a high-fat diet is known to produce changes of which one of the consequence is increased blood pressure or hypertension. We proved that pentadecapeptide BPC 157 decreases systolic blood pressure induced by fat diet

    Changing climate both increases and decreases European river floods

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    Climate change has led to concerns about increasing river floods resulting from the greater water-holding capacity of a warmer atmosphere. These concerns are reinforced by evidence of increasing economic losses associated with flooding in many parts of the world, including Europe. Any changes in river floods would have lasting implications for the design of flood protection measures and flood risk zoning. However, existing studies have been unable to identify a consistent continental-scale climatic-change signal in flood discharge observations in Europe, because of the limited spatial coverage and number of hydrometric stations. Here we demonstrate clear regional patterns of both increases and decreases in observed river flood discharges in the past five decades in Europe, which are manifestations of a changing climate. Our results—arising from the most complete database of European flooding so far—suggest that: increasing autumn and winter rainfall has resulted in increasing floods in northwestern Europe; decreasing precipitation and increasing evaporation have led to decreasing floods in medium and large catchments in southern Europe; and decreasing snow cover and snowmelt, resulting from warmer temperatures, have led to decreasing floods in eastern Europe. Regional flood discharge trends in Europe range from an increase of about 11 per cent per decade to a decrease of 23 per cent. Notwithstanding the spatial and temporal heterogeneity of the observational record, the flood changes identified here are broadly consistent with climate model projections for the next century, suggesting that climate-driven changes are already happening and supporting calls for the consideration of climate change in flood risk management

    Changing climate shifts timing of European floods

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    A warming climate is expected to have an impact on the magnitude and timing of river floods; however, no consistent large-scale climate change signal in observed flood magnitudes has been identified so far. We analyzed the timing of river floods in Europe over the past five decades, using a pan-European database from 4262 observational hydrometric stations, and found clear patterns of change in flood timing. Warmer temperatures have led to earlier spring snowmelt floods throughout northeastern Europe; delayed winter storms associated with polar warming have led to later winter floods around the North Sea and some sectors of the Mediterranean coast; and earlier soil moisture maxima have led to earlier winter floods in western Europe. Our results highlight the existence of a clear climate signal in flood observations at the continental scale