269 research outputs found

    Žene u poduzetništvu- ženski udio u stvaranju gubitka u srednjim i malim poduzećima

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    The paper explores the ownership structure of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), which fell into a debt crisis due to business failures, in order to indicate the differences between male and female entrepreneurs. We conducted the empirical research on a sample of 186 small and medium-sized loss-making enterprises in the Republic of Serbia. The results obtained by descriptive statistical analysis of the observed sampleshow that the participation of female companies among loss-making enterprises is considerably low. The ratio of companies owned by women and those owned by men was 18.8%: 81.2%. Furthermore, we have recorded a significant difference in the amounts of debt, indicating that female companies have significantly lower debt rates when compared to those owned by men. The findings of this research can be applied as a strategic framework for policymakers to encourage female entrepreneurship.Rad istražuje vlasničku strukturu malih i srednjih poduzeća, koja su upala u dužničku krizu uslijed propusta u poslovanju, kako bi se ukazalo na razlike između muških i ženskih poduzetnika. Empirijsko istraživanje je sprovedeno na uzorku od 186 malih i srednjih poduzeća, koja su poslovala s gubitkom u Republici Srbiji. Na osnovu dobivenih rezultata primjenom deskriptivne statističke analize posmatranog uzorka, dokazano je da je zastupljenost ženskih poduzeća, koja su poslovala s gubitkom veoma niska. Udio poduzeća čiji su vlasnici žene iznosio je samo 18.8%, u usporedbi sa 81.2% poduzeća u vlasništvu muškaraca. Takođe, utvrđeno je da postoji značajna razlika u visini duga, pri čemu je utvrđeno da ženska poduzeća imaju značajno niže stope dugovanja za razliku od poduzeća u vlasništvu muškaraca. Rezultate ovog istraživanja mogu primjeniti kreatori politika kao strateški okvir u cilju poticanja ženskog poduzetništva


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    To analyse the significance of the interply between somatic and psychosocial factors in influencing the course of recovery a non-selected well defined group of 117 whiplash patients was investigated. Initial examination was performed, on average, 7.2±4.2 days after trauma and follo-ups were carried out at 3, 6 and 12 months. At the initial investigation all patients were given a neurological examination, congnitive and psychosocial factor assessment and cervical spine X-rays. At each follow-up stepwise regression was performed to evaluted the relationship between inital findings and the course of recovery. Fifty-one (44%), 36(31%) and 28(24%) patients were symptomatic at 3, 6 and 12 months respectively. Poor improvement at all examiniation was significntly correlated with factors associated with severity of injury such as intial symptoms of radicular irritation and intensity of neck pain. Moreover, results indicate that poor recovery is realted to severity of injury in addition to some pre-traumatic factors(previously history of head trauma and headache). However, Psychosocial factors did not prove predictive at any follow-up examination. These results indiacte that synmptoms suggesting a more severe neck injury appear to be particularly related to delayed recovery from common whiplash. Moreover these results may be of value in the objective evalutuion of potentially difficult claims compensation, which may in some cases be falsely base

    Research on working parameters of direct contact deaerator for district heating water

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    У раду је приказана анализа контактне кондензације на слободно формираном млазу, у контактном кондензатору без испуне. Такође, дат је критички осврт на отворене литературне изворе. Након поређења експерименталних података и корелација из отворених литературних извора, закључено је да објављене корелације, не омогућавају довољно прецизну анализу резултата. С обзиром да корелације из отворених литературних извора не одговарају експерименталним подацима, формирана је и постављена нова корелација која је у функцији бездимензионих параметара. Такође, разматран је и распад млаза течности, формирање капи, гранични услови као и феномени кондензације паре на на слободно формираном млазу течности. Научни допринос докторске дисертације је нови математички модел односно постављање нове критеријалне једначине.The dissertation investigates analysis the research results of direct contact condensation of steam on freely formed falling liquid jets in a contact condenser. After the comparison of experimental data and open literature correlations it was concluded that published correlations does not provide accurate coverage of experimental data. Given that correlation from open literature sources do not correspond to the experimental data, new correlation was formed and established. A new correlation is a function of dimensionless parameters. It was also considered the breakup of the liquid jet, forming of the drops, boundary conditions, as well as, phenomena of condensation of the steam on freely formed falling liquid jets. In this respect, the scientific contribution of the doctoral dissertation is a new mathematical model and a establishment of a new criterial equation

    A novel method for the inclusion of pipe roughness in the Hazen-Williams equation

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    Precizna procena pada pritiska usled trenja u cevovodima je veoma bitan inženjerski zadatak. Pre svega zbog jednostavnosti, empirijske jednačine često nalaze primenu za proračune pada pritiska u cevovodima. Jedna od najčešće korišćenih empirijskih jednačina koja se primenjuje u ovoj oblasti je Hazen-Vilijamsova jednačina. U ovom radu su autori izveli jednostavan pristup koji može da se primeni za uključivanje efekata hrapavosti cevi u Hazen-Vilijamsovu jednačinu. Pristup se sastoji u poređenju navedene jednačine sa dobro poznatom Darsi-Vajsbahom jednačinom i Kolbrukovom jednačinom za proračun faktora trenja za razvijeno turbulentno strujanje.Accurate estimation of friction losses in pipes is an important engineering task. Due to their simplicity, empirical equations are often used for determining pressure drops in pipes. One of the most widely used empirical equations for calculation of pressure drops in straight pipes is Hazen-Williams equation. In this paper, the authors have established a simple method of the inclusion of pipe roughness in Hazen- Williams equation by comparison with a widely accepted Darcy- Weisbach method coupled with Colebrook friction factor formula for developed turbulent flow

    A novel method for the inclusion of pipe roughness in the Hazen-Williams equation

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    Precizna procena pada pritiska usled trenja u cevovodima je veoma bitan inženjerski zadatak. Pre svega zbog jednostavnosti, empirijske jednačine često nalaze primenu za proračune pada pritiska u cevovodima. Jedna od najčešće korišćenih empirijskih jednačina koja se primenjuje u ovoj oblasti je Hazen-Vilijamsova jednačina. U ovom radu su autori izveli jednostavan pristup koji može da se primeni za uključivanje efekata hrapavosti cevi u Hazen-Vilijamsovu jednačinu. Pristup se sastoji u poređenju navedene jednačine sa dobro poznatom Darsi-Vajsbahom jednačinom i Kolbrukovom jednačinom za proračun faktora trenja za razvijeno turbulentno strujanje.Accurate estimation of friction losses in pipes is an important engineering task. Due to their simplicity, empirical equations are often used for determining pressure drops in pipes. One of the most widely used empirical equations for calculation of pressure drops in straight pipes is Hazen-Williams equation. In this paper, the authors have established a simple method of the inclusion of pipe roughness in Hazen- Williams equation by comparison with a widely accepted Darcy- Weisbach method coupled with Colebrook friction factor formula for developed turbulent flow

    A Novel Method For The Inclusion Of Pipe Roughness In The Hazen-Williams Equation

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    Accurate estimation of friction losses in pipes is an important engineering task. Due to their simplicity, empirical equations are often used for determining pressure drops in pipes. One of the most widely used empirical equations for calculation of pressure drops in straight pipes is Hazen-Williams equation. In this paper, the authors have established a simple method of the inclusion of pipe roughness in Hazen-Williams equation by comparison with a widely accepted Darcy-Weisbach method coupled with Colebrook friction factor formula for developed turbulent flow

    A Novel Method For The Inclusion Of Pipe Roughness In The Hazen-Williams Equation

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    Accurate estimation of friction losses in pipes is an important engineering task. Due to their simplicity, empirical equations are often used for determining pressure drops in pipes. One of the most widely used empirical equations for calculation of pressure drops in straight pipes is Hazen-Williams equation. In this paper, the authors have established a simple method of the inclusion of pipe roughness in Hazen-Williams equation by comparison with a widely accepted Darcy-Weisbach method coupled with Colebrook friction factor formula for developed turbulent flow

    Modeling of the working cycle of the pressure-powered pump

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    This paper presents an analysis of working parameters of the pressure-powered pump. Mathematical models for determining the pump filling and discharge periods were developed and statistically compared to experimental results. The statistical parameters of the final correlation between here presented mathematical model and experimental results are in the acceptable range. Pump characteristics are presented in the common manner: in the form of the pump head vs. capacity diagram

    Modeling of the working cycle of the pressure-powered pump

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    This paper presents an analysis of working parameters of the pressure-powered pump. Mathematical models for determining the pump filling and discharge periods were developed and statistically compared to experimental results. The statistical parameters of the final correlation between here presented mathematical model and experimental results are in the acceptable range. Pump characteristics are presented in the common manner: in the form of the pump head vs. capacity diagram