16 research outputs found

    CWH43 is required for the introduction of ceramides into GPI anchors in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    After glycosylphosphatidylinositols (GPIs) are added to GPI proteins of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the fatty acid in sn-2 of the diacylglycerol moiety can be replaced by a C26:0 fatty acid by a deacylation–reacylation cycle catalysed by Per1p and Gup1p. Furthermore the diacylglycerol moiety of the yeast GPI anchor can also be replaced by ceramides. CWH43 of yeast is homologous to PGAP2, a gene that recently was implicated in a similar deacylation reacylation cycle of GPI proteins in mammalian cells, where PGAP2 is required for the reacylation of monoradylglycerol-type GPI anchors. Here we show that mutants lacking CWH43 are unable to synthesize ceramide-containing GPI anchors, while the replacement of C18 by C26 fatty acids on the primary diacylglycerol anchor by Per1p and Gup1p is still intact. CWH43 contains the COG3568 metal hydrolase motif, which is found in many eukaryotic and prokaryotic enzymes. The conserved His 802 residue of this motif was identified as being essential for ceramide remodelling. Ceramide remodelling is not required for the normal integration of GPI proteins into the cell wall. All remodelling reactions are dependent on prior removal of the inositol-linked fatty acid by Bst1p

    Étude sur le TDAH et les diffĂ©rents types de familles

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    Le Trouble du DĂ©ficit de l’Attention avec ou sans HyperactivitĂ© (TDAH) fait partie des troubles neurodĂ©veloppementaux et reprĂ©sente la pathologie pĂ©dopsychiatrique la plus frĂ©quente. Le TDAH entraĂźne des rĂ©percussions importantes sur la qualitĂ© de vie de l’enfant ayant un TDAH, mais Ă©galement sur celle de la famille qui comportent des constellations trĂšs variĂ©es dans les sociĂ©tĂ©s occidentales. Cette recherche cherche Ă  comprendre si les familles ayant un enfant souffrant d’un TDAH sont touchĂ©es diffĂ©remment en fonction de leur structure. Cent-vingt-six parents ont rĂ©pondu Ă  un questionnaire anonyme en ligne recueillant des donnĂ©es sur les difficultĂ©s auxquelles sont confrontĂ©es les familles comportant un enfant avec un TDAH ainsi que les processus diagnostiques et les diffĂ©rentes prises en charge. En effet, dans une sociĂ©tĂ© oĂč les dĂ©cisions se prennent de maniĂšre centrĂ©e autour du patient, les parents ont un rĂŽle important dans le choix des prises en charge. Les rĂ©sultats de l’analyse du questionnaire dĂ©montrent qu’il existe des divergences dĂ©pendantes du type de famille. Les monoparentales et recomposĂ©es semblent souffrir d’un impact plus fortement nĂ©gatif au niveau de leur couple parental. Cependant, ce sont les enfants issus de ce type de foyer qui ont le plus tendance Ă  consulter un thĂ©rapeute de maniĂšre rĂ©guliĂšre. Il existe donc un moyen privilĂ©giĂ© pour aborder ce sujet avec les parents, en effet ces derniers ont un rĂŽle important dans le bien-ĂȘtre de leur enfant. Il est donc crucial, pour soigner le patient TDAH, de prendre soin de toute la famille

    The potamochemical symphony: new progress in the high-frequency acquisition of stream chemical data

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    Our understanding of hydrological and chemical processes at the catchment scale is limited by our capacity to record the full breadth of the information carried by river chemistry, both in terms of sampling frequency and precision. Here, we present a proof-of-concept study of a lab in the field called the River Lab (RL), based on the idea of permanently installing a suite of laboratory instruments in the field next to a river. Housed in a small shed, this set of instruments performs analyses at a frequency of one every 40 min for major dissolved species (Na+, K+, Mg2+, Ca2+, Cl−, SO42−, NO3−) through continuous sampling and filtration of the river water using automated ion chromatographs. The RL was deployed in the Orgeval Critical Zone Observatory, France for over a year of continuous analyses. Results show that the RL is able to capture long-term fine chemical variations with no drift and a precision significantly better than conventionally achieved in the laboratory (up to ±0.5 % for all major species for over a day and up to 1.7 % over 2 months). The RL is able to capture the abrupt changes in dissolved species concentrations during a typical 6-day rain event, as well as daily oscillations during a hydrological low-flow period of summer drought. Using the measured signals as a benchmark, we numerically assess the effects of a lower sampling frequency (typical of conventional field sampling campaigns) and of a lower precision (typically reached in the laboratory) on the hydrochemical signal. The high-resolution, high-precision measurements made possible by the RL open new perspectives for understanding critical zone hydro-bio-geochemical cycles. Finally, the RL also offers a solution for management agencies to monitor water quality in quasi-real time

    Influenza A Virus Induces Autophagosomal Targeting of Ribosomal Proteins

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    Seasonal epidemics of influenza A virus are a major cause of severe illness and are of high socio-economic relevance. For the design of effective antiviral therapies, a detailed knowledge of pathways perturbed by virus infection is critical. We performed comprehensive expression and organellar proteomics experiments to study the cellular consequences of influenza A virus infection using three human epithelial cell lines derived from human lung carcinomas: A549, Calu-1 and NCI-H1299. As a common response, the type I interferon pathway was up-regulated upon infection. Interestingly, influenza A virus infection led to numerous cell line-specific responses affecting both protein abundance as well as subcellular localization. In A549 cells, the vesicular compartment appeared expanded after virus infection. The composition of autophagsomes was altered by targeting of ribosomes, viral mRNA and proteins to these double membrane vesicles. Thus, autophagy may support viral protein translation by promoting the clustering of the respective molecular machinery in autophagosomes in a cell line-dependent manner

    Avis relatif aux masques dans le cadre de la lutte contre la propagation du virus SARS-CoV-2 en rapport avec l'Ă©mergence du variant Omicron (HCSP, Avis et Rapports)

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    International audienceAvis relatif aux masques dans le cadre de la lutte contre la propagation du virus SARS-CoV-2 en rapport avec l'Ă©mergence du variant Omicron (HCSP, Avis et Rapports)Ch. Chidiac, J.-F. Gehanno, B. Pozzetto, N. Vernazza, S. Aho-Glele, D. Lepelletier, J.-M. Brignon, E. Gehin, P. Hartemann, Y. LĂ©vi, F. Marano, J.-L. Roubaty, F. Squinazi, A. Billette de Villemeur, A. Berger-Carbonne, É. Gaffet, B. Moltrecht, G. Salvat, S. Van Der Werf, F. Eker, A. Pariente-Khayat, S. Urban-BoudjelabEditeur : Haut Conseil de la SantĂ© PubliqueDate du document : 23 DĂ©cembre 2021Date de mise en ligne : 2 FĂ©vrier 2022 (33 pages)https://www.hcsp.fr/Explore.cgi/AvisRapportsDomaine?clefr=1147Le HCSP examine dans cet avis les stratĂ©gies d’indications du port des appareils de protection respiratoire (APR) de type FFP2 en population gĂ©nĂ©rale ou Ă  risque, dans le cadre de la lutte contre la propagation du virus SARS-CoV-2 dans le contexte d’émergence du variant Omicron.Il prĂ©cise, dans un complĂ©ment au DGS le 7 janvier 2022, actualisĂ© le 15 janvier 2022, que le port correct des APR de type FFP2.Le HCSP rappelle que :-L’efficacitĂ© et la performance de protection (filtration) des masques, quels qu’ils soient, sont Ă©troitement dĂ©pendantes de la constance du port, de l’ajustement au visage et de la qualitĂ© du port couvrant impĂ©rativement le nez, la bouche et le menton ;--Le masque ne peut Ă  lui seul rĂ©duire le risque de transmission ; il constitue une mesure parmi l’ensemble des mesures de protection Ă  respecter (vaccination, hygiĂšne des mains, ventilation des locaux, distanciation sociale, etc.).Le HCSP souligne les fortes incertitudes et manques de donnĂ©es scientifiques sur plusieurs aspects importants de l’analyse du rapport bĂ©nĂ©fices/risques en faveur d’un Ă©largissement du port d’APR de type FFP2 en population gĂ©nĂ©rale.Le HCSP dĂ©finit 4 scenarii possibles relatifs aux indications du port d’APR de type FFP2 en population gĂ©nĂ©rale.Dans un complĂ©ment au DGS le 7 janvier 2022, actualisĂ© le 15 janvier 2022, il prĂ©cise que le port correct des APR de type FFP2 en population gĂ©nĂ©rale peut trouver des indications chez les personnes Ă  risque de formes graves de Covid-19 et en Ă©chec de vaccination par immunosuppression, et en capacitĂ© de le supporter, sur consultation mĂ©dicale. Cette recommandation doit s’accompagner de formations spĂ©cifiques sur les caractĂ©ristiques, les performances et le port correct d’APR FFP2 notamment l’adaptation Ă  la taille et Ă  la morphologie du visage pour les personnes concernĂ©es.Le HCSP prĂ©cise Ă©galement, Ă  cette occasion, ses recommandations concernant le milieu scolaire et universitaire.Ce document est complĂ©mentĂ© par :Appareils de protection respiratoire de type FFP2 en population gĂ©nĂ©rale dans le cadre de la lutte contre la propagation du virus SARS-CoV-2 en rapport avec l'Ă©mergence du variant Omicron (complĂ©ment) du 7 janvier 2022Lire aussi dans les avis et rapports :Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 : Rationalisation de l’utilisation des masques respiratoires pour les professionnels de santĂ© en pĂ©riode Ă©pidĂ©mique du 10 mars 2020Covid-19 : actualisation de la liste des facteurs de risque de forme grave du 29 octobre 2020Masques dans le cadre de la lutte contre la propagation du virus SARS-CoV-2 du 29 octobre 2020Covid-19 : avis sur le protocole sanitaire renforcĂ© proposĂ© pour les commerces du 22 novembre 2020Covid-19 : Risque de transmission du SARS-CoV-2 par aĂ©rosols en milieux de soins du 10 septembre 2020Covid-19 : contrĂŽle de la diffusion des nouveaux variants du virus du 14 janvier 2021Covid-19 : stratĂ©gie pour la dĂ©finition de mesures permettant la rĂ©ouverture des Ă©tablissements recevant du public du 18 avril 2021StratĂ©gie Ă  adopter pour le stock de l’État en masques et Ă©quipements de protection individuelle du 6 aoĂ»t 2021Appareils de protection respiratoire de type FFP2 par les professionnels de santĂ© dans le cadre de la lutte contre la propagation du virus SARS-CoV-2 en rapport avec l'Ă©mergence du variant Omicron (complĂ©ment) du 7 janvier 2022Lire aussi :Masques de protection respiratoire et risques biologiques : foire aux question

    FFP2 respiratory protective devices in the general population to fight against the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus in relation to the emergence of the Omicron variant (HCSP, Avis et Rapports)

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    International audienceFFP2 respiratory protective devices in the general population to fight against the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus in relation to the emergence of the Omicron variantIn this statement, the French High Council for Public Health or HCSP examines the strategies for indicating the use of FFP2-type respirator protective devices (RPE) in the general population or in populations at risk, as part of the fight against the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus in the context of the emergence of the Omicron variant.It specifies, in a supplement sent to the Directorate-General for Health (DGS) on 7 January 2022, (updated on 15 January 2022), that the correct wearing of FFP2-type respirators is essential.The HCSP takes into account that :The effectiveness and protective performance (filtration) of masks, whatever they may be, are closely dependent on the constancy of wear, the fit to the face and the quality of wear covering the nose, mouth and chin imperatively;The mask alone cannot completely stop the risk of transmission; it is one of the protective measures to be respected (vaccination, hand hygiene, ventilation of premises, social distancing, etc.).The HCSP stresses the high level of uncertainty and lack of scientific data on several important aspects of the analysis of the benefit/risk ratio in favour of extending the use of FFP2-type respirators in the general population.The HCSP defines 4 possible scenarios relating to the indications for wearing FFP2-type respirators in the general population.In a supplement sent to the DGS on 7 January 2022, (updated on 15 January 2022), it specifies that the correct wearing of FFP2 type respirators in the general population may be indicated for people at risk of severe forms of Covid-19 and who have failed immunosuppression vaccination, and who are able to tolerate it, on medical advice. This recommendation must be accompanied by specific training on the characteristics, performance and correct wearing of FFP2-type respirators, in particular the adaptation to the size and morphology of the face of the persons concerned.The HCSP also specifies, on this occasion, its recommendations concerning the school and university environment.Lire en français :Appareils de protection respiratoire de type FFP2 en population générale dans le cadre de la lutte contre la propagation du virus SARS-CoV-2 en rapport avec l'émergence du variant Omicron du 23 décembre 202