28 research outputs found

    Implementation of marketing concept in team sports

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    Na uzorku od 118 ispitanika - raspoloţivih menadţera različitih nivoa u organizacionoj strukturi sportskih organizacija iz četiri izabrana kolektivna sporta (fudbal, košarka, rukomet i odbojka) u najvišem rangu nacionalnih takmičenja, sprovedeno je ispitivanje relacija izmeĎu liderstva, organizacione kulture, resursa kojima sportske organizacije raspolaţu (ljudskih, materijalnih, finansijskih i informacionih), i podrške inovacijama za primenu marketing koncepta u timskim sportovima. Na osnovu saţimanja prethodno razmotrenih dosadašnjih istraţivanja o relacijama marketing koncepta sa ulaznim resursima koji uzrokuju njegovu transformaciju, formulisan je hipotetski teorijski model sa zadatkom da orijentiše empirijsko istraţivanje. Jezgro modela je hipoteza o uslovljenosti marketing koncepta, opštim statusom marketinga i okolnostima za njegovu primenu u organizaciji (sportska grana, takmičarski tip kluba, sportski objekti, kadrovi, finansije, sponzori, lokalna zajednica), i medijatorskim dejstvom tri opšta faktora: Organizacionom kulturom učenja, Stilom rukovoĎenja i Inovacijama. Varijacijama povezanosti pomenutih dimenzija, dobijeni su modaliteti punog teorijskog modela. Radi boljeg razumevanja funkcionisanja mehanizama delovanja izmeĎu komponenti u okviru polaznih osnova relacija marketing koncepta, u ovom istraţivanju korišćen je pristup koji je podrazumevao path analizu i analizu medijacije. Ovakav izbor je usledio zbog mogućnosti utvrĎivanja kako direktnog, tako i posrednog uticaja meĎu varijablama. Rezultati statističkih analiza pokazuju da se moţe konstatovati da je Marketing koncept u timskim sportovima u Srbiji u odnosu na faktor karakteristika sportskog kluba direktno povezan sa statusom sportske grane, tržišnom pozicijom svakog kluba u svom sportu, sportsko-takmičarskim rezultatom i edukacijom menadžera. Što se tiče Okruženja, kao drugog egzogenog faktora, direktan efekat se ispoljava posredstvom efekta sponzora, dok šire okruţenje (lokalna zajednica) nema značajniji efekat. Od medijatorskih varijabli jedini direktni efekat prisutan je kod Organizacione kulture učenja. Pored direktnih, utvrĎeni su i pojedini indirektni efekti sa punom ili parcijalnom medijacijom. Analiza indirektnih efekata pokazuje da interpretacija Marketing koncepta treba da uzme u obzir i značaj posrednih efekata takmičarskog tipa kluba na inovacije i kulturu učenja, inovacija i kulture učenja meĎusobno, i mesta na stil menadžmenta. Stoga, moţe se konstatovati da je klima inovativnosti ključna tačka oslonca za organizacijske, liderske i kulturne promene u sportskim klubovima kojima oni mogu stupiti u savremeno poslovno i sportsko-takmičarsko okruţenje koje zahteva postavljanje sporta na princip marketing koncepta. Sa promenom inovativnosti u klubu, uspostavlja se medijaciona staza za klubove u sportskim granama već otvorene marketinškim uticajima. Pomenutoj intervenciji u orijentaciji klime inovativnosti u klubu, doprinosi, takoĎe, tip kluba u pogledu njegove takmičarske orijentacije (varijabla tip kluba), pa i korišćenje imovinskog potencijala koji moţe da se stavi u funkciju marketinškog poslovnog nastupa kluba (varijabla imovina kluba). Sve navedeno u diskusiji pokazuje veliku zavisnost savremenih sportskih organizacija od marketinga - istraţivanja trţišta (publike, članstva i simpatizera, sponzora, medija) i nalaţenja efektivnih strategija (marketing miksa)... Organizacije koje ne uspevaju da primene marketing koncept u svoj menadţment, pokazuju manje uspeha - poslovnog, društveno-političkog, ali i sportsko-takmičarskog. Uz ovu konstataciju, jasno se ukazuje da je budućnost sportskih klubova upravo usmerena na koncepte liderstva, marketinga, organizacione kulture i klime za inovacije na čijim se činjenicama temelji ovo istraţivanje. Ovi uticaji mogu doprineti postavljanju čitavog menadţmenta sportskih klubova na temelj marketing koncepta.In a sample of 118 respondents – managers from various levels of the organizational structure of sports organizations engaged in four team sports at the highest level of national competitions (football, basketball, handball and volleyball), a study was conducted on relations between leadership, organizational culture, resources available to sports organizations (human, material, financial and information resources), and support to innovations regarding the implementation of the concept of marketing in team sports. On the basis of summarizing previously reviewed earlier research on relations between the concept of marketing and the inputs that cause its transformation, a hypothetical theoretical model was formulated with a mission to direct empirical research. The core of the model is a hypothesis of dependence of the concept of marketing on general status of marketing and conditions for its implementation within the organization (sports branch, competitive type of the club, sports facilities, personnel, finance, sponsors, local community), and the mediating effect of three principal factors: Organizational culture of learning, Management style and Innovation. Through variations of connections between the aforementioned dimensions, we obtained different modalities of a full theoretical model. For better understanding the mechanisms of mutual relations between the different components within the baseline concept of marketing relations, an approach which included path analysis and analysis of mediation was used in this research. This choice followed because of the possibility of determining both direct and indirect impacts between variables. Results of statistical analysis show that it can be concluded that the concept of marketing in team sports in Serbia in relation to the factor of sports club characteristics, is directly connected with the status of the sport branch, the market position of each club in its sport, sports-competition result and education of managers. Regarding the Environment, as the second exogenous factor, the direct effect is manifested through the effect of sponsor, while broader environment (local community) has no significant effect. Regarding the mediating variables the direct effect is present only in a culture of learning. In addition to direct, there are also some indirect effects with full or partial mediation. Analysis of the indirect effects shows that the interpretation of the Concept of marketing should take into account the importance of indirect effects of competitive type of the club to innovation and culture of learning, mutual effects between the innovation and culture of learning, and the effect of place to management style. Therefore, it can be concluded that the climate for innovations is crucial fulcrum for organizational, leadership and cultural changes in sports clubs which could provide modern business, sports and a competitive environment which requires implementation of the concept of marketing principle in the sport. With the change of innovativity within the club, a mediating path will be set up for clubs in the sport branches already open for marketing influences. The type of the club in terms of its competitive orientation (variable type of the club), and the use of the property potential that could be used for the marketing-business performance of the club (variable assets of the club) also contribute to the mentioned intervention regarding the orientation towards the climate of innovation in the club. All of the mentioned in the above discussion shows the great dependence of modern sports organizations on marketing – market research (audience, membership and supporters, sponsors, media) and finding effective strategies (marketing mix)... Organizations that fail to apply – to include a concept of marketing in their management – show less business, social-political, but also competitive success. This statement clearly indicates that the future of sports clubs is focused on the concepts of leadership, marketing, organizational culture and climate of innovation, which represent a basis for this research. These effects may contribute to placing the entire management of sports clubs on the foundation created by the concept of marketing

    Examining Beliefs And Attitudes Toward Advertising Through Sport Among Serbian Consumers

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    The first purpose of this pilot study was to compare consumers’ attitudes towards advertising through sport with their attitudes towards advertising in general. The second purpose of this pilot study was to analyze the relationships between beliefs about and attitude towards advertising through sport, mostly due to the reason it was expected that enterprises should profit from the use of sport as an advertising medium and the identification of specified beliefs influencing to positive attitudes would enhance advertising strategies. The data was collected from randomly selected 127 students who attended University of Novi Sad during the autumn semester of 2013. The system of variables consist 39 items, modeled by seven-point Likert scale, of attitudes and beliefs about and eight demographic items that were modified from Pyun’s original items to fit each area. The factor analysis were employed to take the best item of each construct, while Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test was used to compare consumers’ attitudes towards advertising through sport with their attitudes towards advertising in general. Then, Optimal Scaling Method was employed to reveal the relationships between beliefs about and attitude towards advertising through sport. Expected, the customers’ attitudes towards advertising through sport were significantly more positive than their attitudes towards advertising in general. On the other hand, unexpected, just one (product information) of maximum seven belief constructs have significantly influenced attitude towards advertising through sport.The purpose of this pilot study was to compare consumers’ attitudes towards advertising through sport compared with their attitudes towards advertising in general. Additionally, this pilot study was to analyse the relationships about beliefs and attitude towards advertising through sport. In the most part, it was expected that enterprises should profit from the use of sport as an advertising medium and the identification of specified beliefs influencing positive attitudes would enhance advertising strategies. The data was collected from randomly selected 127 students who attended University of Novi Sad during the autumn semester of 2013. The system of variables consisted of 39 items, modelled by the seven-point Likert scale, of attitudes and beliefs and eight demographic items that were modified from Pyun’s original items to fit each area. The factor analysis was employed to take the best item of each construct, while Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test was used to compare consumers’ attitudes towards advertising through sport with their attitudes towards advertising in general. Then, Optimal Scaling Method was employed to reveal the relationships between beliefs about and attitude towards advertising through sport. As expected, the customers’ attitudes towards advertising through sport were significantly more positive than their attitudes towards advertising in general. On the other hand, unexpectedly, just one (product information) of maximum seven belief constructs had significantly influenced attitudes towards advertising through sport

    Relationship between BMI and Skinfold Thicknesses to Risk Factors in Premenopausal and Postmenopausal Women

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    Studies conducted on children and adults have pointed to the correlation of BMI (kg/m2) with risk factors for certain diseases. Other studies have stressed a more intense correlation between the risk factors and indicators of subcutaneous fat obtained in other ways. The aim of the study was to compare the intensity of correlation between the risk factors and triceps and subscapular skinfold thickness in relation to BMI. The study included 53 postmenopausal and 107 premenopausal women, the risk factors were assessed upon systolic and diastolic blood pressure, glucose concentration, triglyceride and cholesterol levels. Statistically significant differences were established in almost all variables referring to premenopausal and postmenopausal women, except in body height, subscapular skinfold thickness and triglyceride concentration. Significant correlation with the risk factors was detected in BMI and both skinfold thicknesses, while the subscapular thickness correlates more intensively with the risk factors than it is the case with the triceps thickness. The results indicate that BMI equally correlates with risk factors as well as skinfold thickness

    Analysis of training load and performance in designing smart bodyweight power training: effects of set structure in vertical jumping sessions

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of set structures in designing bodyweight power training (BWPT). Specifically, we compared the effects of the cluster set structure undulating variant (CSSUV) and the traditional set structure (TSS) on training load and performance during vertical jumping sessions. Sixteen active males participated in this study. We designed four training sessions that consisted of 144 countermovement jumps distributed into 12 sets, where the number of repetitions varied for the CSSUV sessions, whereas for TSS sessions the number of repetitions was fixed. In addition, both of the applied set structures included sessions with short (60 seconds) and long rest periods (120 seconds), while training volume was separately analysed for the first six sets (small volume) and the last six sets (large volume). External load, internal load, and performance variables were calculated. The results suggest that CSSUV allows superior utilization of applied external load, reduction of internal load and overall higher performances that are maintained during entire training session compared to TSS (p<.05). The present study provides important findings about advantages of CSSUV over TSS in terms of external load, internal load, and performances during vertical jumping sessions, and therefore, it might be more suitable approach to designing BWPT

    Implementation of marketing concept in team sports

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    Na uzorku od 118 ispitanika - raspoloţivih menadţera različitih nivoa u organizacionoj strukturi sportskih organizacija iz četiri izabrana kolektivna sporta (fudbal, košarka, rukomet i odbojka) u najvišem rangu nacionalnih takmičenja, sprovedeno je ispitivanje relacija izmeĎu liderstva, organizacione kulture, resursa kojima sportske organizacije raspolaţu (ljudskih, materijalnih, finansijskih i informacionih), i podrške inovacijama za primenu marketing koncepta u timskim sportovima. Na osnovu saţimanja prethodno razmotrenih dosadašnjih istraţivanja o relacijama marketing koncepta sa ulaznim resursima koji uzrokuju njegovu transformaciju, formulisan je hipotetski teorijski model sa zadatkom da orijentiše empirijsko istraţivanje. Jezgro modela je hipoteza o uslovljenosti marketing koncepta, opštim statusom marketinga i okolnostima za njegovu primenu u organizaciji (sportska grana, takmičarski tip kluba, sportski objekti, kadrovi, finansije, sponzori, lokalna zajednica), i medijatorskim dejstvom tri opšta faktora: Organizacionom kulturom učenja, Stilom rukovoĎenja i Inovacijama. Varijacijama povezanosti pomenutih dimenzija, dobijeni su modaliteti punog teorijskog modela. Radi boljeg razumevanja funkcionisanja mehanizama delovanja izmeĎu komponenti u okviru polaznih osnova relacija marketing koncepta, u ovom istraţivanju korišćen je pristup koji je podrazumevao path analizu i analizu medijacije. Ovakav izbor je usledio zbog mogućnosti utvrĎivanja kako direktnog, tako i posrednog uticaja meĎu varijablama. Rezultati statističkih analiza pokazuju da se moţe konstatovati da je Marketing koncept u timskim sportovima u Srbiji u odnosu na faktor karakteristika sportskog kluba direktno povezan sa statusom sportske grane, tržišnom pozicijom svakog kluba u svom sportu, sportsko-takmičarskim rezultatom i edukacijom menadžera. Što se tiče Okruženja, kao drugog egzogenog faktora, direktan efekat se ispoljava posredstvom efekta sponzora, dok šire okruţenje (lokalna zajednica) nema značajniji efekat. Od medijatorskih varijabli jedini direktni efekat prisutan je kod Organizacione kulture učenja. Pored direktnih, utvrĎeni su i pojedini indirektni efekti sa punom ili parcijalnom medijacijom. Analiza indirektnih efekata pokazuje da interpretacija Marketing koncepta treba da uzme u obzir i značaj posrednih efekata takmičarskog tipa kluba na inovacije i kulturu učenja, inovacija i kulture učenja meĎusobno, i mesta na stil menadžmenta. Stoga, moţe se konstatovati da je klima inovativnosti ključna tačka oslonca za organizacijske, liderske i kulturne promene u sportskim klubovima kojima oni mogu stupiti u savremeno poslovno i sportsko-takmičarsko okruţenje koje zahteva postavljanje sporta na princip marketing koncepta. Sa promenom inovativnosti u klubu, uspostavlja se medijaciona staza za klubove u sportskim granama već otvorene marketinškim uticajima. Pomenutoj intervenciji u orijentaciji klime inovativnosti u klubu, doprinosi, takoĎe, tip kluba u pogledu njegove takmičarske orijentacije (varijabla tip kluba), pa i korišćenje imovinskog potencijala koji moţe da se stavi u funkciju marketinškog poslovnog nastupa kluba (varijabla imovina kluba). Sve navedeno u diskusiji pokazuje veliku zavisnost savremenih sportskih organizacija od marketinga - istraţivanja trţišta (publike, članstva i simpatizera, sponzora, medija) i nalaţenja efektivnih strategija (marketing miksa)... Organizacije koje ne uspevaju da primene marketing koncept u svoj menadţment, pokazuju manje uspeha - poslovnog, društveno-političkog, ali i sportsko-takmičarskog. Uz ovu konstataciju, jasno se ukazuje da je budućnost sportskih klubova upravo usmerena na koncepte liderstva, marketinga, organizacione kulture i klime za inovacije na čijim se činjenicama temelji ovo istraţivanje. Ovi uticaji mogu doprineti postavljanju čitavog menadţmenta sportskih klubova na temelj marketing koncepta.In a sample of 118 respondents – managers from various levels of the organizational structure of sports organizations engaged in four team sports at the highest level of national competitions (football, basketball, handball and volleyball), a study was conducted on relations between leadership, organizational culture, resources available to sports organizations (human, material, financial and information resources), and support to innovations regarding the implementation of the concept of marketing in team sports. On the basis of summarizing previously reviewed earlier research on relations between the concept of marketing and the inputs that cause its transformation, a hypothetical theoretical model was formulated with a mission to direct empirical research. The core of the model is a hypothesis of dependence of the concept of marketing on general status of marketing and conditions for its implementation within the organization (sports branch, competitive type of the club, sports facilities, personnel, finance, sponsors, local community), and the mediating effect of three principal factors: Organizational culture of learning, Management style and Innovation. Through variations of connections between the aforementioned dimensions, we obtained different modalities of a full theoretical model. For better understanding the mechanisms of mutual relations between the different components within the baseline concept of marketing relations, an approach which included path analysis and analysis of mediation was used in this research. This choice followed because of the possibility of determining both direct and indirect impacts between variables. Results of statistical analysis show that it can be concluded that the concept of marketing in team sports in Serbia in relation to the factor of sports club characteristics, is directly connected with the status of the sport branch, the market position of each club in its sport, sports-competition result and education of managers. Regarding the Environment, as the second exogenous factor, the direct effect is manifested through the effect of sponsor, while broader environment (local community) has no significant effect. Regarding the mediating variables the direct effect is present only in a culture of learning. In addition to direct, there are also some indirect effects with full or partial mediation. Analysis of the indirect effects shows that the interpretation of the Concept of marketing should take into account the importance of indirect effects of competitive type of the club to innovation and culture of learning, mutual effects between the innovation and culture of learning, and the effect of place to management style. Therefore, it can be concluded that the climate for innovations is crucial fulcrum for organizational, leadership and cultural changes in sports clubs which could provide modern business, sports and a competitive environment which requires implementation of the concept of marketing principle in the sport. With the change of innovativity within the club, a mediating path will be set up for clubs in the sport branches already open for marketing influences. The type of the club in terms of its competitive orientation (variable type of the club), and the use of the property potential that could be used for the marketing-business performance of the club (variable assets of the club) also contribute to the mentioned intervention regarding the orientation towards the climate of innovation in the club. All of the mentioned in the above discussion shows the great dependence of modern sports organizations on marketing – market research (audience, membership and supporters, sponsors, media) and finding effective strategies (marketing mix)... Organizations that fail to apply – to include a concept of marketing in their management – show less business, social-political, but also competitive success. This statement clearly indicates that the future of sports clubs is focused on the concepts of leadership, marketing, organizational culture and climate of innovation, which represent a basis for this research. These effects may contribute to placing the entire management of sports clubs on the foundation created by the concept of marketing


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    Leadership as a component of the management executive function has become higly evaluated ability in different organizations, including sports organizations. Achieving competitive success in the sport depends on leadership skill of managers, what leadership set up in the focus of scientific attention. The aim of this study was to analyzes the leadership characteristics of managers in sports clubs in football at different levels of management. The sample consisted of 116 managers in football, and the lowest 74 and 42 from top-level management. The obtained results using Man-Whitney test, showed that top-level executives management of football clubs, often tend to achieve an agreement with a group about that what kind of rewards followers will have, if the job is well done. On the other hand, lower-level of management executives prove that leaders on this level of executive, more help followers to progress, to fully realize their potential


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    The paper outlines the preparation of sponsorship offer in sport. Analitically, each phase in preparation for sponsorship offer has been analised step by step as well as all necessary actions that marketing team undertakes during the realisation and when the sponsorship program is finished

    Metric Characteristics of One Battery of Motoric Measuring Instruments

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    The paper at hand presents the results of research, which is carried out on 161 male students of Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Novi Sad, Serbia. System of 11 composite measuring instruments was applied on them and each of tests had three replications. Analysis of metric characteristics was done on two ways: in real and in Guttman’s image space. Finally, it could be concluded that battery of motor measure instruments is absolutely appropriate for this sample of participants and also that it will be very useful to check all these outcomes with some of advanced statistical techniques in further investigations


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    This paper analyses the basic elements of marketing (so called model 5P): product, price, distribution, promotion and staff as the main parts of marketing mix. It defines what can be an object of sale in terms of sport activity. Then, how the price is formed, what are the ways to sell the product, activity concerning product promotion as well as activity and service of the staff who are customer oriented

    Międzynarodowa współpraca instytucji szkolnictwa wyższego na rzecz innowacji i wymiany dobrych praktyk w zarządzaniu sportem: Projekt edukacyjny MOSMEN

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    In the 1990s, there were significant social and economic changes in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), significantly impacting the sports sector’s development. After the collapse of the Eastern Bloc, CEE countries underwent a political, economic, and social transformation process, which also had significant consequences for the sports industry. One of the critical elements of the transformation was opening of borders, establishing business relations with Western Europe, and, subsequently, integrating most of CEE countries with the European Union. This new situation increased the possibility of the free movement of people, goods, and capital, translating into more sports investments. Although more than 30 years have passed since those political and social changes, we still see a need for highly skilled sports professionals in most postcommunist countries – the centrally controlled management model (still dominant in Poland and many CEE countries) is ineffective. Adopting a sustainable managerial approach is necessary, including harmonizing sports and economic goals and using strategies and tools used to manage other economic sectors. In the context of sport management, the managerial approach should ensure not only the achievement of sports success and the improvement of financial results (e.g., of a sports club), but also the undertaking of actions to promote physical activity and “sport for everyone” to build the health and sports potential of the whole society