324 research outputs found

    Financial statements of companies in Norway

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    This document details a dataset that contains all unconsolidated annual financial statements of the universe of Norwegian private and public limited liability companies. It also includes all financial statements of other company types reported to the Norwegian authorities

    Læring i yrket : i møtet mellom erfarne og nyutdannede

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    Nyutdannede og erfarne lærere som samarbeider systematisk om planleggingen og gjennomføringen av undervisningen har høyere opplevd mestring enn de som ikke gjør det. Kollegiale fellesskap er viktige for både nyutdannede og erfarne læreres opplevelse av støtte. Lærere finner likevel ofte lite rom for å prioritere systematisk kollegialt samarbeid, som beskrives som for tidskrevende. Lærere sier på tross av at det at de ofte savner å samarbeide. Hvorvidt lærere har møteplasser, anledninger og meningsfulle oppgaver å samarbeide om er viktig, men kan likevel bare delvis forklare lærernes oppfatninger om samarbeidets betydning

    Kompetente nyutdannede lærere: Et spørgsmål om gode lærerteam - eller om den rette mentorordning?

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    Artikkelen pointerer at det er mulig å forstå hvorfor en inkluderende arbeidsplasskultur og faglig og emosjonelt støttende samarbeidsformer kan være minst like viktig for mestringsforventning og trygghet som hvor lenge man har arbeidet som lærer. Mentorordningen kan understøtte dette. Dens funksjon kan imidlertid også primært være å støtte de individualistiske trekkene ved skolenes læringskultur. På mange skoler skjer det gjennom den kollegiale veiledningen en reproduksjon av en tradisjonell lærerprofesjonalitet og en innordning under en rådende skolekultur. Når det skjer blir mentorordningen en sovepute og ikke en stimulans til kontinuerlig profesjonell utvikling. Ikke sjelden argumenteres det med at det er lite rom for å prioritere annerledes. Skal dette endres, så gjelder det å tenke annerledes. Man må begynne i det små å fremheve og anerkjenne de initiativ hos ens kolleger som kan understøtte en mer felles profesjonslæring. Alle fora der lærere og skolens ledelse møtes er her viktige, men lærerteamene er viktigst fordi det er i dem man kommer tettest på undervisningsarbeidets konkrete, daglige utfordringer

    Autonomy, Candour and Professional Teacher Practice: A Discussion Inspired by the Later Works of Michel Foucault

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    Autonomy is considered to be an important feature of professionals and to provide a necessary basis for their informed judgments. In this article these notions will be challenged. In this article I use Michel Foucault’s deconstruction of the idea of the autonomous citizen, and his later attempts to reconstruct that idea, in order to bring some new perspectives to the discussion about the foundation of professionalism. The turning point in Foucault’s discussion about autonomy is to be found in his proposal for an ethics of the self. This ethics invites a break with the normalising discourses of modernity. As I see it, this makes it particularly relevant to a discussion about the principles of professionalism. The conception of parrhesia is central. I use the role of the teacher to illustrate my arguments

    Apple Inc’s acquisition of Lions Gate Entertainment Corp.

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    This dissertation intends to analyze the potential acquisition of Lions Gate Entertainment Corporation by Apple Inc. Apple is putting a notable amount of resources into competing in the entertainment market, and this acquisition would significantly improve its competitiveness in the industry. An analysis of the industry and the individual companies is provided, to substantiate the deal's rationale. Valuations are done of the individual companies and the synergies created by the merger to work out the transaction details. By finding the value of the merged entity with synergy effects, the combined enterprise value suggests the maximum bid that Apple can offer for the target. The intrinsic enterprise values of Apple and Lions Gate are approximately 3trillionand3 trillion and 5.2 billion, respectively. The proposed merger creates 1.65billioninnetsynergyvalue.Therecommendedbidpriceforeachshareisasfollows:Applewillpaya30pricesforeachofLionsGate′sshareclasses,whichequalsabidpriceof1.65 billion in net synergy value. The recommended bid price for each share is as follows: Apple will pay a 30% premium over market prices for each of Lions Gate's share classes, which equals a bid price of 18.2 for Class A and 17.0forClassB.Thetotalpurchasepriceaddsupto17.0 for Class B. The total purchase price adds up to 3.9 billion. The recommended transaction will be structured as a friendly takeover, as the acquisition will create value for shareholders of both companies. Apple will finance the takeover with 100% cash to signal confidence in the merger and the vast amount of excess cash on its balance sheets. By 2024, the acquisition will create value for Apple shareholders with a positive accretion yield.Esta dissertação pretende analisar a potencial aquisição da Lions Gate pela Apple. A Apple tem investido uma quantidade notável de recursos para competir no mercado do entretenimento, e esta aquisição melhoraria significativamente a sua competitividade na indústria. Forneço uma análise do setor e das empresas individuais que fundamentam a lógica do negócio. São feitas avaliações das empresas individuais e das sinergias criadas pela fusão para definir os detalhes da transação. Ao encontrar o valor da entidade fundida com os efeitos das sinergias, o valor combinado da empresa sugere o preço máximo que a Apple pode oferecer para o alvo de aquisição. Os valores empresariais intrínsecos da Apple e da Lions Gate são de aproximadamente US3trilio~eseUS 3 triliões e US 5,2 biliões, respetivamente. A fusão proposta cria US1,65bilio~esemvalorlıˊquidodesinergia.Oprec\codeofertarecomendadoparacadaac\ca~oeˊoseguinte:aApplepagaraˊumpremiumde30classesdeac\co~esdaLionsGate,oqueequivaleaumprec\codeofertadeUS 1,65 biliões em valor líquido de sinergia. O preço de oferta recomendado para cada ação é o seguinte: a Apple pagará um premium de 30% sobre os preços de mercado para cada uma das classes de ações da Lions Gate, o que equivale a um preço de oferta de US 18,2 para a Classe A e US17,0paraaClasseB.Oprec\cototaldecompratotalizaUS 17,0 para a Classe B. O preço total de compra totaliza US 3,9 biliões. A transação recomendada será estruturada como uma aquisição amigável, pois a aquisição criará valor para os acionistas de ambas as empresas. A Apple financiará a aquisição com 100% em dinheiro para sinalizar confiança na fusão e a grande quantidade de caixa excedente no seu balanço

    A comparison of basic English skills in 7th and 10th grade

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    Passion, Cooperation and JavaScript: This is what the industry is looking for in a recently graduated computer programmer

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    For institutions offering a degree in information technology (IT), knowledge about what the IT industry needs from their employees is valuable. In this study we talk to people interested in hiring computer programming graduates. Through semi-structured interviews with representatives from 10 companies we investigate what the companies are looking for in a recently graduated computer programmer. Our findings suggest that an inner drive and interest in the computer programming field is the most important quality. If a person has a genuine interest in the field, the person will most likely learn what is needed to excel at their job. Further, the candidate should be a good match for the team, as well as the company culture. Most interviewees do not focus on which exact languages or technologies the candidates know. If a candidate fit the other criteria they are assumed to be able to learn the required technologies quickly. However when asking directly, we find a clear trend: All companies want JavaScript competence. This insight can guide educators in multiple ways. First of all we can always improve focus on team work and cooperation. Further, we may be able to to nurture the intrinsic motivation of our students. Lastly, the JavaScript ecosystem is ripe for a more prominent place on our curricula

    Who uses VR in Norway?

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    Despite much hype, the extent to which VR is accepted and used by the general population is unclear. To shed light on this, we conducted a representative panel survey with 936 respondents in the spring of 2021. The survey revealed that while many know what VR is, only 20 % have tried it, and only 0.6 % use VR more than once a week. This poster explores the demographics of VR users in Norway
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