227 research outputs found

    Efisiensi Hidrodinamis Pemecah Gelombang Tegak Komposit Balok Kotak dan Tiang Pancang dengan Pengisi Batuan

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    As an archipelago country that has the longest beach in the world, Indonesia requires a lot of breakwaters (including groin and revetment) not only to protect coasts from scouring but also to keep water in port basins still enough for ship maneuvers and loading-unloading operations. However, up till now in Indonesia,many constructions of breakwater and revetment do not consider coastal engineering and management carefully. There were many breakwaters, groins and revetment built to protect critical beaches, but the design and construction methods were unprofessional so that they did not last long. The closest example is coast of Tanjung Bunga, Makassar. Some groins built on Akkarena beach, were destroyed only after several years. A breakwater built using concrete cylinders, collapsed before it was finished. The cause of the scarcity of building breakwaters are high cost required due to the difficulty of work at sea and the amount of material needed. This study will look for a way out in the form of composite breakwaters by concrete piles, rubble-mound and box-beams. It is known that rubble-mound breakwaters are the most effective for absorbing wave energy, and even if broken they still can function; with light repair to the damage, they will return to even better functioning. The main problem is material required for a rubble-mound breakwater is so much and some shall be in great size. This material is usually obtained from blasting rocky mountain of good quality rock, which is now difficult to do because of environmental issues. By vertical breakwaters, the size and amount of stone required will be much reduced

    Pola Angin Pembangkit Gelombang Yang Berpengaruh Atas Morfologi dan Bangunan Pantai Sekitar Makassar

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    ABSTRAK: Kondisi pantai Indonesia, sebagai negara yang memiliki pantai terpanjang di dunia, semakin hari semakin kritis baik dilihat dari segi morfologi maupun dari segi bangunan-bangunan pantai. Penyebabnya bukan saja kurangnya perhatian (biaya) untuk pemeliharaan/pembangunan, tetapi juga ketiadaan data yang cukup dan akurat untuk perhitungan-perhitungan teknis. Data yang terpenting adalah data gelombang yang kontinyu untuk jangka waktu yang cukup lama guna keperluan peramalan gelombang-gelombang ekstrim dalam periode waktu yang akan datang. Sayangnya justru data gelombang ini yang paling sulit diukur dan paling mahal biayanya. Sebagai alternatif data angin dapat dipakai sebagai alat untuk meramal gelombang karena gelombang yang paling banyak berpengaruh di pantai adalah gelombang yang ditimbulkan oleh angin. Penelitian ini mempelajari tentang angin di pantai kota Makassar

    Local distribution of Gaussian primes

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    Pengabdian bertujuan untuk meningkatkan peran serta warga masyarakat dalam pelestarian tanaman sehat dan alami sebagai solusi penghijauan ruang/lahan sempit. Tanaman memiliki peran penting bagi kehidupan manusia.  Selain sebagai tanaman hias atau memiliki nilai estetik juga berfungsi sebagai sumber pangan, sandang, papan, obat-obatan, bahan baku industry dan biodiesel serta bioethanol.  Metode yang digunakan dalam pengabdian dimulai dari perencanaan penghijauan ruang/lahan sempit , transfer ilmu tentang tanaman sehat dan alami, pelatihan dalam bentuk kegiatan pegelolaan tanaman sehat dan alami beserta teknik budidaya dan monitoring. Hasil pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian yang telah dilakukan mampu meningkatkan penghijauan ruang/lahan sempit  milik  warga yang secara otomatis juga mampu melestarikan tanaman sehat dan alami yang bermanfaat dan memiliki nilai estetika bagi warga masyarakat Kelurahan Gunung Kelua

    From Dynamic Sand Beach to Static Rubble Mound

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    This paper is prepared for APAC2011, Desember 14-16 in Hong Kong.Experience from construction of a self-adjusted rubble-mound breakwater at Grassy, King Island, in Bass Strait, where severe wave conditions was up to 7.6 meter incident waves, together with careful observation on large scale model tests (1:10 geometric Froude similitude without distortion) resulted in conclusion that stability of rubble mounds depend on mass stability of the mounds. Although the function of individual armor rocks is still important to cover the core layer in order to achieve static stability, use of equilibrium beach profile principles in predicting final profiles will result in more effective use of overall available material and smaller armor rocks. This study combines observation on the prototype, development of equilibrium beach profile theories, progress in reshaped berm-breakwater design, and large scale model tests to define a new procedure for rubble-mound breakwater/revetment trunk design and to predict the future of Grassy breakwater

    Psychoanalytic concepts of violence and aggression

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    Psychoanalytic clinical theories focus on three different assumptions that overlap to a certain extent depending on individual history (OPD Task Force, 2008): Psychopathology (a) manifests itself as an expression of unconscious conflict between different wishes and needs as well as expectations from the social environment, (b) is an expression of an impairment of personality functioning, and (c) evolves in dysfunctional relationships. Bearing in mind biological protective and risk factors (e.g. Hill, 2002), mental disorders are mainly seen as manifestations of early problems arising from childhood experiences. Thus, psychoanalytic theories tend to deal with the question of how early experiences can have an impact on adult functioning. For example, Benjamin (2003) has stated that representations of past interactions get “copied” into present interactions by three different processes: identification (behaving like a significant other), recapitulation (behaving as being in control of the other), and introjection (treating the self the same way the other did). Psychoanalytic thinking aims to understand each patient individually, starting with the etiology of problems and progressing to the specific psychogenesis of symptoms, that is, how a person copes specifically with aversive experiences and current life situations. In that sense, any psychopathology is regarded as an adaptation to inner and attachment-related problems associated with impaired functioning or dynamic defenses against unbearable mental states. Later in life, these “solutions” may become rigid, may not fit well with the demands of current situations, and may cause suffering both for the individual and for others around him/her. This basic assumption leads to a quite unique stance in psychoanalytic theory, in which symptoms – even the most cruel or irrational behavior – are considered to be meaningful in terms of assuming a vital function of regulating the self or interpersonal relationships. The hidden (or, rather, not superficially obvious) meaning of symptoms can be understood in terms of the individual’s personal history, unconscious conflict, or structural impairment incurred in the course of psychological adaptation to environmental demands which the individual aims to cope with within the limits of his/her constitutional capacities and social resources

    1st Workshop Proceedings of the Collaborative Project "Crystalline Rock Retention Processes" (7th EC FP CP CROCK) (KIT Scientific Reports ; 7629)

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    The EURATOM 7th EC Framework Program Collaborative Project Crystalline ROCK retention processes (CROCK) started in January 2011 and extends over 2 and a half years. The key driver for initiation the CP CROCK, identified by national Waste Management Organizations, is the undesired high uncertainty and the associated conservatism with respect to the radionuclide transport in the crystalline host-rock far-field around geological disposal of high-level radioactive wastes

    Contradictions, methodological flaws, and potential for misinterpretations in ranking treatments of depression

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    In this journal Malhi et al. recommended cognitive-behavior therapy (CBT), antidepressants, and counseling ahead of short-term psychodynamic therapy (STPP) referring to UK NICE guidelines for depression. However, these recommendations continue the ambiguous and therefore confusing NICE guidelines, which on the one hand list the above treatments as equal options as first-line treatment for depression and emphasizes the importance of patient preference and implementations factors, but on the other hand rank these first-line treatments, implying superiority of some treatments over others. Furthermore, we highlight several methodological flaws of the NICE treatment ranking and that the NICE treatment ranking is not justified by NICE’s own and independent evidence and criteria. Presently it is not clear which patients benefit from which empirically-supported treatment. Thus, we continue to discourage the devaluing of efficacious treatments so that as many patients as possible may benefit from them
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