663 research outputs found

    Keys for an Unwritten Poem translated by Vinio Rossi and Stuart Friebert

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    One Time translated by Vinio Rossi and Stuart Friebert

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    Image analysis procedure for studying Back-Diffusion phenomena from low-permeability layers in laboratory tests

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    In this study, the long-term tailing derived from the storage process of contaminants in low-permeability zones is investigated. The release from these areas in the groundwater can be considered a long-term source that often undermines remediation efforts. An Image Analysis technique is used to analyze the process and evaluate the concentrations of a tracer at different points of the test section. Furthermore, the diffusive flux from the low-permeability lenses is determined. To validate the proposed technique, the results are compared with samples, and the diffusive fluxes resulting from the low-permeability zones of the reconstructed aquifer are compared with a theoretical approach

    Woman\u27s Song translated by Vinio Rossi and Stuart Friebert

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    What is the Philology Author?

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    Este artículo pretende definir la filología de autor y, para ello, atenderá a su génesis, donde cobran especial importancia las figuras de Contini e Isella, a sus premisas básicas, que la diferencian de la crítica genética francesa y al radical cambio al que está sometida hoy nuestra disciplina. La filología de autor, que implica además una interpretación personal por parte del crítico, refleja dicha interpretación no solo en la lección escogida del texto, sino en la propia construcción del aparato crítico, que podrá ser genético o evolutivo. Todas estas cuestiones básicas se explican a partir de los Idilli de Leopardi o Fermo e Lucia de Manzoni, entre otros ejemplos.The aim of the article is to define author’s philology, and in order to do so, it will look at its beginnings, where we find the relevance of the figures of Contini an Isella, at its basic premises, which make it differ from French genetic criticism, and at the radical transformation to which our discipline is exposed today. Author’s philology, which also entails a personal interpretation on the critic’s part, projects this interpretation not only in the lesson chosen from the text, but also in the construction itself of the critical apparatus, which may be genetic or evolutive. All these basic issues are dealt with taking the Idilli, by Leopardi, or Fermo e Lucia, by Manzoni, as basis, among others

    Application Of A Decision Support System For The SustainablePlanning Of Rio Pojuca Basin (Bahia, Brazil) Water Resources

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    The paper presents the structure and the application of a Decision Support System (DSS) to Pojuca River watershed placed in the Northeast Region of Brazil (Bahia State). It is composed of surface-water quality models (total phosphorus, BOD, dissolved oxygen concentration and thermo-tolerant coliform bacteria pollution). A model evaluates the riverine microhabitat applying autochthonous fish species habitat suitability indexes (water depth, velocity, substrate and dissolved oxygen) valuated by local ichthyologists. Surface-water quality and microhabitat models are based on a hydrologic and hydraulic model. Models have been calibrated and validated using discharge and water quality measurements collected during a 1.5-year period of monitoring. Output data are available on a spreadsheet and ready to be spatially analyzed in a GIS software. We show how DSS can help the decision-making process to achieve the sustainable development of the basin, considering population growth, economic activities, climate change, management of sewage and wastewater treatment systems. The DSS is also applied to a challenging scenario: the building of an in series reservoir for supplying the Capital (Salvador) of drinking water. The experience has been characterized also by a large involvement of local specialists, with the aim to emphasize the existing qualifications and to consider local culture

    Alitretinoin: A new treatment option for hereditary punctate palmoplantar keratoderma (Brauer-Buschke-Fischer syndrome)

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    To the Editor: Punctate palmoplantar keratoderma type I (Brauer-Buschke-Fischer syndrome or PPKP1) is one of a group of heterogeneous disorders characterized by abnormal keratinization of the palms and soles. It is an autosomal dominant genodermatosis, and lesions appear within the first 2 decades of life. Molecular genetic studies have shown loss-of-function mutations in AAGAB, encoding α- and γ -adaptin-binding protein p34, located at locus 15q22. 1 Since PPKP1 is a rare disease, no standardized treatment has been established. Therapeutic approaches are based on traditional systemic retinoids (e.g., acitretin), although a successful response is not always seen. We describe a 41-year-old Caucasian woman with a 20-year history of hyperkeratotic lesions on the palms and soles. She complained of pruritus and pain, as well as difficulty walking and performing manual activities. Previous treatments, which included various keratolytic creams/ointments and potent topical steroids, did not produce a significant improvement. Similar skin lesions were present in her brother and grandmother. Dermatologic examination demonstrated multiple, yellow-gray crater-like hyperkeratotic papules on the palms and soles. The papules coalesced to form diffuse plaques of approximately 1 to 2 cm in diameter, especially over pressure points on the feet (Fig 1, A). There was no keratoderma transgrediens. Histopathology of a skin biopsy specimen from a palm lesion revealed marked hyperkeratosis, parakeratosis, and mild acanthosis without any change in the dermis, consistent with a diagnosis of PPKP1. Molecular studies were not performed due to lack of availability. Routine hematologic investigations were normal and pregnancy test was negative. Oral alitretinoin 30 mg/day was administered for 8 months as a trial of treatment. Contraceptive therapy was initiated 1 month earlier and continued for 10 months. Almost complete clinical remission of PPK was achieved after 8 months of treatment (Fig 1, B). No local or systemic adverse events were observed. Two months into the follow-up period the patient had not experienced any recurrence. An "8-months-on, 4-months-off" protocol for alitretinoin therapy was planned. Traditional systemic retinoids are used for treatment of PPK by many authors.2 and 3 We elected not to treat with acitretin because of its long-lasting teratogenicity (3 years after stopping treatment) and the need for long-term contraception.4 Alitretinoin (9-cis-retinoic acid) is a new retinoid, with immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory effects, which binds to retinoic acid receptors A and X. It regulates keratinocyte differentiation with fewer adverse events than traditional retinoids and requires only 1 month of contraception once therapy is completed. 5 We therefore consider oral alitretinoin to be a useful alternative treatment for women of childbearing age who suffer with PPKP

    Study of the performance of disinfection with sodium hypochlorite on a full-scale sewage treatment plant

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    A full-scale sewage treatment plant was investigated to assess the performance of the disinfection stage. Sodium hypochlorite was used as a disinfectant agent and the process efficiency was evaluated by E.coli removal. The research took place over a period of two years in order to evaluate the effect of retention time (t) and residual chlorine (Cr) under different seasonal conditions. The effectiveness of E.coli removal with sodium hypochlorite proved to be strictly dependent on the factor CR t (product of residual chlorine with the contact time). The regression line of the experimental points was, on the whole, well comparable with the model proposed by Collins, especially in the field of CRt lower than 30 mg L-1 min

    Study of the performance of disinfection with sodium hypochlorite on a full-scale sewage treatment plant

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    A full-scale sewage treatment plant was investigated to assess the performance of the disinfection stage. Sodium hypochlorite was used as a disinfectant agent and the process efficiency was evaluated by E.coli removal. The research took place over a period of two years in order to evaluate the effect of retention time (t) and residual chlorine (Cr) under different seasonal conditions. The effectiveness of E.coli removal with sodium hypochlorite proved to be strictly dependent on the factor CR t (product of residual chlorine with the contact time). The regression line of the experimental points was, on the whole, well comparable with the model proposed by Collins, especially in the field of CRt lower than 30 mg L-1 min

    Les Fiancés de Manzoni : radiographie d’un texte en mouvement

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    Cette étude présente les étapes de la longue gestation des Fiancés, en prêtant une attention particulière au « Second manuscrit » du roman, édité pour la première fois en 2016 et dont la situation textuelle complexe est mise en évidence : en « amont », ce manuscrit intègre matériellement certains documents de la première rédaction du roman, dont il réutilise de nombreuses pages ; en « aval », il entretient un lien direct avec la révision des feuilles préparées par le copiste pour la censure, avec le début de l’impression et la correction des épreuves. Il s’agit donc d’un texte en mouvement qui implique que l’on en donne une interprétation non pas globale mais mise en regard avec les autres phases rédactionnelles du roman ; malgré cela, la publication intégrale de ce second brouillon, auparavant relégué dans les notes de l’édition princeps du roman, a permis de mieux percevoir la lente et pragmatique transformation des choix linguistiques de Manzoni jusqu’à l’édition de 1827 et de saisir les prémices de la crise du rapport entre vérité et vraisemblable qui ne sera explicitée publiquement que dans les années 1850 avec la parution de l’essai Sur le roman historique, une crise dont les indices significatifs sont la mise à l’écart puis la récriture de l’Histoire de la colonne infâme.This study describes the stages of the gestation of The Betrothed and pays particular attention to the « Second manuscript » of the novel, published for the first time in 2016. It shows the complexity of its textual nature: on the one hand, it looks backward, comprising some of the documents belonging to the first drafting of the novel; on the other, it looks forward, being directly linked with the revision prepared by an amanuensis for censorship, and also with the beginning of the printing and the correcting of the proofs. It is therefore a mobile text, to be interpreted not globally but in relation to the other writing stages. In spite of that, however, the full publication of this second draft, that used to be confined in the notes of the princeps publication of the novel, has revealed the slow and pragmatic evolution of Manzoni’s linguistic choices until the 1827 edition, as well as the first signs of the crisis in the relation between truth and verisimilitude that will only be publicly exhibited in the 1850’s with the publication of the essay About the Historical Novel. The most suggestive signs of this crisis are the putting aside and the subsequent rewriting of the History of the Column of Infamy.Diese Studie stellt die Etappen der langen Entstehungszeit von Les Fiancés vor und widmet sich insbesondere dem 2016 erstmals herausgegebenem „Zweiten Manuskript“ des Romans, dessen komplexe Textgenese dargestellt wird. Oberflächlich betrachtet, integriert dieses Manuskript einige Dokumente aus dem Material des ersten Entwurfs des Romans, wovon zahlreiche Seiten wiederverwendet werden. Weniger sichtbar ist allerdings, dass seit Beginn des Drucks und des Korrekturlesens eine direkte Verbindung mit dem vom Kopisten für die Zensur überarbeiteten Textes bestand. Es handelt sich daher um einen Text in Bewegung, dem man mit einer globalen Interpretation nicht gerecht wird, sondern der danach verlangt, die verschiedenen redaktionellen Phasen des Romans zu berücksichtigten. Die Publikation des zweiten Entwurfs, auf den zuvor in den Fußnoten der Edition princeps verwiesen wurde, trägt dazu bei, Manzonis langsame und pragmatische Wandlung seiner Sprache bis zur Edition von 1827 besser zu erfassen. Auch die Anfänge der Krise des Verhältnisses von Wahrheit und Wahrscheinlichem, die erst in den 1850er Jahren mit der Veröffentlichung des Aufsatzes Sur le roman historique öffentlich wurde, kann nachverfolgt werden. Die charakteristischen Zeichen dieser Krise zeigen sich zuerst im Verwerfen und dann im Umschreiben der L’Histoire de la colonne infâme.Este trabajo presenta las etapas de la larga gestación de Los novios, prestando particular atención al “Segundo manuscrito” de la novela, editado por primera vez en 2016, cuya compleja situación textual es puesta de manifiesto : hacia atrás, este manuscrito integra materialmente ciertos documentos de la primera redacción de la novela, reutilizando numerosas páginas ; hacia adelante, mantiene una vinculación directa con la revisión de las páginas preparadas por el copista para la censura, con el comienzo de la impresión y las corrección de las pruebas. Se trata así de un texto en movimiento que exige una interpretación no global, sino a la luz de las otras fases redaccionales de la novela. No obstante, la publicación completa de este segundo borrador, hasta ese entonces relegado en las notas de la edición princeps de la novela, permitió percibir mejor la lenta y pragmática transformación de las elecciones lingüísticas de Manzoni hasta la edición de 1827 y de comprender las primicias de la crisis de la relación entre verdad y verosimilitud, que recién se explicitarán públicamente en los años 1850 con la publicación del ensayo Sobre la novela histórica –una crisis cuyos indicios significativos son el abandono y luego la rescritura de La historia de la columna infame.Este estudo apresenta as etapas da longa gestação de « Os Noivos », com uma atenção particular no « Segundo manuscrito » do romance, editado pela primeira vez, em 2016, em que colocada em evidência a situação textual complexa : por um lado (em direção à sua origem, en amont), entrelaçando materialmente esse manuscrito com a primeira redação do romance, no qual ele reutilisa várias páginas ; por outro, en aval, ele mantém uma ligação direta com a revisão das folhas preparadas por um copista para a censura, com o início da impressão e a correção das provas. Trata-se portanto de um texto em movimento, que implica que se faça uma interpretação não global, mas confrontada com as outras fases que compreendem a escrita do romance. Apesar disso, a publicação integral desse segundo rascunho, antes relegado às notas da edição princeps do romance, permitiu uma melhor percepção da lenta e pragmática transformação das escolhas linguísticas de Manzoni até a edição de 1827, e a compreensão das premissas da crise da relação entre verdadeiro e verossímel, que só será explícita publicamente nos anos 1850 com a publicação do ensaio « Sul romanzo storico », uma crise, cujos indícios significativos são, primeiro o distanciamento e, em seguida, a reescrita de « Colonne infâme ».Il saggio riassume le tappe della lunga gestazione della scrittura dei Promessi sposi con particolare attenzione al manoscritto edito per la prima volta nel 2016, della cosiddetta “Seconda minuta” rilevandone la complessa natura testuale : da un lato intrecciata materialmente all’indietro con la prima redazione del romanzo, di cui riutilizza numerosi fogli, dall’altro “in avanti” con la revisione dei fogli approntati da parte di un copista per la censura, e ancora con l’inizio della stampa e la correzione delle bozze. Malgrado lo statuto in movimento del testo, che ne richiede una fruizione non globale ma alternata alle altre fasi redazionali, la pubblicazione integrale di questo brogliaccio, finora relegato in nota alla princeps del romanzo, ha permesso di meglio percepire il lento e pragmatico mutarsi della ricetta linguistica manzoniana fino alla edizione ventisettana, e insieme di cogliere i primi germi di quella crisi del rapporto tra vero e verosimile che verrà esplicitata pubblicamente solo negli anni ’50 con il saggio Sul romanzo storico, e della quale prima l’accantonamento e poi la riscrittura della Colonna infame costituiscono un indizio significativo