7,886 research outputs found

    Phenomenological Consequences of sub-leading Terms in See-Saw Formulas

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    Several aspects of next-to-leading (NLO) order corrections to see-saw formulas are discussed and phenomenologically relevant situations are identified. We generalize the formalism to calculate the NLO terms developed for the type I see-saw to variants like the inverse, double or linear see-saw, i.e., to cases in which more than two mass scales are present. In the standard type I case with very heavy fermion singlets the sub-leading terms are negligible. However, effects in the percent regime are possible when sub-matrices of the complete neutral fermion mass matrix obey a moderate hierarchy, e.g. weak scale and TeV scale. Examples are cancellations of large terms leading to small neutrino masses, or inverse see-saw scenarios. We furthermore identify situations in which no NLO corrections to certain observables arise, namely for mu-tau symmetry and cases with a vanishing neutrino mass. Finally, we emphasize that the unavoidable unitarity violation in see-saw scenarios with extra fermions can be calculated with the formalism in a straightforward manner.Comment: 22 pages, matches published versio

    Trends for nanotechnology development in China, Russia, and India

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    China, Russia, and India are playing an increasingly important role in global nanotechnology research and development (R&D). This paper comparatively inspects the paper and patent publications by these three countries in the Thomson Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI) database and United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) database (1976–2007). Bibliographic, content map, and citation network analyses are used to evaluate country productivity, dominant research topics, and knowledge diffusion patterns. Significant and consistent growth in nanotechnology papers are noted in the three countries. Between 2000 and 2007, the average annual growth rate was 31.43% in China, 11.88% in Russia, and 33.51% in India. During the same time, the growth patterns were less consistent in patent publications: the corresponding average rates are 31.13, 10.41, and 5.96%. The three countries’ paper impact measured by the average number of citations has been lower than the world average. However, from 2000 to 2007, it experienced rapid increases of about 12.8 times in China, 8 times in India, and 1.6 times in Russia. The Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), and the Indian Institutes of Technology (IIT) were the most productive institutions in paper publication, with 12,334, 6,773, and 1,831 papers, respectively. The three countries emphasized some common research topics such as “Quantum dots,” “Carbon nanotubes,” “Atomic force microscopy,” and “Scanning electron microscopy,” while Russia and India reported more research on nano-devices as compared with China. CAS, RAS, and IIT played key roles in the respective domestic knowledge diffusion

    An efficient shortest path routing algorithm in the data centre network DPillar.

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    DPillar has recently been proposed as a server-centric data centre network and is combinatorially related to the well-known wrapped butterfly network. We explain the relationship between DPillar and the wrapped butterfly network before proving a symmetry property of DPillar. We use this symmetry property to establish a single-path routing algorithm for DPillar that computes a shortest path and has time complexity O(klog(n))O(klog⁡(n)), where k parameterizes the dimension of DPillar and n the number of ports in its switches. Moreover, our algorithm is trivial to implement, being essentially a conditional clause of numeric tests, and improves significantly upon a routing algorithm earlier employed for DPillar. A secondary and important effect of our work is that it emphasises that data centre networks are amenable to a closer combinatorial scrutiny that can significantly improve their computational efficiency and performance

    Phase diagram of bismuth in the extreme quantum limit

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    Elemental bismuth provides a rare opportunity to explore the fate of a three-dimensional gas of highly mobile electrons confined to their lowest Landau level. Coulomb interaction, neglected in the band picture, is expected to become significant in this extreme quantum limit with poorly understood consequences. Here, we present a study of the angular-dependent Nernst effect in bismuth, which establishes the existence of ultraquantum field scales on top of its complex single-particle spectrum. Each time a Landau level crosses the Fermi level, the Nernst response sharply peaks. All such peaks are resolved by the experiment and their complex angular-dependence is in very good agreement with the theory. Beyond the quantum limit, we resolve additional Nernst peaks signaling a cascade of additional Landau sub-levels caused by electron interaction

    Myocardial changes in incident haemodialysis patients over 6-months:an observational cardiac magnetic resonance imaging study

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    Patients commencing on haemodialysis (HD) have an increased risk of cardiovascular events in the first year after starting HD compared to those patients established on HD longer. Left ventricular (LV) hypertrophy and abnormal myocardial strain predict mortality. There may be changes in the myocardium of incident HD patients over a 6-month period of HD which may explain changes in cardiovascular risk. We used CMR to consider changes in LV mass, myocardial strain and T1 mapping. We examined changes in pre-dialysis highly sensitive troponin T. 33 patients undergoing HD for <12 months were recruited. Participants underwent CMR at baseline and after 6-months of standard care. 6-months of HD was associated with reduction in LV mass index (Baseline: 78.8 g/m2 follow up: 69.9 g/m2, p = <0.001). LV global longitudinal strain also improved (Baseline: −17.9%, follow up: −21.6%, p = <0.001). Change in T1 time was not significant (Baseline septal T1 1277.4 ms, follow up 1271.5 p = 0.504). Highly sensitive troponin T was lower at follow up (Baseline 38.8 pg/L, follow up 30.8 pg/L p = 0.02). In incident HD patients, 6-months of HD was associated with improvements in LV mass, strain and troponin. These findings may reflect improvement in known cardiac tissue abnormalities found in patients over the first year of HD

    COVID-19 therapy target discovery with context-aware literature mining

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    The abundance of literature related to the widespread COVID-19 pandemic is beyond manual inspection of a single expert. Development of systems, capable of automatically processing tens of thousands of scientific publications with the aim to enrich existing empirical evidence with literature-based associations is challenging and relevant. We propose a system for contextualization of empirical expression data by approximating relations between entities, for which representations were learned from one of the largest COVID-19-related literature corpora. In order to exploit a larger scientific context by transfer learning, we propose a novel embedding generation technique that leverages SciBERT language model pretrained on a large multi-domain corpus of scientific publications and fine-tuned for domain adaptation on the CORD-19 dataset. The conducted manual evaluation by the medical expert and the quantitative evaluation based on therapy targets identified in the related work suggest that the proposed method can be successfully employed for COVID-19 therapy target discovery and that it outperforms the baseline FastText method by a large margin.Comment: Accepted to the 23rd International Conference on Discovery Science (DS 2020

    Long-term in vivo imaging and measurement of dendritic shrinkage of retinal ganglion cells

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    PURPOSE. To monitor and measure dendritic shrinkage of retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) in a strain of transgenic mice (Thy-1 YFP) that expresses yellow fluorescent proteins in neurons under the control of a Thy-1 promoter. METHODS. A total of 125 RGCs from 16 eyes of Thy-1 YFP transgenic mice were serially imaged with a confocal scanning laser ophthalmoscope for 6 months after optic nerve crush. Quantitative analysis of cell body area, axon diameter, dendritic field, number of terminal branches, total dendritic branch length, branching complexity, symmetry, and distance from the optic disc was used to characterize the morphology of RGCs, describe the patterns of axonal and dendritic degeneration, identify the morphologic predictors for cell survival, and estimate the rate of dendritic shrinkage. RESULTS. RGC damage was observed prospectively to begin with progressive dendritic shrinkage, followed by loss of the axon and the cell body. In a small proportion of RGCs, progressive axonal changes including fragmentation, beading, retraction, and bulb formation were also observed. RGCs with a larger dendritic field and a longer total dendritic branch length in general have a better survival probability. The rate of dendritic shrinkage was variable with a slower rate observed in cells having a larger dendritic field, a longer total dendritic branch length, and a greater distance from the optic disc. CONCLUSIONS. Estimating the probability of RGC survival and measuring the rate of dendritic shrinkage could become a new paradigm for investigating neuronal degeneration and evaluating the response of neuroprotective treatment. © 2011 The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Inc.postprin

    The Maximal U(1)LU(1)_L Inverse Seesaw from d=5d=5 Operator and Oscillating Asymmetric Sneutrino Dark Matter

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    The maximal U(1)LU(1)_L supersymmetric inverse seesaw mechanism (MLLSIS) provides a natural way to relate asymmetric dark matter (ADM) with neutrino physics. In this paper we point out that, MLLSIS is a natural outcome if one dynamically realizes the inverse seesaw mechanism in the next-to minimal supersymmetric standard model (NMSSM) via the dimension-five operator (N)2S2/M(N)^2S^2/M_*, with SS the NMSSM singlet developing TeV scale VEV; it slightly violates lepton number due to the suppression by the fundamental scale MM_*, thus preserving U(1)LU(1)_L maximally. The resulting sneutrino is a distinguishable ADM candidate, oscillating and favored to have weak scale mass. A fairly large annihilating cross section of such a heavy ADM is available due to the presence of singlet.Comment: journal versio