89 research outputs found

    Active Chromatin Marks Are Retained on X Chromosomes Lacking Gene or Repeat Silencing Despite XIST/Xist Expression in Somatic Cell Hybrids

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    X-chromosome inactivation occurs early in mammalian development and results in the inactive X chromosome acquiring numerous hallmarks of heterochromatin. While XIST is a key player in the inactivation process, the method of action of this ncRNA is yet to be determined.To assess which features of heterochromatin may be directly recruited by the expression and localization of the XIST RNA we have analyzed a mouse/human somatic cell hybrid in which expression of human and mouse XIST/Xist has been induced from the active X by demethylation. Such hybrids had previously been demonstrated to disconnect XIST/Xist expression from gene silencing and we confirm maintenance of X-linked gene expression, even close to the Xist locus, despite the localized expression of mouse Xist.Loss of the active chromatin marks H3 acetylation and H3 lysine 4 methylation was not observed upon XIST/Xist expression, nor was there a gain of DNA methylation; thus these marks of facultative heterochromatin are not solely dependent upon Xist expression. Cot-1 holes, regions of depleted RNA hybridization with a Cot-1 probe, were observed upon Xist expression; however, these were at reduced frequency and intensity in these somatic cells. Domains of human Cot-1 transcription were observed corresponding to the human chromosomes in the somatic cell hybrids. The Cot-1 domain of the X was not reduced with the expression of XIST, which fails to localize to the human X chromosome in a mouse somatic cell background. The human inactive X in a mouse/human hybrid cell also shows delocalized XIST expression and an ongoing Cot-1 domain, despite X-linked gene silencing. These results are consistent with recent reports separating Cot-1 silencing from genic silencing, but also demonstrate repetitive element expression from an otherwise silent X chromosome in these hybrid cells

    Refinement of 1p36 Alterations Not Involving PRDM16 in Myeloid and Lymphoid Malignancies

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    Fluorescence in situ hybridization was performed to characterize 81 cases of myeloid and lymphoid malignancies with cytogenetic 1p36 alterations not affecting the PRDM16 locus. In total, three subgroups were identified: balanced translocations (N = 27) and telomeric rearrangements (N = 15), both mainly observed in myeloid disorders; and unbalanced non-telomeric rearrangements (N = 39), mainly observed in lymphoid proliferations and frequently associated with a highly complex karyotype. The 1p36 rearrangement was isolated in 12 cases, mainly myeloid disorders. The breakpoints on 1p36 were more widely distributed than previously reported, but with identifiable rare breakpoint cluster regions, such as the TP73 locus. We also found novel partner loci on 1p36 for the known multi-partner genes HMGA2 and RUNX1. We precised the common terminal 1p36 deletion, which has been suggested to have an adverse prognosis, in B-cell lymphomas [follicular lymphomas and diffuse large B-cell lymphomas with t(14;18)(q32;q21) as well as follicular lymphomas without t(14;18)]. Intrachromosomal telomeric repetitive sequences were detected in at least half the cases of telomeric rearrangements. It is unclear how the latter rearrangements occurred and whether they represent oncogenic events or result from chromosomal instability during oncogenesis

    Stable length polymorphism of up to 260 kb at the tip of the short arm of human chromosome 16.

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    We have completed a long-range restriction map of the terminal region of the short arm of human chromosome 16 (16p13.3) by physically linking a distal genetic locus (alpha-globin) with two recently isolated probes to telomere-associated repeats (TelBam3.4 and TelBam-11). Comparison of 47 chromosomes has revealed major polymorphic length variation in this region: we have identified three alleles in which the alpha-globin genes lie 170 kb, 350 kb, or 430 kb from the telemere. The two most common alleles contain different terminal segments, starting 145 kb distal to the alpha-globin genes. Beyond this boundary these alleles are nonhomologous, yet each contains sequences related to other (different) chromosome termini. This chromosome size polymorphism has probably arisen by occasional exchanges between the subtelomeric regions of nonhomologous chromosomes; analogous length variation is likely to be present at other human telomeres

    Stable length polymorphism of up to 260 kb at the tip of the short arm of human chromosome 16.

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    We have completed a long-range restriction map of the terminal region of the short arm of human chromosome 16 (16p13.3) by physically linking a distal genetic locus (alpha-globin) with two recently isolated probes to telomere-associated repeats (TelBam3.4 and TelBam-11). Comparison of 47 chromosomes has revealed major polymorphic length variation in this region: we have identified three alleles in which the alpha-globin genes lie 170 kb, 350 kb, or 430 kb from the telemere. The two most common alleles contain different terminal segments, starting 145 kb distal to the alpha-globin genes. Beyond this boundary these alleles are nonhomologous, yet each contains sequences related to other (different) chromosome termini. This chromosome size polymorphism has probably arisen by occasional exchanges between the subtelomeric regions of nonhomologous chromosomes; analogous length variation is likely to be present at other human telomeres

    Absence of the XIST gene from late-replicating isodicentric X chromosomes in leukaemia.

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    The mechanism of X-inactivation in man is thought to involve a specific cis-acting locus within the X-inactivation centre at Xq13 (1,2). The XIST gene (X inactive specific transcript) at Xq13 is ubiquitously expressed only from the inactive X and as such may be involved in or influenced by the X-inactivation process (3,4). We have localised the breakpoints on two acquired isodicentric X chromosomes associated with leukaemia to a 450 kilobase region of DNA within Xq13, which result in deletion of the XIST gene. We have demonstrated that these chromosomes remain inactive and that there is no evidence of XIST expression from the remaining intact X chromosomes. The data suggest that XIST is not required for the maintenance of X-inactivation on these somatically rearranged X chromosomes