5,308 research outputs found

    Dynamics of Rotation of Super-Earths

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    We numerically investigate the dynamics of rotation of several close-in terrestrial exoplanet candidates. In our model, the rotation of the planet is disturbed by the torque of the central star due to the asymmetric equilibrium figure of the planet. We model the shape of the planet by a Jeans spheroid. We use surfaces of section and spectral analysis to explore numerically the rotation phase space of the systems adopting different sets of parameters and initial conditions close to the main spin-orbit resonant states. One of the parameters, the orbital eccentricity, is critically discussed here within the domain of validity of orbital circularization timescales given by tidal models. We show that, depending on some parameters of the system like the radius and mass of the planet, eccentricity etc, the rotation can be strongly perturbed and a chaotic layer around the synchronous state may occupy a significant region of the phase space. 55 Cnc e is an example.Comment: In Press. Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy. 30 pages, 9 figure

    Aplicación del sistema de gestión de seguridad y salud en el trabajo en las empresas de servicio público de transporte terrestre y su incidencia en los índices de accidentalidad vial de Colombia

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    El objetivo de este proyecto es establecer ciertos factores de riesgo que inciden en la accidentalidad vial y laboral que presentan a nivel general las empresas de servicio público de transporte terrestre de pasajeros y de carga en Colombia. Nota: Para consultar la carta de autorización de publicación de este documento por favor copie y pegue el siguiente enlace en su navegador de Internet: http://hdl.handle.net/10818/887

    Spin-orbit coupling for tidally evolving super-Earths

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    We investigate the spin behavior of close-in rocky planets and the implications for their orbital evolution. Considering that the planet rotation evolves under simultaneous actions of the torque due to the equatorial deformation and the tidal torque, both raised by the central star, we analyze the possibility of temporary captures in spin-orbit resonances. The results of the numerical simulations of the exact equations of motions indicate that, whenever the planet rotation is trapped in a resonant motion, the orbital decay and the eccentricity damping are faster than the ones in which the rotation follows the so-called pseudo-synchronization. Analytical results obtained through the averaged equations of the spin-orbit problem show a good agreement with the numerical simulations. We apply the analysis to the cases of the recently discovered hot super-Earths Kepler-10 b, GJ 3634 b and 55 Cnc e. The simulated dynamical history of these systems indicates the possibility of capture in several spin-orbit resonances; particularly, GJ 3634 b and 55 Cnc e can currently evolve under a non-synchronous resonant motion for suitable values of the parameters. Moreover, 55 Cnc e may avoid a chaotic rotation behavior by evolving towards synchronization through successive temporary resonant trappings.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Responsabilidad penal de adolescentes: un paralelo entre el sistema de Estados Unidos y el colombiano

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    Artículo de investigaciónMotivos que permitirán establecer un paralelo entre los aspectos de los modelos de responsabilidad penal juvenil característicos de los Estados Unidos y Colombia que permita comparar los sistemas en función de los fines que cada uno persigue en relación con las infracciones de la ley penal cometidas por niños, niñas y adolescentes.INTRODUCCIÓN 1. CONTEXTO HISTÓRICO DEL SISTEMA DE RESPONSABILIDAD PENAL PARA ADOLESCENTES 2. DEL ASPECTO POLÍTICO DEL PODER PUNITIVO EN EL SISTEMA PENAL JUVENIL DE COLOMBIA Y ESTADOS UNIDOS 3. DEL ASPECTO JURÍDICO DEL SISTEMA PENAL JUVENIL DE COLOMBIA Y ESTADOS UNIDOS 4. DE LAS IMPLICACIONES DEL SISTEMA PENAL JUVENIL DE COLOMBIA Y ESTADOS UNIDOS PARA LOS NIÑOS, NIÑAS Y ADOLESCENTES Conclusiones Referencias bibliográficasPregradoAbogad

    Theoretical and legal contributions on the role of the Colombian Army in the postacuerdo

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    49 páginas.El trasegar del rol del Ejército en Colombia, ha transitado de modelos sociales y políticos de violencia generada por el conflicto armado interno hacia propuestas de paz entre el Gobierno Nacional y grupos armados ilegales. Sin embargo, el común denominador en la historia de estas vicisitudes, ha sido la materialización de la filosofía castrense y la garantía de la seguridad nacional; procesos permeados por las influencias de conflictos armados internacionales en los que se ha debido aplicar el derecho internacional humanitario, que siendo consciente de la guerra ha pretendido minimizar sus efectos. El actual proceso de paz, plantea retos en el ámbito de las políticas públicas y en materia jurídica, frente al rol del Ejército, como un medio efectivo para lograr la paz. En este sentido, se exploran dichos aportes teóricos y jurídicos sobre el rol del Ejército en el post acuerdoThe removal of the role of the Army in Colombia has moved from social models of violence generated by the internal armed conflict to proposals for peace between the National Government and illegal armed groups. However, the common denominator in the history of these vicissitudes has been the materialization of military philosophy and the guarantee of national security; processes permeated by the influences of international armed conflicts in which international humanitarian law has been applied, which, being aware of the war, has tried to minimize its effects. The current 1 Artículo presentado como requisito para optar por el título de Magister en Derecho Público Militar con énfasis en Derecho Administrativo de la Universidad Militar Nueva Granada. peace process poses challenges in the area of public policy and legal issues, as opposed to the role of the Army, as an effective means to achieve peace. In this sense, these theoretical and legal contributions on the role of the Army in post-agreement are explored

    At war with normality. drag kings: when the centre becomes “the other” and the otherway round

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    Resumen: ¿Qué tipo de amenaza supone imitar al poder? ¿Qué implica traspasar las barreras del podermasculino y utilizarlo para burlarse del heterosexismo presente en la sociedad? Estamos condenadas aser parias? El sexo y el género han sido tradicionalmente relacionados por los mecanismos de poder. Desde las religiones a los estados, a través de la historia se han delimitado formas para regular nuestro género. Merece la pena prestar atención a las políticas drag como forma de desdibujar las barreras de género entre las que vivimos. Las drag kings, mujeres que actúan como hombres, invierten de una manera especial estas barreras y las resitúan de una nueva manera, desafiando las formas tradicionalesde poder, la heter[r]o[r]norma y las definiciones reguladoras. En este artículo intentaré analizar las consecuencias de cruzar las barreras de género utilizando el modelo de las drag kings como forma de disidencia.Palabras clave: Políticas drag, normas, disidencia de género, disgénero.Abstract: What is the real threat of mimicking power? What are the implications of crossing the borders, relocating the masculine power and use it to mock the heterosexist axis of society? Are we damned to be outcasts? Sex and gender have been traditionally intertwined by means of the dominant powers of the time. From Religion to the State, regulatory forms of what our gender has to be have been marked through history, resulting in the artificial construction of sex as marker. The politics of drag demand a special attention as it defies the borders of gender our lives are built on. Drag kings, women who perform as men, specially subvert these borders and relocate its space in a new one, defying traditional powers, heter[r]o[r]norm and regulatory definitions. I will try to make an analysis on the implications of crossing the borders of gender using the drag kings as models in terms of gender dissidence.Keywords: Politics of drags, norms, gender dissidence, disgender

    Fine-grained performance analysis of massive MTC networks with scheduling and data aggregation

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    Abstract. The Internet of Things (IoT) represents a substantial shift within wireless communication and constitutes a relevant topic of social, economic, and overall technical impact. It refers to resource-constrained devices communicating without or with low human intervention. However, communication among machines imposes several challenges compared to traditional human type communication (HTC). Moreover, as the number of devices increases exponentially, different network management techniques and technologies are needed. Data aggregation is an efficient approach to handle the congestion introduced by a massive number of machine type devices (MTDs). The aggregators not only collect data but also implement scheduling mechanisms to cope with scarce network resources. This thesis provides an overview of the most common IoT applications and the network technologies to support them. We describe the most important challenges in machine type communication (MTC). We use a stochastic geometry (SG) tool known as the meta distribution (MD) of the signal-to-interference ratio (SIR), which is the distribution of the conditional SIR distribution given the wireless nodes’ locations, to provide a fine-grained description of the per-link reliability. Specifically, we analyze the performance of two scheduling methods for data aggregation of MTC: random resource scheduling (RRS) and channel-aware resource scheduling (CRS). The results show the fraction of users in the network that achieves a target reliability, which is an important aspect to consider when designing wireless systems with stringent service requirements. Finally, the impact on the fraction of MTDs that communicate with a target reliability when increasing the aggregators density is investigated

    The orbit of Aegaeon and the 7:6 Mimas-Aegaeon resonance

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    Aegaeon (S/2008 S 1) is the last satellite discovered by the Cassini spacecraft at the end of the 2000s. Like the satellites Methone and Anthe, it is involved in mean motion resonance with the mid-sized Mimas. In this work, we give a detailed analysis of the current orbit of Aegaeon identifying the resonant, secular and long-term perturbations due to Mimas and the oblateness of Saturn, and the effects of Tethys. For this task, we perform thousands of numerical simulations of full equations of motion of ensembles of small bodies representing clones of Aegaeon. We have mapped the domain of the 7:6 Mimas-Aegaeon resonance in the phase space of the semi-major axis and eccentricity. It displays a large area dominated by regular motions associated with the 7:6 corotation resonance surrounded by chaotic layers. Aegaeon is currently located very close to the periodic orbit of the resonance, which extends up to eccentricities 0.025\sim0.025 centered at semi-major axis 168,028\sim168,028 km. We show that the current orbit of Aegaeon has an important forced component in eccentricity due to the 7:6 resonance. The orbital inclination of Aegaeon has a non-negligible forced value due to long-term perturbations of Mimas. These two forced modes explain the complex perturbed orbit of Aegaeon without requiring the co-existence of multiple resonances.Comment: Published in Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy. Due to a journal production problem, two terms have been missed in the second line of Table 1 (e_o and e_o^3