18 research outputs found

    More Than Meets the Eye: Movies in American Studies

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    More Than Meets the Eye: Movies in American Studie

    Past Imperfect: Feminism and Social Histories of Silent Film

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    Picking up on recent feminist calls for an emphasis on social histories of cinema, the author argues for the importance of socio-historical contextualization in order to preserve feminist goals of critiquing epistemologies and power relations. Analyzing two early Edison films, she shows that the historical importance of each can be located in the ways they depict ideological confusion over female sexuality and mobility in changing urban spaces. Through socio-cultural contextualization, she further illuminates how Laughing Gas (Edison, 1907) depicts social tensions about the national rise of African American female domestics.Prenant en considération la récente mobilisation des féministes en faveur d’une histoire sociale du cinéma, l’auteure du présent article montre que la mise en contexte sociohistorique joue un rôle essentiel dans l’entreprise féministe visant à critiquer les approches épistémologiques et les relations de pouvoir. Une analyse de deux films d’Edison lui permet de montrer que leur importance historique réside en ceci qu’ils illustrent la confusion idéologique à propos de la sexualité féminine et de la mobilité des femmes dans un espace urbain en transformation. L’auteure met par ailleurs en lumière la façon dont Laughing Gas (Edison, 1907) dépeint les tensions sociales liées à l’émancipation des domestiques afro-américaines


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    Joyce Wieland

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    A catalogue of Wieland's retrospective exhibition assembling works from the 60's and 70's in such diverse media as painting, sculpture, quiltwork and films, as well as the figural paintings of the 1980's. Three essays by authors Lippard, Fleming and Rabinovitz, discuss the artist's development, her feminism and nationalism, as well as the exploration, in more personal works, of psychological and spiritual themes. Biographical notes. Bibl. 15 p

    The Evidence Base for How and Why Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Consultations Works

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    Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation (IECMHC) is an evidence-based service in which consultants build capacity for early childhood professionals and programs to promote the social-emotional development of infants and young children. This paper describes the current state of the evidence for IECMHC, mapping the evidence to a new theory of change from the Center of Excellence (CoE) for IECMHC. There is a substantial literature base regarding the effects of consultation on outcomes for infants and young children; yet the evidence for consultation’s specific mechanisms of change, moderators of impact, and reductions in disparities have been understudied. The authors identify gaps in the scholarly literature, articulate next steps for research, and conclude with a call to action for IECMHC researchers to expand rigorous studies to the range of settings in which IECMHC is implemented and to center social justice in the research questions, methods, and dissemination