22 research outputs found

    Lokalizace fluorescenčních značek a určování velikostí lipidových nanodomén pomocí moderních fluorescenčních metod

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    iii Organizations Umeå University Department of Chemistry, Umeå, SE & Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Science, Prague, CZ Document name Doctoral thesis Date of issue February 2012 Author Radek Šachl Title Localisation of Fluorescent Probes and the Estimation of Lipid Nanodomain Sizes by Modern Fluorescence Techniques Abstract The thesis is divided into two major parts. The first part focuses on the localisation of probes in lipid/polymeric bilayers and in GM1 micelles. Included in this thesis is a new approach based on electronic energy transfer/migration (FRET/DDEM), which efficiently determines transversal positions of fluorescent molecules in lipid bilayers. This approach has been used to locate newly synthesized lipid probes in DOPC bilayers. The label was introduced at the end of sn-2 acyl chains of variable length. Analytical models accounting for FRET exist for a limited number of basic geometries. Here, a combination of FRET and Monte Carlo simulations enables the localisation of probes in bicelles and in bilayers containing pores, i.e. in lipid systems with variable curvature, or in non-homogenous lipid systems. This approach has been used to test whether conical-like fluorescence probes have an increased affinity to highly curved regions, which would enable preferential labelling of...iv Organizace Umeå University Department of Chemistry, Umeå, SE & Univerzita Karlova, Přírodovědecká fakulta, Praha, CZ Typ dokumentu Disertační práce Datum vydání únor 2012 Autor Radek Šachl Název práce Lokalizace fluorescenčních značek a určování velikostí lipidových nanodomén pomocí moderních fluorescenčních metod Abstrakt Disertace je rozdělena do dvou hlavních částí. První část se zabývá lokalizací značek v lipidových/polymerních dvojvrstvách a v GM1 micelách. V práci prezentujeme nový přístup založený na přenosu/migraci elektronické energie (FRET/DDEM), jež umožňuje efektivně určovat vertikální pozici fluorescenčních molekul uvnitř lipidové dvojvrstvy. Tato metoda byla použita k lokalizaci nově syntetizovaných lipidových značek značených na konci sn-2 acylového řetězce s různou délkou v DOPC dvojvrstvách. Analytické modely popisující FRET existují pouze pro limitovaný počet základních geometrií. Kombinace FRETu s Monte Carlo simulacemi nicméně umožňuje lokalizaci značek v bicelách a v dvojvrstvách obsahujících póry, tj. v lipidových systémech s proměnlivým zakřivením a v nehomogenních lipidových útvarech. Tento přístup umožnil např. zjistit, zda kuželovitě tvarované značky mají zvýšenou afinitu k vysoce zakřiveným oblastem dvojvrstvy, což by umožnilo preferenční značení pórů. Lokalizovány byly rovněž...Department of Physical and Macromolecular ChemistryKatedra fyzikální a makromol. chemieFaculty of SciencePřírodovědecká fakult

    Optical Near-Field Electron Microscopy

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    Imaging dynamical processes at interfaces and on the nanoscale is of great importance throughout science and technology. While light-optical imaging techniques often cannot provide the necessary spatial resolution, electron-optical techniques damage the specimen and cause dose-induced artefacts. Here, Optical Near-field Electron Microscopy (ONEM) is proposed, an imaging technique that combines non-invasive probing with light, with a high spatial resolution read-out via electron optics. Close to the specimen, the optical near-fields are converted into a spatially varying electron flux using a planar photocathode. The electron flux is imaged using low energy electron microscopy, enabling label-free nanometric resolution without the need to scan a probe across the sample. The specimen is never exposed to damaging electrons

    The lateral distance between a proton pump and ATP synthase determines the ATP-synthesis rate

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    AbstractWe have investigated the effect of lipid composition on interactions between cytochrome bo3 and ATP-synthase, and the ATP-synthesis activity driven by proton pumping. The two proteins were labeled by fluorescent probes and co-reconstituted in large (d ≅ 100 nm) or giant (d ≅ 10 µm) unilamellar lipid vesicles. Interactions were investigated using fluorescence correlation/cross-correlation spectroscopy and the activity was determined by measuring ATP production, driven by electron-proton transfer, as a function of time. We found that conditions that promoted direct interactions between the two proteins in the membrane (higher fraction DOPC lipids or labeling by hydrophobic molecules) correlated with an increased activity. These data indicate that the ATP-synthesis rate increases with decreasing distance between cytochrome bo3 and the ATP-synthase, and involves proton transfer along the membrane surface. The maximum distance for lateral proton transfer along the surface was found to be ~80 nm.</jats:p

    Förster Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) between Heterogeneously Distributed Probes: Application to Lipid Nanodomains and Pores

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    The formation of membrane heterogeneities, e.g., lipid domains and pores, leads to a redistribution of donor (D) and acceptor (A) molecules according to their affinity to the structures formed and the remaining bilayer. If such changes sufficiently influence the Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) efficiency, these changes can be further analyzed in terms of nanodomain/pore size. This paper is a continuation of previous work on this theme. In particular, it is demonstrated how FRET experiments should be planned and how data should be analyzed in order to achieve the best possible resolution. The limiting resolution of domains and pores are discussed simultaneously, in order to enable direct comparison. It appears that choice of suitable donor/acceptor pairs is the most crucial step in the design of experiments. For instance, it is recommended to use DA pairs, which exhibit an increased affinity to pores (i.e., partition coefficients KD,A &gt; 10) for the determination of pore sizes with radii comparable to the Förster radius R0. On the other hand, donors and acceptors exhibiting a high affinity to different phases are better suited for the determination of domain sizes. The experimental setup where donors and acceptors are excluded from the domains/pores should be avoided

    Nanočástice poly(ε-kaprolakton)u-block-poly(ethylenoxid)u studované pomocí rozptylu světla a fluorescence

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    The Diploma/Rigorous work is based on the following two publications: Šachl, R.; Uchman M.; Matĕjíček, P.; Procházka, K.; Štĕpánek, M.: Preparation and Characterization ofDiplomová/rigorózní práce je založena na následujících dvou publikacích: Šachl, R.; Uchman M.; Matĕjíček, P.; Procházka, K.; Štĕpánek, M.: Preparation and Characterization of Self-assembled Nanoparticles Formed by Poly(ethylene oxide)-block-poly(ε-caprolactone) Copolymers with Long Poly(ε -caprolactone) Blocks in Aqueous Solutions Langmuir 2007, 23, 3395. Vodné roztoky samoseskupujících nanočástic zformovaných dvojblokovým kopolymerem poly(kaprolaktonu)- block-poly(ethylen oxidu) (PCL-PEO) se stejnou molární hmotností PEO bloku (5000 g mol-1 ) a třemi různými molárními hmotnostmi PCL bloku (5000, 13000 a 32000 g mol-1 ) byly připraveny rychlým vmícháním roztoku kopolymeru ve směsi THF s vodou do vody a rychlým odstraněním THF dialýzou proti vodě. Připravené nanočástice byly charakterizovány statickým a dynamickým rozptylem světla a mikroskopií atomových sil. Bylo nalezeno, že stabilní monodisperzní nonačástice vznikly pouze, když byl kopolymer rozpuštěn v 90 vol. % THF. Výsledky ukazují, že nanoč ě blockDepartment of Physical and Macromolecular ChemistryKatedra fyzikální a makromol. chemieFaculty of SciencePřírodovědecká fakult

    Nanočástice poly(ε-kaprolakton)u-block-poly (ethylenoxid)u studované pomocí rozptylu světla a fluorescence

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    Katedra fyzikální a makromol. chemieDepartment of Physical and Macromolecular ChemistryFaculty of SciencePřírodovědecká fakult

    Light Scattering and Fluorescence Studies of Poly(ethylene oxide)-block-poly(ε-caprolactone) Self-assembled Nanoparticles

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    The Diploma/Rigorous work is based on the following two publications: Šachl, R.; Uchman M.; Matĕjíček, P.; Procházka, K.; Štĕpánek, M.: Preparation and Characterization o