48,004 research outputs found

    Study of fast response thermocouple measurement of temperatures in cryogenic gases

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    Thermocouples fabricated from uninsulated small diameter wire have fast reproducible response times. The thermocouple is thermally isolated from its supports by making the leads of sufficient length so that the heat conduction down the leads is small and assuming that the leads adjacent to the junction are subjected to the same thermal conditions

    Studies of implicit and explicit solution techniques in transient thermal analysis of structures

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    Studies aimed at an increase in the efficiency of calculating transient temperature fields in complex aerospace vehicle structures are reported. The advantages and disadvantages of explicit and implicit algorithms are discussed and a promising set of implicit algorithms with variable time steps, known as GEARIB, is described. Test problems, used for evaluating and comparing various algorithms, are discussed and finite element models of the configurations are described. These problems include a coarse model of the Space Shuttle wing, an insulated frame tst article, a metallic panel for a thermal protection system, and detailed models of sections of the Space Shuttle wing. Results generally indicate a preference for implicit over explicit algorithms for transient structural heat transfer problems when the governing equations are stiff (typical of many practical problems such as insulated metal structures). The effects on algorithm performance of different models of an insulated cylinder are demonstrated. The stiffness of the problem is highly sensitive to modeling details and careful modeling can reduce the stiffness of the equations to the extent that explicit methods may become the best choice. Preliminary applications of a mixed implicit-explicit algorithm and operator splitting techniques for speeding up the solution of the algebraic equations are also described

    Evaluation of the SPAR thermal analyzer on the CYBER-203 computer

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    The use of the CYBER 203 vector computer for thermal analysis is investigated. Strengths of the CYBER 203 include the ability to perform, in vector mode using a 64 bit word, 50 million floating point operations per second (MFLOPS) for addition and subtraction, 25 MFLOPS for multiplication and 12.5 MFLOPS for division. The speed of scalar operation is comparable to that of a CDC 7600 and is some 2 to 3 times faster than Langley's CYBER 175s. The CYBER 203 has 1,048,576 64-bit words of real memory with an 80 nanosecond (nsec) access time. Memory is bit addressable and provides single error correction, double error detection (SECDED) capability. The virtual memory capability handles data in either 512 or 65,536 word pages. The machine has 256 registers with a 40 nsec access time. The weaknesses of the CYBER 203 include the amount of vector operation overhead and some data storage limitations. In vector operations there is a considerable amount of time before a single result is produced so that vector calculation speed is slower than scalar operation for short vectors

    Some aspects of algorithm performance and modeling in transient analysis of structures

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    The status of an effort to increase the efficiency of calculating transient temperature fields in complex aerospace vehicle structures is described. The advantages and disadvantages of explicit algorithms with variable time steps, known as the GEAR package, is described. Four test problems, used for evaluating and comparing various algorithms, were selected and finite-element models of the configurations are described. These problems include a space shuttle frame component, an insulated cylinder, a metallic panel for a thermal protection system, and a model of the wing of the space shuttle orbiter. Results generally indicate a preference for implicit over explicit algorithms for solution of transient structural heat transfer problems when the governing equations are stiff (typical of many practical problems such as insulated metal structures)

    Near-Infrared Light Curves of the Black Hole Binary A0620-00

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    We measured the near-infrared orbital light curve of the black hole binary A0620-00 in 1995 and 1996. The light curves show an asymmetric, double-humped modulation with extra emission in the peak at orbital phase 0.75. There were no significant changes in the shape of the light curve over the one-year observation period. There were no sharp dips in the light curves nor reversals of the asymmetry between the two peaks as seen in earlier observations. The light curves are well fit by models incorporating ellipsoidal variations from the mass-losing K-type star plus a beamed bright spot on the accretion disk around the compact star. The long-term stability of the light curve shape rules out superhumps and star spots as sources of asymmetry when we observed A0620-00. The ellipsoidal variations yield a lower limit i >= 38 deg on the orbital inclination. The light curves show no eclipse features, which places an upper limit i <= 75 deg. This range of inclinations constrains the mass of the compact object to 3.3 < M_1 < 13.6 Msun. The light curves do not further constrain the orbital inclination because the contribution of the accretion disk to the observed flux is unknown. We argue that a previous attempt to measure the near-infrared flux from the accretion disk using the dilution of the 12CO(2,0) bandhead in the spectrum of the K star is not reliable because the band strength depends strongly on surface gravity.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journal. 17 pages, 4 figures. Prepared using AASTEX V. 5.

    The Orbital Light Curve of Aquila X-1

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    We obtained R- and I-band CCD photometry of the soft X-ray transient/neutron- star binary Aql X-1 in 1998 June while it was at quiescence. We find that its light curve is dominated by ellipsoidal variations, although the ellipsoidal variations are severely distorted and have unequal maxima. After we correct for the contaminating flux from a field star located only 0.46" away, the peak-to-peak amplitude of the modulation is ~0.25 mag in the R band, which requires the orbital inclination to be greater than 36 degrees. The orbital period we measure is consistent with the 18.95 h period measured by Chevalier & Ilovaisky (1998). During its outbursts the light curve of Aql X-1 becomes single humped. The outburst light curve observed by Garcia et al. (1999) agrees in phase with our quiescent light curve. We show that the single humped variation is caused by a ``reflection effect,'' that is, by heating of the side of the secondary star facing towards the neutron star.Comment: 18 manuscript pages, 7 figures; accepted by A

    Emission lines and optical continuum in low-luminosity radio galaxies

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    We present spectroscopic observations of a complete sub-sample of 13 low-luminosity radio galaxies selected from the 2Jy sample. The underlying continuum in these sources is carefully modelled in order to make a much-needed comparison between the emission line and continuum properties of FRIs with those of other classes of radio sources. We find that 5 galaxies in the sample show a measurable UV excess: 2 of the these sources are BL Lacs and in the remaining 3 galaxies we argue that the most likely contributor to the UV excess is a young stellar component. Excluding the BL Lacs, we therefore find that \~30% of the sample show evidence for young stars, which is similar to the results obtained for higher luminosity samples. We compare our results with far-infrared measurements in order to investigate the far-infrared-starburst link. The nature of the optical-radio correlations is investigated in light of this new available data and, in contrast to previous studies, we find that the FRI sources follow the correlations with a similar slope to that found for the FRIIs. Finally, we compare the luminosity of the emission lines in the FRI and BL Lac sources and find a significant difference in the [OIII] line luminosities of the two groups. Our results are discussed in the context of the unified schemes.Comment: 18 pages, 31 figures, MNRAS in press, (all enquiries to Clive Tadhunter ([email protected])

    Peeling properties of lightlike signals in General Relativity

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    The peeling properties of a lightlike signal propagating through a general Bondi-Sachs vacuum spacetime and leaving behind another Bondi-Sachs vacuum space-time are studied. We demonstrate that in general the peeling behavior is the conventional one which is associated with a radiating isolated system and that it becomes unconventional if the asymptotically flat space-times on either side of the history of the light-like signal tend to flatness at future null infinity faster than the general Bondi-Sachs space-time. This latter situation occurs if, for example, the space-times in question are static Bondi-Sachs space- times.Comment: 14 pages, LaTeX2

    Cluster spacecraft observations of a ULF wave enhanced by Space Plasma Exploration by Active Radar (SPEAR)

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    Space Plasma Exploration by Active Radar (SPEAR) is a high-latitude ionospheric heating facility capable of exciting ULF waves on local magnetic field lines. We examine an interval from 1 February 2006 when SPEAR was transmitting a 1 Hz modulation signal with a 10 min on-off cycle. Ground magnetometer data indicated that SPEAR modulated currents in the local ionosphere at 1 Hz, and enhanced a natural field line resonance with a 10 min period. During this interval the Cluster spacecraft passed over the heater site. Signatures of the SPEAR-enhanced field line resonance were present in the magnetic field data measured by the magnetometer on-board Cluster-2. These are the first joint ground- and space-based detections of field line tagging by SPEAR