133 research outputs found

    The Use of Alternative Dispute Resolution to Reduce the Perception of Partiality in the Courts, in Order to Encourage International Entrepreneurship in Countries with National Ownership Requirements

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    Countries that require international entrepreneurs to have a national partner (national ownership requirements (NOR)) in order to open up a new venture within their borders, run the risk of becoming less desirable to do business in. One reason for this is that some investors and international entrepreneurs may be wary of possible conflict being solved in a court system that shows a positive bias towards its citizens. This paper looks at the experiences of five international entrepreneurs involved in small and medium-size enterprises (SMEs) in Kenya and explores how their experiences have become a warning to others who see potential gain from doing business in that country and other countries with NOR. It also explains how one such entrepreneur found herself to have a perception of partiality based from her experience with the court system in Kenya and how that perception decreased the likelihood of her opening an international entrepreneurship venture in Saudi Arabia—which also has NOR for business operating in the Kingdom. The focus of this paper is to suggest a role for alternative dispute resolution (ADR) as a measure to lower the risk, whether real or perceived, which may keep international entrepreneurs from investing their resources in countries with NOR

    Assessment of trabecular bone score (TBS) in overweight/obese men: effect of metabolic and anthropometric factors

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    The "trabecular bone score" (TBS) indirectly explores bone quality, independently of bone mineral density (BMD). We investigated the effects of anthropometric and metabolic parameters on TBS in 87 overweight/obese men. We assessed BMD and TBS by DXA, and some parameters of glucose metabolism, sex-and calciotropic hormone levels. Regression models were adjusted for either age and BMI, or age and waist circumference, or age and waist/hip ratio, also considering BMI >35 (y/n) and metabolic syndrome (MS) (y/n). Correlations between TBS and parameters studied were higher when correcting for waist circumference, although not significant in subjects with BMI >35. The analysis of covariance showed that the same model always had a higher adjusted r-square index. BMD at lumbar spine and total hip, fasting glucose, bioavailable testosterone, and sex hormone-binding globulin are the only covariates having a significant effect (p 35 on TBS values or significant interaction terms between each covariate and either BMI >35 or the presence of MS. Obesity negatively affected TBS, despite unchanged BMD. Alterations of glucose homeostasis and sex hormone levels seem to influence this relationship, while calciotropic hormones have no role. The effect of waist circumference on TBS is more pronounced than that of BMI

    Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor in Fetoplacental Tissues from Preeclamptic Pregnancies with or without Fetal Growth Restriction

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    The proinflammatory cytokine MIF (macrophage migration inhibitory factor) is involved in physiological and pathological processes in pregnancy. MIF maternal serum levels are increased in preeclampsia (PE). We hypothesize that pregnancy tissues are the source of MIF overexpression in PE. MIF protein was studied in maternal sera, placental tissues, fetal membranes, and umbilical cord of 8 control and 20 PE pregnancies: 10 with normal fetal growth (PE-AGA) and 10 with fetal growth restriction (PE-FGR). MIF levels were significantly higher in PE-AGA membranes than in controls and PE-FGR. In PE-FGR, MIF cord concentrations were higher than in PE-AGA while MIF placental levels were lower than in controls. MIF maternal serum levels were higher in PE, compared to controls, and the difference was mainly due to PE-FGR samples. These data support MIF involvement in PE pathogenesis and suggest that different pregnancy tissues contribute to MIF production in PE with and without fetoplacental compromise

    A case of chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension.

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    Chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH) is a potentially fatal complication of pulmonary embolism (PE). Organized thrombus in the pulmonary artery causes a chronic obstruction, leading to a vascular system remodeling, an increase of pulmonary vascular resistance and a chronic pulmonary hypertension. Epidemiology is mostly unknown due to the difficult diagnostic process that often leads to a late diagnosis: findings of persistent pulmonary hypertension (PH), despite correct treatment of PE, lead to the diagnostic suspect. The first choice treatment is pulmonary endarterectomy (PEA) associated with lifelong anticoagulant therapy with vitamin K antagonist. We present the case of a 53-year-old male affected by dyspnea for months, admitted to a sub-intensive care unit for intermediate low-risk PE; echocardiography showed signs of PH persisting after anticoagulant therapy; after 2 months of specific treatment the diagnosis of CTEPH was confirmed and the patient was successfully treated with PEA

    Can we have a rationalized selection of intra-aortic balloon pump, Impella, and extracorporeal membrane oxygenation in the catheterization laboratory?

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    Cardiac assistance represents an emerging issue in cardiovascular medicine. The evolution of invasive cardiology techniques is making the catheterization laboratory one of the main hospital sites where implantation of percutaneous ventricular assistance devices (PVADs) is discussed and performed. Among available PVADs, intra-aortic balloon pump (IABP), Impella, and extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) are the most popular and offer completely different levels and ways to assist critical patients. The main settings calling for PVAD consideration in the catheterization laboratory are clinically indicated high-risk patients (CHIP) undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) and patients with cardiogenic shock or refractory cardiac arrest.   In CHIP, PVAD serves the purpose of preventing hemodynamic collapse during PCI. This may also allow more extensive revascularizations and higher quality revascularization plans (imaging use, debulking, stent result optimization). IABP or Impella are more commonly selected whereas ECMO is seldom considered as a third option for highly selected patients. The “elective” nature of CHIP-PCI should allow careful procedure planning (peripheral artery disease assessment, access site selection and management) in order to minimize vascular/bleeding complications. Cardiogenic shock is still associated with high mortality rates, and PVAD theoretically offers further recovery chances. The lack of benefit observed with systematic IABP use is currently prompting consideration of the roles of Impella and ECMO. Prolonged assistance is often needed. Thus, team decisions and shared protocols for PVAD selection have to be promoted, taking into consideration available resources and operators’ skills. In this paper, we critically review the available data in the field and highlight the possible decision-making hubs that catheterization-laboratory teams may consider in order to rationalize PVAD selection

    The experience of setting up a resident-managed Acute Pain Service: A descriptive study

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    BACKGROUND: The benefits of an Acute Pain Service (APS) for pain management have been widely reported, but its diffusion is still limited. There are two APS models: anesthesiologist-based and a nurse-based model. Here we describe the development of a different APS model managed by anesthesia residents, and we report the first year of activity in a tertiary Italian university hospital (Careggi University Hospital, Florence, IT). METHODS: Patients were included in the APS were those undergoing abdominal and urologic surgery causing moderate or severe postsurgical pain. The service was provided for patients, beginning upon their exit from the operating room, for 4, 12, 24 and 48 h for iv, and up to 72 h for epidural therapy. Vital signs, static/dynamic VAS, presence of nausea/vomiting, sedation level, and Bromage scale in case of epidural catheter, were monitored. RESULTS: From September 2013 to April 2015, a total of 1054 patients who underwent major surgery were included in the APS: 542 from abdominal surgery and 512 from urological surgery. PCA and epidural analgesia were more adopted in general surgical patients than in urology (48 % vs 36 % and 15 % vs 2 %, respectively; P < 0.0001). Patients who underwent to abdominal surgery had a significantly higher self-administration of morphine (30.3 vs 22.7 mg; P = 0.0315). Elastomeric pump was the analgesic of choice in half of the urologic patients compared to a quarter of the general surgical patients (P < 0.0001). Among the different surgical techniques, epidural analgesia was used more in open (16.5 %) than in videolaparoscopic (1.9 %) and robotic technique (1.1 %), whereas PCA was predominant in videolaparoscopic (46.5 %) and robotic technique (55.5 %) than in open technique (31.4 %). CONCLUSIONS: The creation of APS, managed by anesthesia residents, may represent an alternative between specialist-based and nurse-based models

    Rapidly fatal West Nile virus meningoencephalitis in an immunocompetent patient: a case report

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    Abstract Background West Nile virus (WNV) is a Flaviviridae most often transmitted by mosquitos. Clinical manifestations vary from no symptoms to neuroinvasive disease. Mortality is rare, but patients with neuroinvasive disease have a fatality rate of 4-14%. Diagnosis is made on epidemiological, clinical and serological criteria. Treatment is based on symptomatic and support therapy. WNV neuroinvasive disease seems associated to advancing age and diabetes, but poor prognosis risk factors are still not clearly recognized. During 2017-2018 10 patients affected by WNV infection were admitted to our Hospital (Policlinico of Modena): 3 patients had a rapid fatal outcome and 3 needed intensive care transfer. We report the most representative case. Case Report A 81-yr-old man from Emilia-Romagna was admitted to our unit with a 6 days history of fever (&gt;38℃), fatigue, nausea, vomiting, hiccough and mild cognitive impairment treated with amoxicillin. Past medical history: type 2 diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension, permanent pacemaker for type 3 atrioventricular block. Referred exposure to farm animals. No recent travels abroad. Chest x-ray showed a retrocardiac opacity, so empiric levofloxacin was started for suspected community acquired pneumonia. After two days the patient began lethargic with a Glasgow Come Score &lt; 8. Neuroinvasive WNV disease was confirmed by electroencephalogram and rachicentesis. Before serologic results acyclovir and dexamethasone were initiated without benefit and patient diedon the fifth day after admission. Conclusions Risk factors for poor prognosis related to WNV Infection are still not clearly identified. Our patient underwent unexpected rapid clinical deterioration before invasive treatment could positively affect prognosis. This underlines the importance of clinical alert to WNV infections during transmission season in endemic areas and the necessity of more data on fatal WNV cases to define criteria to promptly recognize high-risk patients. Keywords encephalitis; meningoencephalitis; neuroinvasive disease; West Nile virus; fatal meningoencephalitis

    Development and validation of serum bilirubin nomogram to predict the absence of risk for severe hyperbilirubinaemia before discharge: a prospective, multicenter study

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    Early discharge of healthy late preterm and full term newborn infants has become common practice because of the current social and economic necessities. Severe jaundice, and even kernicterus, has developed in some term infants discharged early. This study was designed to elaborate a percentile-based hour specific total serum bilirubin (TSB) nomogram and to assess its ability to predict the absence of risk for subsequent non physiologic severe hyperbilirubinaemia before discharge
