89 research outputs found

    Motor contagion: the contribution of trajectory and end-points

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    Increased involuntary arm movement deviation when observing an incongruent human arm movement has been interpreted as a strong indicator of motor contagion. Here, we examined the contribution of trajectory and end-point information on motor contagion by altering congruence between the stimulus and arm movement. Participants performed cyclical horizontal arm movements whilst simultaneously observing a stimulus representing human arm movement. The stimuli comprised congruent horizontal movements or vertical movements featuring incongruent trajectory and end-points. A novel, third, stimulus comprised curvilinear movements featuring congruent end-points, but an incongruent trajectory. In Experiment 1, our dependent variables indicated increased motor contagion when observing the vertical compared to horizontal movement stimulus. There was even greater motor contagion in the curvilinear stimulus condition indicating an additive effect of an incongruent trajectory comprising congruent end-points. In Experiment 2, this additive effect was also present when facing perpendicular to the display, and thus with end-points represented as a product of the movement rather than an external spatial reference. Together, these findings support the theory of event coding (Hommel et al., Behav Brain Sci 24:849–878, 2001), and the prediction that increased motor contagion takes place when observed and executed actions share common features (i.e., movement end-points)

    Quantifying the effects of temperature and noise on attention-level using EDA and EEG sensors

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    Most people with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) experience atypical sensory modality and need help to self-regulate their sensory responses. Results of a pilot study are presented here where temperature, noise types and noise levels are used as independent variables. Attention-based tests (ABTs), Electrodermal Activity (EDA) and Electroencephalography (EEG) sensors are used as dependent variables to quantify the effects of temperature and noise. Based on the outcome of the analyses, it is feasible to use off-the-shelf sensors to recognize physiological changes, indicating a possibility to develop sensory management recommendation interventions to support people with ASD

    Effective, Broad Spectrum Control of Virulent Bacterial Infections Using Cationic DNA Liposome Complexes Combined with Bacterial Antigens

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    Protection against virulent pathogens that cause acute, fatal disease is often hampered by development of microbial resistance to traditional chemotherapeutics. Further, most successful pathogens possess an array of immune evasion strategies to avoid detection and elimination by the host. Development of novel, immunomodulatory prophylaxes that target the host immune system, rather than the invading microbe, could serve as effective alternatives to traditional chemotherapies. Here we describe the development and mechanism of a novel pan-anti-bacterial prophylaxis. Using cationic liposome non-coding DNA complexes (CLDC) mixed with crude F. tularensis membrane protein fractions (MPF), we demonstrate control of virulent F. tularensis infection in vitro and in vivo. CLDC+MPF inhibited bacterial replication in primary human and murine macrophages in vitro. Control of infection in macrophages was mediated by both reactive nitrogen species (RNS) and reactive oxygen species (ROS) in mouse cells, and ROS in human cells. Importantly, mice treated with CLDC+MPF 3 days prior to challenge survived lethal intranasal infection with virulent F. tularensis. Similarly to in vitro observations, in vivo protection was dependent on the presence of RNS and ROS. Lastly, CLDC+MPF was also effective at controlling infections with Yersinia pestis, Burkholderia pseudomallei and Brucella abortus. Thus, CLDC+MPF represents a novel prophylaxis to protect against multiple, highly virulent pathogens

    Inhibition of Osteoclastogenesis by Mechanically Loaded Osteocytes: Involvement of MEPE

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    In regions of high bone loading, the mechanoresponsive osteocytes inhibit osteoclastic bone resorption by producing signaling molecules. One possible candidate is matrix extracellular phosphoglycoprotein (MEPE) because acidic serine- and aspartate-rich MEPE-associated motif peptides upregulate osteoprotegerin (OPG) gene expression, a negative regulator of osteoclastogenesis. These peptides are cleaved from MEPE when relatively more MEPE than PHEX (phosphate-regulating gene with homology to endopeptidases on the X chromosome) is present. We investigated whether mechanical loading of osteocytes affects osteocyte-stimulated osteoclastogenesis by involvement of MEPE. MLO-Y4 osteocytes were mechanically loaded by 1-h pulsating fluid flow (PFF; 0.7 ± 0.3 Pa, 5 Hz) or kept under static control conditions. Recombinant MEPE (0.05, 0.5, or 5 μg/ml) was added to some static cultures. Mouse bone marrow cells were seeded on top of the osteocytes to determine osteoclastogenesis. Gene expression of MEPE, PHEX, receptor activator of nuclear factor kappa-B ligand (RANKL), and OPG by osteocytes was determined after PFF. Osteocytes supported osteoclast formation under static control conditions. Both PFF and recombinant MEPE inhibited osteocyte-stimulated osteoclastogenesis. PFF upregulated MEPE gene expression by 2.5-fold, but not PHEX expression. PFF decreased the RANKL/OPG ratio at 1-h PFF treatment. Our data suggest that mechanical loading induces changes in gene expression by osteocytes, which likely contributes to the inhibition of osteoclastogenesis after mechanical loading of bone. Because mechanical loading upregulated gene expression of MEPE but not PHEX, possibly resulting in the upregulation of OPG gene expression, we speculate that MEPE is a soluble factor involved in the inhibition of osteoclastogenesis by osteocytes

    Covert Tracking: A Combined ERP and Fixational Eye Movement Study

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    Attention can be directed to particular spatial locations, or to objects that appear at anticipated points in time. While most work has focused on spatial or temporal attention in isolation, we investigated covert tracking of smoothly moving objects, which requires continuous coordination of both. We tested two propositions about the neural and cognitive basis of this operation: first that covert tracking is a right hemisphere function, and second that pre-motor components of the oculomotor system are responsible for driving covert spatial attention during tracking. We simultaneously recorded event related potentials (ERPs) and eye position while participants covertly tracked dots that moved leftward or rightward at 12 or 20°/s. ERPs were sensitive to the direction of target motion. Topographic development in the leftward motion was a mirror image of the rightward motion, suggesting that both hemispheres contribute equally to covert tracking. Small shifts in eye position were also lateralized according to the direction of target motion, implying covert activation of the oculomotor system. The data addresses two outstanding questions about the nature of visuospatial tracking. First, covert tracking is reliant upon a symmetrical frontoparietal attentional system, rather than being right lateralized. Second, this same system controls both pursuit eye movements and covert tracking

    Ten principles of heterochromatin formation and function

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    Directing visual attention during action observation modulates corticospinal excitability

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    Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) research has shown that corticospinal excitability is facilitated during the observation of human movement. However, the relationship between corticospinal excitability and participants’ visual attention during action observation is rarely considered. Nineteen participants took part in four conditions: (i) a static hand condition, involving observation of a right hand holding a ball between the thumb and index finger; (ii) a free observation condition, involving observation of the ball being pinched between thumb and index finger; and (iii and iv) finger-focused and ball-focused conditions, involving observation of the same ball pinch action with instructions to focus visual attention on either the index finger or the ball. Single-pulse TMS was delivered to the left motor cortex and motor evoked potentials (MEPs) were recorded from the first dorsal interosseous (FDI) and abductor digiti minimi muscles of the right hand. Eye movements were recorded simultaneously throughout each condition. The ball-focused condition produced MEPs of significantly larger amplitude in the FDI muscle, compared to the free observation or static hand conditions. Furthermore, regression analysis indicated that the number of fixations on the ball was a significant predictor of MEP amplitude in the ball-focused condition. These results have important implications for the design and delivery of action observation interventions in motor (re)learning settings. Specifically, providing viewing instructions that direct participants to focus visual attention on task-relevant objects affected by the observed movement promotes activity in the motor system in a more optimal manner than free observation or no instructions