12 research outputs found

    Effects of developmental gymnastics programs exercise on development of motor skills and abilities and morphological characteristics of preschool children

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    Cilj ovog istraživanja bilo je ispitivanje efekata programa razvojne gimnastike na motoričke veštine, motoričke sposobnosti i morfološke karakteristike dece predškolskog uzrasta. Uzorak ispitanika činilo je ukupno 220 dece (140 dečaka i 80 devojčica), uzrasta 4 - 7 godina (AS = 5,19 ± 0,90 decimalnih godina). Eksperimentalnu grupu činilo je 99 dece (76 dečaka i 23 devojčice; AS = 5,42 ± 0,82 decimalnih godina) uključenih u program razvojne gimnastike u sportskoj školici. Kontrolnu grupu činilo je 121 dete (64 dečaka i 57 devojčica; AS = 4,99 ± 0,91 decimalnih godina) iz Predškolske Ustanove „Radosno detinjstvo“ koje nije uključeno u ovaj vid fizičkog vežbanja. Uzorak mera i testova za procenu antropološkog prostora ispitanika podeljen je u tri podprostora i to: motoričke veštine (TGMD-2 baterija), motoričke sposobnosti (baterija motoričkih testova i KTK baterija) i antropometrijske mere (dimenzionalnost skeleta, voluminoznost, masa tela i potkožno masno tkivo). Na osnovu rezultata može se zaključiti da postoji veći napredak eksperimentalne grupe u izvođenju većine testova motoričkih veština i sposobnosti u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu. Eksperimentalni tretman u trajanju od 9 meseci je bio dovoljan da utiče na povećanje nivoa pomenutih veština i sposobnosti eksperimentalne grupe, a takođe je imao i pozitivan uticaj na pojedine morfološke karakteristike, kao što je redukcija telesne masti.The aim of this research was to examine the effects of developmental gymnastics programmed exercise on motor skills, motor abilities and morphological characteristics of pre-school age children. The sample consisted of 220 children (140 boys and 80 girls), 4 - 7 age old (AS = 5.19 ± 0.90 decimal ages). There were 99 children (76 boys and 24 girls; AS = 5.42 ± 0.82 decimal ages) in the experimental group, which was involved in programmed exercise of developmental gymnastics in sports school. Control group consisted of 121 children (64 boys and 57 girls; AS = 4.99 ± 0.91 decimal ages) from the Preschool Institution „Radosno detinjstvo“. The control group was not involved in the programmed exercise treatment. The sample of measurements and tests for assessment of anthropological dimensions of the examinees was divided into three sub-dimensions: motor skills (TGMD-2 battery), motor abilities (motor ability tests and KTK battery) and anthropometric measurements (body dimensionality, body volume, body mass and subcutaneous fat tissue). The results implicate the larger improvement of the experimental group in the majority of the motor skills and motor abilities tests compared to control group. The experimental treatment used during the period of 9 months enabled children of the experimental group to reach higher levels of mentioned skills and abilities, but also had a positive influence on certain morphological characteristics, for example the reduction of body fat

    Effects of developmental gymnastics programs exercise on development of motor skills and abilities and morphological characteristics of preschool children

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    Cilj ovog istraživanja bilo je ispitivanje efekata programa razvojne gimnastike na motoričke veštine, motoričke sposobnosti i morfološke karakteristike dece predškolskog uzrasta. Uzorak ispitanika činilo je ukupno 220 dece (140 dečaka i 80 devojčica), uzrasta 4 - 7 godina (AS = 5,19 ± 0,90 decimalnih godina). Eksperimentalnu grupu činilo je 99 dece (76 dečaka i 23 devojčice; AS = 5,42 ± 0,82 decimalnih godina) uključenih u program razvojne gimnastike u sportskoj školici. Kontrolnu grupu činilo je 121 dete (64 dečaka i 57 devojčica; AS = 4,99 ± 0,91 decimalnih godina) iz Predškolske Ustanove „Radosno detinjstvo“ koje nije uključeno u ovaj vid fizičkog vežbanja. Uzorak mera i testova za procenu antropološkog prostora ispitanika podeljen je u tri podprostora i to: motoričke veštine (TGMD-2 baterija), motoričke sposobnosti (baterija motoričkih testova i KTK baterija) i antropometrijske mere (dimenzionalnost skeleta, voluminoznost, masa tela i potkožno masno tkivo). Na osnovu rezultata može se zaključiti da postoji veći napredak eksperimentalne grupe u izvođenju većine testova motoričkih veština i sposobnosti u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu. Eksperimentalni tretman u trajanju od 9 meseci je bio dovoljan da utiče na povećanje nivoa pomenutih veština i sposobnosti eksperimentalne grupe, a takođe je imao i pozitivan uticaj na pojedine morfološke karakteristike, kao što je redukcija telesne masti.The aim of this research was to examine the effects of developmental gymnastics programmed exercise on motor skills, motor abilities and morphological characteristics of pre-school age children. The sample consisted of 220 children (140 boys and 80 girls), 4 - 7 age old (AS = 5.19 ± 0.90 decimal ages). There were 99 children (76 boys and 24 girls; AS = 5.42 ± 0.82 decimal ages) in the experimental group, which was involved in programmed exercise of developmental gymnastics in sports school. Control group consisted of 121 children (64 boys and 57 girls; AS = 4.99 ± 0.91 decimal ages) from the Preschool Institution „Radosno detinjstvo“. The control group was not involved in the programmed exercise treatment. The sample of measurements and tests for assessment of anthropological dimensions of the examinees was divided into three sub-dimensions: motor skills (TGMD-2 battery), motor abilities (motor ability tests and KTK battery) and anthropometric measurements (body dimensionality, body volume, body mass and subcutaneous fat tissue). The results implicate the larger improvement of the experimental group in the majority of the motor skills and motor abilities tests compared to control group. The experimental treatment used during the period of 9 months enabled children of the experimental group to reach higher levels of mentioned skills and abilities, but also had a positive influence on certain morphological characteristics, for example the reduction of body fat


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    Sample consisted of 237 students (130 boys and 103 girls), of fifth and sixth grades of primary school "Petefi Šandor" in Novi Sad, aged 11 and 12, which in a period of nine weeks were subjected to the experimental treatment in the form of gymnastic training exercises in the regular physical education classes. Results of multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) showed that the two groups of respondents differ significantly in the overall system of anthropometric and motor abilities variables. Results of analysis of variance (ANOVA) showed that girls had better results in the tests of flexibility, while the boys had better results in all other motor abilities tests. Kolmogorov-Smirnov test showed that the distribution of the data deviates from the normal distribution. Mann-Whitney U test confirmed that there was a statistically significant difference in the results of gymnastic exercises between boys and girls. On the basis of these results the authors concluded that trained gymnastic exercises for the students represent complex motor tasks and as such require physical preparation which is mostly related to the increase in the level of general and explosive strength (especially in girls), and increased level of flexibility (especially in boys)


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    The aim of this research was to determine the effects of small-sided games (SSGs) and high-intensity interval training (HIIT) on body composition in adolescent soccer players. A total of 60 young male soccer players (Age: 15.6±0.6 years) were recruited. We registered the following body composition variables: body fat, percentage of fat mass (BF%), muscle mass, body mass, total body water (TBW), and BMI. Players were randomly assigned to the SSG or HIIT group during the last eight weeks of the season. The HIIT group showed significantly improved body fat and body fat % (p≤0.05), whereas no change was observed for body mass, BMI, body water and muscle mass in both groups. In conclusion, HIIT training improved or maintained body composition status in adolescent soccer players. On the contrary, SSG training seems to increase body fat and consequently affect players’ performance at the end of the season.Cilj ove studije bio je utvrditi efekte igara na malom prostoru (SSG) i visoko intenzivnog intervalnog treninga (HIIT) na telesnu kompoziciju kod mladih fudbalera. Ukupan broj učesnika u ovoj studiji bio je 60 (Uzrast: 15.6±0.6 godina). Za procenu telesne kompozicije korišćene su sledeće varijable: telesne masti, procenat telesnih masti (BF%), mišićna masa, telesna masa, ukupna količina vode (TBW) i BMI. Igrači su bili nasumično raspoređeni u SSG ili HIIT grupu tokom poslednjih osam nedelja u sezoni. HIIT grupa pokazala je značajno poboljšanje telesnih masti i procenta telesnih masti (p≤0.05),dok promene nisu uočene u telesnoj masi, BMI, telesnoj vodi i mišićnoj masi u obe grupe. Zaključili smo da je HIIT trening poboljšao ili zadržao postojeći status telesne kompozicije mladih fudbalera. S druge strane, SSG trening je povećao telesne masti i time uticao na performanse igrača na kraju sezone


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    The aim of this study was to investigate the differences in body composition, involvement in structured PA and nutritional quality habits of normal weight and overweight preschool children from Serbia. Overall, 207 children (5 ± 0.87 year) participated in the study, of which 16 were excluded from the study because of incomplete data. Based on the BMI calculation, the children were divided into two groups: N1=168 normal weight (5.19 ± 0.87 year) and N2=23 overweight children (4.93 ± 0.86 year). There was no statistically significant difference between the observed groups regarding structured PA. Furthermore, no differences in nutritional status were found, underlying the importance of parents promoting good nutritional habits to their children. The preschool age provides a good opportunity for children to develop healthy eating habits in order to maintain healthy growth and development. Nutritional status monitoring in children, along with adequate physical activity, represent  good preventive measures against obesity in a population. Developing and maintaining good overall lifestyle habits at this age could prevent development of some modern diseases at later stages in life.Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je da se ispitaju razlike u telesnoj kompoziciji, uključenosti dece u strukturiranu fizičku aktivnost (FA), kao i kvalitet ishrane dece predškolskog uzrasta sa normalnom i prekomernom telesnom težinom sa područja Srbije. U istraživanju je učestvovalo ukupno 207 dece (5 ± 0,87 godina), od kojih je 16 isključeno iz studije zbog nepotpunih podataka. Na osnovu izračunatog ITM (indeksa telesne mase), deca su podeljena u dve grupe: N1=168 normalne težine (5,19 ± 0,87 godina) i N2=23 dece sa prekomernom telesnom težinom (4,93 ± 0,86 godina). Nisu pronađene statistički značajne razlike između posmatranih grupa u pogledu strukturirane FA, ni razlike u statusu uhranjenosti posmatrane dece, što ukazuje na važnost roditelja i promocije dobrih prehrambenih navika svojoj deci. Predškolski uzrast pruža dobru priliku deci da steknu zdrave navike u ishrani kako bi održali zdrav rast i razvoj. Praćenje nutritivnog statusa kod dece, uz adekvatnu fizičku aktivnost, predstavljaju dobre preventivne mere protiv gojaznosti u populaciji. Razvijanje i održavanje dobrih opštih životnih navika u ovom uzrastu može sprečiti razvoj nekih savremenih bolesti u kasnijim fazama života


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    Medicine balls provide an effective means of improving muscular power, endurance and functional fitness. The aim of this research was to determine the effects of medicine ball training on physical fitness in primary school children. A total of 60 (26 girls) primary school children aged 10-12 voluntarily participated in this study. The physical fitness of the children was estimated by the following tests: standing broad jump, vertical jump, bent-arm hang, sit-ups, push ups, medicine ball tests. The experimental group had twice per week medicine ball training on nonconsecutive days for 12 weeks under monitored conditions in school. Compared with the initial testing, there was a significant (p<0.05) improvement in both jump tests. In the medicine ball tests the ANOVA revealed a statistically significant difference between groups pre- to post-training (p<0.05) in Backward Overhead Medicine Ball Throw. There were significant differences (p<0.05) between the initial and final testing for the flexed arm hang, push ups and sit ups in both groups. Findings from the present study indicate that medicine ball training instructed by qualified professionals can result in significant improvements in selected physical fitness components in children, and is a costeffective and time efficient method for promoting physical activity in school-based programs.Medicinka može da bude efikasno sredstvo za poboljšanje mišićne snage, izdržljivosti i funkcionalnog fitnesa. Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio da se utvrde efekti treninga sa medicinkom na fizički fitness kod dece. Ukupno 60 (26 djevojčica) učenika osnovnih škola uzrasta od 10-12 godina dobrovoljno je učestvovalo u ovoj studiji. Fizički fitnes dece je procenjen sledećim testovima: skok u dalj iz mesta, vertikalni skok, vis u zgibu, podizanje trupa, sklekovi, i testovi bacanja medicinke. Eksperimentalna grupa je imala dva puta nedeljno trening sa medicinkom u toku 12 nedelja, pod kontrolisanim uslovima u školi. U poređenju sa inicijalnim testiranjem, došlo je do značajnog (p <0,05) poboljšanja u oba testa skočnosti. Kod testova bacanja medicinke ANOVA je pokazala statistički značajne razlike između grupa pre i nakon trening programa (p <0,05) kod testa bacanje medicinke iza glave. Postoje značajne razlike (p<0,05) između inicijalnog i finalnog testiranja kod visa u zgibu, sklekova i podizanja trupa kod obe grupe. Nalazi iz ove studije pokazuju da trening sa medicinkom uz instrukcije od kvalifikovanih stručnjaka može dovesti do značajnih poboljšanja u odabranim komponentima fizičkog fitnesa kod školske dece, i to uz minimalne troškove kao vrlo efikasan metod za promovisanje fizičke aktivnosti u školskim programima

    Test of Motor Proficiency Second Edition (BOT-2) Short Form: A Systematic Review of Studies Conducted in Healthy Children

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    Motor skill competence of children is one of the important predictors of health because if a child is physically active during early childhood, the possibility of occurrence of many chronic diseases in adulthood will be reduced. The aim of this study was to systematically review the studies conducted in healthy children using the shorter form of the Bruininks-Oseretsky (BOT-2) and to determine the applicability in cross-sectional studies and pre-post designs. The search and analysis of the studies were done in accordance with the PRISMA guidelines. An electronic databases search (Google Scholar, PubMed, Mendeley, Science Direct, and Scopus) yielded 250 relevant studies conducted from 2011 to 2020. A total of 21 studies were included in quantitative synthesis, with a total of 3893 participants, both male and female. Through this study, the BOT-2 test proved its broad applicability, so it can be concluded that this test can be used to improve motor proficiency in a healthy population of children. Hence, it is necessary to invest a lot of time during the implementation of various programs so that children would adequately develop their basic motor skills so they broaden their own repertoire of movements


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    The aim of this research was to determine the effects of developmental gymnastics on motor fitness in preschool girls. This study was performed on a sample of 56 healthy preschool girls that were divided into two groups, a developmental training group and a control group. Motor fitness tests were used from several test batteries: the 20m dash, Obstacle course backwards, Standing broad jump, Arm plate tapping, Seated straddle stretch, Bent arm hang, Sit ups. The basic characteristics of developmental gymnastic training process consisted of station and circuit work and obstacle courses two times a week lasting for 60 min with intensity around 160-180bpm. After the training intervention, the training group showed significant (p < 0.05) improvements in almost all the parameters analyzed (e.g., Obstacle course backwards; Standing broad jump; Arm plate tapping; Bent arm hang and Sit ups) compared with pretest values, with percentages of change and ES ranging from 13.3% to 48.2% and 0.64 (moderate) to 1.20 (large), respectively. No significant changes were observed in the control group after the training intervention except for the standing broad jump and arm plate tapping (p < 0.05). This study provides evidence on the effectiveness of developmental gymnastics programs for the optimal development of young children’s motor fitness.Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je da se utvrde efekti razvojne gimnastike na motoričke sposobnosti kod devojčica predškolskog uzrasta. Ova studija je sprovedena na uzorku od 56 zdravih predškolskih djevojčica koje su podeljene u dve grupe, grupu za razvojnu razvojnu gimnastiku i kontrolna grupu. Za testiranje motoričkih sposobnosti korišćeni su testovi iz nekoliko baterija: 20m trčanje, poligon natraške, skok u dalj, taping rukom, sed raznožno, vis u zgibu i podizanje trupa. Osnovne karakteristike obuke razvojnog gimnastičkog procesa sastojale su se od rada na stanicama, kružnog rada i od prelaženja prepreka dva puta nedeljno u trajanju od 60 min sa intenzitetom oko 160-180 otkucaja u minuti. Posle programa, grupa za razvojnu gimnastiku je pokazala značajna (p <0.05) poboljšanja u skoro svim analiziranim parametrima u poređenju sa vrednostima pre programa, sa procentom promene i efektom veličine u rasponu od 13,3% do 48,2% i 0,64 (umereni) do 1,20 (veliki). U kontrolnoj grupi nije bilo značajnih promena nakon intervencije, osim skoka u dalj I tapinga rukom (p <0,05). Ova studija pruža dokaze o efikasnosti programa razvojne gimnastike za optimalan razvoj motorike malog deteta

    Postural and nutritional status of children involved in football and children that are not involved in sports aged 11 years

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    Many authors have studied the influence of sports training on postural status and nutritional status of children, finding that there are positive and negative aspects, depending on the given sport. The aim of this study was to determine differences in postural and nutritional status of children who play football and their peers who are not involved in sports. Our sample comprised 141 male respondents, 79 respondents who play football for three years and more, and 62 respondents who do not play sports. Postural status was assessed using a modified method of Napoleon Wolanski, while the nutritional status was determined using the BMI formula. Differences in postural and nutritional status were analyzed by x2 test (p≤0.05). Statistically significant differences in postural status between football players and non-sportsmen were found in postural disorder winged blades (p=0.005), (there was a greater oercentage of this disorder in respondents who play football) where it was determined that this postural disorder had a higher percentage of respondents who play football. Statistically significant differences were found in nutritional status (p=0.005), confirming a better nutritional status of football players. Early detection of postural disorders, prevention and education of children about proper posture and nutrition are very important. Children's participation in organized physical activities can produce positive effects, but only with the good work of professionals, and with a combination of corrective exercises and specific sports


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    Puberty is a critical period for the possibility of development of postural disorders. Proper physical activity makes it possible to correct postural disorders and develop positive motor habits. The aim of this study was to analyze the postural status of primary school pupils in Novi Sad and to determine whether there are any statistically significant differences in relation to the sport in which the participants are engage in. The sample consisted of 197 students aged between 11 and 12. Postural status was determined by the clinical method. The data were analyzed by the SPSS statistical software, version 20, and the differences were determined by the χ2 test at the p≤0.05 significance level. The results show that the most common postural disorders are flat feet (62.9%), winged scapula (53.3%), knock knees (29.9%), left thoracic scoliosis (28.9%) and lordosis (23.9%). Significant differences in the postural disorders winged scapula (p=0.050), left thoracic scoliosis (p=0.000) and knock knees(p=0.000) were identified between participants who were not engaged in sports and those who were engaged in different sports. Coaches and physical education teachers should insist on their students and athletes performing the exercises properly, and include corrective exercises in their work programs.Pubertet je jedan od kritičnih perioda za mogućnost nastanka posturalnih poremećaja. Pravilnom fizičkom aktivnošću moguće je korigovati posturalne poremećaje i razviti pozitivne motorne navike. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je analiza posturalnog statusa učenika osnovnih škola Novog Sada i utvrđivanje eventualnih statistički značajnih razlika u odnosu na sport kojim se ispitanici bave. Uzorak je činilo 197 učenika uzrasta od 11 i 12 godina. Posturalni status utvrđenje kliničkim metodom. Podaci su obrađeni statističkim programom SPSS, verzija 20, a razlike utvrđene χ2 testom na nivou zaključivanja p≤0.05. Rezultati pokazuju da su najučestaliji posturalni poremećaji ravna stopala (62.9%), krilaste lopatice (53.3%), „X“ noge (29.9%), leva grudna skolioza (28.9%) te lordotično loše držanje (23.9%). Utvrđene su statistički značajne razlike u posturalnim poremećajima krilaste lopatice (p=0.050), leva grudna skolioza (p=0.000) i „X“ noge (p=0.000) između ispitanika koji se ne bave sportom i onih koji se bave različitim sportovima.  Treneri i profesori fizičkog vaspitanja treba da insistiraju na što pravilnijem izvođenju vežbi kod svojih učenika i sportista, i da u svoje programe rada uključe i korektivne vežbe