35 research outputs found

    Evolution of the Great Tehuelche Paleolake in the Torres del Paine National Park of Chilean Patagonia during the Last Glacial Maximum and Holocene

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    Indexación: Web of Science; ScieloRESUMEN. Una serie de morrenas glaciares se distribuyen desde el margen oriental de la cuenca de drenaje Torres del Paine a cerca del actual margen de los Campos de Hielo Patagónico, junto con una serie de terrazas lacustres regional continuos relacionados con las fluctuaciones glaciales. La geomorfología, apoyada por la evidencia de sedimentos del lago, indica la existencia de un único paleolago proglacial en esta zona, aquí denominado el Gran Tehuelche paleolago. Este concepto ayuda a aclarar la cronología de eventos glaciales y conduce a una mejor comprensión de la evolución del sistema hidrológico de la zona de Torres del Paine. Avances glaciales referidos anteriormente como ocurrieron A, B y C durante el Último Máximo Glacial y alimentados con la Gran Tehuelche paleolago con agua de deshielo, que le permite alcanzar su máxima extensión. El descubrimiento de trombolitos en Laguna Amarga sugiere que el drenaje de la paleolago hacia el fiordo de Última Esperanza tuvo lugar en 7113 Cal. años AP, después de la fusión de una barrera de hielo que existía durante el avance glacial antes. Esto dio lugar al desarrollo de un sistema hidrológico fluvio-lacustre complejo que persiste hasta nuestros días. Palabras clave: Patagonia, último máximo glacial, Younger Dryas, trombolitos. RESUMEN. Un grupo de morrenas glaciales estan Distribuidas desde el margen Este de la cuenca de drenaje de Torres del Paine Hacia el margen real de los Campos de Hielo Patagónicos. Las morrenas se observan en conjunto con las Naciones Unidas Grupo de terrazas Lacustres Regionales, las Cuales estan vinculadas y una las fluctuaciones glaciales. La geomorfología y Evidencias de sedimentos Lacustres indicano la existence De unico ONU lago proglacial, referido En Este Estudio de Como Gran Paleolago Tehuelche. Este Concepto ayuda a clarificar la cronología de los eventos glaciales y permite Una mejor Comprensión de la Evolución del Sistema hidrológico del sector de Torres del Paine. Los eventos glaciales, previamente Referidos Como Avance A, B y C, ocurrieron Durante el Último Máximo Glacial y alimentaron con Aguas de fusión al Gran Paleolago Tehuelche, permitiéndole Alcanzar su alcalde extensión. El Descubrimiento de trombolitos en Laguna Amarga sugiere Que El desagüe del paleolago Ocurrió Hace 7.113 Cal. Por años AP el Seno de Última Esperanza, producto de la fusión De Una barrera glaciar existente Durante los Avances glaciales Anteriores. LUEGO del drenaje sí Desarrollo en Un complejo Sistema hidrológico Que Persiste Hasta el presente. Palabras clave: Patagonia, Último Máximo Glacial, Dryas Temprano, Trombolitos.http://ref.scielo.org/wgc2q

    Burdigalian deposits of the Santa Cruz Formation in the Sierra Baguales, Austral (Magallanes) Basin: Age, depositional environment and vertebrate fossils

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    Indexación: Web of Science; Scielo.ABSTRACT. A succession of marine and continental strata on the southern flank of Cerro Cono in the Sierra Baguales, northeast of Torres del Paine, can be correlated with stratigraphic units exposed along the southern border of the Lago Argentino region in Santa Cruz Province, Argentina. These include the Estancia 25 de Mayo Formation and the basal part of the Santa Cruz Formation. The lithological correlation is also confirmed by detrital zircon ages (maximum age of 18.23±0.26 Ma) and a rich assemblage of terrestrial vertebrate fossils, biostratigraphically equivalent to a postColhuehuapian, pre-Santacrucian South American Land Mammal Age (SALMA) fauna, suggesting a range of 19 to 17.8 Ma. Similar ages have been obtained from the basal part of the Santa Cruz Formation at Estancia Quién Sabe in southwestern Argentina, supporting the assumption of a regional continuity between these deposits. A measured lithostratigraphic column is presented and the depositional environment is interpreted as a coastal plain with small, meandering rivers and ephemeral floodplain lakes. The sedimentation coincides with intensified uplift of the Patagonian Andes during the ‘Quechua Phase’ of Andean tectonism, which is reflected by a change in paleocurrent directions from northwest to east-northeast. Keywords: Burdigalian, Santa Cruz Formation, Santacrucian SALMA, ‘Notohippidian’ fauna, Meandering rivers.RESUMEN. Una sucesión de estratos marinos y continentales en el flanco meridional del cerro Cono, en la sierra Baguales, al noreste de Torres del Paine, se correlaciona con estratos al sur de la región de lago Argentino en la Provincia de Santa Cruz, República Argentina. Estas unidades incluyen la Formación Estancia 25 de Mayo y la parte basal de la Formación Santa Cruz. La correlación litológica es, además, confirmada por datación de circones detríticos (edad máxima de 18,23±0,26 Ma) y un variado ensamble de vertebrados fósiles terrestres de edad post-Colhuehuapense a pre-Santacrucense en la escala de Edades Mamífero Sudamericanas (EMAS), con un rango temporal de entre 19 a 17,8 Ma. Edades similares han sido reportadas para la parte basal de la Formación Santa Cruz, en estancia Quién Sabe, en el suroeste de Argentina, ratificando la continuidad regional entre estos depósitos. Se presenta una columna estratigráfica y se interpreta el ambiente de depositación como una llanura costera con pequeños ríos sinuosos y lagos efímeros. La edad de sedimentación coincide con el solevantamiento de los Andes Patagónicos durante la 'Fase Quechua', lo que se ve reflejado por un cambio en la dirección de las paleocorrientes desde el noroeste hacia el este-noreste.http://ref.scielo.org/csxwd

    A late Eocene age proposal for the Loreto Formation (Brunswick Peninsula, southernmost Chile), based on fossil cartilaginous fishes, paleobotany and radiometric evidence

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    We present new data on the paleoichthyology, paleobotany and radiometric results of the Loreto Formation in the Brunswick Peninsula of southernmost Chile, that allow us to propose a Late Eocene age. The rich diversity of fossil cartilaginous fishes (Chondrichthyes, Elasmobranchii) recognized in upper levels of this unit includes the taxa Carcharias aff. 'hopei' (Agassiz), Odontaspis sp., Carcharoides catticus (Philippi), Striatolamia macrota (Agassiz), Anomotodon sp., Macrorhizodus praecursor (Leriche), Galeorhinus sp., Abdounia sp., Hexanchus sp., Squatina sp., Hexanchidae indet., Myliobatis sp., Myliobatoidea indet., and Ischyodus dolloi Leriche. This assemblage has clear ecological affinities with Eocene Tethyan fauna previously described in the Northern Hemisphere, and also has common elements with Eocene cartilaginous fishes from Antarctica. Additionally, a paleobotanic study of this unit identified leaf imprints of Asplenium sp., Pteris sp., Podocarpus sp., and abundant angiosperms including Nothofagus lanceolata Dusén, N. simplicidens Dusén, N. variabilis Dusén, N. cf. alessandri Espinosa, N. subferruginea (Dusén), Hydrangea sp. and Phyllites spp. Wood remains of Nothofagoxylon scalariforme Gothan and Araucariaceae cf. Araucarioxylon Kraus were also identified. Additionally, pollen grains indicate gymnosperms and angiosperms: Podocarpidites otagoensis Couper, Retitricolpites sp., Tricolpites sp., Liliacidites sp., Polyporina sp., Nothofagidites cincta Cookson, and Nothofagidites cranwellae Couper, having affinities with Eocene florae, and being consistent with the age of the fossil fishes. Finally, a SHRIMP U-Th-Pb analysis of two samples collected from the studied beds provided thirty-eight and sixty zircon grains, indicating a clear main peak at 36.48±0.47 Ma (MSWD=1.5) and 36,73±0.50 Ma (MSWD=0.65). The integrated results indicate that the upper part of the Loreto Formation has a minimum Priabonian age, supporting previous reassignations of this part of the formation into the Late Eocene, and differing from the Oligocene age proposed in its original definition

    Burdigalian deposits of the Santa Cruz formation in the Sierra Baguales, austral (magallanes) basin: Age, depositional environment and vertebrate fossils

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    A succession of marine and continental strata on the southern flank of Cerro Cono in the Sierra Baguales, northeast of Torres del Paine, can be correlated with stratigraphic units exposed along the southern border of the Lago Argentino region in Santa Cr

    Introduced and invasive cactus species – a global review

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    Understanding which species are introduced and become invasive and why are central questions in invasion science. Comparative studies on model taxa have provided important insights, but much more needs to be done to unravel the context-dependencies of these findings. The cactus family (Cactaceae), one of the most popular horticultural plant groups, is an interesting case study. Hundreds of cactus species have been introduced outside their native ranges; a few of them are among the most damaging invasive plant species in the world. We reviewed the drivers of introductions and invasions in the family and seek insights that can be used to minimise future risks. We compiled a list of species in the family and determined which have been recorded as invasive. We also mapped current global distributions and modelled the potential global distributions based on bioclimatic data of known invasive taxa. Finally, we identified whether invasiveness is phylogenetically clustered for cacti and whether particular traits are correlated with invasiveness. Only 57 of the 1922 cactus species recognised in this treatment have been recorded as invasive. There are three invasion hotspots: South Africa (35 invasive species recorded), Australia (26 species), and Spain (24 species). However, there are large areas of the world with climates suitable for cacti that are at risk of future invasion - in particular parts of China, eastern Asia and central Africa. The invasive taxa represent an interesting subset of the total species pool. There is a significant phylogenetic signal: invasive species occur in two of the three major phylogenetic clades, and in 13 of the 130 genera. This phylogenetic signal is not driven by human preference, i.e. horticultural trade. Moreover, all invasive species are from five of the 12 cactus growth forms. Finally, invasive species tend to have significantly larger native ranges than noninvasive species, and none of the invasive species are of conservation concern in their native range. These results suggest fairly robust correlates of invasiveness that can be used for proactive management and risk assessments.The Working for Water (WfW) Programme of the South African Department of Environmental Affairs and the DST-NRF Centre of Excellence for Invasion Biology (C•I•B) as part of the C•I•B/WfW collaborative research programme on ―Research for Integrated Management of Invasive Alien Species‖. DMR acknowledges additional support from the National Research Foundation (grant 85417) and the Oppenheimer Memorial Trust.http://aobpla.oxfordjournals.orgam201

    Una edad eocena tardía propuesta para la Formación Loreto (península de Brunswick, extremo sur de Chile), basada en peces cartilaginosos fósiles, paleobotánica y evidencia radiógena

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    Indexación: Web of Science; ScieloABSTRACT. We present new data on the paleoichthyology, paleobotany and radiometric results of the Loreto Formation in the Brunswick Peninsula of southernmost Chile, that allow us to propose a Late Eocene age. The rich diversity of fossil cartilaginous fishes (Chondrichthyes, Elasmobranchii) recognized in upper levels of this unit includes the taxa Carcharías aff. 'hopef (Agassiz), Odontaspis sp., Carcharoides catticus (Philippi), Striatolamia macrota (Agassiz), Anomotodon sp., Macrorhizoduspraecursor (Leriche), Galeorhinus sp., Abdounia sp., Hexanchus sp., Squatina sp., Hexanchidae indet.,Myliobatis sp., Myliobatoidea indet., and Ischyodus dolloi Leriche. This assemblage has clear ecological affinities with Eocene Tethyan fauna previously described in the Northern Hemisphere, and also has common elements with Eocene cartilaginous fishes from Antarctica. Additionally, a paleobotanic study of this unit identified leaf imprints ofAsplenium sp., Pteris sp., Podocarpus sp., and abundant angiosperms including Nothofagus lanceolata Dusén, N. simplicidens Dusén, N. variabilis Dusén, N. cf. alessandri Espinosa, N. subferruginea (Dusén), Hydrangea sp. and Phyllites spp. Wood remains of Nothofagoxylon scalariforme Gothan and Araucariaceae cf. Araucarioxylon Kraus were also identified. Additionally, pollen grains indicate gymnosperms and angiosperms: Podocarpidites otagoensis Couper, Retitricolpites sp., Tricolpites sp., Liliacidites sp., Polyporina sp., Nothofagidites cincta Cookson, and Nothofagidites cranwellae Couper, having affinities with Eocene florae, and being consistent with the age of the fossil fishes. Finally, a SHRIMP U-Th-Pb analysis of two samples collected from the studied beds provided thirty-eight and sixty zircon grains, indicating a clear main peak at 36.48±0.47 Ma (MSWD=1.5) and 36,73±0.50 Ma (MSWD=0.65). The integrated results indicate that the upper part of the Loreto Formation has a minimum Priabonian age, supporting previous reassignations of this part of the formation into the Late Eocene, and differing from the Oligocene age proposed in its original definition.RESUMEN. El presente estudio integra nueva evidencia paleoictiológica, paleobotánica y resultados radiométricos que en conjunto permiten proponer una edad eocena tardía para la Formación Loreto, en la península de Brunswick del extremo sur de Chile. La rica diversidad de peces cartilaginosos fósiles (Chondrichthyes, Elasmobranchii) reconocida en niveles superiores de la mencionada unidad incluye los taxa Carcharias aff. hopei (Agassiz), Odontaspis sp., Carcharoides catticus (Philippi), Striatolamia macrota (Agassiz), Anomotodon sp., Macrorhizoduspraecursor (Leriche), Galeorhinus sp., Abdounia sp., Hexanchus sp., Squatina sp., Hexanchidae indet., Myliobatis sp., Myliobatoidea indet., e Ischyodus dolloi Leriche. Este conjunto muestra claras afinidades ecológicas con ictiofaunas del Eoceno tethyano previamente descritas en el Hemisferio Norte, a la vez que presenta elementos comunes con peces cartilaginosos del Eoceno de Antártica. Adicionalmente, el estudio paleobotánico en esta unidad identificó improntas referidas a Asplenium sp., Pteris sp. Podocarpus sp., y abundantes angiospermas, incluyendo Nothofagus lanceolata Dusén, N. simplicidens Dusén, N. variabilis Dusén, N. cf. alessandri Espinosa, N. subferruginea (Dusén), Hydrangea sp. y Phyllites spp. Además, se identificaron restos de troncos fósiles de Nothofagoxylon scalariforme Gothan y Araucariaceae cf. Araucarioxylon Kraus. Adicionalmente, se reconoció polen de las gimnospermas y angiospermas: Podocarpidites otagoensis Couper, Retitricolpites sp., Tricolpites sp., Liliacidites sp., Polyporina sp., Nothofagidites cincta Cookson y Nothofagidites cranwellae Couper, las que presentan afinidades con floras de edad eocena, siendo consistente con la edad de los peces fósiles. Finalmente, el análisis SHRIMP U-Th-Pb de dos muestras colectadas desde los estratos estudiados, han proporcionado 38 y 60 granos de circón respectivamente, indicando claros peaks principales en 36,48±0,47 Ma (MSWD=1,5) y 36,73±0,50 Ma (MSWD=0,65). Los resultados integrados indican que los estratos superiores de la Formación Loreto pueden ser acotados a una mínima edad priabo-niana, siendo consistente con reasignaciones previas al Eoceno Tardío para esta parte de la formación, y difiriendo de la edad oligocena originalmente propuesta en su definición.http://ref.scielo.org/x2rn6

    Human-mediated introductions of Australian acacias - a global experiment in biogeography

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    AIM : Australian acacias (1012 recognized species native to Australia, which were previously grouped in Acacia subgenus Phyllodineae) have been moved extensivley around the world by humans over the past 250 years. This has created the opportunity to explore how evolutionary, ecological, historical and sociological factors interact to affect the distribution, usage, invasiveness and perseptions of a globally important group of plants. This editorial provides the background for the 20 papers in this special issue of Diversity and Distributions that focusses on the global cross-disciplinary experiment of introduced Australian acacias. LOCATION : Australia and global METHODS : The papers of the special issue are discussed in the ontext of a unified framework for biological invasions. Distributions of species were mapped across Australia, their representation in bioclimatic zones examined and the potential global distribution of the group modelled. By collating a variety of different lists, we determined which Australian acacias have reached different stages in the introduction-naturalization-invasion continuum in different parts of the world. Paradigms and key research questions relating to barriers to invasion, stages of invasion and management perceptions are sketched. RESULTS According to our global database of Australian acacia records, 386 species have been moved outside Australia by human agency, 71 species are naturalized or weedy, and 23 are unequivocally invasive. Climatic models suggest that about a third of the world's land surface is clamatically suitabel for Australian acacias. Many species are commercially important crops or are useful for other purposes and have been extensively planted, and many different human perceptions of Australian acacias exist in different parts of the world. The papers in the special issue cover all the barriers, stages and processes that define biological invasions and touch on many aspects : history and the human dimension;aspects of the species pool; species traits; biotic interactions; climate and niche; and management. MAIN CONCLUSIONS : Australian acacias are an excellent model group for examining interactions between evolutionary, ecological and socia-economic drivers of species introductions. New insights have emerged on the biological, ecological and evolutionary correlated of naturalization and invasion, but human usage factors permeate all explanatory models. Understanding and managing introduced Australian acacias requires a fundamental and integrative appreciation of both intrinsic (e.g. species traits) and extrinisic (e.g. human usage and perceptions) aspects.http://wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/ddiab201

    TRY plant trait database – enhanced coverage and open access

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    Plant traits - the morphological, anatomical, physiological, biochemical and phenological characteristics of plants - determine how plants respond to environmental factors, affect other trophic levels, and influence ecosystem properties and their benefits and detriments to people. Plant trait data thus represent the basis for a vast area of research spanning from evolutionary biology, community and functional ecology, to biodiversity conservation, ecosystem and landscape management, restoration, biogeography and earth system modelling. Since its foundation in 2007, the TRY database of plant traits has grown continuously. It now provides unprecedented data coverage under an open access data policy and is the main plant trait database used by the research community worldwide. Increasingly, the TRY database also supports new frontiers of trait‐based plant research, including the identification of data gaps and the subsequent mobilization or measurement of new data. To support this development, in this article we evaluate the extent of the trait data compiled in TRY and analyse emerging patterns of data coverage and representativeness. Best species coverage is achieved for categorical traits - almost complete coverage for ‘plant growth form’. However, most traits relevant for ecology and vegetation modelling are characterized by continuous intraspecific variation and trait–environmental relationships. These traits have to be measured on individual plants in their respective environment. Despite unprecedented data coverage, we observe a humbling lack of completeness and representativeness of these continuous traits in many aspects. We, therefore, conclude that reducing data gaps and biases in the TRY database remains a key challenge and requires a coordinated approach to data mobilization and trait measurements. This can only be achieved in collaboration with other initiatives