1,732 research outputs found

    Reencountering Lee Ufan

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    This essay reinterprets the work of Lee Ufan, artist, philosopher, and key theorist of the Mono-ha art movement. I place Lee’s central theory of the “encounter” [deai] with the artwork in the context of developments in contemporary Japanese art, while pointing to Lee’s unique position within that world as he moved between cultural contexts in Korea, Japan, and Europe. I draw on Gilles Deleuze’s approach to aesthetic sensation to argue that, despite those who criticized his work by labeling it as ahistorical and apolitical, Lee’s emphasis on the “encounter” points towards a radically different set of historical and political concerns

    L'homme et le paysage

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    El hombre y el paisaje

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    Projekt Theater/Fleischerei_mobil, experiències de teatre alternatiu i experimental a la Viena d’avui

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    Este artículo expone el trabajo llevado a cabo entre los años 1998 y 2013 por el colectivo de teatro Projekt Theater / Fleischerei_*mobil, uno de los más destacados exponentes de teatro alternativo y experimental de Austria. Fundado en Viena de la mano de Eva Brenner (1953), este colectivo entiende el teatro como punto de encuentro entre trabajo artístico, investigación y nuevos movimientos sociales, buscando la interacción directa con los habitantes de la ciudad. Su objetivo principal es revitalizar la escena teatral austríaca por medio de múltiples proyectos y propuestas vinculadas y comprometidas con problemáticas actuales y locales, explorando el lenguaje de la performance y compaginando la escenificación de textos literarios con la experimentación socio-teatral con determinados grupos objetivo como, entre otros, inmigrantes, solicitantes de asilo político y refugiados.Palabras clave: teatro austríaco contemporáneo; teatro alternativo y experimental; teatro de protesta; performance; investigación socioteatral.This paper wishes to explore the work of the Projekt Theater / Fleischerei_mobil (1998-2013), one of Austria’s main center for experimental theater and performance work with international orientation and participation. Founded in Vienna by Eva Brenner (1953), this experimental theater collective considers itself as a meeting point between artistic work, research and interaction with the city’s inhabitants as well as new social movements. The team at the Fleischerei (the Butcherie) aims at collective developments of new performance vocabularies on the basis of contemporary literary texts and themes of cultural and political import, by focussing on socio-theatrical experimentation with special target groups such as immigrants, political asylum seekers and refugees. Keywords: Austrian contemporary theatre; alternative and experimental theatre; protest theater; performance work; socio-theatrical experimentation

    Data Validation and reconstruction for performance enhancement and maintenance of water networks

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    In a real water network, a telecontrol system must periodically acquire, store and validate data gathered by sensor measurements in order to achieve accurate monitoring of the whole network in real time. For each sensor measurement, data are usually represented by one-dimensional time series. These values, known as raw data, need to be validated before further use to assure the reliability of the results obtained when using them. In real operation, problems affecting the communication system, lack of reliability of sensors, or other inherent errors often arise, generating missing or false data during certain periods of time. These wrong data must be detected and replaced by estimated data. Thus, it is important to provide the data system with procedures that can detect such problems and assist the user in monitoring and processing the incoming data. Data validation is an essential step to improve data reliability. The validated data represent measurements of the variables in the required form where unnecessary information from raw data has been removed. In this paper, a methodology for data validation and reconstruction of sensor data in a water network is used to analyze the performance of the sectors of a water network. Finally, from this analysis several indicators of the components (sensors, actuators and pipes) and of the sectors themselves can be derived in order to organize useful plans for performance enhancement and maintenance. Nice practices have been developed during a large period in the water network of the company ATLL ConcessionĂ ria de la Generalitat de Catalunya, S.A.Postprint (author's final draft

    Beyond skills: Asking critical questions about educational technology

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    L'origen de la diversitat de les campanetes

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    Les campanulàcies són una família de plantes difoses arreu del món. Principalment es troben en àrees muntanyoses, així com en regions de climes freds i àrids de l'hemisferi nord. Bona part de les espècies que en formen part presenten típicament flors d'un color blau violaci amb forma de campana. El present article se centra en estudiar com ha evolucionat aquesta família de plantes tant a l'espai com al temps, i quins processos climàtics, geològics i biogeogràfics han portat a la distribució actual de les campanulàcies. Aquest estudi s'ha dut a terme mitjançant anàlisis genètiques combinades amb dades fòssils i geològiques.Las campanuláceas son una familia de plantas difundidas por cualquier parte del mundo. Principalmente, se encuentran en áreas montañosas, así como en regiones de climas fríos y áridos del hemisferio norte. Muchas especies que forman parte de ellas, presentan típicamente flores de un color azul violáceo con forma de campana. El presente artículo se centra en estudiar cómo ha evolucionado esta familia de plantas tanto en el espacio como en el tiempo, y qué procesos climáticos, geológicos y biogeográficos han llevado a la distribución actual de las campanuláceas. Este estudio se ha llevado a cabo mediante análisis genéticos combinados con datos fósiles y geológicos

    An improved tool of water data analytics for flowmeters data

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    This paper presents an improved tool for data validation and reconstruction of flowmeters. These sensors are installed in the Catalonia regional water network from Barcelona (Spain). Here a new time series model with exogenous variable is proposed with excellent results for data validation. It is postulated that the integration of the electronics alarms, along with other tests about the daily data accumulated and a later analysis of the data reconstruction allow to improve the results of the existing tools. This is accomplished by decreasing the false alarms and missing alarms of more than 6000 hourly data retrieved from more than 200 flowmeters each day. This new tool provides reliable information daily reliable information of the state of the water network. This information could potentially contribute to optimally control and manage this large and complex water network.Postprint (published version
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