21 research outputs found

    Efecto de tratamientos pre-germinativos en la calidad de plántulas guapinol (Hymenaea Courbaril)

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    This research has evaluated the effect of five pre-germination treatments on the quality and structure of plant locust (Hymenaea courbaril) due to the high variability in the germination and emergency tillage. Five treatments were evaluated by measuring the rate of Germanization and emergency speed; quality parameters (height and diameter) together with biomass (fresh and dry weight) of seedlings, bringing the Dickson quality index were estimated. Each treatment group contained 50 replicates for 250 plants in the experiment. The data were processed with statistical SPSS V.22.0: variance, standard deviation, variance analysis, obtaining statistical tests of binary correlations, repeated measures analysis and analysis of variance (ANOVA), intra and inter groups, 95% (P-valor 0.05) of confidence. The results show differences between treatments three (hydration) and four (mechanical scarification) regarding treatment one (thermal) and two (chemical) where no statistically significant difference. Treatment five (witness) has less statistical difference with all other evaluated. These same data for determining a positive effect between application of pre-germination treatments and increased seedling quality of 93.0%, this translates to a greater chance of survival of the plant to be transplanted in the field. It is tested combination treatments one and three.Esta investigación ha evaluado el efecto que tiene cinco tratamientos pre-germinativos en la calidad y estructura de las planta de guapinol (Hymenaea courbaril) debido a la elevada variabilidad en la germinación y emergencia con la siembra directa. Se evaluaron cinco tratamientos, midiendo el índice de germanización y velocidad de emergencia, parámetros de calidad (altura y diámetro) junto con la de biomasa (peso fresco y seco) de las plántulas, con lo que se estimó el índice de calidad de Dickson. Cada uno de los tratamientos consto de 50 repeticiones para un total de 250 plántulas dentro del experimento. Los datos se procesaron SPSS V.22.0 con los estadísticos: varianza, desviación estándar, análisis de varianza, obteniendo las pruebas estadísticas de correlaciones binarias, análisis de medidas repetidas y análisis de varianza (ANOVA), intra e inter grupos, a un 95% (P-valor 0.05) de confianza. Los resultados muestran diferencia entre los tratamientos tres (hidratación) y cuatro (escarificación mecánica) respecto al tratamiento uno (térmico) y dos (químico) donde no hay diferencia estadísticamente significativa. El tratamiento cinco (testigo) presenta diferencia estadística menor con todos los demás evaluados. Estos mismos datos permiten determinar un efecto positivo entre la aplicación de tratamientos pre-germinativos y el aumento de la calidad de la plántula de un 93.0%, esto se traduce a mayores posibilidades de sobrevivencia de la planta al ser trasplantada en campo. Debe probarse la combinación de los tratamientos uno y tres

    Status of the JEFF Nuclear Data Library

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    The status of the Joint Evaluated Fission and Fusion file (JEFF) is described. Recently, the JEFF-3.1.1 nuclear data library was released, and shortly after adopted by the French nuclear power industry for inclusion in their production and analysis codes. Recent updates include actinide evaluations, materials evaluations that have emerged from various European nuclear data projects, the activation library, the decay data and fission yield sub-libraries, and fusion-related data files from the European F4E project. The revisions were motivated by the availability of new measurements, modelling capabilities and trends from integral experiments. Validations have been performed, mainly for criticality, reactivity temperature coefficients, fuel inventory, decay heat and shielding of thermal and fast systems. The next release of the library, JEFF-3.2, will be discussed. This will contain among others a significant increase of covariance data evaluations, modern evaluations for various structural materials, a larger emphasis on minor actinides and addition of high-quality gamma production data for many fission products.JRC.D.5-Nuclear physic

    Reproductive characteristics of the predator Podisus nigrispinus fed with an insect resistant soybean variety Características reprodutivas do predador Podisus nigrispinus alimentado com variedade de soja resistente a insetos

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    The objective of this research was to evaluate the effect of the insect resistant soybean genotype IAC 17 on reproductive characteristics of Podisus nigrispinus (Dallas) (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) females compared to the soybean insect susceptible genotype UFV 16. Treatments were: T1) females of P. nigrispinus fed on plants of the UFV 16 and Anticarsia gemmatalis Hübner (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) caterpillars reared on leaves of this variety; T2) females of P. nigrispinus fed on plants of the IAC 17 and A. gemmatalis caterpillars reared on leaves of this variety. Longevity of females, pre-oviposition, oviposition and pos-oviposition periods, number of eggs and egg masses/female, egg weight, interval between egg mass laying, number of eggs/egg mass, percentage of nymphs, number of nymphs/female and total number of prey killed/female of P. nigrispinus were evaluated. Most of the characteristics evaluated showed similar results between treatments, but the oviposition period was longer for females reared on the resistant genotype than on the susceptible one and the percentage of total females that laid eggs was lower on the IAC 17. Also, the resistant genotype caused higher mortality of P. nigrispinus females at the beginning of its adult stage and egg production by females of this predator was better spread along its adult stage with this resistant genotype. On the other hand, results suggest no effect of the resistant genotype on the offspring of this predator.<br>O objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar o efeito do genótipo IAC 17, resistente a insetos, nas características reprodutivas de fêmeas de Podisus nigrispinus (Dallas) (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae), utilizando o genótipo susceptível UFV 16 como controle. Os tratamentos foram: T1) fêmeas de P. nigrispinus alimentadas com plantas de UFV 16 e lagartas de Anticarsia gemmatalis Hübner (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), criadas em folhas desta cultivar; T2) fêmeas de P. nigrispinus alimentadas com plantas de IAC 17, e lagartas de A. gemmatalis, criadas em folhas desta cultivar. Avaliou-se a longevidade das fêmeas, períodos de pré-oviposição, oviposição e pós-oviposição, número de ovos e de posturas/fêmea, peso dos ovos, intervalo entre posturas, número de ovos/postura, porcentagem de ovos eclodidos, número de ninfas/fêmea e número total de presas mortas/fêmea de P. nigrispinus. A maioria das características avaliadas mostrou resultados semelhantes entre tratamentos, exceto o período de oviposição, que foi mais longo para fêmeas criadas no genótipo resistente que no susceptível, e a porcentagem de fêmeas que ovipositaram antes de morrer, que foi menor na IAC 17. Além disso, o genótipo IAC 17 causou maior mortalidade de fêmeas de P. nigrispinus no início de sua fase adulta e distribuição mais uniforme da produção de ovos ao longo do período adulto desse predador. Por outro lado, os resultados não sugerem efeito desse genótipo na prole do predador

    Attack behavior of Podisus rostralis (Heteroptera: Pentatomidade) adults on caterpillars of Bombyx mori (Lepidoptera: Bombycidae)

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    Attack behavior of the predator Podisus rostralis (Stäl) (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) adults on fourth instar Bombyx mori L. (Lepidoptera: Bombycidae) caterpillars was studied in laboratory conditions. Ten 24 hours old adults of this predator were observed during two hours with the following attack behavior: (1) Predator: prey finding; prey observation; touching prey with antenna; attack behavior; prey paralysis; predator retreat after attack; attack cessation; successive attacks; and (2) Prey: defense. The predator P. rostralis found its prey before attacking and it approached it with slow circular movements. The attack was usually made in the posterior part of the prey to reduce defense reaction. Larger size of prey in relation to the predator resulted difficult prey paralysis but it occurred in less than two hours.<br>Estudou-se, em laboratório, o comportamento de ataque de adultos do predador Podisus rostralis (Stäl) (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) tendo como presa lagartas de quarto estádio de Bombyx mori L. (Lepidoptera: Bombycidae). Dez adultos do predador, com 24 horas de idade, foram observados durante duas horas acompanhando-se os seguintes comportamentos de ataque: (1) Predador: localização da presa; observação da presa; toque das presas com as antenas; comportamento de ataque; paralisação da presa; fuga do predador após ataque; finalização do ataque; ataques sucessivos; e (2) Presa: defesa. O predador P. rostralis localizou sua presa antes do ataque, aproximando-se dela através de lentos movimentos circulares. O ataque é, usualmente, realizado na parte posterior da presa para reduzir reação de defesa. O maior tamanho da presa em relação ao predador pode dificultar a paralisação, porém o predador consegue paralisá-la em menos de duas horas

    Morphology of female reproductive tract of the predator Podisus nigrispinus (Dallas) (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) fed on different diets

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    The morphology of the reproductive tract of Podisus nigrispinus (Dallas) females fed with Alabama argillacea (Hübner) larvae, artificial diet, Tenebrio molitor L. larvae or Musca domestica L. larvae were studied. The reproductive tract of females of this species presented yellow coloration and independent of the diet, each ovary had seven ovarioles joined through terminal filaments and forming a bunch shape structure. The histological data revealed that the ovary of P. nigrispinus was of meroistic telotrophic type, with each individual ovariole divided in a terminal filament, a tropharium (trophic chamber), a vitellarium, and a pedicel. The prey type affected the development and morphometry of these structures. Females of P. nigrispinus fed with 3rd or 5th instar larvae of cotton leafworm (A. argillacea) presented developed ovaries with ovarioles showing a great number of oocytes in advanced stages of development. Females fed with artificial diet presented atrophic ovaries and ovarioles practically without oocytes. Females fed with T. molitor or M. domestica showed ovaries in intermediary stage of development. The central ovariole was longer in females fed with 5th instar larvae of cotton leafworm and shorter in those fed with artificial diet. Most developed oocytes were observed in ovaries of females fed with 5th or 3rd instar larvae of cotton leafworm, and the majority of atrophic oocytes were found in females fed with artificial diet.<br>Este estudo apresenta a morfologia do sistema reprodutor feminino de Podisus nigrispinus (Dallas) alimentado com larvas de Alabama argillacea (Hübner), Musca domestica L. e de Tenebrio molitor L. ou dieta artificial. As gônadas internas desse predador apresentaram coloração amarelada e, independente da dieta, cada ovário apresentou sete ovaríolos unidos pelos filamentos terminais em uma estrutura em forma de cacho. A análise histológica revelou que o ovário de P. nigrispinus é do tipo meroístico telotrófico com cada ovaríolo dividido morfologicamente em filamento terminal, trofário (câmara nutridora), vitelário e pedicelo. A dieta recebida por esse predador alterou o desenvolvimento e a morfometria de seus ovários. Fêmeas de P. nigrispinus alimentadas com larvas de terceiro ou quinto estádio de A. argillacea apresentaram ovários desenvolvidos com grande número de ovócitos em estágio avançado de desenvolvimento nos ovaríolos. Fêmeas com dieta artificial apresentaram ovários atrofiados e ovaríolos, praticamente, sem ovócitos em seu interior enquanto aquelas alimentadas com larvas de T. molitor ou M. domestica tiveram ovários em estágios intermediários de desenvolvimento. O comprimento do ovaríolo central foi maior em fêmeas alimentadas com larvas de quinto estádio de A. argillacea e menor naquelas com dieta artificial. Ovócitos em estágios mais avançados de desenvolvimento foram observados para fêmeas alimentadas com larvas de terceiro ou quinto estádios de A. argillacea, enquanto ovócitos atrofiados foram observados para aquelas com dieta artificial