17 research outputs found

    Variations de l’expression du neuropeptide Y dans l’hypothalamus du rat adulte suite à l’exposition à un stress d’immobilisation aigu

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    Stress is well recognized by its influence on the regulation of food intake, and thus on the rate of neuropeptides involved in the regulation of food intake in the dorsal vagal complex (DVC) and in the hypothalamus. Indeed, in a previous study (8), we analyzed the changes of neuropeptide Y in the DVC following exposure of rats to acute immobilization stress. Therefore, this study was designed to investigate the effect of acute immobilization stress on the expression of neuropeptide Y (NPY) in the hypothalamus of adult rat.le stress est bien reconnu par son influence sur la régulation de la prise alimentaire, et donc sur le taux des neuropeptides régulateurs de la prise alimentaire dans le CVD et dans l’hypothalamus. En effet, dans une étude précédente (8), nous avons analysé les variations du neuropeptide Y au niveau du complexe vagal dorsal (CVD) suite à l’exposition du rat à un stress d’immobilisation aigu. De suite, la présente étude consiste à rechercher l’effet du stress d’immobilisation aigu sur l’expression du neuropeptide Y (NPY) dans l’hypothalamus du rat adulte

    Effet du stress d’immobilisation aigu sur l’expression du neuropeptide : cocaine and amphetamine-regulated transcript (CART), dans le complexe vagal dorsal du rat adulte

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    CART peptide is one of the anorexigenic neuropeptides regulating food intake. Indeed, the concentration of the neuropeptide CART in the DVC varies following exposure of rat to acute immobilization stress. Thus, RT-PCR shows an increase in the expression of neuropeptide CART to 24h post-stress. This result shows that acute immobilization stress affects the expression of anorexigenic neuropeptides regulating food intake in the DVC.Le peptide CART est l’un des principaux neuropeptides anorexigènes régulateurs de la prise alimentaire. En effet, la concentration du neuropeptide CART dans le CVD varie suite à l’exposition du rat à un stress d’immobilisation aigu. Ainsi, la RT-PCR montre une augmentation de l’expression du neuropeptide CART à 24h post-stress. Ce résultat montre que le stress d’immobilisation aigu affecte l’expression des neuropeptides anorexigènes régulateurs de la prise alimentaire au niveau du CVD

    Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Concentration Levels in the Cephalopod Species along the Moroccan Atlantic Coast

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    The Moroccan coastal is constituted of two contrastive coasts, the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea. The purpose of this study is to assess the concentrations of four polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in three cephalopod species landing on the main ports of the Moroccan Kingdom along the Atlantic coast. PAHs are ubiquitous environmental contaminants with multiple sources that present a toxic hazard due to their carcinogenic and genotoxic effects. Dietary intake is one of the most common exposure pathways of PAHs. The analysis of these pollutants is carried out by gas chromatography linked to mass spectrometry. The results obtained in this study show a variation of the levels of PAHs by the sampling sites (significant positive relationships p ?0.05). Within these results, the PAH content in the cephalopod species did not exceed the limit allowed by the European Commission. The health risks by consumption of these species were assessed and revealed no threat to the consumer

    Les syndromes paranéoplasiques en rhumatologie

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    Les syndromes paranéoplasiques sont un groupe d’affections associées à des tumeurs malignes indépendamment reliés à leurs sièges ou à leurs tailles. L’étiopathogénie incrimine des mécanismes immunitaires. Les syndromes paranéoplasiques en rhumatologie intéressant essentiellement les articulations, les muscles, les os, les fascias ou les vaisseaux. L’apparition des signes rhumatologiques peut précéder ou faire suite au diagnostic d’un cancer, avec un intervalle ne dépassant pas 3 ans

    Flood Susceptibility Assessment through Statistical Models and HEC-RAS Analysis for Sustainable Management in Essaouira Province, Morocco

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    Floods are natural disasters that often impact communities living in low-lying areas in the northern and central parts of Morocco. In this study, our aim was to create a flood susceptibility map using three methods; the hierarchy process (AHP) frequency ratio model (FR) and the weights of evidence (WoE) model. We extensively examined the area identified by these approaches using a hydraulic analysis software called HEC-RAS (version 6.3.1). Our analysis focused on the Essaouira watersheds in Morocco, where we identified around 197 flood locations. Out of these, we randomly selected 70% for modeling purposes while the remaining 30% were used for validation. Ten factors that influence floods were considered, such as slope, elevation, proximity to rivers, drainage density, stream order, land use patterns, rainfall data, lithology (permeability level) index (TWI), and curvature. We obtained these factors from data sources. Finally, we generated a flood susceptibility map and evaluated its accuracy by calculating the area under the curve (AUC). The validation results confirmed that all three models were robust and effective with an AUC of 90. Moreover, the research uncovered a trend of vulnerability with the most susceptible area being in close proximity to the city of Essaouira along the Oued Ksob. A detailed analysis using HEC-RAS was conducted at this identified location, pinpointing the village of Diabat as highly exposed. These findings hold significance for flood management, empowering decision makers, scholars, and urban planners to make informed choices and implement strategies that can minimize the impact of floods in susceptible regions while minimizing potential damages.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Wirus SARS-CoV wykorzystuje receptory ACE2 i CD209L do zakaĹĽenia

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    Cukrzyca powoduje wzrost ekspresji enzymu konwertującego angiotensynę typu 2 (ACE2), a ACE2 służy jako receptor umożliwiający wnikanie koronawirusa ciężkiego ostrego zespołu oddechowego (SARS-CoV) do komórek. W niniejszym doniesieniu skupiono się na innym receptorze, CD209L, który także ułatwia wnikanie SARS-CoV do komórek u chorych na cukrzycę

    SARS-CoV uses ACE2 and CD209L receptors in infection

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    Diabetes causes an increase in the expression ofAngiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE 2). In fact, thereceptor ACE2 is a portal of entry of SARS-CoV. in thisdiscussion, we focus on another receiver, CD209L,which also facilitates entry of SARS-CoV into the cell indiabetic subjects