337 research outputs found

    Physical Origin, Evolution and Observational Signature of Diffused Antiworld

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    The existence of macroscopic regions with antibaryon excess in the baryon asymmetric Universe with general baryon excess is the possible consequence of practically all models of baryosynthesis. Diffusion of matter and antimatter to the border of antimatter domains defines the minimal scale of the antimatter domains surviving to the present time. A model of diffused antiworld is considered, in which the density within the surviving antimatter domains is too low to form gravitationally bound objects. The possibility to test this model by measurements of cosmic gamma ray fluxes is discussed. The expected gamma ray flux is found to be acceptable for modern cosmic gamma ray detectors and for those planned for the near future.Comment: 9 page

    Graviton emission from a higher-dimensional black hole

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    We discuss the graviton absorption probability (greybody factor) and the cross-section of a higher-dimensional Schwarzschild black hole (BH). We are motivated by the suggestion that a great many BHs may be produced at the LHC and bearing this fact in mind, for simplicity, we shall investigate the intermediate energy regime for a static Schwarzschild BH. That is, for (2M)1/(n1)ω1(2M)^{1/(n-1)}\omega\sim 1, where MM is the mass of the black hole and ω\omega is the energy of the emitted gravitons in (2+n)(2+n)-dimensions. To find easily tractable solutions we work in the limit l1l \gg 1, where ll is the angular momentum quantum number of the graviton.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, references added, typos corrected. Graviton degeneracy factor included; main results remain unchange

    The Isomorphism Relation Between Tree-Automatic Structures

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    An ω\omega-tree-automatic structure is a relational structure whose domain and relations are accepted by Muller or Rabin tree automata. We investigate in this paper the isomorphism problem for ω\omega-tree-automatic structures. We prove first that the isomorphism relation for ω\omega-tree-automatic boolean algebras (respectively, partial orders, rings, commutative rings, non commutative rings, non commutative groups, nilpotent groups of class n >1) is not determined by the axiomatic system ZFC. Then we prove that the isomorphism problem for ω\omega-tree-automatic boolean algebras (respectively, partial orders, rings, commutative rings, non commutative rings, non commutative groups, nilpotent groups of class n >1) is neither a Σ21\Sigma_2^1-set nor a Π21\Pi_2^1-set

    Ensuring the seismic resistance of operated CHP buildings

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    The main structures of the engine room of the CHP are among the most responsible reinforced concrete structures, since during operation they are subjected to significant technological loads, including those not provided for by the project. One of the most significant impacts is seismic. During the long-term operation of the CHP, the building structures have experienced significant alternating loads. As a result, the thermal power plants built 45-60 years ago and currently in operation have a reduced level of seismic resistance. As recent events in Turkey have shown, ensuring the safe operation of power plants is a key task. However, new construction is expensive and not always justified, in this regard, the task is to ensure the seismic resistance of existing power plants in seismically hazardous areas

    Astrophysical constraints on primordial black holes in Brans-Dicke theory

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    We consider cosmological evolution in Brans-Dicke theory with a population of primordial black holes. Hawking radiation from the primordial black holes impacts various astrophysical processes during the evolution of the Universe. The accretion of radiation by the black holes in the radiation dominated era may be effective in imparting them a longer lifetime. We present a detailed study of how this affects various standard astrophysical constraints coming from the evaporation of primordial black holes. We analyze constraints from the present density of the Universe, the present photon spectrum, the distortion of the cosmic microwave background spectrum and also from processes affecting light element abundances after nucleosynthesis. We find that the constraints on the initial primordial black hole mass fractions are tightened with increased accretion efficiency.Comment: 15 page

    Primordial Structure of Massive Black Hole Clusters

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    We describe a mechanism of the primordial black holes formation that can explain the existence of a population of supermassive black holes in galactic bulges. The mechanism is based on the formation of black holes from closed domain walls. The origin of such domain walls could be a result of the evolution of an effectively massless scalar field during inflation. The initial non-equilibrium distribution of the scalar field imposed by background de-Sitter fluctuations gives rise to the spectrum of black holes, which covers a wide range of masses -- from superheavy ones down to deeply subsolar. The primordial black holes of smaller masses are concentrated around the most massive ones within a fractal-like cluster.Comment: 19 pages; 3 figures; The final version accepted for publication in Astroparticle Physic

    The long-lived Type IIn SN 2015da: Infrared echoes and strong interaction within an extended massive shell star star star

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    In this paper we report the results of the first similar to four years of spectroscopic and photometric monitoring of the Type IIn supernova SN 2015da (also known as PSN J13522411+3941286, or iPTF16tu). The supernova exploded in the nearby spiral galaxy NGC 5337 in a relatively highly extinguished environment. The transient showed prominent narrow Balmer lines in emission at all times and a slow rise to maximum in all bands. In addition, early observations performed by amateur astronomers give a very well-constrained explosion epoch. The observables are consistent with continuous interaction between the supernova ejecta and a dense and extended H-rich circumstellar medium. The presence of such an extended and dense medium is difficult to reconcile with standard stellar evolution models, since the metallicity at the position of SN 2015da seems to be slightly subsolar. Interaction is likely the mechanism powering the light curve, as confirmed by the analysis of the pseudo bolometric light curve, which gives a total radiated energy greater than or similar to 10(51) erg. Modeling the light curve in the context of a supernova shock breakout through a dense circumstellar medium allowed us to infer the mass of the prexisting gas to be similar or equal to 8 M-circle dot, with an extreme mass-loss rate for the progenitor star similar or equal to 0.6 M-circle dot yr(-1), suggesting that most of the circumstellar gas was produced during multiple eruptive events. Near- and mid-infrared observations reveal a fluxexcess in these domains, similar to those observed in SN 2010jl and other interacting transients, likely due to preexisting radiatively heated dust surrounding the supernova. By modeling the infrared excess, we infer a mass greater than or similar to 0.4 x 10(-3) M-circle dot for the dustSpanish MICINN gran

    Possible Origin of Antimatter Regions in the Baryon Dominated Universe

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    We discuss the evolution of U(1) symmetric scalar field at the inflation epoch with a pseudo Nambu-Goldstone tilt revealing after the end of exponential expansion of the Universe. The U(1) symmetry is supposed to be associated with baryon charge. It is shown that quantum fluctuations lead in natural way to baryon dominated Universe with antibaryon excess regions. The range of parameters is calculated at which the fraction of Universe occupied by antimatter and the size of antimatter regions satisfy the observational constraints, survive to the modern time and lead to effects, accessible to experimental search for antimatter.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figur

    Brans-Dicke Theory and primordial black holes in Early Matter-Dominated Era

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    We show that primordial black holes can be formed in the matter-dominated era with gravity described by the Brans-Dicke theory. Considering an early matter-dominated era between inflation and reheating, we found that the primordial black holes formed during that era evaporate at a quicker than those of early radiation-dominated era. Thus, in comparison with latter case, less number of primordial black holes could exist today. Again the constraints on primordial black hole formation tend towards the larger value than their radiation-dominated era counterparts indicating a significant enhancement in the formation of primordial black holes during the matter-dominaed era.Comment: 9 page

    Scenario of Accelerating Universe from the Phenomenological \Lambda- Models

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    Dark matter, the major component of the matter content of the Universe, played a significant role at early stages during structure formation. But at present the Universe is dark energy dominated as well as accelerating. Here, the presence of dark energy has been established by including a time-dependent Λ\Lambda term in the Einstein's field equations. This model is compatible with the idea of an accelerating Universe so far as the value of the deceleration parameter is concerned. Possibility of a change in sign of the deceleration parameter is also discussed. The impact of considering the speed of light as variable in the field equations has also been investigated by using a well known time-dependent Λ\Lambda model.Comment: Latex, 9 pages, Major change