435 research outputs found

    A presentation of extracts from selected Arabic Ṣūfī manuscripts in Ilorin, Nigeria

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    This study presents extracts from three Arabic manuscripts amongst Ilorin ..f. writers. It highlights the major themes in the ..f. literature generally and then specifically points out samples of works produced on some of the themes. The themes identified and briefly analyzed are Mad. Nabiyy (Prophetic Eulogy) Mad. r-Rij.l (panegyric of ..f. Shuyukh and Masters), a`t-Tawassul wa`l-Istighathah (Fervent plea for help). The manuscripts studied are in both poetry and prose. The objective of the study is to bring into limelight the Arabic manuscripts of selected ..f.s in Ilorin. The study is based on the analysis of the manuscripts which are in circulation among Arabic scholars and data collected from the private libraries of the Muslim scholars. The research reveals that Ilorin can be projected as a ..f. city of great potentialities

    Occurrence of cryptosporidial oocysts and Giardia cysts in bottled mineral water commercialized in the city of Campinas, State of Sao Paulo, Brazil

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    The consumption of bottled mineral water has significantly increased in Brazil so that it is in the interest of public health to determine the parasitological and microbiological status of some brands of Brazilian mineral water available in the town of Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil. For this purpose, detection of protozoa by direct immunofluorescence technique and microbiological parameters were determined for each specimen after membrane,filtration. Giardia cysts were not present while crytosporidial oocysts were detected in two samples. The counts of protozoa varied from 0.2 to 0.5 oocvsts/l. The detected level of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and heterotrophic bacteria reflected the level of organic enrichment of the water.97220520

    Brown rotting fungus closely related to Pseudomerulius curtisii (Boletales) recorded for the first time in South America

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    In the region of Santa Maria, Southern Brazil, we have analyzed morphologically and molecularly some interesting brown-rotting mushroom specimens closely related to Pseudomerulius curtisii. Except for minor differences in morphology and ITS sequence similarity, collections have corresponded to P. curtisii by basidiospore size and shape, the kind of hyphal system, the macromorphology, the slightly unpleasant pungent spicy smell turning stronger upon drying and, particularly, by the highly supported and closely related clade after phylogenetic analysis. Perhaps due the rarity in nature, morphological data are not abundant in literature and appears to be somewhat incomplete to discordant for the species, so we provide a more detailed description and illustrations from collected specimens

    Brown rotting fungus closely related to Pseudomerulius curtisii (Boletales) recorded for the first time in South America.

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    In the region of Santa Maria, Southern Brazil, we have analyzed morphologically and molecularly some interesting brown-rotting mushroom specimens closely related to Pseudomerulius curtisii. Except for minor differences in morphology and ITS sequence similarity, collections have corresponded to P. curtisii by basidiospore size and shape, the kind of hyphal system, the macromorphology, the slightly unpleasant pungent spicy smell turning stronger upon drying and, particularly, by the highly supported and closely related clade after phylogenetic analysis. Perhaps due the rarity in nature, morphological data are not abundant in literature and appears to be somewhat incomplete to discordant for the species, so we provide a more detailed description and illustrations from collected specimens

    Pernikahan Dini Penduduk di Pulau Tidung – Kepulauan Seribu. Laporan Awal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat FK UKI

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    Meskipun sudah ada pembatasan umur menikah menurut UU No. 16 tahun 2019 pasal 7 ayat 1 yang berbunyi: Perkawinan hanya diizinkan apabila pria dan wanita sudah mencapai umur 19 (sembilan belas) tahun, namun pernikahan dini masih merupakan masalah di Indonesia. Pernikahan dini membawa dampak yang cukup banyak bukan hanya pada pasangan nikah tersebut, tapi juga kepada keturunan dan keluarga mereka. Tingkat perceraian cukup tinggi dan tingkat kesehatan serta ekonomi keluarga juga berpengaruh. Berdasarkan hal itu, dalam kegiatan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat FK UKI di bulan Juni 2022, telah dilakukan pendataan terkait riwayat pernikahan dini warga Kelurahan Pulau Tidung- Kepulauan Seribu, Jakarta. Terdapat 99 responden yang memiliki riwayat nikah dini, dengan usia nikah termuda 10 tahun dan tertua 18 tahun. Pendidikan terakhir responden SD (69,7%) dengan pekerjaan sebagai “ibu rumah tangga”. Hal ini menunjukkan meskipun UU Perkawinan sudah diundangkan sejak tahun 1974 dan diubah di tahun 2019, namun masalah pernikahan dini masih tinggi, dan ini tentu mempengaruhi kinerja pemerintah untuk mencapai capaian Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Untuk itu perlu dilakukan penyuluhan dan pemantauan kepada orangtua, generasi muda serta lembaga masyarakat lainnya, agar pernikahan dini tidak lagi terjadi. Kata Kunci: pernikahan dini; pulau Tidung; SDGs. / Although there are already restrictions on the age of marriage according to Law No. 16 of 2019 article 7 paragraph 1 which reads: Marriage is only allowed if the man and woman have reached the age of 19 (nineteen) years, early marriage is still a problem in Indonesia. Early marriage has quite a lot of impact not only on the marriage partner, but also on their descendants and families. The divorce rate is quite high and the health rate and family economy also have an effect. Based on this, in the FK UKI Community Service activities in June 2022, data collection has been carried out related to the early marriage history of residents of Tidung Island-Thousand Islands, Jakarta. There were 99 respondents who had a history of early marriage, with the youngest marriage age was 10 years old and the oldest was 18 years old. The last education they had graduated was elementary school (69.7%) with a job as “housewife". This shows that although the Marriage Law has been assigned since 1974 and amended in 2019, the problem of early marriage is still high, and this certainly affects the government's performance to achieve the achievements of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Therefore, it is necessary to conduct counseling and monitoring to parents, the younger generation and other community institutions, so that early marriage no longer occurs. Keywords: early marriage, Tidung island, SDG