3,794 research outputs found

    A Long-Lived Accretion Disk Around a Lithium-Depleted Binary T Tauri Star

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    We present a high dispersion optical spectrum of St 34 and identify the system as a spectroscopic binary with components of similar luminosity and temperature (both M3+/-0.5). Based on kinematics, signatures of accretion, and location on an H-R diagram, we conclude that St 34 is a classical T Tauri star belonging to the Taurus-Auriga T Association. Surprisingly, however, neither component of the binary shows LiI 6708 A, absorption, the most universally accepted criterion for establishing stellar youth. In this uniquely known instance, the accretion disk appears to have survived longer than the lithium depletion timescale. We speculate that the long-lived accretion disk is a consequence of the sub-AU separation companion tidally inhibiting, though not preventing, circumstellar accretion. Comparisons with pre-main sequence evolutionary models imply, for each component of St 34, a mass of 0.37+/-0.08 Msun and an isochronal age of 8+/-3 Myr, which is much younger than the predicted lithium depletion timescale of ~ 25 Myr. Although a distance 38% closer than that of Taurus-Auriga or a hotter temperature scale could reconcile this discrepancy at 21-25 Myr, similar discrepancies in other systems and the implications of an extremely old accreting Taurus-Auriga member suggest instead a possible problem with evolutionary models. Regardless, the older age implied by St 34's depleted lithium abundance is the first compelling evidence for a substantial age spread in this region. Additionally, since St 34's coeval co-members with early M spectral types would likewise fail the lithium test for youth, current membership lists may be incomplete.Comment: 4 pages, including 2 figures. Accepted for publication in ApJ Let

    Multiplicity at the Stellar/Substellar Boundary in Upper Scorpius

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    We present the results of a high-resolution imaging survey of 12 brown dwarfs and very low mass stars in the closest (~145 pc) young (~5 Myr) OB association, Upper Scorpius. We obtained images with the Advanced Camera for Surveys/High Resolution Camera on HST through the F555W (V), F775W (i'), and F850LP (z') filters. This survey discovered three new binary systems, including one marginally resolved pair with a projected separation of only 4.9 AU, resulting in an observed binary fraction of 25+/-14% at separations >4 AU. After correcting for detection biases assuming a uniform distribution of mass ratios for q>0.6, the estimated binary fraction is 33+/-17%. The binary fraction is consistent with that inferred for higher-mass stars in Upper Sco, but the separation and mass ratio distributions appear to be different. All three low-mass binary systems in Upper Sco are tight (<18 AU) and of similar mass (q>0.6), consistent with expectations based on previous multiplicity studies of brown dwarfs and very low mass stars in the field and in open clusters. The implication is that the distinct separation and mass ratio distributions of low-mass systems are set in the formation process or at very young ages, rather than by dynamical disruption of wide systems at ages >5 Myr. Finally, we combine the survey detection limits with the models of Burrows et al. (1997) to show that there are no planets or very low-mass brown dwarfs with masses >10 M_J at projected separations >20 AU, or masses >5 M_J at projected separations >40 AU orbiting any of the low-mass (0.04-0.10 M_sun) objects in our sample.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ; 10 pages, 4 figures in emulateapj forma

    The van Hove distribution function for Brownian hard spheres: dynamical test particle theory and computer simulations for bulk dynamics

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    We describe a test particle approach based on dynamical density functional theory (DDFT) for studying the correlated time evolution of the particles that constitute a fluid. Our theory provides a means of calculating the van Hove distribution function by treating its self and distinct parts as the two components of a binary fluid mixture, with the `self' component having only one particle, the `distinct' component consisting of all the other particles, and using DDFT to calculate the time evolution of the density profiles for the two components. We apply this approach to a bulk fluid of Brownian hard spheres and compare to results for the van Hove function and the intermediate scattering function from Brownian dynamics computer simulations. We find good agreement at low and intermediate densities using the very simple Ramakrishnan-Yussouff [Phys. Rev. B 19, 2775 (1979)] approximation for the excess free energy functional. Since the DDFT is based on the equilibrium Helmholtz free energy functional, we can probe a free energy landscape that underlies the dynamics. Within the mean-field approximation we find that as the particle density increases, this landscape develops a minimum, while an exact treatment of a model confined situation shows that for an ergodic fluid this landscape should be monotonic. We discuss possible implications for slow, glassy and arrested dynamics at high densities.Comment: Submitted to Journal of Chemical Physic

    Electrophoresis of colloidal dispersions in the low-salt regime

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    We study the electrophoretic mobility of spherical charged colloids in a low-salt suspension as a function of the colloidal concentration. Using an effective particle charge and a reduced screening parameter, we map the data for systems with different particle charges and sizes, including numerical simulation data with full electrostatics and hydrodynamics and experimental data for latex dispersions, on a single master curve. We observe two different volume fraction-dependent regimes for the electrophoretic mobility that can be explained in terms of the static properties of the ionic double layer.Comment: Substantially revised versio

    Nonlinearities and Effects of Transverse Beam Size in Beam Position Monitors (revised)

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    The fields produced by a long beam with a given transverse charge distribution in a homogeneous vacuum chamber are studied. Signals induced by a displaced finite-size beam on electrodes of a beam position monitor (BPM) are calculated and compared to those produced by a pencil beam. The non-linearities and corrections to BPM signals due to a finite transverse beam size are calculated for an arbitrary chamber cross section. Simple analytical expressions are given for a few particular transverse distributions of the beam current in a circular or rectangular chamber. Of particular interest is a general proof that in an arbitrary homogeneous chamber the beam-size corrections vanish for any axisymmetric beam current distribution.Comment: REVTeX, 8 pages, 9 figures. Corrected Eqs. (7),(22),(25) and Figs. 2-9. Expande

    Self-assembly of the simple cubic lattice with an isotropic potential

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    Conventional wisdom presumes that low-coordinated crystal ground states require directional interactions. Using our recently introduced optimization procedure to achieve self-assembly of targeted structures (Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 228301 (2005), Phys. Rev. E 73, 011406 (2006)), we present an isotropic pair potential V(r)V(r) for a three-dimensional many-particle system whose classical ground state is the low-coordinated simple cubic (SC) lattice. This result is part of an ongoing pursuit by the authors to develop analytical and computational tools to solve statistical-mechanical inverse problems for the purpose of achieving targeted self-assembly. The purpose of these methods is to design interparticle interactions that cause self-assembly of technologically important target structures for applications in photonics, catalysis, separation, sensors and electronics. We also show that standard approximate integral-equation theories of the liquid state that utilize pair correlation function information cannot be used in the reverse mode to predict the correct simple cubic potential. We report in passing optimized isotropic potentials that yield the body-centered cubic and simple hexagonal lattices, which provide other examples of non-close-packed structures that can be assembled using isotropic pair interactions.Comment: 16 pages, 12 figures. Accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Structure and dynamics of colloidal depletion gels: coincidence of transitions and heterogeneity

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    Transitions in structural heterogeneity of colloidal depletion gels formed through short-range attractive interactions are correlated with their dynamical arrest. The system is a density and refractive index matched suspension of 0.20 volume fraction poly(methyl methacyrlate) colloids with the non-adsorbing depletant polystyrene added at a size ratio of depletant to colloid of 0.043. As the strength of the short-range attractive interaction is increased, clusters become increasingly structurally heterogeneous, as characterized by number-density fluctuations, and dynamically immobilized, as characterized by the single-particle mean-squared displacement. The number of free colloids in the suspension also progressively declines. As an immobile cluster to gel transition is traversed, structural heterogeneity abruptly decreases. Simultaneously, the mean single-particle dynamics saturates at a localization length on the order of the short-range attractive potential range. Both immobile cluster and gel regimes show dynamical heterogeneity. Non-Gaussian distributions of single particle displacements reveal enhanced populations of dynamical trajectories localized on two different length scales. Similar dependencies of number density fluctuations, free particle number and dynamical length scales on the order of the range of short-range attraction suggests a collective structural origin of dynamic heterogeneity in colloidal gels.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figure

    Quantifying the Reversible Association of Thermosensitive Nanoparticles

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    Under many conditions, biomolecules and nanoparticles associate by means of attractive bonds, due to hydrophobic attraction. Extracting the microscopic association or dissociation rates from experimental data is complicated by the dissociation events and by the sensitivity of the binding force to temperature (T). Here we introduce a theoretical model that combined with light-scattering experiments allows us to quantify these rates and the reversible binding energy as a function of T. We apply this method to the reversible aggregation of thermoresponsive polystyrene/poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) core-shell nanoparticles, as a model system for biomolecules. We find that the binding energy changes sharply with T, and relate this remarkable switchable behavior to the hydrophobic-hydrophilic transition of the thermosensitive nanoparticles

    LONTalk as a Standard Protocol For Underwater Sensor Platforms

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    Proceedings IEEE, Oceans 97, Halifax, Oct. 1997 IEEE CD-ROM 0-7803-4111-
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