1,010 research outputs found

    Results of the Austrian-Ceylonese hydrobiological mission 1970 of the 1st Zoological Institute of the University of Vienna (Austria) and the Department of Zoology of the University of Ceylon, Vidyalankara Campus, Kelaniya (Sri Lanka). [Pt. 15.] Collection of fishes (Osteichthyes)

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    A total of 378 specimens from 25 collecting localities belonging to 31 different species of fish collected mainly from the rivers of the hilly and mountain regions of the south-western and southern Ceylon have been identified and recorded. Ecological data and water analyses of these collecting localities are given

    Retinol: A fluorescent probe for membrane lipids

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    Fear of On-line Victimization Among Undergraduate Students: A Comparative Study of Two Selected Urban Universities

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    The study assessed the prevalence and patterns of fear of on-line victimization among students using a sample of 641 students enrolled in undergraduate studies in two urban public universities in North Western and South Eastern Nigeria, i.e, Bayero University, Kano and University of Nigeria, Nsukka respectively. Specifically, the study sought to answer the questions: How prevalent is the fear of on-line victimization among undergraduate students? What are the patterns of the fear of on-line victimization among undergraduate students? Data from the two universities were compared. The results indicate that there is a high prevalence of fear of online victimization among undergraduates in both universities. Among the five kinds of fears benchmarked, fear of fraudulent mails was the most expressed fear and it was more prevalent in the North West sample than in the South East sample. The study concluded that the fear of online victimization may impact negatively on the cashless Nigeria being proposed by the Central Bank of Nigeria, since online banking is one of its major components. Hence, sensitization on proper ways of utilizing ICT coupled with devising preventing strategies for self-protection while using on-line resources are recommended

    Kebudayaan Lokal Bugis-Makassar (Tinjauan Historis)

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    Pokok permasalahan dalam skripsi adalah keberadaan Bugis-Makassar berhubungan dengan Islam yang diamati pada sosial budaya dan adat istiadat kebudayaan. Pendukung beranggapan bahwa semua yang dilakukan termasuk Siri' dan juga adanya kebudayaan kepercayaan-kepercayaan animisme dan dinamisme yang berlaku dan mereka beranggapan bahwa kebudayaan seperti penyembahan-penyembahan berhala atau budaya akulturasi lainnya akan memberikan kemudharatan dan keselamatan dunia serta akhirat kelak. Demikian pula aktivitas-aktivitas atau upacara-upacara lainnya dan memohon doa kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Kuasa menyerupai kebudayaan-kebudayaan yang berlaku sebelum Islam datang. Untuk melihat lebih jauh masalah ini, maka penulis mengemukakan masalah pokok yakni bagaimana perkembangan, kebudayaan lokas Bugis-Makassar dalam tinjauan historis. Dalam upaya mengungkapkan masalah, maka dipergunakan beberapa metode yaitu, penelitian kepustakaan (library research), serta dalam penelitian hasil menggunakan metode komparatif, deduktif, dan induktif

    Abnormal phosphomonoester signals in 31P MR spectra from patients with hepatic lymphoma. A possible marker of liver infiltration and response to chemotherapy.

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    Hepatic infiltration by lymphoma can be difficult to detect by conventional methods. We have studied 22 patients in vivo 31P magnetic resonance spectroscopy of the liver and compared the results with the clinical staging and assessment of liver involvement by computed tomography (CT), ultrasound (US), and liver function tests (LFTs). We find that the phosphomonoester (PME) to ATP, and the PME to Pi ratios are the best indication of liver involvement as in all the patients with liver involvement apparent on CT or US, these ratios were elevated (greater than 2 s.d. above the control mean). Of the patients with deranged LFTs but normal CT or US, five out of nine showed increased PME/ATP and PME/Pi ratios, and in the patients with normal LFTs and normal CT or US, three out of eight patients had raised PME ratios. Extracts of lymphomatous lymph nodes contain high concentrations of phosphoethanolamine which suggests that this compound is responsible for the increase in the PME peak. Eleven patients were studied again after chemotherapy, and those with initially raised PME/ATP and PME/Pi ratios all showed a decrease in these ratios towards normal. The patients with initially normal ratios showed no changes

    Using modern teaching techniques in vocational subjects

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    Bakalářská práce se zabývá přípravou kurzu pro vzdělávání dospělých v oblasti štíhlé výroby. Je členěna do dvou částí a to teoretické a praktické. Teoretická část se zaměřuje na současné možnosti využití moderní výukové techniky a zároveň mapování současného stavu jejího využití při tréninku. V praktické části je zahrnuta příprava podkladů pro vybraný kurz a zároveň vypracována příprava na vybraný kurz s využitím moderní výukové techniky.The bachelor work will deals with the preparation of a course for adult education in the section of lean production. It is divided into two parts - theoretical and practical. The theoretical part focuses on the current possibilities of using modern teaching technology and mapping the current state of its use in training. The practical part includes the preparation of the materials for the chosen course and at the same time prepared preparation for the selected course using the modern teaching technology

    Synthetic Analogues of the Snail Toxin 6-Bromo-2-mercaptotryptamine Dimer (BrMT) Reveal That Lipid Bilayer Perturbation Does Not Underlie Its Modulation of Voltage-Gated Potassium Channels

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    Drugs do not act solely by canonical ligand–receptor binding interactions. Amphiphilic drugs partition into membranes, thereby perturbing bulk lipid bilayer properties and possibly altering the function of membrane proteins. Distinguishing membrane perturbation from more direct protein–ligand interactions is an ongoing challenge in chemical biology. Herein, we present one strategy for doing so, using dimeric 6-bromo-2-mercaptotryptamine (BrMT) and synthetic analogues. BrMT is a chemically unstable marine snail toxin that has unique effects on voltage-gated K+ channel proteins, making it an attractive medicinal chemistry lead. BrMT is amphiphilic and perturbs lipid bilayers, raising the question of whether its action against K+ channels is merely a manifestation of membrane perturbation. To determine whether medicinal chemistry approaches to improve BrMT might be viable, we synthesized BrMT and 11 analogues and determined their activities in parallel assays measuring K+ channel activity and lipid bilayer properties. Structure–activity relationships were determined for modulation of the Kv1.4 channel, bilayer partitioning, and bilayer perturbation. Neither membrane partitioning nor bilayer perturbation correlates with K+ channel modulation. We conclude that BrMT’s membrane interactions are not critical for its inhibition of Kv1.4 activation. Further, we found that alkyl or ether linkages can replace the chemically labile disulfide bond in the BrMT pharmacophore, and we identified additional regions of the scaffold that are amenable to chemical modification. Our work demonstrates a strategy for determining if drugs act by specific interactions or bilayer-dependent mechanisms, and chemically stable modulators of Kv1 channels are reported