188 research outputs found

    How does aromaticity rule the thermodynamic stability of hydroporphyrins?

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    Several measures of aromaticity including energetic, magnetic, and electron density criteria are employed to show how aromatic stabilization can explain the stability sequence of hydroporphyrins, ranging from porphin to octahydroporphin, and their preferred hydrogenation paths. The methods employed involve topological resonance energies and their circuit energy effects, bond resonance energies, multicenter delocalization indices, ring current maps, magnetic susceptibilities, and nuclear-independent chemical shifts. To compare the information obtained by the different methods, the results have been put in the same scale by using recently proposed approaches. It is found that all of them provide essentially the same information and lead to similar conclusions. Also, hydrogenation energies along different hydrogenation paths connecting porphin with octahydroporphin have been calculated with density functional theory. It is shown by using the methods mentioned above that the relative stability of different hydroporphyrin isomers and the observed inaccessibility of octahydroporphin both synthetically and in nature can be perfectly rationalized in terms of aromaticity

    Adaptive real-time predictive collaborative content discovery and retrieval in mobile disconnection prone networks

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    Emerging mobile environments motivate the need for the development of new distributed technologies which are able to support dynamic peer to peer content sharing, decrease high operating costs, and handle intermittent disconnections. In this paper, we investigate complex challenges related to the mobile disconnection tolerant discovery of content that may be stored in mobile devices and its delivery to the requesting nodes in mobile resource-constrained heterogeneous environments. We propose a new adaptive real-time predictive multi-layer caching and forwarding approach, CafRepCache, which is collaborative, resource, latency, and content aware. CafRepCache comprises multiple multi-layer complementary real-time distributed predictive heuristics which allow it to respond and adapt to time-varying network topology, dynamically changing resources, and workloads while managing complex dynamic tradeoffs between them in real time. We extensively evaluate our work against three competitive protocols across a range of metrics over three heterogeneous real-world mobility traces in the face of vastly different workloads and content popularity patterns. We show that CafRepCache consistently maintains higher cache availability, efficiency and success ratios while keeping lower delays, packet loss rates, and caching footprint compared to the three competing protocols across three traces when dynamically varying content popularity and dynamic mobility of content publishers and subscribers. We also show that the computational cost and network overheads of CafRepCache are only marginally increased compared with the other competing protocols

    En finir avec le Je contraint et r\ue9ifi\ue9 dans l\u2019objet PEL : pour une didactique de la biographie langagi\ue8re comme processus relationnel

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    R\ue9sum\ue9 : Partant d\u2019une analyse de discours du PEL, nous mettrons en \ue9vidence combien le JE contraint, qui y est mis en sc\ue8ne, d\ue9coule d\u2019une vision du plurilinguisme et du pluriculturalisme pour le moins na\uefve et europ\ue9ocentriste du pluriculturalisme. Ob\ue9issant \ue0 des segmentations et des simplifications des savoirs et des savoir-faire, traduisant une position fonctionnaliste vis \ue0 vis de la langue et de la communication, les discours du PEL impliquent une conception normative, prescriptive et universaliste de la biographie langagi\ue8re et de ses proc\ue9dures d'\ue9valuation. Nous analyserons les tensions manifestes \ue0 l\u2019\ue9gard de l\u2019objet PEL et de son utilisation \ue0 partir des exemples suisse, fran\ue7ais et italien. Un retour aux sources du texte autobiographique litt\ue9raire pourrait remettre les didacticiens des langues sur des pistes plus fructueuses. L\u2019autobiographie langagi\ue8re et culturelle que le PEL est cens\ue9 recueillir devrait ainsi se configurer comme un texte relationnel que l\u2019on ne doit pas trahir en niant la singularit\ue9 du sujet pour choisir sa voix, pour se dire, pour d\ue9finir les limites de sa confiance envers ses lecteurs et d\ue9voiler son rapport \ue0 ses langues et cultures. Quelques exemples de d\ue9marche de construction dialogique de la biographie langagi\ue8re pour une \ue9ducation interculturelle seront propos\ue9s

    Involving medical students in service improvement: evaluation of a student-led, extracurricular, multidisciplinary quality improvement initiative

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    Background: Quality improvement (QI) is considered a duty of every doctor and, as such, it is fundamental that medical schools nurture QI skills of medical students. At a London medical school, a novel initiative was designed to involve medical students in QI. Such novel aspects include its student leadership, multidisciplinary approach and extra-curricular nature. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of the initiative, and thus add to the experiences of existing medical student QI programs, as well as provide guidance to other institutions wishing to involve medical students in QI. / Methods: The key features of the initiative’s design is described. Its effectiveness was evaluated by the collection of retrospective data on the quality of the initiative’s QI projects (QIPs), including the proportion which: 1) reached completion; 2) resulted in a significant improvement in their primary outcome; 3) had sustained results at follow-up; 4) achieved publication; and 5) contributed towards a prize or conference presentation. / Results: There were 109 students involved throughout 10 projects from 14 different undergraduate and postgraduate courses from 2015–2019. 50% of the initiative’s projects achieved a significant improvement in their primary outcome, and the proportion of projects which sustained these improvements at follow-up was 100%. Furthermore, 20% of projects were published, and 60% contributed towards a prize or conference presentation. / Conclusion: The results of this study show that the initiative was effective at involving medical students in QI. As such, other groups establishing medical student QI programs may benefit from replicating positive elements of its design and operation

    Wild interdisciplinarity: ethnography and computer science

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    © 2016 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group. Drawing on the experiences of a novel collaborative project between sociologists and computer scientists, this paper identifies a set of challenges for fieldwork that are generated by this wild interdisciplinarity. Public Access Wi-Fi Service was a project funded by an ‘in-the-wild’ research programme, involving the study of digital technologies within a marginalised community, with the goal of addressing digital exclusion. We argue that similar forms of research, in which social scientists are involved in the deployment of experimental technologies within real world settings, are becoming increasingly prevalent. The fieldwork for the project was highly problematic, with the result that few users of the system were successfully enrolled. We analyse why this was the case, identifying three sets of issues which emerge in the juxtaposition of interdisciplinary collaboration and wild setting. We conclude with a set of recommendations for projects involving technologists and social scientists.This research was supported by a research grant from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EP/K012703/1) and by Horizon Digital Economy Research, RCUK grant (EP/G065802/1)

    Comparative model analysis of two types of clamping elements in dynamic conditions

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    U radu se razmatra popustljivost sustava naprava-izradak. Razmatra se slučaj stezanja izratka s dva tipa elemenata za stezanje. Prvi tip elementa za stezanje je sa standardnim ravnim čelom. Drugi tip elementa za stezanje je specijalne izvedbe s čelom u obliku kružnog klina. Analiziran je slučaj stezanja malim vrijednostima sila stezanja pri čemu se deformacije u zonama kontakta između elemenata za stezanje i izratka pretežno odvijaju u zonama visine neravnina. Također je prikazana komparativna analiza, predhodno spomenuta, dva načina stezanja izradaka u uvjetima dinamičkih opterećenja. Specijalno dizajnirani element za stezanje s čelom oblika kružnog klina u odnosu na standardni element za stezanje s ravnim čelom ima izrazito veću steznu učinkovitost po pitanju tangencijalne nosivosti i popustljivosti.This paper studies the compliance of the fixture-workpiece system. Workpiece clamping case with two types of clamping elements is considered. The first type of clamping element is standard, with flat top, while the second one is specially designed, with round cutting insert. Analyzed was the case of workpiece clamping using small forces, whereby the deformations in the workpiece/clamping element interface are predominantly on the order of magnitude of roughness height. A comparative analysis of dynamic behaviour of both types of clamping elements is also presented. In comparison with its standard counterpart, the specially designed clamping element with round cutting insert has superior clamping performance regarding both tangential load capacity and compliance

    Comparative model analysis of two types of clamping elements in dynamic conditions

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    U radu se razmatra popustljivost sustava naprava-izradak. Razmatra se slučaj stezanja izratka s dva tipa elemenata za stezanje. Prvi tip elementa za stezanje je sa standardnim ravnim čelom. Drugi tip elementa za stezanje je specijalne izvedbe s čelom u obliku kružnog klina. Analiziran je slučaj stezanja malim vrijednostima sila stezanja pri čemu se deformacije u zonama kontakta između elemenata za stezanje i izratka pretežno odvijaju u zonama visine neravnina. Također je prikazana komparativna analiza, predhodno spomenuta, dva načina stezanja izradaka u uvjetima dinamičkih opterećenja. Specijalno dizajnirani element za stezanje s čelom oblika kružnog klina u odnosu na standardni element za stezanje s ravnim čelom ima izrazito veću steznu učinkovitost po pitanju tangencijalne nosivosti i popustljivosti.This paper studies the compliance of the fixture-workpiece system. Workpiece clamping case with two types of clamping elements is considered. The first type of clamping element is standard, with flat top, while the second one is specially designed, with round cutting insert. Analyzed was the case of workpiece clamping using small forces, whereby the deformations in the workpiece/clamping element interface are predominantly on the order of magnitude of roughness height. A comparative analysis of dynamic behaviour of both types of clamping elements is also presented. In comparison with its standard counterpart, the specially designed clamping element with round cutting insert has superior clamping performance regarding both tangential load capacity and compliance

    Evidence Map of Pancreatic Surgery–A living systematic review with meta-analyses by the International Study Group of Pancreatic Surgery (ISGPS)

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    Background: Pancreatic surgery is associated with considerable morbidity and, consequently, offers a large and complex field for research. To prioritize relevant future scientific projects, it is of utmost importance to identify existing evidence and uncover research gaps. Thus, the aim of this project was to create a systematic and living Evidence Map of Pancreatic Surgery. Methods: PubMed, the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, and Web of Science were systematically searched for all randomized controlled trials and systematic reviews on pancreatic surgery. Outcomes from every existing randomized controlled trial were extracted, and trial quality was assessed. Systematic reviews were used to identify an absence of randomized controlled trials. Randomized controlled trials and systematic reviews on identical subjects were grouped according to research topics. A web-based evidence map modeled after a mind map was created to visualize existing evidence. Meta-analyses of specific outcomes of pancreatic surgery were performed for all research topics with more than 3 randomized controlled trials. For partial pancreatoduodenectomy and distal pancreatectomy, pooled benchmarks for outcomes were calculated with a 99% confidence interval. The evidence map undergoes regular updates. Results: Out of 30, 860 articles reviewed, 328 randomized controlled trials on 35, 600 patients and 332 systematic reviews were included and grouped into 76 research topics. Most randomized controlled trials were from Europe (46%) and most systematic reviews were from Asia (51%). A living meta-analysis of 21 out of 76 research topics (28%) was performed and included in the web-based evidence map. Evidence gaps were identified in 11 out of 76 research topics (14%). The benchmark for mortality was 2% (99% confidence interval: 1%–2%) for partial pancreatoduodenectomy and <1% (99% confidence interval: 0%–1%) for distal pancreatectomy. The benchmark for overall complications was 53% (99%confidence interval: 46%–61%) for partial pancreatoduodenectomy and 59% (99% confidence interval: 44%–80%) for distal pancreatectomy. Conclusion: The International Study Group of Pancreatic Surgery Evidence Map of Pancreatic Surgery, which is freely accessible via www.evidencemap.surgery and as a mobile phone app, provides a regularly updated overview of the available literature displayed in an intuitive fashion. Clinical decision making and evidence-based patient information are supported by the primary data provided, as well as by living meta-analyses. Researchers can use the systematic literature search and processed data for their own projects, and funding bodies can base their research priorities on evidence gaps that the map uncovers. © 2021 The Author

    International consensus guidelines for phosphoglucomutase 1 deficiency (PGM1-CDG): Diagnosis, follow-up, and management

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    P. W. is supported by the Clinical Research Fund, University Hospitals Leuven, Leuven, Belgium. This work is partially funded by the grant titled Frontiers in Congenital Disorders of Glycosylation (1U54NS115198-01) from the National Institute of Neurological Diseases and Stroke (NINDS), the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS), and the Rare Disorders Consortium Research Network (RDCRN) (E. M., K. R., C. F., H. F., C. L., and A. E.)Phosphoglucomutase 1 (PGM1) deficiency is a rare genetic disorder that affects glycogen metabolism, glycolysis, and protein glycosylation. Previously known as GSD XIV, it was recently reclassified as a congenital disorder of glycosylation, PGM1-CDG. PGM1-CDG usually manifests as a multisystem disease. Most patients present as infants with cleft palate, liver function abnormalities and hypoglycemia, but some patients present in adulthood with isolated muscle involvement. Some patients develop life-threatening cardiomyopathy. Unlike most other CDG, PGM1-CDG has an effective treatment option, d-galactose, which has been shown to improve many of the patients' symptoms. Therefore, early diagnosis and initiation of treatment for PGM1-CDG patients are crucial decisions. In this article, our group of international experts suggests diagnostic, follow-up, and management guidelines for PGM1-CDG. These guidelines are based on the best available evidence-based data and experts' opinions aiming to provide a practical resource for health care providers to facilitate successful diagnosis and optimal management of PGM1-CDG patients.preprintpublishe