44 research outputs found

    Impending compartment syndrome of the forearm and hand after a pressurized infusion in a patient under general anesthesia -A case report-

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    A 74-year-old woman underwent posterior lumbar decompressive fusion at L4-5 for treating spondylolisthesis, with the patient under general anesthesia and she was in the prone position. Following attempts to transfuse blood using a pressurized bag, the intravenous infusion site of the left hand along with the noninvasive blood pressure cuff was changed. Swelling and several bullae on the left forearm and hand were visible. Removal of intravenous catheter, hyaluronidase injection, wet dressing were subsequently performed. In postanesthesia recovery unit, the patient did not complain of pain, and the radial pulse and oxygen saturation of the left appeared normal. Three days after the incident, the edema on the patient's forearm and hand subsided, and the patient was discharged without any complications two weeks afterwards. Impending compartment syndrome should be given close attention, and particularly when performing pressurized infusion in patients who are unable to express pain because they are under general anesthesia

    Cerebral fat embolism after bilateral total knee replacement arthroplasty -A case report-

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    Fat embolism syndrome is a rare and potentially lethal complication most commonly seen in long bone fractures and intramedullary manipulation. The clinical triad of fat embolism syndrome consists of mental confusion, respiratory distress, and petechiae. This study reports a case of cerebral fat embolism syndrome following elective bilateral total knee replacement. After an uneventful anesthesia and initial recovery, the patient developed neurologic symptoms nine hours postoperatively

    The Sealing Volume and Pressure of the Bronchial Blocker Cuff of Univent(R) Tubes

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    Induction Dose of Etomidate in the Elderly Patients under General Anesthesia

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