19 research outputs found


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    The paper provides an overview on the distribution of recently discovered Scarce Large Blue (Phengaris (Maculinea) teleius) in northern Serbia (Selevenj Sands, Ludaš Lake and Subotica Sands). Mapping of the butterfly and its habitat has shown that most of the suitable habitats are limited to protected areas where at least some of the wet meadows with Sanguisorba officinalis host plant are suitably managed and regularly mown. Given the known maximum dispersal distances of P. teleius, the suitable habitat patches possibly support two separate meta-populations. Fragmentation and isolation of remaining colonies represent the main threats to long term survival of the species in Serbia. Based on IUCN criteria for regional red lists, the species qualifies as Endangered (EN) in Serbia and requires immediate conservation actions. Our results suggest that mowing is of high importance for maintaining suitable habitat. Until more is known about local ecological requirements of the species, general mowing recommendations should be followed with avoidance of mowing between mid June and mid September and providing a mosaic of different mowing regimes


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    The aim of this paper is to present guidelines and perspective on observing objective circumstances and subjective factors which explain why European and Serbian two football clubs which have won most trophies, are where they are today. The sample of the analysis consists of six top European clubs and two of the most successful football clubs from Serbia. Football club ownership structures primarily depend on the government arrangement, i.e. the legislative norms of the state in which they exist. Football clubs in Serbia function as civic organizations. A comparative analysis of European and Serbian clubs has been conducted, by using the generally accepted Polonsky model of sports organizations.  It is easily applicable to football as well, and it is about 12 factors that influence one sports, in this case, football organization. As in many spheres, Serbian best clubs are far behind European standards. Sports success in qualifications for the European competitions and sporadic participation are more the result of sports performances and team strength than their organization and structure. While European football is becoming one of the most important elements of the economy and the society, contributing to improvement and changing cities, regions or countries, Serbian football is primarily a burden and an expense for the economy and the society

    Thermomechanical modelling the resistance welding of PbSb alloy

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    The analytical modelling of the PbSb alloy resistance spot welding process has been developed on the basis of mathematical analysis of thermomechanical conservation laws. The numerical solution of partial differential equations, obtained by such modelling, has been achieved by the finite element method. Thermomechanical equilibrium equations are derived, including specific properties, typical for PbSb alloys. The paper utilizes the basic experimentally proven assumption, that the temperature fields govern all processes during welding. Full agreement is evident between the experimental and analytical data

    Roll and importance of accumulation lake Gruža in bird migration

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    Artificial accumulation Lake Gruža fills the depression of the Knićko Field, situated between the mountains Gledićke and Kotlenik. It was formed mostly in order to provide water supply for industry and residential of the Kragujevac District. According to its advantage location, it lays on predicted moravsko-vardarskom migratory route. In this paper it has been showed ringing data within this area during autumn and spring migration of resident and transitory population of passerines and data obtained during the winter months, for lake’s surface is rarely frozen, so it presents wintering area for numerous waterfowl flocks. During the research, it has been recorded in total 153 bird species. The most abundant month was January, when there were detected 9577 waterfowl individuals from 29 species. During the spring and autumn migration, 370 bird individuals were banded, form 32 mostly passerines species. Ringing data showed that accumulation Gruža indeed has important roll in bird migration, along mentioned migratory route, for it enables the migrating birds to rest, regain their strength and recharge the energy supplies before continuing the migration. Moreover, importance of accumulation is greater when we know that significant number of wintering and migrating birds are rare and endangers, not only in Serbia, but allover the Europe

    Aktivnost glutation peroksidaze (gpx 3) u plazmi semiakvatičnih kornjača trachemys scripta elegans nakon inhalacione anestezije izofluranom

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    Introduction. Glutathione peroxidases are selenoenzymes which have a crucial role in the protection of animals against oxidative stress. Materials and Methods. From September 2017 to April 2018, a group of eight red-eared sliders were admitted at the Clinic for Small Animals, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Belgrade for elective diagnostic celioscopy. The turtles were of unknown age, weight from 1.20 kg to 1.86 kg. The anesthesia protocol involved using ketamine and medetomidine, both at a low dosage (10 mg kg-1 and 0.1 mg kg-1, respectively) as induction, after which anesthesia was maintained using isoflurane at 3% (vapor setting) in 100% oxygen (0.5 L min-1). Medetomidine was reversed with atipamezole (0.2 mg kg-1), given intramuscularly. The elective celioscopy was performed according to standard protocols. One day prior to anesthesia, heparinized blood samples were taken using the subcarapacial venous plexus for venipuncture. The second sampling took place three hours after the anesthetics were administered. Results and Conclusions. GPx3 activity in the blood plasmas (n=8) was measured by the coupled test as described by Günzler et al. (1974). Data were tested for normality by the Shapiro-Wilk normality test and the groups were compared using a paired t-test. Blood plasma GPx3 activity was significantly higher (p=0.009) after a three-hour recovery period from inhalation anesthesia performed for elective diagnostic celioscopy, than before anesthesia. The measured post-anesthesia GPx3 activities were, on average, 80% higher than the measurements prior to anesthesia. It can be concluded that the statistically significant increase in the activity of plasma GPx3 from 91.02±36.05 mKat L-1 prior to anesthesia to 160.21±58.94 mKat L-1 three hours after anesthesia is due to the change in oxygen saturation. This is increased to 100% during the procedure, thus exposing the turtles to conditions of high oxygen saturation.Uvod. Glutation peroksidaze su selenoenzimi koji igraju ključnu ulogu u zaštiti životinja od oksidativnog stresa. Materijal i metode. Od septembra 2017. do aprila 2018. godine, grupa od osam crvenouhih kornjača je primljena na Kliniku za male životinje, Fakulteta Veterinarske Medicine, Univerziteta u Beogradu zbog izvođenja elektivne dijagnostičke celioskopije. Kornjače su bile nepoznate starosti, mase između 1,20 kg i 1,86 kg. Anastetički protokol je uključivao primenu ketamina (10 mg kg-1) i medetomidina (0.1 mg kg-1) za indukciju, oba u niskim dozama, nakon čega je anestezija održavana primenom izoflurana u koncentraciji od 3% (podešen na isparavanje) u 100% kiseoniku (0.5 L min-1). Dejstvo medetomidina je neutralizovano atipamezolom (0.2 mg kg-1), aplikovanim intramuskularno. Elektivna celioskopija je izvedena u skladu sa standardnim protokolima. Heparinizovani uzorci krvi su uzeti jedan dan pre uvođenja u anesteziju venepunkcijom iz subkarapacijalnog venskog pleksusa. Drugo uzorkovanje krvi je uzvršeno tri sata nakon administracije anestetika. Rezultati i zaključak. GPx3 aktivnost u krvnoj plazmi (n=8) je izmerena primenom kuplovane reakcije, kao što su opisali Günzler i sar. (1974). Normalna distribucija podataka je testirana pomoću Shapiro - Wilk testa normalnosti (p>0,05), a grupe su poređene koristeći t test za zavisne uzorke. Aktivnost GPx3 u krvnoj plazmi je bila značajno viša (p=0.009) u uzorcima uzetim nakon trosatnog perioda oporavka od inhalacione anestezije aplikovane radi izvođenja elektivne celioskopije, nego u uzorcima uzetim pre aplikovanja anestezije. Vrednosti GPx3 izmerene nakon anestezije bile su u proseku 80% više od vrednosti pre anestezije. Može se zaključiti da je statistički značajan porast u aktivnosti GPx3 u plazmi od 91.02±36.05 mKat L-1, pre anestezije do 160.21±58.94 mKat L-1, tri sata nakon anestezije uzrokovan promenom u saturaciji kiseonika. Tokom intervencije saturacija kiseonika se povećava i do 100% čime se kornjače uvode u uslove visoke saturacije kiseonikom

    Assessing speleoarcheological geoheritage: Linking new Paleolithic discoveries and potential cave tourism destinations in Serbia

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    The aim of this paper is to perform a tourist assessment of the representative speleoarchaeological geoheritage in Serbia for the purposes of establishing new cave tourism destinations in Serbia. Seven caves have been selected based on their speleoarcheological values. However, only two of them are currently available for visiting. The research results were obtained by using the M-GAM model and they indicate exceptional tourist potential which still remains mainly untapped. To maximize this potential and develop this type of tourism in the future, an initiative strategy for the inclusion of speleoarchaeological values into contemporary tourism flows was also proposed. The focus is set on the establishment of speleoarchaeological visitor centers and a unique tourist affirmation of the researched scientific and educational potential. The presented strategy must be set as a priority in the future in order to contribute to further sustainability of scientific and socio-economic progress through speleotourism development


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    Geophytes are plants of high biological diversity that depends to a great extent on the growing process. Based on what is stated, any new method of production of Narcissus L. has a decisive effect on its production. The aim of the study is to determine if it is possible to achieve better economic-agricultural results with a new method/form of plant growing (Narcissus L., Amaryllidaceae). Under the conditions of the Pannonian environment the production of two methods/forms of growing is compared. By measuring physical plant parameters (p=.00) the results show that the production is better using the standard method of growing. The realized value on the market is higher for the plants grown using the standard method of production (p<.05). The contribution of the author of the study is to indicate a new way of growing, which leads to a higher total value of production

    Geomorphological and hydrological heritage of Mt. Stara Planina in SE Serbia: From river protection initiative to potential geotouristic destination

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    Mt. Stara Planina is located in the eastern part of the Republic of Serbia and represents the westernmost part of the large mountain massif of the Balkans. Both endogenous and exogenous forces created interesting geomorphological and hydrological features for geotourism development in this area. This article proposes a preliminary list of geomorphological and hydrological sites and analyses them to reveal which geosite possesses geotourism potential. This research was carried out by applying the modified geosite assessment model. In this article, ten geosites were singled out based on the degree of their attractiveness for geotourism development. The results reveal information about the key fields of improvement for each evaluated geosite, and identify which areas require more attention and better management in the upcoming period for Mt. Stara Planina to become a well-known geotourism destination that would attract a large number of tourists in the future

    Agile Retrospective Games for Different Team Development Phases

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    Retrospectives in Agile software development can be used for improving processes among other issues that could affect the final product quality or the working environment. Games used in retrospective meetings influence positively the project team behaviour. In this research, games from Agile retrospectives are gathered from various sources and a new classification of games is created based on the four stage group development model proposed by Tuckman. Suitable games to be used in Forming, Storming, Norming and Performing phases are presented. The results obtained in this research can help practitioners to choose the appropriate activities for process improvement and other technical or human related factors arising in the team, depending on the development stage at which their team currently is