697 research outputs found

    Soil Quality Assessment in Relation to Food Crop Productivity to Support Agribusiness-Based of Dry Land Management by Scoring of Soil Quality

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    To support Indonesian’s food self-sufficiency program, more quantitative and accurate data are required on the character of soil data needed, which can be more easily understood, practical and suitable for crop selection as well as for the right fertilizer recommendations to support the agribusiness development, implementation and operation. The purpose of this research is to develop and assess soil quality in relation to the productivity of major food crops by using Soil Quality Score Plus (SQS Plus) to support agribusiness-based management of dry lands. The use of SQS for assessing soil quality in principle determines the weighted average score obtained from the score of each selected key parameter multiplied by its weight. The SQS for the 36 locations observed varies from 2.36 (low) to 4.12 (high). SQS Plus adds letter(s) after a score to indicate the limiting factor(s) of soil ecosystem. The most limiting factor is low carbon organic content (72.2 % from the 36 locations observed), followed by low P availability (58.3%), and low total organic N (41.7%). Data of correlation between SQS and crop productivity is not good as expected.  Crop growth and crop production are not only determined by soil quality and its limiting factors.   Keywords: Crop productivity, dry land management, soil limiting factors, soil quality assessment, Soil Quality Scor

    Used Website Madrush Organization With Joomla

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    Internet use in the current period is not new anymore. Almost the whole worldknows. The Internet is the culmination of information technology on computersused. The Internet can introduce things in a clear, such as introducing yourself,business, and others. This can be done with the place known as a website.Madrush organizations and youth environmental information center in theMadrasah street. Hope the website Organizations Madrush can facilitate gettinginformation about the desired Madrush Organization and coordination can bemore

    Perencanaan Sistem Normalisasi Sungai Bubode di Kecamatan Tomilito Kabupaten Gorontalo Utara

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    ABSRAK   Masalah sungai di Kabupaten Gorontalo Utara Khususnya Di Desa Bubode Kecamatan Tomilito telah menjadi hal penting dengan sering terjadinya bencana banjir di musim penghujan.Yang sangat mengganggu kehidupan masyarakat dan menghambat sarana transportasi, serta menimbulkan kerugian harta benda yang cukup besar nilainya. Untuk itu dalam merencanakan suatu sistem normalisasi sungai khususnya pada sungai Desa Bubode perlu diketahui adalah banyaknya air hujan yang jatuh atau debit curah hujan yang mengalir ke sungai Bubode.Salah satu yang bisa menjadi acuan perencanaan bangunan pengendalian banjir adalah analisis profil muka air banjir. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui debit banjir sungai bone dengan kala ulang, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 tahun dan mengetahui kondisi kritis profil muka air banjir Sungai Bubode. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah menghitung perkiraan nilai debit menggunakan Analisis frekuensi distribusi normal,distribusi log normal,distribusi log pearson Type III, dan distribusi Gumbel. Kemudian diuji dengan menggunakan uji Chi-Kuadrat dan Uji Smirnov-Kolmogorov terhadap data data curah hujan yang diambil dari pos Molingkapoto air sungai Bubode Tahun 2007-2016. Analisis profil muka air dianalisis dengan Software HEC-RAS 4.0.                 Hasil penelitian memberikan debit banjir sungai bubode dengan kala ulang 5,10,20,50,dan 100 tahun secara berturut-turut adalahkalaulang 5 tahun (Q5) Sebesar 171 m3/det, kalaulang 10 tahun (Q10) 282 m3/det, kalaulang 20 tahun (Q20) sebesar 385 m3/det, kalaulang 25 tahun (Q50) sebesar 526 m3/det, kalaulang 100 tahun (Q100) sebesar 668 m3/det,.                 Dan kondisi Kritis frofil muka air banjir pada elevasi muka air dari STA 0 – STA 500 yang memberikan elevasi kurang lebih 12-14 mdan menunjukan bagian yang mengalami aliran kritis B9 (STA 450) terdapat titik terjadinya aliran kritis. Aliran kritis dapat memberikan Perubahan penurunan tinggi muka air.   Kata kunci : Sungai Bubode,Profil Muka Air,HEC-RA

    Fakor Determinan Yang Memengaruhi Budaya Keselamatan Pasien Di RS Pemerintah Kabupaten Kuningan

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    Safety culture is a key to support the achievement of occupational health and safety in an organization. An effort to build safety culture is the first step in ensuring patient safety. There are some factors that contribute in the development of safety culture, namely, individual and organizational attitude, leadership, team work, communication, and work load. This study aimed to identify the determinant factors that are related to achievement of patient safety culture in a government-owned hospital in Kuningan Regency. Eighty eight samples of nurses were recruited using incidental sampling technique. The research design was using cross sectional study, the hypothesis testing were using Chi Square and multiple logistic regression. The results showed that there were significant influenced between perception towards management (p= 0.0005, odd rasio 21.3), team work support (p= 0.0005, odd rasio 13.34), work-related stress (p= 0.006, odd rasio 3.94), work satisfaction (p= 0. 002) with patient safety culture. There was not significant influenced between work condition and patient safety (p= 0.507). The multivariate analysis showed that perception towards management was the determinant factor for patient safety culture (p 0.000 < α 0.05). In conclusion, leaders have significant influence in creating patient safety culture. Leaders have authority to implement systems in the organization. Therefore, leadership style, communication technique, and managerial ability are important in order to create a conducive atmosphere for developing patient safety culture. As recommendation, transformational leadership is a model that is appropriate to be applied in order to increase patient safety culture, trainings of effective communication and inter-professional education model are also needed to increase the collaboration skills among health professionals

    Perencaaan Penggunaan Lahan Dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Sumberdaya Air Di DAS Way Besai - Lampung

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    The problems on water resource are the decreasing of water supply due to the impact of land use changes. The population growth and the rising economy activity lead to the increasing of water demands. Way Besai area of 44,720 hectares has an important role in the provision of water resources. The aims of this research are: to assess the water supply and demand, to assess the water balance and, to formulate the best recommendation of land management planning. This research was conducted in 2011. The SCS (Soil Conservation Service) model was applied to determine land use planning scenarios and run-off prediction. The result shows that the water demand in Way Besai Watershed is 441,450,909m3/year, while water supply is 460,452,600 m3/year. Application of community forestry by applying agroforestry system, implementation of forest rehabilitation on area outside HKm permit, and conducting the change for coffee monoculture to mixed coffee crop in the area outside the forest is considered the best scenario of land management for Way Besai watershed. This scenario could produce 1,055.79 mm/years run-off, coefficient total runoff is 38.52%, water supply is 472,147,141 m3/years, storage is 7,911,616 m3/years and, can meet the of water demand in the dry months at 58.48%

    Analisis Nilai Konservasi Tinggi Aspek Pengendali Erosi Dan Sedimentasi (Hcv 4.2) Di DAS Ciliwung Hulu

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    Land use changes from forest to non forest on a large scale causing environmental damage and decrease the hydrologycal function of a watershed. The problem of forest change can be reduced by identifying, assessing and mapping of high coservation value areas based on requirements that led an area to be important outside the protected areas. This study was conducted at Ciliwung Upper Watershed. The aim of the research were identify the high conservation value areas base on environmental services aspect with erosion and sedimentation control (HCV 4.2), and b) analyze the consistency of HCV 4.2 to land capability class and Goverment Rule No 26 year 2008. The RUSLE equation to identify the area of HCV 4.2 is modified in HCV Toolkit that ignore the land management and conservation practice aspect. Land capability is classified base on Klingibel and Montgomary, but there are just 4 criteria which is used in this research (erosion, slope, depth of solum, and drainage). The result showed that 90% of total area of research was identified as area of HCV 4.2. There are 7 class of land capability (class I, II, III, IV, VI, VII and VIII) where the class IV and VIII are dominant in the area. From consistency analysis, it is known that 75% of area of HCV 4.2 is inconsistent with land capability class and Goverment Rule No 26 year 2008

    Aplikasi Sistem Informasi Geografis Berbasis Web Untuk Persebaran Sekolah Menengah Atas (Studi Kasus : Kota Semarang)

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    Semarang city as the capital of Central Java was the reference for another City in developing various sectors including education. Semarang City Department of Education has the tasks of education services Semarang. Provision of information to the public about education, especially high school, becomes very important to support service activities from Semarang City Department of Education. One of the communication media that can be accessed quickly anywhere is the website. Based on these considerations we need an information system that is able to assist educational agencies in providing the meaning of mapping geographic information for Senior High School distribution in Semarang.The object of this study is an application of mapping information system about distribution of Senior High School in Semarang, Central Java. Web-based GIS (WebGIS) is an application of geographic information systems (GIS) which distributed in a computer network to integrate and disseminate geographic information visually on the World Wide Web. The results of this study is an a web-based GIS application that makes it easy for the public to access the school which schools can be used as a reference for continuing education. In addition, this application can also be used to view the information contained in a school that could be used as a reference of information that would be very useful for the community

    Pengaruh Metode Latihan Kardiovaskular dan Tingkat Keterlatihan terhadap Tingkat Kebugaran Wasit Futsal

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    Permasalahan yang dikaji dalam penelitian ini adalah buruknya kondisi kebugaran wasit futsal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan latihan kardiovaskular dalam meningkatkan tingkat kebugaran wasit futsal. Desain penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuasi eksperimen dengan desain faktorial 2x2. Pembagian kelompok menggunakan teknik plotting acak dengan mempertimbangkan tingkat keterlatihan subjek terhadap hasil Heart Rate Recovery Test yang dibagi menjadi 4 kelompok. Pada tahap selanjutnya diberikan treatmen sebanyak 12 kali pertemuan dengan rincian 3 kali seminggu menggunakan metode latihan Intensive Interval dan Extensive Interval. Subjek penelitian adalah 36 wasit futsal AFP DIY laki-laki berusia 25-35 tahun. Instrumen tes keterlatihan menggunakan Heart Rate Recovery Test (HRRT) dan Instrumen kebugaran wasit menggunakan Assistant Referee Intermittent Endurance Test (ARIET) FIFA. Data kuantitatif dianalisis dengan statistik deskriptif. Uji statistik di analisis menggunakan uji Anava 2 jalur serta uji-t, setelah sebelumnya dilakukan uji prasyarat menggunakan uji normalitas dan uji homogenitas dengan taraf signifikansi 5 %. Hasil dari penelitian adalah: 1. Ada pengaruh metode latihan kardiovaskular terhadap tingkat kebugaran wasit futsal: a) Hasil uji t pada latihan Intensive Interval diketahui nilai p=(0,0000,05). Hal itu menunjukkan tidak ada pengaruh tingkat keterlatihan terhadap tingkat kebugaran wasit futsal. 3. Terdapat interaksi metode latihan kardiovaskular, tingkat keterlatihan, dan tingkat kebugaran dengan nilai p=(0,000<0,05). Kelompok yang paling baik peningkatan kebugarannya adalah kelompok Tidak Terlatih Extensive Interval dengan persentase peningkatan kebugaran sebesar 74,57%
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