26 research outputs found

    Bionomics of the Black Fly Simulium guianense (Diptera: Simuliidae) in Northeast Brazil

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    Simulium guianense Wise (Diptera: Simuliidae) is the main vector of the nematode Onchocerca volvulus (Leuckart) (Spirurida: Onchocercidae), which causes onchocerciasis in the Amazonian focus of the disease. We present the first report of the presence of S. guianense in the Parnaíba River basin, its oviposition behavior, and its number of instars. Immatures were found in high density on bedrock, on leaves of Podostemaceae and other aquatic plants, and on branches and leaves of riparian vegetation. Larvae and pupae were collected in 9 rivers: 8 in the state of Piauí and 1 in the state of Ceará. Six instars were determined for a population in Piauí. Oviposition behavior was of the dabbing type. Ants (Solenopsis sp.; Hymenoptera: Formicidae) preyed on larvae and pupae stranded when the river receded

    Estado, empresariado e variedades de capitalismo no Brasil: política de internacionalização de empresas privadas no governo Lula

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    O artigo analisa a economia política do processo de internacionalização de empresas privadas brasileiras ocorrido durante o governo Lula (2003-2010). A partir de 2005, verificou-se uma expansão do investimento direto brasileiro no exterior, resultado de uma política do governo federal destinada a formar grandes empresas transnacionais capazes de concorrer internacionalmente. Grandes fusões, aquisições e projetos de investimentos no exterior foram financiados por recursos públicos, no âmbito da política industrial operada pelo Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social (BNDES), principal banco estatal de fomento ao setor privado no país. Uma característica importante desse movimento foi a concentração em setores nos quais o Brasil já é competitivo, como os intensivos em trabalho e recursos naturais, em contradição com diretrizes originalmente estabelecidas pela própria política industrial do governo Lula, que preconizava o incentivo a indústrias mais intensivas em tecnologia. A partir da análise empírica de casos de internacionalização, argumenta-se que isso ocorreu porque a política pautou-se por demandas de curto prazo de grupos econômicos privados. Utilizando a abordagem institucional das "variedades de capitalismo", conclui-se que a ação do BNDES foi path dependent, no sentido de que dependeu de projetos de viabilidade imediata. Depreende-se do resultado que características institucionais mais gerais da economia brasileira deixam a política industrial do governo federal sujeitas a demandas de curto prazo do setor privado

    A Comparison Between Lime And Alkaline Hydrogen Peroxide Pretreatments Of Sugarcane Bagasse For Ethanol Production

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    Pretreatment procedures of sugarcane bagasse with lime (calcium hydroxide) or alkaline hydrogen peroxide were evaluated and compared. Analyses were performed using 2 × 2 × 2 factorial designs, with pretreatment time, temperature, and lime loading and hydrogen peroxide concentration as factors. The responses evaluated were the yield of total reducing sugars (TRS) and glucose released from pretreated bagasse after enzymatic hydrolysis. Experiments were performed using the bagasse as it comes from an alcohol/sugar factory and bagasse in the size range of 0.248 to 1.397 mm (12-60 mesh). The results show that when hexoses and pentoses are of interest, lime should be the pretreatment agent chosen, as high TRS yields are obtained for nonscreened bagasse using 0.40 g lime/g dry biomass at 70°C for 36 h. When the product of interest is glucose, the best results were obtained with lime pretreatment of screened bagasse. However, the results for alkaline peroxide and lime pretreatments of nonscreened bagasse are not very different. © 2008 Humana Press.1481-34558Fan, L.T., Lee, Y.H., Gharpuray, M.M., (1982) Advances in Biochemical Engineering, 23, pp. 157-187Gharpuray, M.M., Lee, Y.H., Fan, L.T., (1983) Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 26, pp. 426-433Lynd, L.R., Elander, R.T., Wyman, C.E., (1996) Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 57-58, pp. 741-761Laser, M., Schulman, D., Allen, S.G., Lichwa, J., Antal Jr., M.J., Lynd, L.R., (2002) Bioresource Technology, 81, pp. 33-44Mosier, N., Wyman, C., Dale, B., Elander, R., Lee, Y.Y., Holtzapple, M., Ladisch, M., (2005) Bioresource Technology, 96, pp. 673-686Lee, J., (1997) Journal of Biotechnology, 56, pp. 1-24Wyman, C.E., Dale, B.E., Elander, R.T., Holtzapple, M., Ladisch, M.R., Lee, Y.Y., (2005) Bioresource Technology, 96, pp. 1959-1966Wyman, C.E., Dale, B.E., Elander, R.T., Holtzapple, M., Ladisch, M.R., Lee, Y.Y., (2005) Bioresource Technology, 96, pp. 2026-2032Hinman, N.D., Schell, D.J., Riley, C.J., Bergeron, P.W., Walter, P.J., (1992) Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 34-35, pp. 639-649Parisi, F., (1982) Advances in Biochemical Engineering, 38, pp. 53-87Kaar, W.E., Holtzapple, M.T., (2000) Biomass Bioengineering, 18, pp. 189-199Gould, J.M., (1984) Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 26, pp. 46-52Gould, J.M., (1985) Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 27, pp. 225-231Gould, J. M. (1987). Int. CI. C 13K1/02. US, PI 4,649,113Azzam, A.M., (1989) Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part B, 24, pp. 421-433. , 4Amjed, M., Jung, H.G., Donker, J.D., (1992) Journal of Animal Science, 70, pp. 2877-2884Krishna, S.H., Prasanthi, K., Chowdary, G.V., (1998) Process Biochemistry, 33, pp. 825-830Lesoing, G., Klopfenstein, T., Rush, I., Ward, J., (1981) Journal of Animal Science, 51, p. 263Verma, M. L. (1983). In G.R. Pearce (Ed.) (pp. 85-99). Canberra, ACT: Australian Government Publishing ServicePlayne, M.J., (1984) Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 26, pp. 426-433Nagwani, M., (1992), M.S. thesis, Texas A&M UniversityNREL (National Renewable Energy Laboratory-EUA). (1996)Chang, V.S., Burr, B., Holtzapple, M.T., (1997) Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 63-65, pp. 3-19Chang, V.S., Nagwani, M., Holtzapple, M.T., (1998) Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 74, pp. 135-159Holtzapple, M. T., & Davison, R. R. (1999). Int. CI. C 13K1/02. US, PI 5,865,898Kaar, W.E., Holtzapple, M.T., (2000) Biomass Bioengineering, 18, pp. 189-199Kim, S., Holtzapple, M.T., (2005) Bioresource Technology, 96, pp. 1994-2006Ferraz, A., Baeza, J., Rodriguez, J., Freer, J., (2002) Bioresource Technology, 74, pp. 201-212. , 3Lin, Y.L., Dence, C.W., (1992) Methods in Lignin Chemistry, pp. 33-62. , Springer BerlinIrick, T.J., West, K., Brownell, H.H., Schiwald, W., Saddler, J.N., (1988) Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 17, pp. 137-149Kaar, W.E., Brink, D.L., (1991) Journal of Wood Chemistry and Technology, 11, pp. 479-494Kaar, W.E., Gool, L.G., Merriman, M.M., Brink, D.L., (1991) Journal of Wood Chemistry and Technology, 11, pp. 447-463Laver, M.L., Wilson, K.P., (1993) Tappi Journal, 76, pp. 155-159. , 6Szczodrak, J., Fiedurek, J., (1996) Biomass & Bioenergy, 10, pp. 367-375. , 5/6Ghose, T.K., (1987) Pure and Applied Chemistry, 59, pp. 257-268. , 2Adney, B., Baker, J., (1996) Chemical Analysis and Testing Task-Laboratory Analytical Procedure, , LAP-006Wood, T.M., Bhat, K.M., (1988) Methods in Enzymology, , Academic San DiegoMiller, G.L., (1959) Analytical Chemistry, 31, pp. 426-428. , 3Barros Neto, B., Scarmin, I. S., & Bruns, R. E. (2003). 2nd ed. Campinas, SP: Editora da UNICAM

    An Alternative Aesthetic Restoration For Extensive Coronal Destruction In Primary Molars: Indirect Restorative Technique With Composite Resin

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    The indirect restorative technique with composite resin has presented efficient results when used in primary teeth. This technique enables the oral rehabilitation. Based on the results presented in the literature concerning clinical performance, this technique is presented as an alternative treatment to the primary teeth with extensive decay by showing a case of rehabilitation of primary molars. The oral rehabilitation using indirect resin composite restoration showed an important concept to be applied in primary dentition due to feasible, low cost, and lower chairside time.294277281Rontani, R.M.P., Gavião, M.B.D., Correr-Sobrinho, L., Soares, C.O.S., Moura, A.M., Influence of the onlay cavity prepare in the compression strength of primary teeth restored with composite resin (1999) RFO UPF, 4, pp. 21-25Berg, J.H., The continuum of restorative materials in pediatric denyistry - A review for the clinican (1998) Pediatr Dent, 20, pp. 93-100Imparato, J.C.P., Long, S.M., Trindade, C.P., Guedes-Pinto, A.C., Primary molars reconstructions through the indirect restorative technique with composite resin: Clinical and radiographic follow-up of 2 years (1998) RPG Rev Pos Grad, 5, pp. 133-137Donly, K.J., Garcia-Godoy, F., The use of resin-based composite in children (2002) Pediatr Dent, 24, pp. 480-488James, D.F., Yarovesky, U., An esthetic inlay technique for posterior teeth (1983) Quintessence Int, 14, pp. 725-731Serra, M.C., Paulillo, L.A.M.S., Francischone, C.E., Aesthetics in posterior teeth: Composite restorations (1996) Robrac, 6, pp. 4-8Silva, L.A.B., Cervical adaptation of prefabricated steel crowns - A clicnial study (1986) Rev Fac Odontol Ribeirão Preto, 23, pp. 191-197Checchio, L.M., Gaskill, W.F., Carrel, R., The relationship between periodontal disease and stainless steel crowns (1983) J Dent Child, 50, pp. 205-209Christensen, G.J., Restoration of pediatric posterior teeth (1996) J A D A, 127, pp. 106-108Imparato, J.C.P., Miaki, S.I., Eduardo, C.P., Metallic restoration melted in Pediatric Dentistry (1997) Rev Paul Odontol, 4, pp. 4-8Barreto, M.A.C., Imparato, J.C.P., Guedes-Pinto, A.C., Biological restorations in first inferior primary molars (1998) RPG Rev Pos Grad, 5, pp. 148-151Mack, E.S., A restorative periodontic practice without amalgam (1970) J Dent Child, 37, pp. 428-434Tonn, E.M., Ryge, G., Chambers, D.W., A two-years clinical study of a carvable composite resin used as class II restorations primary molars (1980) J Dent Child, 47, pp. 405-413Leifler, E., Varpio, M., Proximoclusal composite restorations in primary molars: A two-years follow-up (1981) J Dent Child, 48, pp. 411-416Tonn, E.M., Ryge, G., Clinical evaluations of composite resin restorations in primary molars: A 4 years follow-up study (1988) J A D A, 117, pp. 603-606Vieira, G.F., Onlay estética em resina composta (1995) Rev Assoc Paul Cir Dent, 49, pp. 131-134Dias De Souza, G.M., Pereira, G.D.S., Paulillo, L.A.M.S., Evolution and Clinical Applications of the indirect composite resins (2003) JBD, 2, pp. 141-147Vieira, D., Incrustração em resinas compostas (1991) Âmbito Odontol, 5, pp. 93-97Vieira, D., Maccagnan, L.C.G., Indirect composite resin restorations - A 17 years follow-up study (1998) Rev Paul Odontol, 20, pp. 17-22Chain, M.C., Baratieri, L.N., Restaurações indiretas de resina composta em dentes posteriores (1998) Restaurações Estéticas com Resina Composta em Dentes Posteriores, pp. 133-164. , Chain MC, Baratieri LN. São Paulo: Artes Médica