611 research outputs found
Modern teaching of mathematics follows the development of technology, and tends to introduce new teaching materials into teaching of mathematics in order to bring it closer to pupils. The use of computers is no doubt an innovation in learning and is creatively used in the context of learning in different ways so as to motivate pupils to improve understanding, finding out and adopting of mathematical concepts, phenomena and laws.
This paper presents the pedagogical - psychological characteristics of teaching in those organisations where computers have been introduced. Directions regarding the use of computers and multimedia presentations, educational software and distance learning for the modelling of teaching are given in this paper.
Special emphasis is put on the possibility of implementing new information technologies in educational process, with the aim of increasing the quality of teaching of mathematics.Savremena nastava matematike prati razvoj tehnologije, te nastoji da u obrazovni proces uvede nova nastavna sredstva kako bi se učenicima približila matematika. Upotreba kompjutera u nastavi bez sumnje predstavlja novinu u učenju i kreativno se upotrebljava u kontekstu učenja na različite načine, za motivaciju učenika, da bi se poboljšalo razumevanje, otkrivanje i usvajanje matematičkih pojmova, pojava i zakonitosti.
U ovom radu dat je prikaz pedagoško – psiholoških karakteristika nastave u čijoj organizaciji se primenjuje računar. Date su smernice za modelovanje nastave primenom računara i to upotreba multimedijalnih prezentacija, obrazovnih softvera i učenje na daljinu.
Poseban akcenat je stavljen na mogućnosti implementacije nove informacione tehnologije u obrazovni proces, a sve u cilju povećanja kvaliteta nastave matematike
Possible Ways of Reducing the Number of Gears in Universal Gear Units
This paper analyzes possibilities of reducing the number of necessary gears in the family of universal motor gear reducers with helical gears, since both the production and storage of a large number of different gears cost a lot and impose a great burden for any gear manufacturer, as it can be seen from literature [1,2] that focuses on this problem. The paper particularly emphasizes the necessity of narrowing down the assortment of gear reducers and the possibility of changing the design solution between the pinion and the electric motor as they represent the basic possibilities for reducing the number of necessary gears. The paper also points out the need for a special selection of preferred gear ratios and corresponding gears as one of the possibilities for reducing the total number of gears. This can certainly result in faster delivery of a gearbox with the preferred gear ratio
Analysis of risk factors from salmonella infections and determination of critical control points in poultry industry production chain
This paper encompasses problems related to infection caused by Salmonella spp in poultry. The need to carry out adequate control measures and to provide safe food is emphasized. Using experiences from other countries, critical control points are presented in flocks during rearing and in hatcheries. In attempt to diagnose disease as early as possible and to advise proper therapy, the significance of serology monitoring is underlined. In order to produce safe food there is a need to control disease applying our Regulations concerning eradication of Salmonella spp in poultry flocks that is given in Official paper of Republic of Serbia No 6&88 and also to include serology monitoring in poultry flocks. Veterinary practitioners are expected to perform analysis of critical control points in poultry industry as well as to determine specificity and differences in production for single farms, which would enable more effective struggle with diseases in general
Analysis of Conceptual Solutions of Universal Helical Geared Reducers
Geared reducers are mechanisms designed to reduce the number of revolutions using geared elements and nowadays they present one of the most commonly used types of mechanical transmissions in mechanical engineering. Due to the different shapes of geared elements, there are different types of geared transmissions: helical, bevel, worm, special and combined transmissions. This paper analyses only helical geared transmissions, since there is a great extent of whole this matter. Helical transmissions are analysed only with external helical gearing, since internal geared pairs represent a special and very large group of gears. Within the external helical geared transmissions, only torque transmissions are analysed, while the transmissions of motion are not analysed and they represent another large group of transmissions. Only universal gear reducers with axial, or almost-axial, parallel shafts are considered (two-stage and three-stage transmissions). Although, single-stage gear reducer produced with parallel shafts are not considered by the paper in order to reduce the area of researching. Gear reducers are most commonly delivered to customer with electric motor, known as motor geared reducer, and they are studied here extensively. Gear reducer can be also delivered without motor, only with input shaft. The basic aim of this paper is to present all characteristics and specificities of motor geared reducer in one place
Fall Dance Concert (November 10-12, 2022)
Program for the Fall Dance Concert (November 10-12, 2022)
Fabric defect detection using the wavelet transform in an ARM processor
Small devices used in our day life are constructed with powerful architectures that can be used for industrial applications when requiring portability and communication facilities. We present in this paper an example of the use of an embedded system, the Zeus epic 520 single board computer, for defect detection in textiles using image processing. We implement the Haar wavelet transform using the embedded visual C++ 4.0 compiler for Windows CE 5. The algorithm was tested for defect detection using images of fabrics with five types of defects. An average of 95% in terms of correct defect detection was obtained, achieving a similar performance than using processors with float point arithmetic calculations
The basic parameters of the universal gear drives, except the axis height, are not defined by the standard, so the manufacturers of universal gear reducers can define them in their way. Most of the manufacturers followed the parameter values of universal gear reducers of leading world producers in order to ensure their interchangeability and the better positioning of their gear units at the market. This paper deals with the analysis of the influence of the gear pair teeth number on the size of the module, as well as on the load carrying capacity of single-stage universal gear units. For defined gear ratio values, different combinations of teeth number of pinion and driven gear were selected. Further, it was made calculation of the basic geometric dimensions of the gear pair, as well as the load capacity
Conceptions of Development of Universal Gear Reducers
Дат је детаљан преглед садашњих концепцијских решења и начина монтаже савремених универзалних зупчастих редуктора. Карактеристике ових решења анализиране су посредством јединичних и комплексних показатеља квалитета. Резултати те анализе приказани су на систематичан и јасан начин, коришћењем табела, дијаграма и схема. Тумачење резултата је јасно и адекватно, с нагласком на значајне делове који су од посебне важности. Предложено решење зупчастог редуктора за усвојену осну висину је коректно дефинисано и постављено на основу претходно извршених анализа. Начин усвајања зупчастих парова, као и појединих конструкционих решења извршен је на јасно образложен начин. Такође, дат је предлог за увођење зубаца са повећаном теменом висином.Dat je detaljan pregled sadašnjih koncepcijskih rešenja i načina montaže savremenih univerzalnih zupčastih reduktora. Karakteristike ovih rešenja analizirane su posredstvom jediničnih i kompleksnih pokazatelja kvaliteta. Rezultati te analize prikazani su na sistematičan i jasan način, korišćenjem tabela, dijagrama i shema. Tumačenje rezultata je jasno i adekvatno, s naglaskom na značajne delove koji su od posebne važnosti. Predloženo rešenje zupčastog reduktora za usvojenu osnu visinu je korektno definisano i postavljeno na osnovu prethodno izvršenih analiza. Način usvajanja zupčastih parova, kao i pojedinih konstrukcionih rešenja izvršen je na jasno obrazložen način. Takođe, dat je predlog za uvođenje zubaca sa povećanom temenom visinom.Detailed overview of current solutions and conceptual mounting ways of modern universal helical gear reducer is presented. The characteristics of these solutions are analyzed by means of the unit and complex quality indicators. The results of this analysis are presented in a systematic and clear way, using tables, charts and diagrams. Interpretation of the results is clear and appropriate, with an emphasis on the important parts of which are of particular importance. The proposed solution of gear reducer for adopted shaft height is correctly defined and set to the previously performed analysis. The way the adoption of gear pairs, as well as some innovative designs are executed on clearly reasoned manner. Also, a proposal for the introduction of high contact ratio is given
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