63 research outputs found

    Distribution patterns of riodinid butterflies (Lepidoptera: Riodinidae) from southern Brazil

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    Background: The aim of this study was to synthesize the knowledge of Riodinidae butterflies (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea) in Rio Grande do Sul state (RS), southern Brazil, evaluating the role of climatic, topographic, and vegetational variables on the observed patterns of occurrence and distribution of these butterflies in the Pampa and Atlantic Forest biomes. The records of riodinid butterflies in RS were collected from published studies and the examination of museum collections in Brazil. Results: A total of 97 taxa of Riodinidae were recorded, distributed in 92 municipalities. The NMDS analysis and the Constrained Analysis of Principal Coordinates grouped the municipalities according to the phytogeographic regions and biomes - Pampa and Atlantic Forest domains - in which the species records were made. Distance from the ocean, precipitation and temperature were the environmental variables which most contributed to explain the distribution patterns of these butterflies. The multivariate Mantel correlogram suggests that over short distances, the composition of species shows significant levels of spatial autocorrelation, and as geographic distance increases, these levels tend to present negative values. Conclusions: The results suggest that the observed distribution pattern of Riodinidae in the different biomes and phytogeographic regions in the extreme southern Brazil could be explained by climatic, environmental variables and geographic distance

    Connections between the zona incerta and superior colliculus in the monkey and squirrel

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    The zona incerta contains GABAergic neurons that project to the superior colliculus in the cat and rat, suggesting that it plays a role in gaze changes. However, whether this incertal connection represents a general mammalian pattern remains to be determined. We used neuronal tracers to examine the zona incerta connections with the midbrain tectum in the gray squirrel and macaque monkey. Collicular injections in both species revealed that most incertotectal neurons lay in the ventral layer, but anterogradely labeled tectoincertal terminals were found in both the dorsal and ventral layers. In the monkey, injections of the pretectum also produced retrograde labeling, but mainly in the dorsal layer. The dendritic fields of incertotectal and incertopretectal cells were generally contained within the layer inhabited by their somata. The macaque, but not the squirrel, zona incerta extended dorsolaterally, within the external medullary lamina. Zona incerta injections produced retrogradely labeled neurons in the superior colliculus of both species. In the squirrel, most cells inhabited the lower sublamina of the intermediate gray layer, but in the monkey, they were scattered throughout the deeper layers. Labeled cells were present among the pretectal nuclei in both species. Labeled terminals were concentrated in the lower sublamina of the intermediate gray layer of both species, but were dispersed among the pretectal nuclei. In summary, an incertal projection that is concentrated on the collicular motor output layers and that originates in the ventral layer of the ipsilateral zona incerta is a common mammalian feature, suggesting an important role in collicular function
