411 research outputs found

    Superstrings on AdS3 at k=1

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    We study superstring theory in three dimensional Anti-de Sitter spacetime with NS-NS flux, focusing on the case where the radius of curvature is equal to the string length. This corresponds to the critical level k=1 in the Wess-Zumino-Witten description. Previously, it was argued that a transition takes place at this special radius, from a phase dominated by black holes at larger radius to one dominated by long strings at smaller radius. We argue that the infinite tower of modes that become massless at k=1 is a signal of this transition. We propose a simple two-dimensional conformal field theory as the holographic dual to superstring theory at k=1. As evidence for our conjecture, we demonstrate that at large N our putative dual exactly reproduces the full spectrum of the long strings of the weakly coupled string theory, including states unprotected by supersymmetry.Comment: 29 pages, one figure. An equivalent construction of the dual orbifold CFT has been added, together with a discussion of the short string spectrum and additional observations on interaction

    Amyloid Imaging in Aging and Dementia: Testing the Amyloid Hypothesis In Vivo

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    Amyloid imaging represents a major advance in neuroscience, enabling the detection and quantification of pathologic protein aggregations in the brain. In this review we survey current amyloid imaging techniques, focusing on positron emission tomography (PET) with ^{11}carbon-labelled Pittsburgh Compound-B (11C-PIB), the most extensively studied and best validated tracer. PIB binds specifically to fibrillar beta-amyloid (Aβ) deposits, and is a sensitive marker for Aβ pathology in cognitively normal older individuals and patients with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and Alzheimer’s disease (AD). PIB-PET provides us with a powerful tool to examine in vivo the relationship between amyloid deposition, clinical symptoms, and structural and functional brain changes in the continuum between normal aging and AD. Amyloid imaging studies support a model in which amyloid deposition is an early event on the path to dementia, beginning insidiously in cognitively normal individuals, and accompanied by subtle cognitive decline and functional and structural brain changes suggestive of incipient AD. As patients progress to dementia, clinical decline and neurodegeneration accelerate and proceed independently of amyloid accumulation. In the future, amyloid imaging is likely to supplement clinical evaluation in selecting patients for anti-amyloid therapies, while MRI and FDG-PET may be more appropriate markers of clinical progression

    Remarks on Non-Abelian Duality

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    A class of two-dimensional globally scale-invariant, but not conformally invariant, theories is obtained. These systems are identified in the process of discussing global and local scaling properties of models related by duality transformations, based on non-semisimple isometry groups. The construction of the dual partner of a given model is followed through; non-local as well as local versions of the former are discussed.Comment: 33 pages, CERN-TH.7414/94, RI-9-94, WIS-7-9

    Ricci flow and black holes

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    Gradient flow in a potential energy (or Euclidean action) landscape provides a natural set of paths connecting different saddle points. We apply this method to General Relativity, where gradient flow is Ricci flow, and focus on the example of 4-dimensional Euclidean gravity with boundary S^1 x S^2, representing the canonical ensemble for gravity in a box. At high temperature the action has three saddle points: hot flat space and a large and small black hole. Adding a time direction, these also give static 5-dimensional Kaluza-Klein solutions, whose potential energy equals the 4-dimensional action. The small black hole has a Gross-Perry-Yaffe-type negative mode, and is therefore unstable under Ricci flow. We numerically simulate the two flows seeded by this mode, finding that they lead to the large black hole and to hot flat space respectively, in the latter case via a topology-changing singularity. In the context of string theory these flows are world-sheet renormalization group trajectories. We also use them to construct a novel free energy diagram for the canonical ensemble.Comment: 31 pages, 14 color figures. v2: Discussion of the metric on the space of metrics corrected and expanded, references adde

    Nonrigid chiral soliton for the octet and decuplet baryons

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    Systematic treatment of the collective rotation of the nonrigid chiral soliton is developed in the SU(3) chiral quark soliton model and applied to the octet and decuplet baryons. The strangeness degrees of freedom are treated by a simplified bound-state approach which omits the locality of the kaon wave function. Then, the flavor rotation is divided into the isospin rotation and the emission and absorption of the kaon. The kaon Hamiltonian is diagonalized by the Hartree approximation. The soliton changes the shape according to the strangeness. The baryons appear as the rotational bands of the combined system of the soliton and the kaon.Comment: 11 pages(LaTex), 1 figures(eps

    On Thermodynamical Properties of Some Coset CFT Backgrounds

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    We investigate the thermodynamical features of two Lorentzian signature backgrounds that arise in string theory as exact CFTs and possess more than two disconnected asymptotic regions: the 2-d charged black hole and the Nappi-Witten cosmological model. We find multiple smooth disconnected Euclidean versions of the charged black hole background. They are characterized by different temperatures and electro-chemical potentials. We show that there is no straightforward analog of the Hartle-Hawking state that would express these thermodynamical features. We also obtain multiple Euclidean versions of the Nappi-Witten cosmological model and study their singularity structure. It suggests to associate a non-isotropic temperature with this background.Comment: 1+39 pages, harvmac, 8 eps figure

    Strong coupling expansion of chiral models

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    A general precedure is outlined for an algorithmic implementation of the strong coupling expansion of lattice chiral models on arbitrary lattices. A symbolic character expansion in terms of connected values of group integrals on skeleton diagrams may be obtained by a fully computerized approach.Comment: 2 pages, PostScript file, contribution to conference LATTICE '9

    Vacuum structure of CP^N sigma models at theta=pi

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    We show that parity symmetry is not spontaneously broken in the CP^N sigma model for any value of N when the coefficient of the θ\theta--term becomes θ=π\theta=\pi (mod 2π2\pi). The result follows from a non-perturbative analysis of the nodal structure of the vacuum functional ψ0(z)\psi_0(z). The dynamical role of sphalerons turns out to be very important for the argument. The result introduces severe constraints on the possible critical behavior of the models at θ=π\theta=\pi (mod 2π2\pi).Comment: 8 pages, revtex, to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    On the dynamical generation of the Maxwell term and scale invariance

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    Gauge theories with no Maxwell term are investigated in various setups. The dynamical generation of the Maxwell term is correlated to the scale invariance properties of the system. This is discussed mainly in the cases where the gauge coupling carries dimensions. The term is generated when the theory contains a scale explicitly, when it is asymptotically free and in particular also when the scale invariance is spontaneously broken. The terms are not generated when the scale invariance is maintained. Examples studied include the large NN limit of the CPN1CP^{N-1} model in (2+ϵ)(2+\epsilon) dimensions, a 3D gauged ϕ6\phi^6 vector model and its supersymmetric extension. In the latter case the generation of the Maxwell term at a fixed point is explored. The phase structure of the d=3d=3 case is investigated in the presence of a Chern-Simons term as well. In the supersymmetric ϕ6\phi^6 model the emergence of the Maxwell term is accompanied by the dynamical generation of the Chern-Simons term and its multiplet and dynamical breaking of the parity symmetry. In some of the phases long range forces emerge which may result in logarithmic confinement. These include a dilaton exchange which plays a role also in the case when the theory has no gauge symmetry. Gauged Lagrangian realizations of the 2D coset models do not lead to emergent Maxwell terms. We discuss a case where the gauge symmetry is anomalous.Comment: 38 pages, 4 figures; v2 slightly improved, typos fixed, references added, published versio

    Patient and caregiver assessment of the benefits from the clinical use of amyloid PET imaging

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    INTRODUCTION: Few studies to date have explored patient and caregiver views on the clinical use of amyloid positron emission tomography (PET). METHODS: A 7-item questionnaire assessing patient and caregiver views (510 total respondents) toward amyloid PET imaging was advertised broadly through alz.org/trialmatch. RESULTS: We received 510 unique responses from 48 US states, 2 Canadian provinces, the Dominican Republic, and Greece. Both patients and caregivers indicated that they would want to receive amyloid imaging if offered the opportunity. Over 88% of respondents had a positive response (∼10% with neutral and 2% with negative responses) to whether amyloid PET should be offered routinely and be reimbursed. Such information was felt to be useful for long-term legal, financial, and health care planning. Respondents identifying with early age cognitive decline (younger than 65 y) were more likely to explore options for disability insurance (P=0.03). Responders from the Midwest were more likely to utilize information from amyloid imaging for legal planning (P=0.02), disability insurance (P=0.02), and life insurance (P=0.04) than other US regions. DISCUSSION: Patients and caregivers supported the use of amyloid PET imaging in clinical practice and felt that the information would provide significant benefits particularly in terms of future planning