16 research outputs found

    Proposta de otimização do uso de bromidrato de fenoterol gotas para prática inalatória

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    Bromidrato de fenoterol é um fármaco broncodilatador usado no tratamento de doenças pulmonares obstrutivas, sendo amplamente empregado no sistema de saúde pública em inaloterapia de crianças e adultos com pneumopatias. Porém, o peso de uma gota pode variar, resultando na possibilidade de administração inadequada. Portanto, objetivou-se estudar a variabilidade do tamanho das gotas do medicamento, identificando as frequências relativas de subdosagens e sobredosagens. Aferições do peso das gotas foram realizadas com auxílio de balança analítica com precisão de décimos de miligrama (0,0001g). O frasco com dispositivo gotejador foi posicionado com inclinação formando um ângulo de 90° em relação à superfície e o medicamento pesado gota a gota. Tais gotas foram agrupadas de 2 a 2 até 27 a 27, sendo realizada análise do coeficiente de variação dos agrupamentos. Considerando-se a dosagem ideal do medicamento recomendado pela literatura e a margem aceitável de variação (±10%), foram determinadas as frequências de subdosagens, dosagens aceitáveis e sobredosagem nos diversos agrupamentos. Resultados demonstram que a variabilidade dos pesos das gotas diminui com o aumento do número de gotas agrupadas. A maior frequência estimada de gotas com peso aceitável ocorreu quando estas foram agrupadas de 20 a 20. As menores frequências estimadas de subdosagem e sobredosagem ocorreram em grupos com 15 e 25 unidades, respectivamente. Conclui-se que, para o processo de otimização, há a necessidade da constituição de uma “solução de trabalho” com valores de 20 gotas ou 1mL de fenoterol, em que os efeitos de overdose e sub-doses terapêuticas são minimizados

    Reproductive cycle of leporinus copelandii (pisces anostomidae) females from the lower paraíba do sul river basin, RJ – Brazil

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    The aim of this study were investigate the reproductive biology of the fish Leporinus copelandii, a specie at risk of extinction in the lower Paraíba do Sul River basin. During a period of 14 months, a total of 143 females of red-piau were captured, between Itaocara and Campos dos Goytacazes cities (RJ, Brazil). A histological study shows four stages of the oocyte development (I, II, III and IV) and five stages of the reproductive cycle of females: rest (1), initial maturation (2A), intermediary (2B), advanced (2C) and spawned (4) were identified. The pattern of L. copelandii oocyte development suggests development type synchronous in two groups, characterizing total spawning. Spawned females were captured in November, two months after the peak of frequency of competent females for reproduction. Histologically, a little occurrence of empty follicles was observed in spawned females. The medium diameter of the type IV oocyte of the spawned females (1475.1 ± 884.3mm) was significantly larger (Tukey, P <0.001; VC = 41.73%; n = 259) than advanced maturation females (1202.6 ± 245.3mm), what allows suggesting that the study place probably doesn't represent the reproductive area of L. copelandii


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    O objetivo do presente trabalho é verificar a validade de itens de um questionário para avaliação de pizzarias no município de Campos dos Goytacazes, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Justifica-se esta pesquisa pela expressividade do setor de serviços de alimentação, no qual estão inseridas as pizzarias, e pela ausência de tratamento estatístico para definição de quais itens são pertinentes ao elaborar um questionário para avaliação da satisfação dos clientes. Inicialmente foram selecionados, com base na revisão de literatura, 75 itens distribuídos em 5 dimensões (Aspectos Tangíveis, Confiabilidade, Receptividade, Segurança e Empatia). Com estes dados foi compilado um questionário aplicado a clientes, os quais avaliaram cada um dos itens como essencial, importante mas não essencial ou não essencial. Após isso foi aplicado o método de Lawshe para validar ou excluir os itens. Dos 75 itens analisados, 33 foram excluídos, com base na metodologia adotada. A exclusão de alguns itens na dimensão “Aspectos tangíveis”, e a conservação de quase todos os outros listados nas demais dimensões, demonstra que os critérios adotados por clientes para seleção e avaliação de pizzaria tendem a priorizar as características intangíveis desta relação de consumo

    Avaliação de pizzarias sob a percepção dos clientes: determinação da validade de itens do questionário

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    O objetivo do presente trabalho é verificar a validade de itens de um questionário para avaliação de pizzarias no município de Campos dos Goytacazes, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Justifica-se esta pesquisa pela expressividade do setor de serviços de alimentação, no qual estão inseridas as pizzarias, e pela ausência de tratamento estatístico para definição de quais itens são pertinentes ao elaborar um questionário para avaliação da satisfação dos clientes. Inicialmente foram selecionados, com base na revisão de literatura, 75 itens distribuídos em 5 dimensões (Aspectos Tangíveis, Confiabilidade, Receptividade, Segurança e Empatia). Com estes dados foi compilado um questionário aplicado a clientes, os quais avaliaram cada um dos itens como essencial, importante mas não essencial ou não essencial. Após isso foi aplicado o método de Lawshe para validar ou excluir os itens. Dos 75 itens analisados, 33 foram excluídos, com base na metodologia adotada. A exclusão de alguns itens na dimensão “Aspectos tangíveis”, e a conservação de quase todos os outros listados nas demais dimensões, demonstra que os critérios adotados por clientes para seleção e avaliação de pizzaria tendem a priorizar as características intangíveis desta relação de consumo.The aim of this study is to verify the validity of a questionnaire items for pizzerias assessment in the municipality of Campos dos Goytacazes, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. This research is justified by the expressiveness of the food service sector, where the pizzerias are inserted, and the absence of statistical analysis for defining which items are relevant to develop a questionnaire to assess customer satisfaction. Initially were selected based on literature review, 75 items distributed in five dimensions (tangible aspects, Reliability, Responsiveness, Security and Empathy). With this data was compiled a questionnaire to customers, who rated each item as an essential, important but not essential or not essential. After that the Lawshe method was applied to validate or delete items. Of the 75 items analyzed, 33 were excluded, based on the methodology adopted. The exclusion of some items in the dimension "tangible aspects", and conservation of almost all others listed in the other dimensions shows that the criteria adopted by customers for selection and pizzeria assessment tend to prioritize the intangible characteristics of this consumption ratio

    Fish reproduction: Bibliometric analysis of worldwide and brazilian publications in scopus database

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    Reproduction is a fundamental part of life being and studies related to fish reproduction have been much accessed. The aim of this study was to perform a bibliometric analysis in intend to identify trends in this kind of publication. During June 2013, were performed searches on Scopus Database, using the term “fish reproduction”, being compiled and presented information related to the number of publications per year, number of publications by country, publications by author, by journal, by institution and most used keywords. Based on the study, it was possible to obtain the following results: Brazil occupies a highlight position in number of papers, being that the Brazilian participation compared to worldwide publishing production is having an exponential increase; in Brazil, there is a high concentration of articles when concerning the top 10 authors and institutions. The present study allows verifying that the term “fish reproduction” has been focused by many scientific papers, being that in Brazil there is a special research effort related to this subject, especially in the last few years. The main contribution concerns to the use of bibliometric methods to describe the growth and concentration of researches in the area of fishfarm and reproduction

    Fish nutrition: Bibliometric analysis in brazil and the world

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    The Science of fish nutrition is an important issue and of great importance from the point of view of developing new diets with respect to the nutritional requirements of various fish species and the environment, with many published articles addressing the subject. The objective of this study was to make a bibliometric analysis to identify trends in publications worldwide and in Brazil. Took place during the month of December 2011, searches the Scopus base and recorded information related to the main countries, authors, publishing and institutions vehicles. The study revealed that Brazil, besides occupying Featured number of articles on the subject, including having a center of excellence in the subject, presented high growth rates of articles, compared to global rates. Further, it was found that most of the articles on the topic is concentrated in a few authors, institutions and journals

    Duration of co-feeding on the Nishikigoi Cyprinus carpio larvae during weaning from live to inert food in an indoor system

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    <div><p>ABSTRACT: This study aimed to evaluate the effects of the co-feeding period (C) on the survival and growth of larvae of nishikigoi Cyprinus carpio, during the weaning period from live to inert food. A total of 1680 larvae with initial weight of 1.33 ± 0.12mg and initial length of 6.0 ± 0.33mm were used. The inert diet used was a commercial ration with 55% crude protein and the live food was the newly hatched nauplii of Artemia franciscana. The experiment was conducted following a completely randomized design with six treatments and four replications. Treatments constituted of: a) LF = supply of live food throughout the experimental period; b) C4 = 6 days of live food + 4 days of co-feeding (inert diet and live food) + 16 days of inert diet; c) C8 = 6 days of live food + 8 days of co-feeding + 12 days of inert diet; d) C12 = 6 days of live food + 12 days of co-feeding + 8 days of inert diet; e) IF = supply with inert diet throughout the experimental period; and f) F = fasting. Our results showed that the co-feeding period influences the survival and growth of the larvae. Survival in the treatment with the longest co-feeding period showed an improvement of over 70% when compared to the shortest period. Further, we noted a doubling of the juvenile weight after 26 days of age. There was a quadratic effect for all parameters, with maximum points ranging between 19.4 and 22.6 days of supply of live food. We concluded that the supply of commercial feed as exclusive food is unworkable in nishikigoi larviculture.</p></div