7,268 research outputs found

    Depinning exponents of the driven long-range elastic string

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    We perform a high-precision calculation of the critical exponents for the long-range elastic string driven through quenched disorder at the depinning transition, at zero temperature. Large-scale simulations are used to avoid finite-size effects and to enable high precision. The roughness, growth, and velocity exponents are calculated independently, and the dynamic and correlation length exponents are derived. The critical exponents satisfy known scaling relations and agree well with analytical predictions.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Noise versus chaos in a causal Fisher-Shannon plane

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    We revisit the Fisher-Shannon representation plane H×F{\mathcal H} \times {\mathcal F}, evaluated using the Bandt and Pompe recipe to assign a probability distribution to a time series. Several stochastic dynamical (noises with f−kf^{-k}, k≥0k \geq 0, power spectrum) and chaotic processes (27 chaotic maps) are analyzed so as to illustrate the approach. Our main achievement is uncovering the informational properties of the planar location.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1401.213

    Non-equilibrium relaxation of an elastic string in random media

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    We study the relaxation of an elastic string in a two dimensional pinning landscape using Langevin dynamics simulations. The relaxation of a line, initially flat, is characterized by a growing length, L(t)L(t), separating the equilibrated short length scales from the flat long distance geometry that keep memory of the initial condition. We find that, in the long time limit, L(t)L(t) has a non--algebraic growth, consistent with thermally activated jumps over barriers with power law scaling, U(L)∼LθU(L) \sim L^\theta.Comment: 2 pages, 1 figure, Proceedings of ECRYS-2005 International Workshop on Electronic Crysta

    Frictional dynamics of viscoelastic solids driven on a rough surface

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    We study the effect of viscoelastic dynamics on the frictional properties of a (mean field) spring-block system pulled on a rough surface by an external drive. When the drive moves at constant velocity V, two dynamical regimes are observed: at fast driving, above a critical threshold Vc, the system slides at the drive velocity and displays a friction force with velocity weakening. Below Vc the steady sliding becomes unstable and a stick-slip regime sets in. In the slide-hold-slide driving protocol, a peak of the friction force appears after the hold time and its amplitude increases with the hold duration. These observations are consistent with the frictional force encoded phenomenologically in the rate-and-state equations. Our model gives a microscopical basis for such macroscopic description.Comment: 10 figures, 7 pages, +4 pages of appendi

    Uniqueness of the thermodynamic limit for driven disordered elastic interfaces

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    We study the finite size fluctuations at the depinning transition for a one-dimensional elastic interface of size LL displacing in a disordered medium of transverse size M=kLζM=k L^\zeta with periodic boundary conditions, where ζ\zeta is the depinning roughness exponent and kk is a finite aspect ratio parameter. We focus on the crossover from the infinitely narrow (k→0k\to 0) to the infinitely wide (k→∞k\to \infty) medium. We find that at the thermodynamic limit both the value of the critical force and the precise behavior of the velocity-force characteristics are {\it unique} and kk-independent. We also show that the finite size fluctuations of the critical force (bias and variance) as well as the global width of the interface cross over from a power-law to a logarithm as a function of kk. Our results are relevant for understanding anisotropic size-effects in force-driven and velocity-driven interfaces.Comment: 10 pages, 12 figure

    Efficiency characterization of a large neuronal network: a causal information approach

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    When inhibitory neurons constitute about 40% of neurons they could have an important antinociceptive role, as they would easily regulate the level of activity of other neurons. We consider a simple network of cortical spiking neurons with axonal conduction delays and spike timing dependent plasticity, representative of a cortical column or hypercolumn with large proportion of inhibitory neurons. Each neuron fires following a Hodgkin-Huxley like dynamics and it is interconnected randomly to other neurons. The network dynamics is investigated estimating Bandt and Pompe probability distribution function associated to the interspike intervals and taking different degrees of inter-connectivity across neurons. More specifically we take into account the fine temporal ``structures'' of the complex neuronal signals not just by using the probability distributions associated to the inter spike intervals, but instead considering much more subtle measures accounting for their causal information: the Shannon permutation entropy, Fisher permutation information and permutation statistical complexity. This allows us to investigate how the information of the system might saturate to a finite value as the degree of inter-connectivity across neurons grows, inferring the emergent dynamical properties of the system.Comment: 26 pages, 3 Figures; Physica A, in pres

    Classification and Verification of Online Handwritten Signatures with Time Causal Information Theory Quantifiers

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    We present a new approach for online handwritten signature classification and verification based on descriptors stemming from Information Theory. The proposal uses the Shannon Entropy, the Statistical Complexity, and the Fisher Information evaluated over the Bandt and Pompe symbolization of the horizontal and vertical coordinates of signatures. These six features are easy and fast to compute, and they are the input to an One-Class Support Vector Machine classifier. The results produced surpass state-of-the-art techniques that employ higher-dimensional feature spaces which often require specialized software and hardware. We assess the consistency of our proposal with respect to the size of the training sample, and we also use it to classify the signatures into meaningful groups.Comment: Submitted to PLOS On

    Tuning spreading and avalanche-size exponents in directed percolation with modified activation probabilities

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    We consider the directed percolation process as a prototype of systems displaying a nonequilibrium phase transition into an absorbing state. The model is in a critical state when the activation probability is adjusted at some precise value p_c. Criticality is lost as soon as the probability to activate sites at the first attempt, p1, is changed. We show here that criticality can be restored by "compensating" the change in p1 by an appropriate change of the second time activation probability p2 in the opposite direction. At compensation, we observe that the bulk exponents of the process coincide with those of the normal directed percolation process. However, the spreading exponents are changed, and take values that depend continuously on the pair (p1, p2). We interpret this situation by acknowledging that the model with modified initial probabilities has an infinite number of absorbing states.Comment: 9 pages, 11 figure
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