14 research outputs found


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    Paparan timbal (Pb) yang disebabkan oleh pencemaran udara melalui emisi gas kendaraan di jalan raya terjadi secara terus menerus saat perjalanan dapat mengakibatkan anemia, kejang-kejang, kerusakan saraf hingga kematian jika kandungan timbal dalam tubuh diatas 1200 µg/L sedangkan batasan toleransi terpajannya timbal dalam rambut <12 µg/g. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat pengaruh pemakaian APD (terdiri dari masker buff dan sarung tangan) saat berkendara terhadap kadar Pb. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Maret hingga Mei 2020 di BARISTAND. Jenis penelitian ini ialah observasi mendekati eksperimental. Jumlah sampel yang digunakan sebanyak 32 sampel mahasiswa UNUSA dengan kategori 16 sampel memakai APD dan 16 sampel tidak memakai APD. Sampel dianalisa menggunakan alat AAS (Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry) Didapatkan nilai rerata kadar Pb sebanyak 1.62 pada mahasiswa memakai APD dan 1.12 pada mahasiswa tidak memakai APD. Hasil analisis menggunakan uji Kruskal Wallis didapatkan nilai p = 0.324, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa tidak terdapat pengaruh pemakaian APD terhadap kadar Pb

    Reflection on Conducting Qualitative Research: Principal Issues and Practical Solutions in Indonesia

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    Every year, a large number of senior university students in Indonesia will/ have experience in conducting qualitative research. Some of them choose qualitative research because they understand that their questions only can be answered through qualitative research. While the rest of them only see that qualitative research is may be simpler than quantitative research because no need to calculate the numbers and do statistical trial. Unfortunately, many of these students who start their new role as novice researchers don’t have sufficient knowledge on some issues before doing this research. This paper aims to provide clear and practical elaboration of some principles in qualitative research which are frequently absent and become the common malpractices by novice researchers. Some practical solutions are discussed as well. In the end, conducting ideal qualitative research in Indonesia is not only the responsibility of expert researchers but also stakeholders, lecturers, and students

    Corrective Feedback In Eap Speaking Class

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    Research on Oral Corrective Feedback, especially related to its factors, has become a topic that is still widely discussed in teaching English because various application contexts will produce different conclusions. That is why it is important to study this topic further where this research aims to test a group by applying a single pretest-posttest method by providing oral Corrective Feedback. The participants in this study were a lecturer and 27 students in a Speaking English for Academic Purposes (ESP) class at the State Islamic University in Malang, East Java. The results showed an increase in the mean score from the pretest to the posttest. This means that giving Corrective Feedback provides benefits during the learning process for students in improving. Several factors in Corrective Feedback can explain how students respond to the Corrective Feedback given so that Corrective Feedback can play a significant role in improving the competence of speaking English. It is hoped that by understanding the use of Corrective Feedback, teachers, lecturers and educational practitioners will better understand which types of Corrective Feedback can have a positive impact on improving English speaking competence for English learners as a foreign language


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    In the digital era, the application of technology for classroom learning is urgently needed. Teachers are greatly helped by the availability of various digital tools because it can be used to support the students’ learning process. Teacher’s behavior and trust are important factors in determining the role and effectiveness of technology use in the classroom. However, with all the advantages and conveniences offered by digital tools, there are still challenges that must be faced by the teachers. This study aims to find out the perception of English teachers towards the use of digital tools in teaching English. The participants were English Education students at Universitas Terbuka who enrolled the Teaching English as Foreign Language (TEFL) courses. The method used in this research is qualitative and the data is collected by using questionnaire. This research is expected to provide recommendations on the development of teaching methods and teaching materials related to the digital tools


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    As language teachers and language scholars, many of us don’t realize that knowledge about language and grammar difficulty is like a double-edged sword. Unfortunately, grammar difficulty, as an unforeseen edge, has various uncovered variables that may benefit language learners. Therefore, our qualitative study aims to explore this issue by questioning the kinds of grammar difficulties confronted by master TEFL students in the context of a grammar test

    Evaluating the Need For a Web-Based Scheduling Management System: a Case Study of UPBJJ UT Surabaya

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    Manajemen penjadwalan yang efektif sangat penting dalam memastikan siswa memiliki akses ke kursus dan program yang mereka butuhkan untuk lulus dan memperoleh keterampilan yang diperlukan. Namun, UPBJJ UT Surabaya, unit di Universitas Terbuka, sebuah universitas pembelajaran jarak jauh di Indonesia, menghadapi tantangan unik dalam mengatur jadwal karena sifatnya yang tersebar. Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengumpulkan data tentang proses penjadwalan saat ini yang diterapkan di UPBJJ UT Surabaya, mengidentifikasi tantangan yang dihadapi, dan mengevaluasi kebutuhan akan sistem manajemen penjadwalan berbasis web yang baru. Melalui tinjauan dokumen, wawancara, dan observasi, studi ini mengidentifikasi beberapa tantangan penjadwalan dan persyaratan utama untuk sistem baru. Temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sistem manajemen penjadwalan berbasis web yang baru harus dikembangkan dan diterapkan untuk meningkatkan akurasi dan efisiensi penjadwalan, kepuasan di antara mahasiswa dan fakultas, dan potensi penghematan biaya


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    Long-distance learning uses an online platform to transfer the knowledge. It has become a breakthrough in this modern era. The online learning brings many benefits to students, but it is also challenging to be implemented by the tutors in distance education universities. This paper tends to investigate the use of the guided-discovery learning (GDL) method in the psycholinguistics online tutorial class. The participants are the students of the English Education program in Universitas Terbuka, who take Psycholinguistics subject with online tutorial service. The methodology of this research is qualitative by using a case study. The researchers use the WhatsApp application as the platform in conducting the course. The students are required to follow the lesson step by step through WhatsApp. Based on the finding, this research reveals that there are two perspectives of the use of GDL toward psycholinguistics online tutorial class. The first perspective is in students that has two major advantages. The second can be seen from the learning perspective which also has two benefits of the use of GDL

    Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Kadar Timbal (Pb) Dalam Darah Secara Fisiologis

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    Timbal merupakan salah satu logam berat yang sangat berbahaya apabila masuk ke dalam tubuh manusia. Timbal dapat masuk ke dalam tubuh manusia melalui saluran pernafasan, saluran pencernaan dan kulit. Efek toksin timbal dapat menyebabkan gangguan terhadap sistem saraf, saluran pencernaan dan merusak fungsi ginjal. Oleh karena itu peneliti ingin melakukan kajian Literature Review. Tujuan penelitian yaitu untuk memecahkan masalah faktor apa yang dapat mempengaruhi kadar timbal di dalam darah. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu Literature Review, dimana peneliti mencari data dengan mengumpulkan data dari beberapa jurnal dan e-book. Hasil penyelusuran yang didapatkan dalam penelitian ini yakni terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara umur, lama kerja, kebiasaan merokok, jenis kelamin, jenis pekerjaan dan faktor genetik dengan kadar timbal dalam darah. Kesimpulan dalam penelitian ini yaitu apabila timbal masuk ke dalam tubuh manusia melebihi batas yang telah ditentukan dan dengan konsentrasi yang tinggi, maka timbal akan menyebabkan keracunan bagi manusia dan faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi kadar timbal dalam darah yaitu umur, lama kerja, kebiasaan merokok, penggunaan alat pelindung diri (APD), jenis kelamin, jenis pekerjaan dan faktor genetik

    Pengaruh Penggunaan Alat Pelindung Diri (APD), Jarak Tempuh Dan Kebiasaan Merokok Terhadap Kadar Timbal (Pb) Rambut

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    Tukang sapu jalan, petugas lalu lintas, penjual pinggir jalan dan para pengendara sepeda motor, termasuk mahasiswa merupakan subyek yang rentan terpapar asap kendaraan. Polusi udara yang dihasilkan dari asap kendaraan bermotor salah satunya adalah timbal (Pb) yang bersifat toksik pada manusia dan bersifat akumulatif. Penelitian ini dilakukan bertujuan untuk menganalisis hubungan faktor karakteristik terhadap kadar timbal pada rambut menggunakan metode Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS). Responden pada penelitian ini adalah 32 mahasiswa di suatu universitas berjenis kelamin laki-laki. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan diperoleh nilai signifikasi 0,274 (p > 0.05) pada parameter penggunaan APD, 0,049 (p 0,05) pada parameter kebiasaan merokok. Maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa tidak terdapat pengaruh penggunaan APD dan kebiasaan merokok terhadap kadar timbal rambut dan terdapat pengaruh jarak tempuh terhadap kadar timbal rambut pada responden mahasiswa

    Uncovering Metalanguage in Grammar Exam and Its Implication on Students' Cognition

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    As language scholars, have you heard the word ‘metalanguage’? and how about the effect of using metalanguage? The current study aimed to investigate the categories of metalanguage in grammar exam. A total of 17 master students in TEFL were voluntarily recruited as the subjects. Their exams were analyzed in detail to collect the data. The researchers conducted a qualitative inquiry called content analysis. The result exposed that the students produced two categories of metalanguage namely technical and non-technical metalanguage. Based on its frequency, technical metalanguage was produced much more frequently than non-technical metalanguage. Both categories of metalanguage affected students’ cognition. However, technical metalanguage ‘drained’ their cognition a lot more while they were not aware about it