12 research outputs found

    Extra virgin olive oil microencapsulation. Effect on quality and shelf life of breaded foods

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    [SPA] Esta Tesis doctoral tiene por objetivo desarrollar una innovación tecnológica en la elaboración de alimentos empanados refrigerados que consiste en la eliminación de la operación de pre-fritura en aceite, y la introducción de aceite de oliva virgen extra (AOVE) microencapsulado en la etapa de empanado o rebozado. La microencapsulación del AOVE se estudiará usando dos “carriers” o agentes de encapsulación (∝-ciclodextrinas y -ciclodextrinas) usando el proceso de microencapsulación por amasado y liofilización. El estudio de esta nueva metodología que será desarrollada a escala de laboratorio y planta piloto (sin operación de pre-fritura con aceite) está orientado a satisfacer las necesidades actuales de los consumidores, ya que tratará de lograr un producto (sin freír) mucho más saludable y con las mismas características sensoriales del producto empanado frito. [ENG] This PhD Thesis aims to develop an innovative technology for manufacturing refrigerated pre-fried breaded foods avoiding the (deep) pre-frying operation. This technology incorporates extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) microencapsulated in cyclodextrins in the breading or battering step. EVOO microencapsulation will be studied with two carriers or encapsulation agents (∝-cyclodextrin & -cyclodextrin) using the microencapsulation process of kneading. This study plans on fulfilling today’s consumer’s needs, through the development and execution of a new technology at laboratory and pilot plant scale (without deep pre-frying operation in oil) that obtains a healthier breaded food with the same sensory characteristics of a fried breaded food.Estos trabajos son financiados por la empresa FRIPOZO S.A. a través del Proyecto CDTI Ref.: IDI-20190627, y del contrato correspondiente con la Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena, que financia la beca predoctoral de Marta Barón

    Nanoencapsulated Clove Oil Applied as an Anesthetic at Slaughtering Decreases Stress, Extends the Freshness, and Lengthens Shelf Life of Cultured Fish

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    In the aquaculture industry, fish are stunned using a wide range of methods, but all of them trigger stress responses and affect the fish flesh quality. Chilled water is considered one of the most efficient methods, but even this is not a stress‐free experience for the fish. Anesthetics included in the ice slurry or in water could decrease this stress and delay the loss of flesh quality. In this work, we analyze the effect of clove oil (CO) nanoencapsulated in β‐cyclodextrins (β‐CD) (CO + β‐CD), incorporated in the stunning bath, on the stress response and the organoleptic attributes of fresh marine and freshwater fish from four economically important fish species: Atlantic salmon, European seabass, Nile tilapia, and Rainbow trout. CO + β‐CD reduces the time required to induce anesthesia, independently of water salinity, habitat or water temperature. The plasmatic glucose and cortisol levels decreased in all four species, although the concentrations of CO varied between species. Moreover, plasmatic lactate level differed between the marine and freshwater fish. The use of CO + β‐CD extended the shelf life of fish from all the species studied (by 3–7 days). In conclusion, using CO encapsulated in β‐CD for anesthetizing fish can be regarded as an improved fish‐stunning technique that reduces the anesthesia‐induction time, decreases the stress response, and extends the shelf life of fresh fish.Versión del edito

    Nanoemulsified D-Limonene Reduces the Heat Resistance of Salmonella Senftenberg over 50 Times

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    Salmonella Senftenberg is a pathogen agent causative of foodborne disease and it is considered the most heat-resistant serovar within this genus. Food industries use heat treatment and chemical antimicrobials in order to eliminate this microorganism in food, but consumers prefer natural antimicrobials as essential oils and their components. This study evaluates the combined effect of thermal treatments and different concentrations of D-limonene nanoemulsion on the inactivation of Salmonella (S.) Senftenberg. The results showed an important effect of the nanoemulsified D-limonene on the heat resistance of S. Senftenberg. The δ50 °C value was reduced by 85%, 96% and 98% when 0.1, 0.5 and 1 mM of nanoemulsified D-limonene was added to the heating medium. The effect was kept along all the heating temperatures researched and the shape of the survival curves did not change with the addition of the antimicrobial. The results obtained in this research could be very useful for food industries for optimizing or improving heat treatments applied to food

    Winemaking and bioprocesses strongly shaped the genetic diversity of the ubiquitous yeast Torulaspora delbrueckii

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    The yeast Torulaspora delbrueckii is associated with several human activities including oenology, bakery, distillery, dairy industry, etc. In addition to its biotechnological applications, T. delbrueckii is frequently isolated in natural environments (plant, soil, insect). T. delbrueckii is thus a remarkable ubiquitous yeast species with both wild and anthropic habitats, and appears to be a perfect yeast model to search for evidence of human domestication. For that purpose, we developed eight microsatellite markers that were used for the genotyping of 110 strains from various substrates and geographical origins. Microsatellite analysis showed four genetic clusters: two groups contained most nature strains from Old World and Americas respectively, and two clusters were associated with winemaking and other bioprocesses. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) confirmed that human activities significantly shaped the genetic variability of T. delbrueckii species. Natural isolates are differentiated on the basis of geographical localisation, as expected for wild population. The domestication of T. delbrueckii probably dates back to the Roman Empire for winemaking (~1900 years ago), and to the Neolithic era for bioprocesses (~4000 years ago). Microsatellite analysis also provided valuable data regarding the life-cycle of the species, suggesting a mostly diploid homothallic life. In addition to population genetics and ecological studies, the microsatellite tool will be particularly useful for further biotechnological development of T. delbrueckii strains for winemaking and other bioprocesses

    Simposi sobre Tribunals i Mediació : nous camins per a la Justicia : comunicacions : 18-19 de juny/junio de 2009 CosmoCaixa, Barcelona, España

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    Aquest volum conté les Comunicacions presentades al Simposi sobre Tribunals i Mediació celebrat a Barcelona els dies 18 i 19 de Juny del 2009. Però, en realitat, aquests treballs són en la seva gran majoria contribucions al Projecte de Llibre Blanc de la mediació a Catalunya. Es per aquesta raó que hem optat per efectuar-ne una edició no intrusiva, on cada autor aporta el seu gra de sorra lliurement des de la perspectiva que ha triat. El lector trobarà sens dubte una gran varietat d'apropaments al tema: hi ha reflexions conceptuals, estudis jurídics, experiències de implantació ciutadana, reflexions dels equips tècnics de professionals, experiències de psicòlegs, juristes, advocats i magistrats, i, fins i tot, treballs preliminars. Hi ha escrits de recerca d'una gran qualitat; d'altres, en canvi, són una aportació d'autors més primerencs.El presente volumen comprende las Comunicaciones presentadas en el Simposio sobre Tribunales y Mediación celebrado en Barcelona durante los días 18 y 19 de Junio de 2009. Pero, en realidad, estos trabajos son en su gran mayoría contribuciones al Proyecto de Libro Blanco de la mediación en Cataluña. Por esta razón, hemos optado por efectuar una edición no intrusiva, en la que cada autor aporta libremente su grano de arena desde la perspectiva que le es propia. El lector encontrará sin duda una gran variedad de aproximaciones al tema: hay reflexiones conceptuales, estudios jurídicos, experiencias de implantación ciudadana, reflexiones de los equipos técnicos de profesionales, experiencias de psicólogos, juristas, abogados y magistrados, y trabajos aún muy preliminares. Algunas comunicaciones poseen una gran calidad investigadora; otros, en cambio, constituyen la primera apor- tación al tema de su autor