36 research outputs found


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    Perpustakaan bagi perguruan tinggi merupakan suatu bagian yang sangat penting, perpustakaan harus memiliki kualitas pelayanan yang baik dan sesuai dengan kebutuhan civitas akademik. Kepuasan pengguna perpustakaan sangat tergantung pada kualitas layanan yang diberikan oleh perpustakaan. Persepsi layanan pengguna perpustakaan merupakan gambaran terhadap layanan yang diterima oleh pengguna perpustakaan. Dengan menggunakan metode Service Quality, persepsi dan harapan pengguna perpustakaan akan dinilai, melalui lima dimensi ServQual, yaitu tangible, reliability,responsiveness, assurance, dan empathy. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah sistem yang dapat melakukan pengukuran kepuasan pelanggan, berdasarkan perhitungan dan pengolahan data berdasarkan metode ServQual. Dengan demikian sistem ini dapat membantu untuk melakukan pengukuran tingkat kepuasan pengguna perpustakaan dengan lebih efektif dan efisien berdasarkan metode ServQual, sehingga bisa meningkatkan kualitas layanan

    Analisis kepuasan pemustaka terhadap kualitas layanan perpustakaan di perguruan tinggi vokasi dengan metode servqual dan importance-performace analysis

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    Introduction. Library in Vocational Higher Education is required to provide the best services in facilities, learning environmentbased on the characteristics of vocational education. This study aims to measure the level of satisfaction of library services  in vocational colleges. Data Collection Method. The questionnaires were distributed to 150 respondents including students and lecturersbased on five dimensions of Servqual. Data Analysis. The analysis was conducted  by identifying  the gap between perception and expectation using Importance-Performance Analysis method. Results and Discussions. Overall, the analysis if the gap for all Servqual dimensions was negative. Some services needto be  improved  to meet user expectations. By using Importance-Performance Analysis, itwas found that the attribute P10 (Library needs to provide an adequate online catalog) should be prioritized..Conclusions. It is expected that the library can improve the services based on the users’ needs

    Usulan Perbaikan Kualitas Proses Produksi Closing Rib Perusahaan Penerbangan Dengan Metode Six Sigma

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    The aim of this research evaluate the Closing Rib production process in aerospace company, trough identify the cause of product defect and find feasible solution to reduce defectedproduct. Closing Rib is a constituent component of Airbus A320 aircraft wing. Based on 2019 production data, still an average percentage of defects more than the average defect determined by the company at 1%. This study uses the Six Sigma method with concept of DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control) in an effort to improve quality. The results of the analysis at define stage show Hole Oversized is the highest type of defect. At the measure stage, the production process stability is measured with an average proportion of defective products of 0.0818 and has one data out of control. In measuring process, the capability value is 3,6356 sigma. At analyzing the causes carried out with the FTA approach obtained 6 basic events including uniform matrix tools, poor tool storage, lack of tool identification tools, reamer usage over time, inappropriate maintenance of reamer and machine operation sequence. And in the improve stage, there are some improvement efforts such as; simplifying matrix tools, designing tool storage, creating maintenance tables for tools, and adding SOPs


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    Pada bidang jasa, seperti halnya pada perpustakaan, penekanan lebih diutamakan pada kualitas proses, karena pelanggan biasanya terlibat langsung dalam proses tersebut. Saat ini peranan Perpustakaan PPNS dirasakan dan dimanfaatkan belum optimal. Dengan demikian, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana kesenjangan antara harapan dengan persepsi pengguna perpustakaan PPNS serta mengidentifikasi atribut - atribut kualitas pelayanan yang perlu diperhatikan dalam rangka perbaikan kualitas pelayanan PPNS. Hal ini dilakukan dengan cara penyebaran kuesioner kepada pengguna perpustakaan PPNS sebanyak 150 orang responden yang meliputi mahasiswa dan dosen PPNS dengan teknik pengambilan sampel yaitu accidental sampling. Kuesioner tersebut disusun berdasarkan dimensi - dimensi SERVQUAL yaitu Responsiveness, Assurance, Tangible, Empathy dan Reliability. Hasil analisis menggunakan metode Servqual dalam penelitian ini menunjukkan secara umum keseluruhan item pertanyaan memiliki nilai gap yang negatif. Hal ini berarti bahwa pelayanan yang diberikan kepada pengguna perpustakaan PPNS masih berada dibawah harapan responden. Nilai gap yang paling besar adalah -1,95 pada item P10 (Perpustakaan PPNS menyediakan katalog online yang memadai). Sementara itu, nilai gap paling kecil adalah -0,9 yaitu pada item P8 (Perpustakaan PPNS melakukan pengelompokan buku sesuai dengan bidang keilmuan untuk pengguna)

    Evaluasi dan Optimasi Penjadwalan Menggunakan Metode PDM dan Crashing untuk Mempercepat Durasi Pengerjaan Proyek (Studi Kasus Proyek Steel Structure - Primary Crushing)

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    Project is a production process that is unique, and is carried out within a certain period of time with limited resources to achieve the targets set. Steel Structure - Primary Crushing is one of mining company’s projects in East Java and is carried out by PT. Lintech Duta Pratama. But this project is past the specified deadline These lateness have consequences like fines or decreased client’s trust toward company’s performance and affect completion for other projects. Optimization is needed to avoid delays. The scheduling method used is a Precedence Diagram Method (PDM) that simpler for overlapping activities. To get a shorter duration of project completion, acceleration (crashing) analysis must be done. The results of the study obtained the duration of acceleration from 143 days to 125 days. The acceleration has two alternative, with overwork that increased the costs by 8,97% from the normal costs. While the other alternative is to add more worker that increased the costs by 0,65%. The cost of increasing the worker is lower so that alternative has the optimal cost and time

    Analisis Pengendalian Kualitas Pelapisan Baja Material Siku SS540 di PT. X dengan Menggunakan Metode SPC

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    Quality is an important factor for people in selecting and enjoying a product or service in addition to competitive prices. Therefore, for companies to survive and maintain its existence, it is required to remain continuously maintain and improve the quality of the products or services they offer. PT. X is a company engaged in the steel plating with Hot Dip Galvanize method. In the implementation of quality control in PT. X, after analysis on coating processes steel material elbow 50 x 50 x 5 (mm) in length 2000 mm Type SS540 processed vertically in the period January - December 2014. By using SPC method, that is especially by calculation using the map control xĚ…, R and S is still a point of being out of control that indicates the thickness of the coating out of provisions. However, the number of points out of the control limits is still relatively small. However, PT. X must remain continuously maintain and improve the quality of their products and services by taking into account four factors that influence the final armor plating that is the human factor, the factor labor process, machine factors and material factor

    Evaluasi dan Peningkatan Performansi Lini Perakitan Kendaraan Khusus Menggunakan Metode Line Balancing pada PT. Pindad (Persero)

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    Assembly lines that have poor efficiency result in various problems in the production process, one of which is the bottleneck problem. PT. Pindad (Persero) as a manufacturing company, has problems in the assembly line for special vehicles, where the efficiency of the assembly line has an unclear and uneven distribution of workloads, this results in poor production efficiency. This study aims to valuate the efficiency of PT. Pindad (Persero) and produce alternative improvements. An evaluation of the Komodo tactical vehicle product assembly line was conducted using line efficiency, balance delay, and smoothest index. It is known that the existing assembly line has a line efficiency of 13.25%, a balance delay of 86.75%, and a smoothest index of 875.31. Then the line balance is improved using heuristic line balancing methods. The methods used include the largest candidate rule, ranked positional weight, and regional approach. The results of this study are recommendations for special vehicle assembly lines using the line balancing ranked positional weight method with a line efficiency value of 94.1%, balance delay of 5.9%, and smoothest index of 8.86

    Analisis Penjadwalan Proyek menggunakan Metode Critical Path Method (CPM) dan Project Evaluation Review Technique (PERT) (Studi Kasus Train Door pada Kereta Ukur MYC 2020 di PT INKA Multi Solusi)

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    Abstract - Train door is one of the projects undertaken by PT INKA Multi Solusi. This project was expected to be completed on time, but actually it was delayed. The methods used in this research are the Critical Path Method (CPM) and Project Evaluation Review Technique (PERT). The CPM and PERT methods are suitable for scheduling in order to obtain the fastest completion time by considering the estimated completion time of the project due to the uncertainty that occurs in the field, so that the percentage of possible completion of the project is obtained. The results found that the probability of delays in the planned schedule is 61.41%. To overcome this delay, it is necessary to accelerate the duration using an alternative 4 hours of overtime. Based on the analysis of the Time Cost Trade Off method, the optimal time and cost of the train door's production on the MYC 2020 measuring train's project was obtained, namely the acceleration of duration to 199.6 days with total cost of Rp 462,280,692,-. Based on the Swent under the curve of the plan duration because the completion process was delayed so the time required was longer than the plan


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    As a service company, service quality and speed of service are the main focuses of the company. One equipment in loading and unloading is Terminal Truck. However, Terminal Truck currently has less than desirable with the frequent occurrence of breakdown. This will have an impact on the time used to be less productive. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the Terminal Truck by using Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE). The results of this study found that the CTT was still below the standard set by JIPM, namely 85%. Meanwhile losses, the significant that affect the effectiveness of CTT are idling and minor stoppage losses

    Desain Proses Produksi Survival Knife dengan Metode Operation Process Chart di Perusahaan Manufaktur

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    Manufacturing Company is one of the manufacturing industry in Surabaya focusing onengineering field, in producing machinary. One institution give a challenge to this company toproduce 10.000 pcs Survival Knives. Complex technique and limited machinary make it difficult forthis Manufacturing Company in Designing Production Process. Cycle time production, quantities andcost of production are considered in Designing Production Process. Operation Process Chart help usto visualize flow production process from raw material until finished good product. Production timecould see with Bar Chart Method its about 48 days left with paralel process. Researcher makes twoalternative concepts of designing production process. Concept selection is done trough two ways.First, based on the most point and second with Matrix Pugh Concept Selection. The result of thisresearch shows that “Designing Production Process Concept 2” is choosen because it has moreaverage quantity about 56 pcsand cost o production is lower than “Designing Production ProcessConcept 1” its about Rp.1.554.581.900,-. Concept 2 is better in cycle time production about 12 daysmore than concept