40 research outputs found

    Lainarakenteen muotoutuminen kun pankki altistuu talletuspaolle

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    Only abstract. Paper copies of master’s theses are listed in the Helka database (http://www.helsinki.fi/helka). Electronic copies of master’s theses are either available as open access or only on thesis terminals in the Helsinki University Library.Vain tiivistelmä. Sidottujen gradujen saatavuuden voit tarkistaa Helka-tietokannasta (http://www.helsinki.fi/helka). Digitaaliset gradut voivat olla luettavissa avoimesti verkossa tai rajoitetusti kirjaston opinnäytekioskeilla.Endast sammandrag. Inbundna avhandlingar kan sökas i Helka-databasen (http://www.helsinki.fi/helka). Elektroniska kopior av avhandlingar finns antingen öppet på nätet eller endast tillgängliga i bibliotekets avhandlingsterminaler.Tämä tutkielma tarkastelee talletuspaon syntymistä kuluttajan hyötyä maksimoivan talletussopimuksen näkökulmasta ja sitä, miten talletuspaon mahdollisuus vaikuttaa pankin optimaaliseen lainarakenteeseen ja lainan hintaan. Analyysissä käytetään kolmeperiodimallia julkaisujen Diamond ja Dybvig (1983) ja Cooper ja Ross (1998) mukaisesti. Talletuspaon osoitetaan olevan yksi mahdollinen kuluttajien rationaalisesta käyttäytymistä johtuva tasapainoratkaisu silloin kun investointien tekijänä on pankki kuluttajien yhteenliittymänä ja talletusten nostoja ei ole rajoittu. Tallettajat kohtaavat ennakoimattomia kulutustarpeita, mutta kokonaisuutena jokaisen periodin kulutustarpeet tiedetään. Tallettajat ja pankki ovat riskinkarttajia. Koska mallissa pankin investointitoiminnan tuotot jaetaan tallettajien kesken kulutusta tasaavasti, pankki on altis likviditeettiongelmille ja tallettajille voi muodostua kannustin talletuspakoon. Talletuspakotasapainon olemassaoloon vaikuttavat toisaalta sovittu talletuskorvaus, eli kulutuksen tasoittamisesta saatava hyöty, investointien keskeyttämisestä koituvat kustannukset sekä riskille altistumisen mahdollistama lisätuotto. Optimaalisen lainarakenteen ja lainan hinnan käsittely perustuu Changin ja Velascon (2000) malliin, jossa talletuspako on mahdollista ja valinta paon ja ei-pakoa tilanteen välillä on satunnaista, mutta sen todennäköisyys tiedetään. Ulkopuoliset lainoittajat ovat riskineutraaleja. Tutkielmassa vertaillaan kahta tilannetta: (i) pankin on mahdollista lainata vain pitkäaikaisesti, ja (ii) pankin on mahdollista lainata sekä lyhyt- ja pitkäaikaisesti. Lyhytaikainen lainaaminen on pankille edullisempaa, mutta samalla se pienentää kuluttajien todennäköisyyttä saada talletuksensa paon tapahtuessa. Pitkäaikainen laina on pankin kannalta turvallisempaa, mutta myös kalliimpaa, koska lainoittajat vaativat ottamastaan riskistä suuremman korvauksen. Samalla lainojen kustannus, korko, määräytyy mallissa endogeenisesti. Tutkielmassa osoitetaan, millä edellytyksin lainarakenne muodostuu joko kokonaan pitkäaikaiseksi, kokonaan lyhytaikaiseksi tai osittain pitkäaikaiseksi ja osittain lyhytaikaiseksi

    Restricted consonant inventories of 2-year-old Finnish children with a history of recurrent acute otitis media

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    Many children experience recurrent acute otitis media (RAOM) in early childhood. In a previous study, 2-year-old children with RAOM were shown to have an immature neural patterns for speech sound discrimination. The present study further investigated the consonant inventories of these same children usign natural speech samples. The results showed that 2-year-old children with RAOM (N=19) produced fewer words and had smaller consonant inventories compared to healthy controls (N=21). In partucular, the number of consonants produced in medial positions of words was restricted. For places and manners of articulation, the most notable difference between the groups was observed for fricatives,which were produces less often by children with RAOM than by the controls.These results further support the asdumption that early and recurrent middle ear infections should be considered a risk factor for language development.</p

    Long-term influence of recurrent acute otitis media on neural involuntary attention switching in 2-year-old children

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    Background: A large group of young children are exposed to repetitive middle ear infections but the effects of the fluctuating hearing sensations on immature central auditory system are not fully understood. The present study investigated the consequences of early childhood recurrent acute otitis media (RAOM) on involuntary auditory attention switching. Methods: By utilizing auditory event-related potentials, neural mechanisms of involuntary attention were studied in 22-26 month-old children (N = 18) who had had an early childhood RAOM and healthy controls (N = 19). The earlier and later phase of the P3a (eP3a and lP3a) and the late negativity (LN) were measured for embedded novel sounds in the passive multi-feature paradigm with repeating standard and deviant syllable stimuli. The children with RAOM had tympanostomy tubes inserted and all the children in both study groups had to have clinically healthy ears at the time of the measurement assessed by an otolaryngologist. Results: The results showed that lP3a amplitude diminished less from frontal to central and parietal areas in the children with RAOM than the controls. This might reflect an immature control of involuntary attention switch. Furthermore, the LN latency was longer in children with RAOM than in the controls, which suggests delayed reorientation of attention in RAOM. Conclusions: The lP3a and LN responses are affected in toddlers who have had a RAOM even when their ears are healthy. This suggests detrimental long-term effects of RAOM on the neural mechanisms of involuntary attention.Peer reviewe

    Performace of Dilute Nitride Triple Junction Space Solar Cell Grown by MBE

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    Dilute nitride arsenide antimonide compounds offer widely tailorable band-gaps, ranging from 0.8 eV to 1.4 eV, for the development of lattice-matched multijunction solar cells with three or more junctions. Here we report on the performance of GaInP/GaAs/GaInNAsSb solar cell grown by molecular beam epitaxy. An efficiency of 27% under AM0 conditions is demonstrated. In addition, the cell was measured at different temperatures. The short circuit current density exhibited a temperature coefficient of 0.006 mA/cm2/°C while the corresponding slope for the open circuit voltage was −6.8 mV/°C. Further efficiency improvement, up to 32%, is projected by better current balancing and structural optimization

    Comparison of metal/polymer back reflectors with half-sphere, blazed, and pyramid gratings for light trapping in III-V solar cells

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    We report on the fabrication of diffraction gratings for application as back contact reflectors. The gratings are designed for thin-film solar cells incorporating absorbers with bandgap slightly lower than GaAs, i.e. InAs quantum dot or GaInNAs solar cells. Light trapping in the solar cells enables the increase of the absorption leading to higher short circuit current densities and higher efficiencies. We study metal/polymer back reflectors with half-sphere, blazed, and pyramid gratings, which were fabricated either by photolithography or by nanoimprint lithography. The gratings are compared in terms of the total and the specular reflectance, which determine their diffraction capabilities, i.e. the feature responsible for increasing the absorption. The pyramid grating showed the highest diffuse reflection of light compared to the half-sphere structure and the blazed grating. The diffraction efficiency measurements were in agreement with the numerical simulations. The validated model enables designing such metal/polymer back reflectors for other type of solar cells by refining the optimal dimensions of the gratings for different wavelength ranges

    Translation, cross-cultural adaptation, and validation of the sino-nasal outcome test (snot)-22 for Finnish patients

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    Purpose The Sino-Nasal Outcome Test-22 (SNOT-22) is the most commonly used disease-specific quality of life questionnaire in rhinology. The purpose of this prospective study was to translate and validate SNOT-22 into Finnish. Methods The validation process followed the guidelines proposed for cross-cultural adaptation of health-related measures of quality of life. The study consisted of three groups: rhinologic out-patients (N = 96), FESS patients (N = 49) and healthy controls (N = 79). Out-patient and FESS groups completed the questionnaire twice (answers A and B), out-patients after two weeks and FESS patients after 3 months. Validity, reliability and responsiveness were evaluated. Results The mean SNOT-22 sum score of the out-patient questionnaires were 35.3 points (answer A) and 32.4 points (answer B). ICC in out-patient group was 0.879. For the FESS patients, the mean pre- and postoperative (answer A and B) SNOT-22 sum scores were 46.8 and 21.9 points, respectively (p <0.0001). The mean SNOT-22 of healthy controls was 8.9 points. The out-patients (answer A) and healthy controls had statistically significant difference in SNOT-22 scores (p <0.0001). Conclusions The results of our study show that the validated Finnish version of the SNOT-22 questionnaire demonstrates good validity, reliability and responsiveness.Peer reviewe

    Use of nanostructured alumina thin films in multilayer anti-reflective coatings

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    A new method for modification of planar multilayer structures to create nanostructured aluminum oxide anti-reflection coatings is reported. The method is non-toxic and low-cost, being based on treatment of the coating with heated de-ionized water after the deposition of aluminum oxide. The results show that the method provides a viable alternative for attaining a low reflectance ARC. In particular, a low average reflectivity of ∼3.3% is demonstrated in a broadband spectrum extending from 400 nm to 2000 nm for ARCs deposited on GaInP solar-cells, the typical material used as top-junction in solar cell tandem architectures. Moreover, the process is compatible with volume manufacturing technologies used in photovoltaics, such as ion beam sputtering and electron beam evaporation.acceptedVersionPeer reviewe

    Translation, cross-cultural adaptation, and validation of the sino-nasal outcome test (snot)-22 for Finnish patients

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    Purpose The Sino-Nasal Outcome Test-22 (SNOT-22) is the most commonly used disease-specific quality of life questionnaire in rhinology. The purpose of this prospective study was to translate and validate SNOT-22 into Finnish. Methods The validation process followed the guidelines proposed for cross-cultural adaptation of health-related measures of quality of life. The study consisted of three groups: rhinologic out-patients (N = 96), FESS patients (N = 49) and healthy controls (N = 79). Out-patient and FESS groups completed the questionnaire twice (answers A and B), out-patients after two weeks and FESS patients after 3 months. Validity, reliability and responsiveness were evaluated. Results The mean SNOT-22 sum score of the out-patient questionnaires were 35.3 points (answer A) and 32.4 points (answer B). ICC in out-patient group was 0.879. For the FESS patients, the mean pre- and postoperative (answer A and B) SNOT-22 sum scores were 46.8 and 21.9 points, respectively (p p Conclusions The results of our study show that the validated Finnish version of the SNOT-22 questionnaire demonstrates good validity, reliability and responsiveness.</p