56 research outputs found

    Resolutions for principal series representations of p-adic GL(n)

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    Let F be a nonarchimedean locally compact field with residue characteristic p and G(F) the group of F-rational points of a connected reductive group. Following Schneider and Stuhler, one can realize, in a functorial way, any smooth complex finitely generated representation of G(F) as the 0-homology of a certain coefficient system on the semi-simple building of G(F). It is known that this method does not apply in general for smooth mod p representations of G(F), even when G= GL(2). However, we prove that a principal series representation of GL(n,F) over a field with arbitrary characteristic can be realized as the 0-homology of the corresponding coefficient system

    An inverse Satake isomorphism in characteristic p

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    Let F be a local field with finite residue field of characteristic p and k an algebraic closure of the residue field. Let G be the group of F-points of a F-split connected reductive group. In the apartment corresponding to a chosen maximal split torus of T, we fix a hyperspecial vertex and denote by K the corresponding maximal compact subgroup of G. Given an irreducible smooth k-representation ρ\rho of K, we construct an isomorphism from the affine semigroup k-algebra of the dominant cocharacters of T onto the Hecke algebra H(G,ρ)H(G, \rho). In the case when the derived subgroup of G is simply connected, we prove furthermore that our isomorphism is the inverse to the Satake isomorphism constructed by Herzig

    Modules simples en caracteristique p des algebres de Hecke affines de type A_2

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    Soit F un corps local non archimedien de caracteristique residuelle p. On designe par R un corps algebriquement clos de caracteristique p et par Q une cloture algebrique du corps des nombres p-adiques. On classifie les modules simples de dimension finie de la R-algebre de Hecke-Iwahori du groupe lineaire Gl_3(F). Ils sont obtenus par reduction modulo p des modules simples de la Q-algebre de Hecke-Iwahori qui possedent une structure entiere

    Modules universels de GL(3) sur un corps p-adique en caract\'eristique p

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    Let F be a p-adic field with residue class field k. We investigate the structure of certain mod p universal modules for GL(3,F) over the corresponding Hecke algebras. To this end, we first study the structure of some mod p universal modules for the finite group GL(n,k) as modules over the corresponding Hecke algebras. We then relate this finite case to the p-adic one by using homological coefficient systems on the the affine Bruhat-Tits building of GL(3). Suppose now that k has cardinality p. We prove that the mod p universal module of GL(3,F) relative to the Iwahori subroup is flat and projective over the Iwahori-Hecke algebra. When replacing the Iwahori subgroup of GL(3,F) by its pro-p-radical, we prove that the corresponding module is flat over the pro-p Iwahori-Hecke algebra if and only if p=2

    Pseudo-Goldstone magnons in the frustrated S=3/2 Heisenberg helimagnet ZnCr2Se4 with a pyrochlore magnetic sublattice

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    Low-energy spin excitations in any long-range ordered magnetic system in the absence of magnetocrystalline anisotropy are gapless Goldstone modes emanating from the ordering wave vectors. In helimagnets, these modes hybridize into the so-called helimagnon excitations. Here we employ neutron spectroscopy supported by theoretical calculations to investigate the magnetic excitation spectrum of the isotropic Heisenberg helimagnet ZnCr2Se4 with a cubic spinel structure, in which spin-3/2 magnetic Cr3+ ions are arranged in a geometrically frustrated pyrochlore sublattice. Apart from the conventional Goldstone mode emanating from the (0 0 q) ordering vector, low-energy magnetic excitations in the single-domain proper-screw spiral phase show soft helimagnon modes with a small energy gap of ~0.17 meV, emerging from two orthogonal wave vectors (q 0 0) and (0 q 0) where no magnetic Bragg peaks are present. We term them pseudo-Goldstone magnons, as they appear gapless within linear spin-wave theory and only acquire a finite gap due to higher-order quantum-fluctuation corrections. Our results are likely universal for a broad class of symmetric helimagnets, opening up a new way of studying weak magnon-magnon interactions with accessible spectroscopic methods.Comment: V3: Final version to be published in Phys. Rev.